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Among the Esquimaux; or, Adventures under the Arctic Circle

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by Edward Sylvester Ellis



  The good ship "Nautilus" had completed the greater part of her voyagefrom London to her far-off destination, deep in the recesses ofBritish America. This was York Factory, one of the chief posts of theHudson Bay Company.

  Among the numerous streams flowing into Hudson Bay, from the frozenregions of the north, is the Nelson River. Near the mouth of this andof the Hayes River was erected, many years ago, Fort York, or YorkFactory. The post is not a factory in the ordinary meaning of theword, being simply the headquarters of the factors or dealers in fursfor that vast monopoly whose agents have scoured the dismal regions tothe north of the Saskatchewan, in the land of Assiniboine, along themighty Yukon and beyond the Arctic Circle, in quest of the fur-bearinganimals, that are found only in their perfection in the coldestportions of the globe.

  The buildings which form the fort are not attractive, but they arecomfortable. They are not specially strong, for, though the structurehas stood for a long time in a country which the aborigines make theirhome, and, though it is far removed from any human assistance, itswooden walls have never been pierced by a hostile bullet, and it issafe to say they never will be. Somehow or other, our brethren acrossthe northern border have learned the art of getting along with theIndians without fighting them.

  The voyageurs and trappers, returning from their journeys in canoes oron snow-shoes to the very heart of frozen America, first catch sightof the flag floating from the staff of York Factory, and they knowthat a warm welcome awaits them, because the peltries gathered amidthe recesses of the frigid mountains and in the heart of the land ofdesolation are sure to find ready purchasers at the post, for theprecious furs are eagerly sought for in the marts of the Old and ofthe New World.

  It is a lonely life for the inhabitants of the fort, for it is onlyonce a year that the ship of the company, after breasting the fiercestorms and powerful currents of the Atlantic, sails up the great mouthof Baffin Bay, glides through Hudson Strait, and thence steals acrossthe icy expanse of Hudson Bay to the little fort near the mouth of theNelson.

  You can understand how welcome the ship is, for it brings the onlyletters, papers, and news from home that can be received until anothertwelvemonth shall roll around. Such, as I have said, is the rule,though now and then what may be termed an extra ship makes that long,tempestuous voyage. Being unexpected, its coming is all the morejoyful, for it is like the added week's holiday to the boy who hasjust made ready for the hard work and study of the school-room.

  You know there has been considerable said and written about a railwayto Hudson Bay, with the view of connection thence by ship to Europe.Impracticable as is the scheme, because of the ice which locks upnavigation for months every year, it has had strong and ingeniousadvocates, and considerable money has been spent in the way ofinvestigation. The plan has been abandoned, for the reasons I havenamed, and there is no likelihood that it will ever be attempted.

  The "Nautilus" had what may be called a roving commission. It is easyto understand that so long as the ships of the Hudson Bay Company havespecific duties to perform, and that the single vessel is simplyordered to take supplies to York Factory and bring back her cargo ofpeltries, little else can be expected from her. So the staunch"Nautilus" was fitted out, placed under the charge of the veterannavigator, Captain McAlpine, who had commanded more than one Arcticwhaler, and sent on her westward voyage.

  The ultimate destination of the "Nautilus" was York Factory, thoughshe was to touch at several points, after calling at St. John,Newfoundland, one of which was the southern coast of Greenland, whereare located the most famous cryolite mines in the world, belonging,like Greenland itself, to the Danish Government.

  There is little to be told the reader about the "Nautilus" itself orthe crew composing it, but it so happened that she had on board threeparties, in whose experience and adventures I am sure you will come tofeel an interest. These three were Jack Cosgrove, a bluff, heartysailor, about forty years of age; Rob Carrol, seventeen, and FredWarburton, one year younger.

  Rob was a lusty, vigorous young man, honest, courageous, often torashness, the picture of athletic strength and activity, and one whomyou could not help liking at the first glance. His father was adirector in the honorable Hudson Bay Company, possessed considerablewealth, and Rob was the eldest of three sons.

  Fred Warburton, while displaying many of the mental characteristics ofhis friend, was quite different physically. He was of much slighterbuild, not nearly so strong, was more quiet, inclined to study, but aswarmly devoted to the splendid Rob as the latter was to him.

  Fred was an orphan, without brother or sister, and in such straitenedcircumstances that it had become necessary for him to find some meansof earning his daily bread. The warm-hearted Rob stated the case tohis father, and said that if he didn't make a good opening for hischum he himself would die of a broken heart right on the spot.

  "Not so bad as that, Rob," replied the genial gentleman, who was proudof his big, manly son; "I have heard so much from you of young Mr.Warburton that I have kept an eye on him for a year past."

  "I may have told you a good deal about him," continued Rob, earnestly,"but not half as much as he deserves."

  "He must be a paragon, indeed, but, from what I can learn, my son, hehas applied himself so hard to his studies while at school that heought to have a vacation before settling down to real hard work; whatdo you think about it, Robert?"

  "A good idea, provided I take it with him," added the son, slyly.

  "I see you are growing quite pale and are losing your appetite,"continued the parent, with a grave face, which caused the youth tolaugh outright at the pleasant irony.

  "Yes," said the big boy, with the same gravity; "I suffer a great lossof appetite three or four times every day; in fact, I feel as though Icouldn't eat another mouthful."

  "I have observed that phenomenon, my son, but it never seems to attackyou until the table has been well cleared of everything on it. Ah, myboy!" he added, tenderly, laying his hand on his head; "I am thankfulthat you are blessed with such fine health. Be assured there isnothing in this world that can take its place. With a conscience voidof offense toward God and man, and a body that knows no ache nor pain,you can laugh at the so-called miseries of life; they will roll fromyou like water from a duck's back."

  "But, father, have you thought of any way of giving Fred a vacationbefore he goes to work? You know he is as poor as he can be, and can'tafford to do nothing and pay his expenses."

  "The plan I have in mind," replied the father, leaning back in hischair and twirling his eyeglasses, "is this: next week the 'Nautilus,'one of the company's ships, will leave London for York Factory, whichis a station deep in the heart of British America. She will touch atSt. John, Greenland, and several other points on her way, and may stopseveral weeks or months at York Factory, according to circumstances.If it will suit your young friend to go with her, I will have himregistered as one of our clerks, which will entitle him to a salaryfrom the day the 'Nautilus' leaves the dock. The sea voyage will dohim good, and when he returns, at the end of a year or less, he cansettle down to hard work in our office in London. Of course, if Fredgoes, you will have to stay at home."

  Rob turned in dismay to his parent, but he observed a twitching at thecorners of his mouth, and a sparkle of the fine blue eyes, whichshowed he was only teasing him.

  "Ah, father, I understand you!" exclaimed the big boy, springingforward, throwing an arm about his neck and kissing him. "You wouldn'tthink of separating us."

  "I suppose not. There! get along with you, and tell your friend tomake ready to sail next week, his business being to look after youwhile away from home."

  And that is how Rob Carrol and Fred Warburton came to befellow-passengers on the ship "Nautilus" on the voyage to the farNorth.


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