Book Read Free

The Temple of Set II

Page 38

by Michael A Aquino

  priorities, and ambitions. There is room for all of these things in the Temple of Set; indeed such diversity and

  egocentrism are vital to development of the true Black Magician.

  Additional supplements to Setamorphosis will be along as the course of events makes updates and additions

  necessary. But Setamorphosis should be considered a sort of “sum of the future parts” of the Temple and not “the

  most important part”.

  (3) The entire “tone” of Setamorphosis seems very futuristic, very cold-blooded scientific, and very indefinite/

  uncertain. By definition, religions are supposed to have pat answers and be comforting They are not supposed to

  keep you awake at night wondering how many dimensions you exist in, etc.

  Even the Church of Satan was a comforting religion in the old sense: It said that, even if appeals to God &

  Jesus would not work, appeals to the Devil and his demons would. The C/S was a Dennis Wheatley novel come to

  life, with necessary modifications to ensure that it would not actually violate any laws. And, even though we knew

  that many of the demons in the Satanic Bible were Judaic/Christian creations and that some were scattered willy-

  nilly across many religions and many civilizations, we still felt “deep down” that there was something really

  authentic here that was not to be found in any other church.

  In the Temple of Set this “something” was finally brought into crystal-clear focus as Set - who is undistorted,

  underivative, uncompromising, and even uncontroversial.

  Then, just as everyone’s Set-tling down in ancient Egypt, along comes Setamorphosis, and zoooom - we’re

  talking in terms of the most advanced concepts in physics and metaphysics.

  In point of fact it’s all quite consistent, because the Book of Coming Forth by Night makes it clear that the new

  Æon is a formula for the future and not a mere retreat to the pastoral existence of ancient Egypt.

  Yet we can’t help feeling a certain amount of culture shock. And nostalgia. Must we say goodbye to werewolves

  and vampires and ghosts and goblins and horned entities from the Pit and the rest of the gang? Must a Setian be so

  cerebral that every romantic superstition be abandoned?

  I have thought this over very carefully, and my feeling is this:

  The old C/S assumption that demons. were independent entities and intelligences which could be addressed

  and activated through ritual is indeed obsolete. There is only one such independent entity -Set/HarWer in its

  complete aspect, and Set alone in its fully-directed intelligence.

  The other gods, goddesses, and demons do enjoy existence -but with an important difference: They are

  derivative of the human mind.

  This is not the same thing as saying that they are merely figments of imagination. The mind is capable of

  imagination, yes, but it is also capable of creation in a far more substantive sense. It can literally give life to

  stereotypical, archetypical, or unique gods or demons - very much like the creation of the id-monster that took place

  in the famous film Forbidden Planet.

  The difference between the magician and the non-magician is thus easy to identify: The non-magician is

  subject to spontaneous creation of such entities from his non-conscious Id, but the magician is able to create them

  deliberately from his conscious Ego.

  Indeed this explains a number of things:


  It explains why the rituals of the Church of Satan worked.


  It explains why a god, goddess, or demon could be evoked simultaneously in many different ritual



  It explains why the same entities have often appeared spontaneously to non-magicians.


  It explains why interpersonal curses and possessions work: because a magician implants the

  creation of a certain demonic entity in the id of the victim’s mind.


  It explains why the magician can effectively evoke Yog-Sothoth, even though Yog-Sothoth seems to

  be only a fictional character invented by HPL. [The magician, in practice, creates a real Yog-

  Sothoth from the “stereotypical blueprint” supplied by HPL.


  It explains a great deal of Aleister Crowley.


  It explains the direct access to the Powers of Darkness that characterizes the Priesthood of Set.

  And it does something else. It enables us to use the old ceremonies and rituals without feeling that we are

  kidding ourselves and doing something “stupid and primitive”. The difference is that now we know what it is that

  we are actually doing. We know what the effect will be upon magicians who are present, and we know what the

  effect will be upon non-magicians who are present. We know what remote results can be expected and why.

  Never were these things formulated, much less conceived, during the Age of Satan. Not even Anton LaVey, I

  think, realized them. If you examine the magical instructions in the Satanic Bible and Satanic Rituals, you will find

  that they advocate procedures for influencing the non-conscious id of the magician to produce results. They do not

  train the ego to create the desired results deliberately and consciously.

  This realization is a bit of Setamorphosis, if you will, that could not Xeper until “orthodox Satanism” had been

  swept aside by the new Æon.

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  I might add that this new concept of the basis for ritual magic is quite a valuable weapon in the hands of the

  Setian Priest. It is also valuable as a device for education and instruction. Therefore be careful to whom you explain

  it. As is my custom, I make no prohibitions. But I would recommend that this knowledge be discussed no lower than

  the III°, for the reason that it could be damaging and even self-destructive to a mind that is not sufficiently self-

  reliant and self-conscious.

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  A12: Temple of Set Reading List

  - by Michael A. Aquino V°/VI° (Ed.)



  The magical and philosophical interests of the Temple of Set span a wide range of disciplines. Use of

  commercially-published reference works, despite their respective drawbacks, is thus both essential and economical.

  It enables the Temple to concentrate its internal publications in areas in which critical information is either

  seriously substandard or altogether lacking.

  When using this reading list, keep in mind that the Temple is not a book club, but rather a religious institution

  in which Initiates are expected to be practicing magicians. These books are recommended not merely to entertain

  [though many of them are good at that too!], but more importantly to impart principles which may be applied and

  to provide facts which are helpful or essential to an understanding of these principles.

  Ideally this list should contain only those works which are currently in print or which are generally available

  through libraries. Unfortunately the unusual and exotic directions of our interests frequently necessitate titles which

  are neglected, suppressed, and/or out-of-print. Some of these works are available only at excessive prices through

  rare-book dealers; others seem to have vanished altogether.

  If you keep your eyes open while browsing through new/used bookstores, however, and if you make

  maximum use of library and inter-library-loan services, you should be able to track down the materials of greatest

  interest to you. Many of the most interesting and valuable
books may be discovered by accident [?], when you are

  looking for something else entirely [or just rooting around in dusty, dark stacks in the Arkham University Library].

  The only thing you can’t do is grumble about the fact that the book you want isn’t presented to you on the

  neighborhood supermarket rack for $2.50. “Those who seek shall find.”

  In earlier editions of this list, notations were made as to whether a given book were in or out of print,

  including foreign editions. Experience has shown that this information, as well as pricing, changes so frequently as

  to be unreliable. Setians seeking a particular book should check with Internet search engines, libraries, bookstores,

  or book-search services for current availability. Lending-library options are particularly to be recommended, as

  prices for many of these works - particularly the out-of-print ones in “collector’s” fields - may be excessively high. If

  you have doubts as to the worth of a given book at a price quoted to you, check with the source recommending the


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  Internet Book Sales and Search Services

  The following three websites (none of which are connected with or officially endorsed by the Temple of Set)

  may be useful to you in locating/acquiring desired books:

  Use of the Reading List

  The reading list is not intended to be doctrinal or dogmatic. The inclusion of a book in it should not be taken

  to mean that all or even most of its premises and conclusions are endorsed by the Temple of Set. Most have been

  written by very wise people. A few have been written by cranks who just happened to blunder into something that

  we want to know about. Hence your own discernment is critical. Bear in mind that few if any books are written for

  the disinterested transmission of facts. Every author necessarily writes with a motive [besides the profit one] and

  from a point of personal perspective and/or bias.

  The reading list is selective but not exclusive. For each book on the list, many alternatives may have been

  considered and rejected for one reason or another over the last two decades.

  On your own you may - and probably will, if you pursue your initiation aggressively and conscientiously -

  discover works which appear preferable to some of those on the list, or which you think should be added to it. In

  such cases you are invited to send particulars. If your recommendation is adopted, the book will be added to the

  next update of that category of the list, with your name as the recommender.


  This reading list is continuously and incrementally updated, and the most current list is included with each

  new Crystal Tablet sent out. Current updates of this introduction and all Categories are available in the Crystal

  Tablet area of the Temple of Set Intranet.

  Letter Codes

  After each book title you will see one or more letter codes, which identify the book as relevant to a particular

  initiatory system currently embraced by the Temple of Set. “TOS” = Temple of Set generally. “COS” = Church of

  Satan (I-X AS). “TRP” = Order of the Trapezoid. “SHU” = Order of Shuti. “VAM” = Order of the Vampyre. “LVT” =

  Order of Leviathan. Other codes may be added at any time to identify works pertinent to specific Orders of the


  Comments By

  Before the comments to each book are either initials (MA = Michael Aquino VI°, JL = James Lewis VI°, DW =

  Don Webb VI°, AL = Anton LaVey V°) or the name of the commenter.

  Non-English Languages

  The Temple of Set has reached the point in its development where we have a growing number of Initiates in

  countries whose native language is not English. We are now experimenting with German annotations to this list to

  see if this will be useful and practical to German-speaking Setians. Annotations in other languages may be added

  later. This is not only because of non-English-speaking cultures’ interest in translations of English-language books.

  Some invaluable reference works exist only in non-English originals, and gradually the Temple will want to identify

  them. [Roland Winkhart, Magister Templi IV°, Deutschland: “Diese Leseliste erhebt keinen Anspruch auf

  Vollständigkeit. Alle Setianer werden gebeten, ergänzende Informationen beizusteürn. Dies gilt insbesondere für

  fremdsprachige Titel oder Titel, die im Buchhandel nicht mehr erhältlich sind und nur noch über Ausleihe oder

  Fernausleihe von Bibliotheken (unter Nennung der Signatur) zu bekommen sind. (‘WU’ = Württembergische

  Landesbibliothek, Stuttgart.)”]

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  Research Level Numbers

  You will see a research level number attached to each letter code. These are explained as follows:


  The specific information contained in this book is generally essential to Initiates of all degrees.

  The book’s treatment is unique, and substitution of another book on the same subject is not



  The topical information contained in this book is generally essential to Initiates of all degrees.

  The book’s treatment is not unique, and other books covering approximately the same material

  may be substituted.


  This book should be considered supplementary to -1/-2 books in the same category. It is not

  essential, but is recommended rather for those who have a special interest in the topic.


  This book is suitable primarily for highly-specialized, technical research and is liable to be

  confusing or misleading to readers without previously-acquired, basic knowledge of the field in

  question. It should be considered supplementary to any -1/-2/-3 books in the same category.


  The contents of this book may be dangerous if applied by inexperienced magicians. III°+

  consultation and guidance strongly recommended.

  Films/Periodicals/Music/Organizations/Websites Sections

  Sections are gradually being added to each category to cover films, periodicals, recorded music, special-

  interest organizations, and Internet websites relevant to that category. Entries in these supplementary sections will

  appear gradually over time - and when entries initially appear, they may be fragmentary and even inaccurate until

  we have had time to check the data out and update/verify the entry in question. [Your recommendations and

  feedback will be very helpful in this regard.]

  The RL-# coding system will not be used for these supplementary sections. Films and music, in particular, are

  artistic items subject to personal taste. The presence/description of a film or recording on the list, therefore, should

  be understood merely as a suggestion of something you might like to investigate, not as “sanction”.


  Entries in this section will be designated with an “F” in front of the entry-number.

  There are many ways to see non-current films, of which the easiest are (a) waiting for them to come around on

  television and (b) renting or buying them on videocassette or DVD. The Temple of Set can’t help you much with the

  former option, save to alert you to some titles to keep an eye out for.

  In the case of the latter option you can prowl your local video rental stores, or you can purchase a particularly-

  desired item by mail order. Two possible sources:

  Movies Unlimited. MU publishes a massive annual c
atalogue of VHS (NTSC) films, from which

  you can order at prices about as low as you’ll find anywhere. There is a charge of +/-US$8 for the

  catalogue, but it is so massive and comprehensive that it’s easily worth the price. For exact information,

  contact MU at 6736 Castor Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19149, USA or telephone (800) 523-0823 for

  ordering information or (215) 722-8398 [9-5 Eastern US time] for customer service. Website: http://

  A Million and One World-Wide Videos: Post Office Box 349, Orchard Hill, GA 30266-0349.

  Telephone: (800) 849-7309. This company specializes in finding and mail-ordering almost every video

  that exists worldwide. You don’t even have to be sure of the title; just give them something to work with,

  such as the name of the director or an actor, and they’ll send you a list of films they worked on. Website:


  Entries in this section will be designated with an “P” in front of the entry-number.

  There are some excellent professional and special-interest magazines and journals covering areas addressed

  by various categories of the reading list. As we narrow our survey down to the best, we will begin to include them


  - 168 -


  Entries in this section will be designated with an “M” in front of the entry-number.

  This will be an effort to accumulate commercially available recordings of music appropriate to the reading list

  category in question, which may range from classical to electronic to soundtracks to rock, etc.


  Entries in this section will be designated with an “O” in front of the entry-number.

  In addition to specialized periodicals, and usually in concert with them, are special-interest groups and

  societies. If we come across a particularly good one, we’ll discuss it here.

  Table of Contents (Number/Category)

  1. Ancient Egyptian History

  2. Ancient Egyptian Philosophy

  3. Religion and Dæmonology in Historical Perspective

  4. Occultism in Contemporary Perspective

  5. Atlantis

  6. Satanism

  7. H.P. Lovecraft

  8. Vampirism and Lycanthropy


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