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Revved to the Maxx

Page 22

by Melanie Moreland

  Her cheeks flushed, and she licked her lips.

  Licked her plump, full lips because I told her I wanted her mouth on me. I glanced at the clock. “We have fifteen minutes, Red. You up for the challenge?”

  She tilted her head, her gaze sweeping down my torso, landing on my groin. My erection was obvious, straining at the zipper.

  “Lose the shirt,” she rumbled. “I want to see your muscles as I suck you.” Then she grabbed the cushion off her chair and dropped it onto the floor in front of me. “And Maxx,” she purred. “I only need seven.”

  I lasted six.

  She had my jeans around my knees before I could ask. She took my cock in her hand, stroking it as she ran her other hand over my abdomen.

  “You are so sexy,” she murmured, then licked along my shaft and cupped my balls. She teased the crown, lapping and swirling her tongue along the head as she twisted her hand, pumping me. I dropped my head back with a long hiss of enjoyment as she sucked me deep in her mouth, doing things with her tongue that should be illegal. She lifted my hand to her head, staring up at me, her eyes bright and mischievous under the lights. She wanted this as much as I did. I had never been this free with a woman, asking, demanding my desires. Never had a woman be on the same wavelength or be as giving as Red. She was amazing.

  I gripped her head, guiding her gently. She growled low in her throat, the sensation running down my cock right to the base. I tightened my grip, stroking harder. She hummed, sliding her hands up my thighs, gliding over my pelvis and abdomen. I groaned as she took me deeper, swallowing around my length. The feel of her mouth, of her tongue, was intense, and I grunted.

  “You look so good with my cock in your mouth, Red. So fucking sexy,” I praised her, touching her cheek. She cupped my balls, then gripped my ass, beginning to move faster. Stroke harder. Take me deeper. All the while looking up at me, her eyes wide and filled with lust. I leaned back, my legs beginning to shake. I grabbed the counter and held her head, muttering and cursing, our eyes locked on each other.

  “Yes, Red. Just like that. So good. So fucking good. I’m going… Fuck…baby, I’m going to come. You need to—”

  My orgasm hit me, and I dropped my head back in a long, low roar of pleasure. Red never let up, licking and sucking until I was spent, swallowing around me and taking all I had.

  I collapsed against the counter, my hand still resting on her head as she pulled back, glanced at the clock, and smirked. “Told you.”

  I sniggered weakly, looking at the time. “Bragger.”

  She stood, pulling up my jeans, smiling. “Whatever.”

  I caught her face in my hands and kissed her. She tasted of me, of her, of us. Moments passed of our mouths moving together, unspoken words passing between us as my body settled, my mind cleared, and all I could feel, all I could think of was her.

  Red. Charly.

  Another word exploded in my head.


  For the first time ever, the last one didn’t upset me.

  I wiped my hands as Charly came out of the office. Since our little interaction, she had been funny. Sweet. Almost shy. It was rather endearing and very different from her usual in-my-face actions.

  She looked excited, and I lifted my eyebrows. “What’s up, Red?”

  She waved a flyer. “Look. There’s a motorcycle event about two hours away on the weekend.”

  I took the flyer and looked it over. “Yeah, I’ve been to this one before. It was a good one. Do you want to go?”

  Her eyes widened. “Really? Could we?”

  “Sure, we’ll close at noon and drive up. There’s usually a concert at night. Old rock bands.”

  “I’d like that.”

  “Good. Me too. Pencil it in, Red.”

  She bent and kissed my cheek then hurried away. I watched her go, her little ass looking fine in that skort. Maybe I would tell her to get a few of those. If she was going to drive me crazy, I might as well enjoy it.

  She disappeared around five, and once I finished up, I closed the shop and headed toward the house. The skies overhead had turned darker, the sudden heat of the day bringing a storm. From the look of the heavy clouds, it was going to be a bad one.

  As I opened the door, I heard voices. Brett’s car was parked by the garage as well as an unfamiliar vehicle, which I assumed belonged to Stefano. I was still unsure about hiring another mechanic, although I had to admit it would have some advantages. Charly had shown me the ads she wanted to run, the posters she planned on putting up, the Facebook page and redesigned website she had ready to go. She was correct when she stated there was no point in doing any of it if the garage couldn’t keep up with the demand for work. She was working on a complete file of all the restoration work I was getting requests for, doing it, as usual, in her meticulous method. If I was busy with restorations, and garage business increased, a third body would be needed.

  Inside, the air was cooler and felt good on my skin. Brett was sitting at the table, his friend beside him. They were a study in contrasts. Both tall, well-built guys in their early thirties, but Stefano was the dark to Brett’s light. Deep brown hair and olive skin set off his wide smile and white teeth. A smile he was currently directing at Charly, who was sitting at my table, grinning back.

  A roar of unusual jealousy tore through me. I tamped down the anger and the urge to tell him to keep his smiles to himself, instead walking over to the table and forcing a neutral expression to my face. I stood behind Red and casually laid my hand on her shoulder, then extended my other hand toward him.

  “Stefano, I presume.”

  He stood and shook my hand. “Maxx. Good to meet you. Brett and Charly have been singing your praises.”

  Charly peeked up at me, her glance quickly straying to my hand still on her shoulder. “Everything okay in the shop?”

  “Yep.” I squeezed her shoulder a little, enough so Stefano saw the movement of my hand. Our eyes met, and a look of understanding passed between us.

  Hands off. She’s taken.

  He chuckled low in his throat and brushed a hand over his scruff, meeting Brett’s eyes quickly. “I look forward to the chance of working with you. Brett tells me you’re a master at restorations.”

  I relaxed and sat down. Charly stood and headed to the kitchen, bustling around. It felt right listening to her as she moved around, asking Brett to light the barbecue, telling me the burgers were ready to grill. She seemed a little tense, and I wondered if she was worried about my decision in regard to Stefano.

  We kept conversation light during dinner, enjoying the food and getting to know one another a little. I did ask Stefano where he planned on staying if he worked here.

  “I’ll find a small place. Brett and I were discussing getting a place together if things worked out.”

  “It’s pretty quiet around here. You won’t miss the big city?”

  He laughed. “I’d like a little peace and quiet. I lived over the garage until the fire, and I’ve been bunking in my parents’ basement while I looked around.” He ran a hand through his hair. “I’ve had quite enough of family togetherness for a while.”

  “You don’t get along with your family?”

  His grin was wide and white in his face. “I love them all, but they are far too close. Mama loves to cook for everyone, so one of my sisters or brothers is always around. Often many of them, plus their spouses and kids. The house is busy all the time, and there is zero privacy.”

  “How many siblings?” I asked, curious.

  “Six of us.” He paused. “I’m the only single one. Eight nieces and nephews.” He rolled his eyes. “And Nonna’s house is where they all like to hang out, it seems. And Zio Stefano is their favorite jungle gym.”

  I chuckled at his description.

  Charly had been unusually quiet until now, but she spoke up. “Mary is thinking of renting a room out for the summer since she isn’t hiring anyone this year. You could go talk to her. It’s close, and that way, you can see if you li
ke it here.”

  Stefano chewed and swallowed a large bite of burger. “That is a good idea. Then we can take our time looking for a place.” He met my gaze. “If things work out, I mean.”

  I had to admit, I liked him. He seemed straightforward and honest. He and Brett got along well, which would make working in the garage easier. I could recall the bustling atmosphere in the past when my dad and his crew worked together. I had been on my own so long, it would take some getting used to, but it might be a good change.

  Charly stood, taking her plate to the kitchen. She hadn’t eaten much, which was odd. She had a healthy appetite, which I liked. There was no pretense with her.

  But something was off tonight.

  A small niggle of doubt began in my head.

  Had I been too rough with her today? Stepped over the line? Was she regretting what had happened between us?

  She appeared to grow more ill at ease as dinner progressed. Almost folding in on herself. I tried to pinpoint when it happened but couldn’t. I had noticed her tension earlier, but it had grown beyond that.

  A plate of cookies appeared on the table, and Charly put a pot of coffee beside them.

  “I’ll leave you guys to your talk.”

  Now I knew something was really wrong. Charly always wanted in on the discussions about the garage—especially when it was her idea.

  “Feel free to join us,” I said, trying to catch her eye.

  “No, I’m tired.” She pushed a file my way. “Here’s all the numbers you need.” Her gaze flitted around the table, not really looking at anyone. “Goodnight.”

  She climbed the steps, not looking back. I watched her leave, Rufus following her. She looked fine, except I knew her. Her face was pale, the dots of cinnamon vivid on her skin, which meant she was upset.

  Something was up. I eyed Brett and Stefano, but they didn’t seem to notice anything. She had been fine earlier—hadn’t she? I couldn’t think of anything either of them had said or done to upset her. Stefano had been polite and respectful toward both of us. Brett knew there was something between us, and he was fine and acted no different.

  So, what was I missing?

  Brett cleared his throat, and I turned my attention to what we were together to discuss. I asked Stefano some questions, and he was open and honest with me. He showed me some of his work, and I was amazed. I was good at airbrushing and detail work, but my designs were simple, and I stuck to clean lines and patterns.

  Stefano was an artist. His work was impeccable and eye-catching.

  “Why are you not with one of the big shops in Toronto?” I asked.

  He shrugged. “I was for a while. But I hate being told what to do. Having my work pigeonholed. So many of these places have set designs or insist on it being done their way. I like working with customers and finding out what they like and creating something special for them. Most of my work, I do on the side, but then I have to rent out space. I have my own machine, which I’d like to bring with me, if that’s okay.”

  I nodded in understanding. We all had preferences for the types of equipment we liked to use. It was personal and what you became used to using. Like tools. I had certain manufacturers I trusted and some I disliked.

  We began a discussion in earnest between the three of us. Where I saw the garage going. What I wanted to see happen. The business end compared to the love of the art of restorations. What they were looking for—now and long-term. I was honest about my worries of taking them on, only to have them leave to open their own shop, or worse, work for a competitor. They, in turn, were frank with their goals.

  Brett rested his elbows on the table. “In the short time I’ve been working here, Maxx, I can tell you this place is going to explode. With your little firecracker on the team, she is going to launch you into the next century. I want to be part of that. Part of being a team and working toward a goal.” He waved his hand toward the garage. “You have a great spot, with room to expand if you wanted. Another whole building to do nothing but restorations if that was what you decided to do. I want to know I have a place, a future.”

  I eyed him. “Partner type future?”

  “We can discuss that at another time. Take me on, let me be part of it, and reward me. You’ll get my loyalty. I’ll sign an employment contract that will make you more comfortable if you want.”

  I glanced at Stefano, who was nodding in agreement. “Brett showed me the garage. I saw your work. I’m tired of Toronto and the rat race. Of being a hired nobody with no say in the jobs I do or don’t do. I want to be part of something.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “As weird as it sounds, I want to be part of this something. There’s a feeling I can’t explain. Talking to Charly earlier, I caught her excitement.”

  A sudden gust of wind hit the windows, rattling the glass. We all glanced toward the noise.

  “I think that storm they’re calling for is about to hit,” Brett mused. “You need to head to the hotel, Stef.”

  Storm. Wind.

  It hit me why Charly was acting so strangely. The first secret she shared with me.

  “I hate the wind,” she’d whispered in the dark.

  She wasn’t upset. She was anxious.

  I stood. “Come back in the morning, Stefano. Look around, see how we work. Ask some questions. I’m sure I’ll have some for you. We can talk again over lunch.”

  He stood and shook my hand, not questioning my sudden ending to the meeting. I assumed he thought I agreed he should head to the hotel before the storm broke, but the truth was, I wanted to get upstairs. I had a feeling my presence up there was desperately required.

  They left, and I eyed the sky overhead. Heavy, dark, and threatening, I knew the storm wouldn’t bother Red as much as the wind that was bearing down on us. The branches of the trees were bent low with the force, and I feared it was only going to get worse. I made sure the barbecue was in the barn and the doors locked firmly, then headed for the house. I locked up, then took the stairs, my shitkickers making a heavy thump on the treads as I went up.

  My bedroom was empty, and I headed down the hall, not knocking as I pushed open the door to the room I had given Charly. I was surprised to see her bed unoccupied until I saw why. She was curled up in the chair that she’d pushed into the farthest corner, her legs drawn up to her chest, with her hands wrapped around her knees. Her eyes, those soft green orbs, were round with anxiety, and I didn’t think it was possible for her to make herself smaller. Up here, the wind was even louder, the glass rattling in its frame, old and needing to be fixed. I knew she was terrified sitting here alone, unable or unwilling to ask for help.

  Rufus sat beside her, his great head resting against the chair, a silent but unhelpful guard.

  I knew what she needed.


  Without a word, I went to her, scooping her into my arms and carrying her to my room. Rufus followed and curled into his bed in the corner as I placed her on the mattress. The wind was more muted in here, not hitting this side of the house directly, but it was still violent. A long shudder ran down her body, her arms gripping me tighter as I tried to move back.

  A wave of unusual tenderness hit me, and I held her close for a moment. “I just need to get undressed, Red. I’m not leaving.”

  She dropped her arms, and I held eye contact with her as I yanked my shirt over my head and toed off my boots, then slid my jeans off, leaving only my boxers on. I gathered her back up and sat down, resting my back against the headboard, the pillows providing a nice softness to lean against. I held her close, a small ball of terror, stiff and scared, not talking or moving. I ran my hand over her head, stroking her hair and talking in a quiet voice. I told her what happened downstairs, and that Stefano would be back tomorrow.

  “You wound your magic around him, too, Red. He thinks you’re awesome and wants to work here.” I huffed out a chuckle. “All I wanted was some order to my life. I had no idea what was going to happen when I let you get in the truck.”

y, she spoke, her voice quieter than I had ever known it to be. “What happened?”

  I pressed a kiss to her head. “You brought the sun back into my life, Red.”

  She let out a long, shuddering breath. “Oh.”

  I tilted up her chin and kissed her. It was a different kiss than any other we’d shared. One of comfort and caring. Appreciation and honesty. I was tired of fighting her. Fighting her draw. I hated that she was scared. I loved that maybe I could help her not be.

  I kissed her, knowing somehow tonight, things would change between us.

  Our kiss deepened as I slanted my mouth over hers, holding her closer. Burrowing my hands under the blanket that protected her and surrounding her with my touch. Slowly she relaxed, forgetting the noise and the storm, losing herself in us. We touched and kissed, discarding the barriers between us and feeling only our bodies sliding together. The silk of her hair on my hands. The satin of her skin against mine. I rolled her under me, using my body as a shield from what frightened her. I pressed her deep into the mattress, murmuring nonsensical words, kissing and tasting her. Allowing, for the first time, the adoration I felt for her to soak into my words, drift through her mind, and sink into her skin. Everything I found appealing, I whispered to her. Praised her.

  I lifted on my elbows as I settled between the cradle of her open legs. Our eyes held in the dim light as I slid into her body, groaning at the sensation of coming home. I moved in long, unhurried glides, our fingers intertwined in the pillow over her head as I loved her. Kissed her mouth, her neck, and nuzzled her breasts. She whimpered and moaned, no longer fearful, but passionate and lost with my touch. I covered her mouth, sharing her breath as she peaked, shuddering and clutching me tightly within her, until I followed, spent and complete.

  With her.

  I gathered her into my arms and held her, keeping her close, needing to feel her as much as she needed to feel me. She drifted her fingertips, light and gentle, along my forearms and hands.

  Moments passed of silence, then I spoke. “Tell me a secret, Red.”


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