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Among the Esquimaux; or, Adventures under the Arctic Circle

Page 21

by Edward Sylvester Ellis



  One of the most interesting animals found in the frozen regions of theNorth is the musk ox, his favorite haunt being on the mainland of theContinent in the neighborhood of the Arctic circle, though he isoccasionally met in Greenland.

  The fact that the animal has no muzzle has led some naturalists toseparate him from the ox species and give him the name of Ovibos. Heis smaller in size than his domestic brother, very low on his legs,and covered with a wealth of wool and dark brown hair, which, duringthe cold weather, almost touches the ground. A whitish spot on theback is called the saddle, though it is not to be supposed that it isever intended for that purpose.

  One of the most striking features of the musk ox is his horns, whichsometimes weigh fifty or sixty pounds. They are flattened at the base,the flat sides turned outward, and form a sort of shield or protectionfor the face.

  At certain seasons he is one of the most odoriferous animals increation. During the spring the musky odor is so strong that it can bedetected on the first knife thrust into his body. At other seasons itis hardly perceptible, and the eating is excellent.

  Although his legs are so short he can travel swiftly, and shows afacility in climbing mountains that no one would suspect on looking atthe animal the first time. It suggests the chamois in this respect. Hefeeds on lichens during a part of the year, and on grass and mossduring the rest.

  Some distance back of the native Esquimau's hut, the land inclinedupward, becoming quite rough and mountainous not far from the coast.

  It was among these wild hilly regions that a herd of musk oxen,numbering eleven, were browsing one afternoon, with no thought ofdisturbance from man or beast. Perhaps the last should be excepted,for the oxen are accustomed to herd together for the purpose of mutualprotection against the ravening wolves who would make short work ofone or two of them, when detached from the main herd. But it is not tobe supposed that the thought of bipedal foes entered their thickskulls, for the Esquimau is not a hunter as a rule, and confines hisoperations to fishing in the waters near his home.

  The herd referred to had gradually worked their way upward among themountains, until they reached a plateau, several acres in extent.There a peculiar swirling gale had, at some time or other, swept mostof the space quite clear of snow, and left bare the stubby grass andmoss, which, at certain seasons, formed the only sustenance of theanimals.

  It was a lucky find for the oxen, for in the far North, with its iceand snow, it is an eternal battle between the wild animals andstarvation, the victory not infrequently being with the latter. It wasrare that the oxen found food so plentiful, and they were certain toremain there, if permitted, until hardly a spear was left for thosewho might come after them.

  The largest ox of the party was grazing along the upper edge of theplateau, some rods removed from the others. He had struck a spot wherethe grass and moss were more abundant, and he was putting in his bestwork.

  Suddenly he caught a suspicious sound. Throwing up his head, with thefood dripping from the motionless jaws, he stared in the directionwhence it came, possibly with the fear of wolves.

  Instead of seeing one of the latter he descried an object fully asterrifying in the shape of a young man, clad in thick clothing fromhead to foot, and with a rifle in his hands. The name of this youngman was Fred Warburton, and he had reached this advantageous spotafter long and careful climbing from the plain below. He was studyingthe creatures closely, now that he had succeeded in gaining a nearerview, for, on the way thither, Docak had told him much concerningthem, and they had become objects of great interest.

  Fred was alone, and had spent several minutes in surveying the brutesbefore he coughed with the purpose of attracting attention for a fewseconds. Then, slipping his mitten from his right hand, the ladbrought his rifle to his shoulder and sighted at the animal.

  He had forgotten to inquire at what part to aim, but it seemed to himthat the head was the most vulnerable, and he directed his weapon at apoint midway between the eyes and near the centre of the forehead.

  At the very instant of pressing the trigger the ox slightly loweredhis head, and, instead of boring its way through the skull, the bulletimpinged against the horny mass above, and glanced off without causinginjury.

  Fred was startled when he observed the failure, for his friends weretoo far away to give him support, and it was necessary to placeanother cartridge in the chamber of his weapon before it could beused. He proceeded to do so, without stirring a foot, and with acoolness which no veteran hunter ever excelled.

  But if Fred stood still the musk ox was very far from doing so.

  One glance only at the youth was enough, when, with a snort, hewhirled about, galloped a few paces, and then wheeled with markedquickness, and faced the young hunter again. While engaged in thisperformance his snortings drew the attention of his companions, who,throwing up their heads, galloped to him, and the whole elevenspeedily stood side by side, facing the point whence the attack hadcome.

  They were of formidable appearance, indeed, for, with lowered heads,they pawed up the earth and began cautiously advancing upon the boy,who had his cartridge in place and was ready for another shot. Butinstead of one musk ox he was confronted by eleven!

  "My gracious!" he said to himself; "this is a larger contract than Ithought of. If they will only come at me one at a time I wouldn'tmind. I wonder where the other folks are?"

  He glanced right and left, but nothing was to be seen of Rob or Jackor Docak. It looked as if a line of retreat should be provided, and heventured a glance to the rear.

  He saw a mass of rocks within a hundred yards, against which a gooddeal of snow had been driven, and he concluded that that was the onlyavailable refuge, with no certainty that it would prove a refuge atall.

  "Being as I shall have to fetch up there to save myself, and beingthat those beasts can travel faster than I, it wouldn't be a bad ideato begin edging that way now."

  He would have been glad to whirl about and dash off, reserving hisshot until he reached the rocks, but for his belief that such anattempt would be fatal to himself. Nothing encourages man or animal somuch as the sight of a flying foe, and he was sure that he wouldinstantly have the whole herd at his heels, and they would overhaulhim too before he could attain his shelter.

  It was a test of his nerves, indeed. There were eleven musk oxen,heads lowered, eyes staring, with low, muttering bellows, pawing andflinging the dirt behind them, while they continued advancing upon themotionless lad, who, having but one shot immediately at command,sought to decide where it could be sent so as to do the most good.

  The fellow at which he fired was the largest of the herd, and it wasplain to see that he was commander-in-chief. Upon receiving the shoton his horns he had summoned his followers about him, and no doubttold them of the outrage and whispered in their ears the single word"Vengeance."

  It naturally struck Fred that the single shot should be directed atthe leader, for possibly, if he fell, the others would be thrown intoa panic and scatter. At any rate, it was the only hope, and, withoutwaiting a tenth part of the time it has taken us to tell it, hebrought his rifle to a level and aimed at the big fellow.

  The distance was so short that there was no excuse for repeating hisblunder, or, rather, accident. He sighted the best he knew how, and,while the fellow was still pawing and advancing, let fly, hitting himfairly between the eyes.

  The lad paused just long enough to learn that his shot was effective,when he whirled on his heel, without waiting for more, and ran as henever ran before.


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