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Among the Esquimaux; or, Adventures under the Arctic Circle

Page 18

by Edward Sylvester Ellis



  "By the great horned spoon, I suspected it! Docak, I'm mighty glad tosee you; I'm Jack Cosgrove, and put it there!"

  The native was not so demonstrative as his English friend, but hecertainly was as delighted and surprised to meet him in thisextraordinary manner as was the sailor to meet him.

  They shook hands heartily, and Docak indulged in his peculiar laugh,which was accompanied by little, if any noise, but was indicative ofgenuine pleasure.

  The reader will recall that this was the second time Docak had rescuedJack Cosgrove, the other instance having occurred a number of yearsbefore, when Captain McAlpine's ship was destroyed by collision withan iceberg.

  "You're my guardian angel!" was the exclamation of the happy sailor;"I might have known that if anybody was to save us you was the chap todo it. Come up here, boys, and shake hands with Docak ag'in, for he'sone of the best fellows living."

  Rob and Fred were only too glad to do as invited, and cordialrelations were at once established.

  "Is your home where it was when I was here last?" Jack asked.

  "Yes, off dere," replied Docak, turning about and pointing inland;"not far--soon get dere."

  Jack gave a low whistle expressive of astonishment.

  "Now, lads," he said, addressing the youths, "I rather think you'llown that Jack Cosgrove knows a thing or two about icebergs."

  "I think Fred and I have also learned something, but what are youdriving at?"

  "We're well up toward Davis Strait, and there's more than a hundredmiles of Greenland coast to the south of us. That old berg has strucka bee line for the North Pole, but it won't reach there, eh, Docak?"

  "No; soon turn around--go back."

  "Now, isn't that one of the strangest things you ever heard of, lads?The place where the 'Mary Jane' went down, afore that berg, threeyears ago, was mighty nigh the very spot where Docak found us. Iremember he brought us ashore in his kayak--"

  "Dis same boat," interrupted the native with a grin, perceptible inthe twilight.

  "There you are, and, if he keeps on, I'll begin to think that one ofyou chaps is Captain McAlpine himself, and the other Bill Hardin, whowas saved with us."

  "It is a most remarkable coincidence," said Fred, and Rob added thathe had never read or heard anything like it.

  But it occurred to Docak that he was not acting the part of hospitablehost, by keeping his friends standing on the edge of the sea, whilethe reminiscences went on. He stooped and drew his boat far up thebank. The tide was at its height, so there was no fear of its playingthe trick our friends had suffered. Then he turned about and startedinland, the others following in Indian file.

  He was treading a path, a foot or more deep in the snow, and worn ashard as a rock. The ascent was gentle, and a hundred yards from theshore he arrived at the entrance to his home, where a surprise awaitedthe boys.

  When seen for the first time the hut of the Esquimaux suggest the sodhouses common on the Western plains of our country, except that thehomes of the far North are entered by means of a burrow. Where suchfrightful cold reigns for months every year the first considerationwith the native is to secure protection against it; everything issacrificed to that.

  The walls are of alternate layers of stone and sod, and are aboutthree feet in thickness. The highest clear space within is from fourto five feet. The building contains an entry-way, a kitchen, and aliving room. The entry is four or five yards in length, two feet orless wide, and no more than a yard in height. It will thus be seenthat even a small boy would have to stoop to pass through it, whilethe interior of the hut itself will not allow a full-grown Esquimau tostand erect. To this fact may be attributed in some degree the stoopshoulders so common among the men.

  Half-way between the beginning of the entry and the main rooms was anopening leading to the kitchen. This was small, shaped like abee-hive, and with a hole at the apex for the escape of the smoke. Thefloor was bare ground, the hearth consisting of a number of stonesplaced close together, on which the iron kettles sat, while the fireof driftwood burned beneath. The height of the kitchen is less thanthat of the main room, so that only the women can stand erect in thehighest portion.

  When the weather is very severe the cooking is done in the main room,by means of the big oil-lamp, while the thick walls and the heavy fursof the inmates enable them to laugh at the raging blizzard outside.

  It was along such a passage as the one described that Docak led theway, followed by Jack Cosgrove, Rob, and Fred, each trailing hisrifle, and happy beyond measure that everything with them had turnedout so well.

  The main room into which the little party entered was about four yardssquare. It had a board floor and a ceiling--luxuries not generallyfound in the native homes except in the settlements. The walls werefurred off and ceiled, and the spaces closely stuffed with moss. Thewall on the right of the main room had a single window with twelvepanes of glass.

  The main room was the most interesting part of the structure. Alongthe front of the window ran a wooden bench, near the end of which,toward the entrance, stood a Danish stove. In the corner beyond theother end of the bench was a table. To the left of that was thelamp-stand, directly opposite to which on the other side of the roomwas a second and shorter bench.

  The whole left-hand side of the room, as you entered, consisted of aplatform, about six feet long. It was elevated a foot above the floor,the side next to the wall being a few inches higher. At night it wascovered with feather beds, which are rolled back during the day, sothat the front may be used for other purposes. The lamp used in theEsquimau houses is simply a large, green stone, with a hollow scoopedin the top. This contains seal oil, a piece of moss serving as a wick.

  It may be well to tell you something in this place about the dress ofthe Esquimaux, referring now to those who live near the settlements,most of whom are of mixed blood. In the interior, and, along the eastcoast of Greenland, are met the wild natives, who are muffled in thethickest furs, and bear little resemblance to the class to which Docakand his acquaintances belonged.

  These men wore jackets, trousers, moccasins, and generallyundershirts, drawers, and socks. The rule is for them to gobareheaded, though a hat or cap is frequently seen. The clothing,except the moccasins, is made from woolen or cotton stuff, bought offthe Danish Governor.

  The jacket is of gingham, with sleeves and a hood that can be drawnover the head, and fitted in place by drawing and tying a string thatpasses under the chin. When venturing out in his kayak, or in severeweather, Docak, like most of his friends, wore a jacket and hoodcombined. This was of sealskin, with the leather side out. Thetrousers are constructed of the same material with the hair out.Sometimes they are lined with sealskin, with the hair in.

  The moccasins are well-shaped sealskin boots, reaching nearly to theknees. When the socks are not woolen, the hair is turned toward theskin. The mittens are of seal leather, with no hair on either side,and are much inferior to many of our own country, for purposes ofwarmth and comfort.

  The Esquimau women are shorter of stature than the men, and walk withshort, mincing steps, showing a stoop similar to their husbands. Theyhave small hands and feet, with faces that any one would pronouncegood looking. They comb their hair to an apex, which, if the woman ismarried, is tied with a blue ribbon; if a widow, with black; and if amaiden, with green.

  The females generally wear collars of beads, with lace-work patternsand vivid colors. The waist is generally of woolen stuff, and here thesame fondness for bright colors displays itself. It has no buttons,and is donned and doffed by passing over the head, and is fastened atthe waist with a belt. Then come a pair of short trousers of sealskin,which are tastefully ornamented. Below these are the long-leggedmoccasins, also ornamented by the deft handiwork of the native owners.The dress of the children is the same as the parents.


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