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L.A. Metro

Page 9

by R J Nolan

  A quick glance at Kim proved she was just as stunned by the invitation as Jess was at having made it. A smile tugged at Jess's lips as Kim tried to regain her composure.

  "I wouldn't want to intrude. I know you don't get to spend a lot of time with Thor," Kim said.

  Beautiful and incredibly thoughtful. Jess knew Kim was offering her a graceful way out. "Thor really likes you." And so do I. "It's not an intrusion. We enjoy your company."

  That beautiful, sun out from behind the clouds smile that Jess was coming to adore, blazed across Kim's face. "That would be great, Jess."

  Thor bumped Jess's hip.

  "Sorry, boy." She had been so distracted by Kim she had forgotten what she was supposed to be doing. "I need to get him some water. Walk over to my truck with us?"


  On the way to the truck Jess couldn't help noticing the occasional sour look Kim was throwing at Thor. She looked him over but couldn't see any reason for Kim's apparent ire. Nothing untoward had happened on their run.

  "Is something wrong?" Oh I bet I know what the problem is. Jess was so used to his drool she forgot that most people didn't appreciate being covered in Thor's slobber. Jess pulled the small white towel she had tucked in her waistband and wiped Thor's muzzle. "Sorry. Did he slime you?"

  "No, he's fine." Kim glanced down at Thor, and a slight scowl once again marred her face.

  Jess was getting a bit worried. Had Kim decided she didn't like Thor after all?

  Kim looked up at Jess and laughed. "Don't mind me. I'm just jealous."

  Huh? "Of what?"

  Kim pointed at Thor.

  "Of Thor? Why?" Jess asked. She looked back and forth between Kim and Thor, totally confused by this turn of the conversation.

  "We just ran two miles and he wasn't even winded. He looks like he could go another two miles, easy, if not more. I'm jealous. I used to do five miles at a time and now look at me."

  Jess did as instructed. Kim's hair was windblown and damp with sweat; her T-shirt was wet with perspiration, and her face was still flushed from exertion. You're beautiful. While undoubtedly true, Jess figured it was best to keep that observation to herself.

  Pulling on her own damp T-shirt, Jess made a show of checking herself out. "I look pretty much the same. I can't keep up with him either. I kept him by my side today. Normally he runs in front of me and zigzags back and forth to get some extra mileage. I think he runs twice as far as I do, and he's still not tired." She reached over Thor's back and patted Kim's shoulder. "Don't feel bad. He's a lot younger than we are."

  Kim snorted. "Great. Thanks. I feel much better now." She looked down at Thor. "You just wait. Once I get back in shape then we'll see who gives out first."

  Thor let out a deep-throated woof as if accepting the challenge.

  Kim jumped and then laughed. She gently bumped Thor with her leg. "No comments from the peanut gallery."

  Kim is so good with him. No wonder he likes her. She talks to him like Sam and I do. Watching the two interact, Jess had a feeling her quiet, solitary life was about to change. Her heart felt light at the prospect.

  Thor's pace quickened, and he began to tug on the leash at the sight of Jess's vehicle.

  Kim leaned against the side of Jess's Durango and sipped her water. Not only did Jess have a large container of water for Thor but also a cooler with small bottles of water. Thor was standing next to Jess, drinking his fill from a bowl she had placed in the open hatchback of her truck. Kim was still amazed by the big dog's size. He had no trouble whatsoever reaching the bowl to get his drink.

  The day had turned out better than she had ever expected. Jess's standing invitation to join her and Thor whenever they went jogging had been a particularly amazing and welcome surprise.

  Having enjoyed herself, Kim didn't want her time with Jess to end so soon. While not completely sure she wasn't pushing too fast, too soon, Kim decided to take a chance. What's the worst thing that can happen? If she says no, so be it. At least I tried.

  "Hey, Jess."

  Jess looked up and smiled.

  "Could I interest you and Thor in a trip to the local Del Java for a cup of coffee?"

  The smile on Jess's face faltered for a moment and then quickly reappeared. "Sure. That sounds good."

  Kim didn't miss the slight hesitancy on Jess's part. But she agreed. That's what counts. She was looking forward to the opportunity to sit and just talk with Jess. It was something they had never really gotten to do at work.

  "Okay. Let me go get my Jeep and I'll follow you."


  "YOU GOT A SADDLE for that thing?"

  Jess barely resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Like I haven't heard that one a million times. Since their arrival at the outdoor patio of the coffee shop, a steady stream of people had come by and ask about Thor. Shouldn't have picked a table so close to the door. Up until now, everyone had made friendly inquiries about the big dog. This was the first downright stupid comment. She quirked an eyebrow and flashed a half smirk at Kim before turning her attention to the middle-aged man standing next to a nearby table.

  With her best deadpan delivery Jess said, "No. I'm waiting until he's full grown to get one."

  It was hard to keep a straight face when she heard Kim smother her laughter with her hand.

  At a quiet "hup" command from Jess, Thor leaped to his feet.

  The man took a step back and seemed to be rethinking his decision to approach the big dog. "Well, you ladies have a nice day." The man gave Thor one last long look before turning to walk away.

  As soon as the man was out of earshot, Kim started to laugh. "Did you see the look on his face?"

  Jess grinned. "I don't mind answering questions about Thor. I know people don't often see a dog his size. People like that though..." Jess shook her head. "They think they're being so clever. If I had a quarter for every time I heard that saddle comment, I'd have enough money to buy Thor food for the rest of his life."

  Kim reached over and stroked Thor's back. "I understand people's fascination with him."

  "It's been a while since I was out like this." Jess grimaced internally. That sounded pathetic. She's probably out with friends all the time. "With Thor I mean. I'd forgotten what a circus it can be. Sorry about that."

  Jess swallowed heavily when Kim's vivid blue eyes turned in her direction and held her captive for a moment.

  "Don't worry about it," Kim said. "This is actually the first time I've been out with someone from the hospital since I got here."

  Anxiety twisted in Jess's stomach. Shit. Did I make her think this was a date? No matter how much Jess might want it to be a date, she knew she wasn't ready for that. She briefly wondered if she ever would be.

  "It's nice to have a friend to go out with, to go jogging, out for coffee or whatever," Kim said with a warm smile.

  Even as relief flowed through Jess, there was a tiny part of her that was disappointed. You know it's for the best. Enjoy her friendship. Jess offered her own smile in return. "Yeah, it is nice to have a friend to do things with."

  The moment was broken by the excited squeal of a child. A little girl rushed toward Thor with a woman, most likely her mother, in hot pursuit.

  "Carly Marie Ellis, you stop right this minute!"

  Jess stood and stepped in front of Thor before the child could plow headlong into him.

  The little girl managed to skid to a halt before running into Jess. She looked up at Jess with a big gap-toothed smile. Jess figured she must be all of six years old.

  The woman arrived hot on her heels. "I'm so sorry." She took hold of the little girl's hand. "Carly, you know better than that. We've talked about this before. You can't rush up to strange dogs."

  "Sorry, Mommy." Carly said, sparing her mother barely a glance before turning her attention back to Jess. "Hi. Can I pet your doggie? Please."

  Jess couldn't help smiling. The little girl was adorable. Her blond hair fell to her shoulders in a riot of curls. Bright b
lue eyes shone with a child's innocent exuberance. Jess glanced over at Kim.

  Turning her attention to the mother, Jess said, "He is friendly. She's more than welcome to pet him if it's okay with you."

  The woman eyed Thor sitting quietly behind Jess. "All right. You can pet him."

  Carly let out an excited squeal.

  "But only if you stay calm and be gentle with him," her mother said.

  Jess shot Kim a quick apologetic glance as she stepped out of the way. This was not how I planned on spending our time together. Her concern eased when Kim smiled. She kept a close watch on both Thor and the little girl as they interacted.

  When the little girl and her mother finally departed, Jess decided to see if she could find a more secluded table. While she didn't mind people petting Thor, they had not even purchased their coffee yet. And it was beginning to look as if they were not going to get their coffee anytime soon unless they got out of the main traffic area of the patio.

  She spotted a secluded table in the back corner of the patio near the retaining wall. "What do you say we change tables?" Jess asked. "Thor could use a break from the crowds."

  "Would you rather just leave?" Kim asked.

  "No!" Jess's face flushed at her abrupt denial. "I mean not unless you do?"

  Kim smiled and shook her head. "That looks like a good table back there," she said, pointing to the same table Jess had seen.

  "Come on, Thor." Jess snagged the blanket off the chair. She had brought it for Thor and never gotten to lay it down. Taking his leash firmly in hand, she headed for the table before anyone else could claim it.

  "Hang on to him for a minute, please," Jess said.

  "Sure." It wasn't until the leash was in Kim's hand and Jess had turned away that realization stuck. God, what do I do if he decides to take off or something? Her hands clutched tightly around the leash. You're being ridiculous. He's been nothing but well behaved all morning. She looked down at Thor, and he calmly returned her gaze. Kim relaxed and turned her attention to what Jess was doing.

  Jess moved the small cabaret-style table and chairs away from the retaining wall to make room for Thor's blanket. Once they were positioned, she bent over to spread out the blanket.

  Kim's gaze was drawn like a magnet to Jess's backside. She bit her lip to stifle a groan as she watched the flex of Jess's superbly muscled gluts beneath her skin-tight shorts.

  Pulling her gaze away with difficulty, Kim focused her attention on Thor until Jess stood up. Friends don't ogle friends, Kim berated herself.

  The last thing she wanted was for Jess to realize just how attracted she was to her. Kim was sure it would end any chance of a friendship between them. She had not missed the brief look of panic on Jess's face when she had inadvertently given her the impression she thought this was a date. Kim was determined not to let her attraction get the best of her. I could use a friend. I can enjoy her company and not expect anything else to come of it.

  "All set," Jess said as she reached for Thor's leash. She guided Thor around the barrier provided by the table and chairs. "Down. Stay," she said in a firm tone. She tied his leash around the arm of one of the chairs.

  Thor obediently lay down.

  Jess turned back toward Kim with a smile. "What kind of coffee would you like?"

  "I'm a plain coffee with cream kind of girl. Never really got into drinking some of the more complicated concoctions. I know that's almost sacrilege considering where we are," Kim added with a laugh. "I planned on having the house blend."

  "Plain coffee... at Del Java? Oh, the horror!" Jess tried to hold an outraged expression but couldn't manage it. She grinned. "I prefer a strong cup of fresh brewed coffee without all that extra stuff added too."

  "I won't tell if you don't," Kim said. She thoroughly enjoyed seeing this more lighthearted side of Jess's personality.

  "What size do you want?"

  That's when Kim realized Jess was offering to go get their coffee. "I can get it."

  Jess shook her head. "Have a seat and get comfortable. I'll get the coffee."

  "Okay. I'll have a grande. House blend with cream. Please." Kim unzipped the small pouch around her waist that held her money and pulled out a ten. "Here you go," she said, offering the money to Jess.

  Waving off the money with a smile, Jess asked, "Would you like anything else?"

  Kim hesitated. She was hungry but didn't want Jess to feel obliged to pay for anything else. "No. That's okay. Just the coffee is fine. Thanks." Kim flushed when her stomach chose that moment to growl, loudly.

  Jess's eyebrow arched, but she didn't comment. She moved over next to Thor. "Thor. Stay. Watch!"

  Kim's gaze darted nervously over to the big dog. Please be a good boy.

  "He'll be fine. No one will bother you." Without a backward glance, Jess headed for the coffee shop's entrance.

  Trying not to tense as she knew Thor would pick up on it, Kim kept a close eye on him waiting for his reaction to Jess walking away. Kim couldn't help being a little worried about being left in charge of the big dog. She was both honored and scared by the responsibility Jess was entrusting her with.

  Thor peered past the table legs and watched his master enter the coffee shop. As soon as Jess was out of sight he laid his big head down on the blanket. He made no attempt to get up or move from the spot Jess had left him.

  Kim quickly realized how well trained he was and relaxed. Now she understood why Jess had positioned the table and chairs in front of Thor's blanket. He was laying down with the retaining wall at his back, and the table and chairs in front of him. Despite the myriad of people coming and going in and around the busy coffee shop, Thor was not visible to the causal passerby.

  The door to the coffee shop opened and Jess stepped out carrying a tray.

  "Were you a good boy?" Jess asked Thor as she set the tray down on the table.

  Thor's tail thumped a muffled beat against the blanket-covered concrete.

  "He was the perfect gentleman," Kim said with a smile.

  "Here you go," Jess said as she set a steaming cup of coffee and a small bag in front of Kim.

  Kim took a moment to take an appreciative sip of the fragrant coffee. Mm... Turning her attention to the bag, she peeked inside. "Oh, a chocolate croissant. One of my favorites. You didn't have to do that. Thanks."

  Jess smiled, looking a little bashful. "Well, when you brought me a muffin, you mentioned you liked anything chocolate so…"

  A delighted smile spread across Kim's face. A treat and she remembered what I like.

  "You can never go wrong with me and chocolate," Kim said. She took the warm croissant from the bag and took a big bite. Her eyes fluttered shut and a moan slipped out as the flaky pastry and rich chocolate melted on her tongue.

  Feeling eyes on her, Kim glanced over to find Jess staring at her with an intensity that immediately brought a flush to her body.

  Jess quickly looked away but not before Kim saw a vivid blush suffuse her face.

  What was that all about? Is she attracted to me after all? There had been a few instances at work that had made Kim wonder. She sighed. Na. It's just wishful thinking on your part.

  For the first time since meeting earlier that morning, an uncomfortable silence settled between them.

  Keeping her eyes on her breakfast, Kim searched for a topic of conversation to break the awkward moment. She didn't want to bring up work. While it was what they had in common, she wanted to move beyond that to other interests they might share.

  Kim peeked at Jess through half-lidded eyes. Jess's gaze was firmly locked on her own pastry. Come on, think! Say something before she starts to regret agreeing to have coffee with you. As she picked up the last bit of her croissant, Kim was abruptly drawn out of her thoughts by a high-pitched chirping.

  What the...? Kim quickly looked around. When the sound repeated, her eyes were drawn to the source of the noise. No way. Kim's gaze jerked up at the sound of Jess's laughter.

  "Hard to believe a
dog that big could make that high-pitched sound, isn't it?" Jess asked.

  Relief washed over Kim at the once again relaxed look on Jess's face. Thank you, Thor. Kim laughed. Even though she knew it was Thor, it was still hard to believe he had made the sound. "That was pathetic. He sounded like... like..." Kim couldn't think of an adequate description.

  Jess laughed. "That's his tweety bird imitation."

  "That's appropriate," Kim said with laugh. "I was actually looking for a bird when I first heard it." She picked up her forgotten bite of pastry, intent on popping it in her mouth.

  Thor once again sounded off, this time louder and longer.

  Pastry in hand, Kim looked down at the dog. "What?"

  The strength of his "chirping" reached a fevered pitch. His tail beat a rapid tattoo against the blanket, but he never budged from his spot.

  "That's enough, Thor," Jess said.

  Sparing Kim one last pleading look, Thor immediately fell silent.

  "Is he okay?" Kim asked. Although she didn't know Thor well, she was a little worried about him. Up until now he had been a very quiet dog. These were the first sounds she had heard from him all morning.

  "He's fine." Jess picked up her scone and took a bite, leaving just the end of the pastry remaining.

  Thor's head came up, and drool began to drip out of his mouth.

  "Last bite," Jess said as she handed him the small bit of pastry.

  As soon as Thor swallowed the bite, he turned to look beseechingly at Kim.

  Kim shot Jess a questioning look.

  "He thinks he is supposed to get the last bite. When he was younger, my sister and I used to take him out to Del Java all the time. It's a great place to socialize a puppy. Anyway, she taught him if he lay quietly while we ate, he would get the last bite of whatever we had. Now he expects it. But don't feel you have to give it to him. He's just being pushy."

  "I don't mind," Kim said. She checked to make sure it was just a bite of pastry and no chocolate before she offered Thor her last bite. She smiled when he took it from her fingers with amazing gentleness. "He's a really good boy."


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