The Temple of Set II
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All administrative operations of the Temple of Set, in compliance with and subordinate to its Articles of
Incorporation and By-Laws, and thereunder subject to the instructions of the High Priest, shall be
determined and supervised by the Executive Director.
Section 6.02. Corporate Vice President/Secretary
The Executive Director shall perform all duties of a corporate vice president/ secretary required by law.
Section 6.03. Selection and Term
SubSection 6.03.1. Initiatory Degree
The Executive Director shall hold the III°+.
SubSection 6.03.2. Appointment
The Chairman of the Council of Nine shall appoint the Executive Director. The appointment must be
approved in writing by at least four other voting Councillors, communicated by them individually to
the Chairman, the High Priest, and each other.
SubSection 6.03.3. Term
The Executive Director shall serve without fixed term until resignation or removal from office. He
may resign from office by notifying both the Chairman of the Council and the High Priest in writing.
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Section 6.04. Removal
The Chairman of the Council may remove the Executive Director from office if he feels that there is just
cause for doing so. Such a decision must be approved in writing by at least five other voting Councillors,
communicated by them individually to the High Priest, Chairman, Executive Director, and each other.
Section 6.05. Finance
The Executive Director may serve with or without compensation as determined by the Chairman of the
Council. He shall be reimbursed for reasonable expenses of his office as determined by the High Priest.
Article 7. Treasurer
Section 7.01. General
SubSection 7.01.1. Responsibility and Authority
All financial operations of the Temple of Set, in compliance with and subordinate to its Articles of
Incorporation and By-Laws, and thereunder subject to the instructions of the Executive Director,
shall be determined and supervised by the Treasurer.
SubSection 7.01.2. Fiscal Year and Annual Reports
Fiscal year of the Temple of Set shall be the calendar year. Within three months following the close of
each fiscal year, the Treasurer shall prepare and submit to the High Priest, the Executive Director,
and the Council of Nine an annual financial statement of that fiscal year. The financial statement shall
be prepared in accordance with sound accounting practices, and may at the Executive Director’s
discretion be certified by a public accountant.
SubSection 7.01.3. Records and Access
The Treasurer shall keep and maintain adequate and correct records of the Temple of Set’s corporate
properties and business transactions, including accounts of its assets, liabilities, receipts,
disbursements, gains, and losses. These records may be computer-based or physical. These computer
programs/files and/or books are the property of the Temple of Set.
SubSection 7.01.4. Priesthood and Council Access
All Temple financial records are open for inspection at any reasonable time by any III°+ Initiate. Such
right to inspection includes the right to make extracts and copies only if the inspector is a Councillor,
and any such extracts and copies are automatically Council-protected documents per SubSection
SubSection 7.01.5. Government Access
On request of a county government assessor, the Temple of Set, Inc. shall make available at its
principal office in California or at a place mutually acceptable to the assessor and the corporation a
true copy of business records relevant to the amount, cost, and value of property, subject to local
assessment, which it owns, claims, possesses, or controls within the county.
Section 7.02. Corporate Treasurer
The Treasurer shall perform all duties of a corporate treasurer required by law.
Section 7.03. Selection and Term
SubSection 7.03.1. Initiatory Degree
The Treasurer shall hold the III°+.
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SubSection 7.03.2. Councillorship
The Treasurer may be a voting Councillor. If so, his rights and responsibilities as a Councillor take
precedence over Treasurer duties, as he determines.
SubSection 7.03.3. Appointment
The Chairman of the Council of Nine shall appoint the Treasurer. The appointment must be approved
in writing by at least four other voting Councillors, communicated by them individually to the
Chairman, the High Priest, and each other. The Chairman may require the Treasurer to be bonded at
the expense of the Temple of Set.
SubSection 7.03.4. Term
The Treasurer shall serve without fixed term until resignation or removal from office. He may resign
from office by notifying both the Chairman of the Council and the Executive Director in writing.
Section 7.04. Removal
The Chairman of the Council may remove the Treasurer from office if he feels that there is just cause for
doing so. Such a decision must be approved in writing by at least five other voting Councillors,
communicated by them individually to the High Priest, Chairman, Executive Director, and each other.
Section 7.05. Finance
The Treasurer may serve with or without compensation as determined by the Chairman of the Council. He
shall be reimbursed for reasonable expenses of his office as determined by the Executive Director.
Section 7.06. Expenditure Authorization
Checks drawn on the account of the Temple of Set shall require two signatures. One will normally be that of
the Treasurer and the other that of either the High Priest, the Executive Director, or the Chairman of the
Council. Should the Treasurer be temporarily incapacitated or unavailable, the two signatures may be those
of any two of the other three authorized signatories.
Section 7.07. Balanced Budget
The Temple of Set shall operate with an annually balanced budget. The High Priest or the Chairman of the
Council may authorize the incurring of short-term indebtedness, such as charge accounts, in the name of
the Temple of Set.
Section 7.08. Special Funds
The Temple of Set may reserve money and property in special funds, managed by the Treasurer, dedicated
to specific purposes or not, separate from normal operating funds, as appropriate to its religious and
organizational goals.
SubSection 7.08.1. Donation Requirements
Any donation to the Temple of Set with a value greater than 1% of the sum of monetary items within
all special funds as reported at the beginning of the fiscal year (or, if the special funds total less than
US$100,000, then any donation of US$1,000 or greater) is to be placed into these special funds,
separate from normal operating funds, unless specifically donated to the operating funds.
SubSection 7.08.2. Donor Designation
Donors may specify one or more special funds to receive their donations if they wish, regardless of
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SubSection 7.08.3. Non-Monetary Property
The value of non-monetary property in special funds will be jointly estimated by the High Priest, the
Executive Director, and the Treasurer. Such property may be converted to monetary amounts at the
discretion of the High Priest.
SubSection 7.08.4. Use
The Treasurer may use special and/or operational funds to maintain property within specia
l funds, to
an annual maximum of 5% of the property’s estimated value. Any other expenditure from special
funds must be preauthorized by the High Priest and preapproved in writing by at least seven voting
Councillors to the High Priest, the Chairman of the Council, and the Executive Director.
Article 8. Information Director
Section 8.01. Responsibility and Authority
All electronic/computer-based/accessed operations of the Temple of Set, in compliance with and
subordinate to its Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws, and thereunder subject to the instructions of the
Executive Director, shall be determined and supervised by the Information Director.
Section 8.02. Selection and Term
SubSection 8.02.1. Initiatory Degree
The Information Director shall hold the III°+.
SubSection 8.02.2. Appointment
The Executive Director shall appoint the Information Director. The appointment must be approved in
writing by at least five voting Councillors, communicated by them individually to the Chairman, the
Executive Director, and each other.
SubSection 8.02.3. Term
The Information Director shall serve without fixed term until resignation or removal from office. He
may resign from office by notifying the Executive Director and the Chairman of the Council in writing.
Section 8.03. Removal
The Executive Director or the Chairman of the Council may remove the Information Director from office if
he feels that there is just cause for doing so. Such a decision must be approved in writing by at least six
voting Councillors, communicated by them individually to the Chairman, Executive Director, and each
Section 8.04. Finance
The Information Director may serve with or without compensation as determined by the Chairman of the
Council. He shall be reimbursed for reasonable expenses of his office as determined by the Executive
Article 9. Insignia
Section 9.01. General
SubSection 9.01.1. Temple of Set
Insignia of the Temple of Set shall consist of a pentagram, two points upraised, against a circular
field. The edges of the pentagram shall not touch the circular field. This insignia may be used by any
member of the Temple of Set in accordance with the provisions of this Article, but it shall not be
embellished with any other designs or have any other insignia superimposed upon it.
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SubSection 9.01.2. Temple of Set, Inc. Corporate Seal
The corporate seal of the Temple of Set, Inc. shall consist of the Insignia of the Temple as defined in
SubSection 9.01.1 encircled by the words: “[arcing over the top:] TEMPLE OF SET [arcing under the
bottom:] INC. OCT 20, 1975 • CALIFORNIA”. This seal may be affixed to corporate instruments by
the corporate president (High Priest), vice president/secretary (Executive Director), and treasurer
(Treasurer) only, but failure to affix it shall not affect the validity of any such instrument.
Section 9.02. Initiatory and Honorary Member Insignia
SubSection 9.02.1. Setian I°
Insignia of the I° is a silver pentagram, two points upraised, against a circular field of white.
SubSection 9.02.2. Adept II°
Insignia of the II° is a silver pentagram, two points upraised, against a circular field of red.
SubSection 9.02.3. Priest/Priestess of Set III°
Insignia of the III° is a silver pentagram, two points upraised, against a circular field of black.
SubSection 9.02.4. Magister/Magistra Templi IV°
Insignia of the IV° is a silver pentagram, two points upraised, against a circular field of blue.
SubSection 9.02.5. Magus/Maga V°
Insignia of the V° is a silver pentagram, two points upraised, against a circular field of purple.
SubSection 9.02.6. Ipsissimus/Ipsissima VI°
Insignia of the VI° is a silver pentagram, two points upraised, against a circular field of gold.
SubSection 9.02.7. Honorary Setian
Insignia of Honorary Setian is a gold pentagram, two points upraised, against a circular field of green.
Section 9.03. Wear and Usage
No member of the Temple of Set may wear or otherwise use the insignia of a degree other than that which
he currently holds.
Article 10. Orders
Section 10.01. Definition
The term “Order” designates a suborganization of the Temple of Set supervised by one or more IV°+
Initiates as Grand Master/Co-Grand Masters. An Order is generally concerned with the conception and
development of a widely-applicable magical philosophy, and is not normally geographically-localized.
Section 10.02. Creation/Dissolution
Any IV°+ Initiate may create an Order, but may not serve as Grand Master/Co-Grand Master of more than
two Orders at a time. An Order may be dissolved by decision of its Grand Master, subject to approval of the
High Priest, as communicated to the Executive Director. In the absence of a Grand Master, an Order may
operate up to one year under an Acting Grand Master (SubSection 10.03.1). If a new IV°+ Grand Master has
not been selected by that time, the AGM must either inactivate the Order or reconstitute it as an Element or
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Section 10.03. Authority
The Grand Master/Co-Grand Master of an Order exercises complete authority over that Order subject to
these By-Laws and any policies of the High Priest concerning all Orders generally as published in the
Jeweled Tablets of Set.
SubSection 10.03.1. Acting Grand Master
A Grand Master may appoint an Acting Grand Master, who must hold the III°+, for a maximum, non-
renewable period of one year. The Grand Master may withdraw this appointment at any time. If a
Grand Master relinquishes his office without appointing a new Grand Master, the High Priest may
appoint an Acting Grand Master until the Order selects a new IV°+ Grand Master.
Section 10.04. Admission/Expulsion
SubSection 10.04.1. Decision
Order admissions or expulsions are decided by the Grand Master. Such Order admissions or
expulsions will not affect the standing of the individual involved as an Initiate of the Temple of Set.
All Order admissions and expulsions must be promptly reported to the Executive Director by the
Grand Master.
SubSection 10.04.2. II°+ Recognition Requirement
Orders will accept only II°+ Initiates or Honorary Members of the Temple of Set as Order members.
SubSection 10.04.3. Additional Order Memberships
A member of the Temple of Set may belong to a maximum of one Order unless the Grand Masters of
that Order and any proposed additional Order(s) agree that additional Order membership is
Section 10.05. Insignia
Order insignia may be worn either together with Temple of Set insignia or alone. When worn together with
Temple insignia, the Order insignia must not conflict with, displace, or cover it.
Article 11. Elements
Section 11.01. Definition
The term “Element” designates a suborganization of the Temple of Set supervised by one or more II°+
Initiates as Director/Co-Directors. An Element is generally concerned with a special project and/or skill,
and is not normally geographically-localized.
Section 11.02. Creation/Dissolution
Any III°+ Initiate may create or Sponsor an Element. If an Adept II° is to serve as Direc
tor, the Element
must be sponsored by a III°+ Initiate. An Element may be dissolved by decision of its Director, its Sponsor,
or by decision of any Master of the Temple as communicated to the Director, Sponsor, Executive Director,
and High Priest. If a Master of the Temple determines to dissolve an Element, the Element will cease
activities immediately. The Element may resume activities if the High Priest reverses the Master’s decision
within 30 days following notification.
Section 11.03. Authority
The Director of an Element exercises complete authority over that Element subject to these By-Laws, any
policies of the High Priest concerning Elements published in the Jeweled Tablets of Set, and approval of the
Sponsor (if the Director is II°).
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Section 11.04. Admission/Expulsion
Element admissions or expulsions are decided by the Director. Such Element admissions or expulsions will
not affect the standing of the individual involved as an Initiate of the Temple of Set. All Element admissions
and expulsions must be promptly reported to the Executive Director by the Element Director.
Section 11.05. Access to Activities
Elements may, as determined by the Director, open their activities to nonmembers of the Temple of Set, as
long as such nonmembers are respectful of and courteous towards the Temple.
Section 11.06. Insignia
Element insignia may be worn either together with Temple of Set insignia or alone. When worn together
with Temple insignia, the Element insignia must not conflict with, displace, or cover it.
Article 12. Pylons
Section 12.01. Definition
The term “Pylon” designates a suborganization of the Temple of Set supervised by one or more II°+ Initiates
as Sentinel/Co-Sentinels. A Pylon may be concerned with either general or specialized initiatory interests,
and is normally but not necessarily geographically-localized.
Section 12.02. Creation/Dissolution
Any III°+ Initiate may create or Sponsor a Pylon, but may not serve as Sentinel of more than one Pylon at a
time. If an Adept II° is to serve as Sentinel, the Pylon must be sponsored by a III°+ Initiate. A Pylon may be
dissolved by decision of its Sentinel, its Sponsor, or by decision of any Master of the Temple as
communicated to the Sentinel, Sponsor, Executive Director, and High Priest. If a Master of the Temple
determines to dissolve a Pylon, the Pylon will cease activities immediately. The Pylon may resume activities