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Among the Esquimaux; or, Adventures under the Arctic Circle

Page 26

by Edward Sylvester Ellis



  Docak, the Esquimau, had no wish to affect any mystery as to the causeof his misgiving. He had not mentioned it of his own accord, becausehe was debating in his mind which of two courses to adopt: to remainlonger in the cavern or to set out at once for his home on the coast.It may be said that except for the appearance of the wolves he wouldhave insisted that the start should be made without delay, and pushedwith the utmost vigor until their destination was reached.

  But this was not to be thought of under the circumstances. To ventureoutside the cavern was to invite an instant attack by the brutes whowere in that state that they possessed a daring foreign to theirnature.

  Docak explained that an alarming change of weather was at hand. Heknew the signs so well that there was no mistake on his part. As hehad promised, it was not in the nature of a thaw or risingtemperature, but may be explained by that expressive word with whichthe reader is familiar--blizzard.

  Whoever has gone through one of those frightful visitations will neverforget it. That one of a few years ago was so general throughout ourcountry that the memory must remain through life with us.

  But a blizzard in the Arctic regions is a terror, indeed. It meant inthe present instance a snowstorm that might last for days, a hurricaneof wind, and a temperature of such fearful cold that would consumealmost like fire.

  With several feet of snow on the surface of that which now covered theground, and too fine to bear the weight of the lightest animal, withthe air white with billions of particles, eddying, whirling, andflying hither and thither, so that one could not see a step inadvance--with the gale careering like a demon across the snowywastes--the strongest hunter might well shrink from attempting ajourney one-tenth of that which lay between them and the coast.

  When Jack suggested that Docak might be mistaken, he shook his head sodecisively that it sent a chill through the boys, who were watchinghis dusky countenance and listening to his words. Such a man spokethat whereof he knew. He would hold out hope, if he had justificationfor doing so, but he saw none.

  That the blizzard was at hand, that it was already careering from thefar North and must speedily arrive, was as good as demonstrated. Theonly chance that Docak saw was that it might prove of shorter durationthan he feared. If it should last no more than twelve or possiblytwenty-four hours, they might struggle through it, without seriousconsequences, but if beyond that (as he was almost certain it wouldbe), there was little hope.

  However, since they must stay where they were until the followingmorning, preparations were made for spending the night, which, it willbe borne in mind, was by no means as long as many which they have atcertain seasons in the high latitudes.

  It was decided that Rob should sit up until midnight and then awakeFred, who, after standing guard for several hours, would arouse Jackto take charge until daylight. Inasmuch as this was the Esquimau's ownproposition, which, as will be perceived, relieved him of duty for anypart of the night, the others understood its significance. He wasreserving himself for the time when there was likely to be more urgentneed of his services.

  No comment was made on the fact, and the simple preparations werequickly finished. Docak added a caution to his friends that theyshould be as sparing as possible in the use of the fuel. They hadalready consumed a moiety of it, and the approach of the blizzardwould render it valuable beyond estimate. Enough only to hold thewolves at a safe distance was to be burned.

  Thus it came about that an hour later Rob Carrol was the only oneawake in the cavern. The others were huddled together on the bearskin, quietly sleeping, while he kept off drowsiness by pacing slowlyback and forth over the brief space within.

  "It's getting colder," he said to himself more than once; "I had ahope that Docak might be wrong, but he isn't; we shall catch it withina few hours. This is a bad place to be snowed up."

  He glanced continually toward the entrance, for he could not forgetthe wolves which were the indirect cause of their coming peril. Theyseemed, in spite of the disgusted remarks of Jack, to have becomesatisfied that nothing was to be gained by hovering about the refuge.So many of their comrades had fallen, and the fire burned sopersistently, that the others must have felt a certain degree ofdiscouragement.

  Now and then a howl echoed among the desolate hills, with a strangepower, and was immediately answered by scores from as many differentpoints, but there was no such eager crowding as marked the firstappearance of the brutes. Rob glanced repeatedly at the openingwithout seeing one of them.

  But the youth was too wise to be caught off his guard. He allowed thefire to smolder until the figures of his friends were only barelyvisible in the gloom, and his own form became shadowy, as it slowlymoved back and forth over the floor of the cavern, with his rifleready for instant use.

  He heard a soft tip tipping on the snow, and there was no mistakingits meaning.

  "They're there," he said, peering outward in the gloom and listeningintently, "and are as watchful for a chance as ever."

  Turning toward the crevice which admitted light, and was too straightto allow the smallest wolf to pass through, he caught the glow of apair of eyes.

  They were motionless, and the wolf evidently was studying the interiorwith a view of learning the prospect for an excursion within.

  The temptation to fire was strong, but the eyes noiselessly vanishedbefore the gun could be brought to a level.

  Rob stood intently listening. He heard the stealthy footsteps passalong the side of the cavern toward the front, and he moved in thatdirection, but placed himself at one side, so as to be out of sight ofany one looking directly into the mouth. He had not long to wait, whenthe same keenness of ear told him that the brute was cautiouslyentering. The fire was smoldering lower than ever, the brand at theentrance had died out long before, and no one could be seen on guard.The brute must have made up his mind that he had "struck it rich." Inhis selfishness he did not summon his friends to the feast, butresolved to devour the four persons all by himself, and that, too,after having had his full share of the musk ox and his fallen friends!

  There was just enough light in the cavern for Rob to note everything.Being at one side of the entrance, he could not be detected by thesneaking brute, which also was invisible to him. He must come furtherforward before they could discern each other.

  The wolf, one of the largest of his species, stood just outside withhis ears pricked, his head raised, and his eyes roaming over theinterior. Everything looked promising, but he had learned to besuspicious of those bipeds, whose hands were always against them.

  He stood in this attitude for several minutes, as stationary as ifcarved in stone. Then he lifted one of his fore-feet, held itsuspended, as though he were pointing game, and then advanced a coupleof steps. This brought him far enough into the cavern for the lad tosee the end of his nose, but the beast still failed to detect thatshadow at one side of the entrance that was calmly awaiting thecritical moment.

  But he saw the dimly outlined forms near the smoldering fire, andlicked his chops in anticipation. Nothing could be more favorable forthe grandest feast of his life.


  (See page 232)]

  At that moment a howl rent the air at no great distance. It must havestartled this prowler, and told him that, if he delayed his meal anylonger, he must share it with an unlimited number.

  He started on a silent walk, straight for the forms, heedless of thefigure that had pointed the rifle at him, while he was yet out ofsight. All was like the tomb until the gun was fired. Then since themuzzle almost touched the brute, why--enough has been said.


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