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Among the Esquimaux; or, Adventures under the Arctic Circle

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by Edward Sylvester Ellis

  ~Chasing a Yacht~


  Author of

  "The Braganza Diamond," "Toby Tyler," etc.

  350 pages Illustrated

  Cloth, $1.25

  Two boys have engaged to run a steam yacht for the double purpose ofpleasure and profit, and after carefully fitting her up they launchher, only to find the next morning that she is gone--stolen--as theylater discover, by two other boys who had been refused a half-interestin her. The rightful owners start in hot pursuit, and in an attempt torecapture the steamer are themselves made prisoners. It is theintention of the thieves to hold the owners prisoners until the HudsonRiver is reached and then put them ashore, but their plans miscarryowing to the intervention of two rather rough citizens who find theirway aboard the yacht and make themselves generally at home.Fortunately one of the owners manages to effect his escape, andgaining the assistance of the authorities the little vessel isspeedily restored to them.

  The story is full of adventure, and the heroes are both bright andmanly fellows, who make the best of their temporary hardships. Thestory will be found to enlist the interest at the outset, and to holdit until the last page is turned.

  Sold by all booksellers, or sent, prepaid, upon receipt of price.

  ~The Penn Publishing Company~

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