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Her Sinful Marine

Page 12

by Makenna Jameison

  Chapter 18

  “They found her!” Jason shouted, holding the phone away from his mouth as he yelled out to the group in his living room. “It’s someone from down at the precinct. They found her, and she’s on her way to the hospital now.”

  Tyler was on his feet in an instant, sliding his cell phone into his back pocket. Pulling out his keys.

  “What hospital?” he demanded. “Where is she?”

  Jason spoke into the phone in a low voice, Tyler’s heart racing. Wherever she was, whatever had happened, she was okay. They’d deal with it together. As long as he got to see her again and hold her safe in his arms, right where she belonged, they’d both be okay.

  Jason put down his phone and looked around the room. “They’re up near Arlington. She was kidnaped and put in the trunk of a vehicle. They drove her up there and around for a couple of hours.”

  “Fucking hell,” Tyler spat out.

  “She kicked out the brake lights, apparently. The police here were already searching the suspect’s home after surveillance footage showed his vehicle. They traced the plates and got his address. A local police officer saw the car driving erratically and the brake light gone. He pulled them over and found her in the trunk.”

  Amy began sobbing on the sofa, and Jason sank back down beside her, wrapping her in his arms.

  Tyler’s stomach churned as he thought about how frightened she must have been. She was so damn smart to kick out the brake lights. Melissa was a fighter and wouldn’t let anyone or anything get her down. “She’s at Arlington hospital?” he asked.

  “Affirmative. They said only family can see her but—”

  “Like fucking hell I won’t see her.”

  Tyler was out the door and running to his SUV a moment later. Revving the engine and peeling out of the quiet little neighborhood that Jason and Amy lived in. At this time of night, he could be on 95 and up in Arlington in less than an hour.

  Every minute away from Melissa had felt like an eternity, but she was safe. His.

  He’d known something was wrong earlier instinctively.

  As crazy and fast as things had happened, he knew her. He was already falling in love with her.

  He wasn’t going to let her run from him.

  To let her fear of being in a relationship prevent them from being together.

  Nearly losing her had shown him just how much she meant to him. Just how much they were meant to be together. They’d take their time getting to know each other more, sure. To build on what they’d started.

  But he already knew that he couldn’t live without her.


  Tyler hurried down the stark white hallway of the hospital, adrenaline pumping through him. He’d had to sweet talk the nurses to let him see Melissa tonight, but flashing his military ID had helped smooth the way somewhat.

  He eased open the door to her room in case she was sleeping, and his chest clenched as he saw her lying there in a hospital gown. Her red hair lay flowing around her, and with her pale skin, she looked so fragile.


  The thin blanket that covered her looked like it wouldn’t offer her any warmth at all, and he was already shrugging out of his jacket, ready to lay it across her as she slept.

  Melissa turned her head as he quietly slid into the room, and then she was crying. Calling for him.

  Tyler rushed to her side, anger coursing through him as he saw the dark circles under her eyes. The red marks around her wrists as she reached for him.

  “Beautiful,” he said, his voice cracking as he draped his jacket over her.

  “Tyler, oh God. I didn’t think I’d see you again,” she said as he held her cold hands and then ran one of his own gently over her bare arm. “I was so scared.”

  “Of course you’d see me again,” he soothed, gently brushing his fingers over her temple. “You’re a fighter. You fought and you escaped.”

  “I just—I was so stupid. That guy said he was meeting another realtor—I don’t even know if he knew her! He could’ve just looked up our names on the website. And when he parked around the corner, I decided to drive separately and was getting my keys, and then he grabbed me!”

  She choked out a sob as tears ran down her face, and Tyler’s chest clenched.

  He hated seeing her crying. Hated seeing her helpless and scared.

  “But you fought, beautiful. You were smart and strong and escaped. You found yourself in a bad situation, and you didn’t give up. You fought and helped the police find you.” He wiped her tears away, his eyes running over her body to check for any other injuries.

  “Did he—were you—?” He cut himself off, not even able to say the words.

  She gasped, pulling her hands free from his grip to wipe away her tears. “He didn’t hurt me. He knocked me out and put me in the trunk—tied me up. God knows what would’ve happened if the police didn’t stop him.”

  Tyler cleared his throat. “Apparently they were already searching his house. Surveillance footage showed you talking with him in front of your office. The police were able to get a license plate from the car he was driving. I guess there was other footage of him driving around the parking lot.”

  “What time is it anyway? It feels like days have passed. I’m so exhausted.”

  “Eleven p.m.,” Tyler said. “He grabbed you earlier and apparently drove around for a damn long time. We’re not sure why. What do you remember about what happened?”

  “Not much,” she said. “He grabbed me out front, and the next thing I remember is waking up bound in a trunk. I didn’t know what has happening, and when I realized?” Her voice cut off again as she choked back a sob.

  “I’m so sorry, beautiful,” Tyler said. “That never should’ve happened to you. Never. Thank God that bastard is behind bars, because I would fucking end him.”

  “And you came to me,” she whispered, tears smarting her eyes again. “I was scared and alone, and you came.”

  “Of course I came. Where else would I be?” he asked in a low voice. “I was worried out of my mind about you.”

  “I was so scared I’d never see you again. And I never texted you back yesterday—I was just overwhelmed by everything. By us. I didn’t expect to feel anything for you, and then in your SUV—”

  He took her hand, hating the scared look on her face. “I’m not going anywhere, gorgeous. However long you need is fine with me. I’m in no hurry. I already told you that you’re safe with me, and I meant it. It’s crazy that it’s so fast, but I’m falling in love with you, Melissa.”

  Tears streamed down her cheeks. “I’m falling in love with you, too.”


  Three weeks later

  “Why’d you want to come here?” Tyler asked as they drove in his SUV down toward the same lake he’d taken her to a few weeks earlier. “Not that I mind, I’m just curious.”

  Melissa glanced over at him, smiling. “It just felt like this was where everything started with us.”

  He smirked, his green eyes flashing with amusement. “That it did, beautiful.” His gaze raked over her before he turned back to the road. “And I’m glad you still have another week off work. I kind of like having you all to myself.”

  She flushed, thinking of Tyler’s arms wrapped around her every night. Of waking up next to him every morning. Although he’d held her and they’d kissed for hours, they’d otherwise been taking things slowly. Her physical injuries had been minor, fortunately, but it had taken a little time for her to feel comfortable in her own skin again.

  And Tyler had been perfectly happy with holding her close.

  “And what are you going to do when you settle on your house?” she teased. “Leave me alone in my bed every night?”

  “I’ll sweet talk you into spending the night at my place some of the time,” he said with a chuckle. “And if I need to move? Luckily I know a good realtor.”

  “It’ll be good to get back to work,” she said with a contented sigh. “I mean, I ca
n’t let you close on your house without me there.”

  He reached over and grabbed her hand, his thick fingers interlocking with hers. “I’m just glad you’re all right,” he said in a low voice. “The house doesn’t matter. Just us.”

  “Just us,” she agreed.

  They pulled into the clearing, coming to a stop right by the lake where they’d been before. The sun glistened off the water, and a few birds flew through the air. “We should come here when the weather’s warmer,” she said. “It must be gorgeous in the spring.”

  “Yep,” he agreed. “But I’m happy coming here anytime as long as you’re with me.”

  She looked over at him and smiled, her gaze roaming over his chiseled features.

  “Come here,” he said, pushing his seat back and hauling her into his arms. “I want you close.”

  She tugged the sweater dress she had on up slightly higher on her thighs and eagerly settled on his lap, smiling. His broad hands landed on her hips, and his lips quirked. “I like this better than the jeans you had on last time.”

  “I thought you might say that,” she said.

  He ducked down and kissed her, his lips hot and hungry against her own. “I’m in no hurry, beautiful. We can wait as long as you need.”

  “I’m not wearing any panties,” she teased, loving the quick intake of his breath.

  “Don’t tease a guy like that, beautiful,” he said, raising a hand to lightly caress one breast through her sweater dress.

  “Who said I’m teasing?”

  He claimed her mouth once more, and then she was softly moaning as he lightly bucked against her. “I’m not making love to you for the first time in my car,” he muttered.

  “Why not?” she asked lightly. “We’re starting over. Right now.” She reached down between them, unbuckling his belt, and then Tyler was suddenly taking over. Pushing her dress up to her waist. Baring her to him. Running his fingers through her silken folds, groaning in approval.

  She gasped as his thick fingers dragged through her arousal-dampened folds, lightly circling her clit.

  “God, you’re so wet for me, beautiful. So ready.”

  She gasped as he circled her clit again, swearing she began to see stars. She clutched onto his shoulders, crying out as he growled in approval.

  Tyler pulled his erection free, and then he quickly sheathed himself and was lowering her atop him. Claiming her once and for all as his.

  She gasped as his hot, hard length filled her. As he bottomed out deep inside, the exquisite pressure nearly too much to bear.

  “You okay, beautiful?” he asked, pausing a moment.

  “God yes, don’t stop.”

  His mouth was on hers again, and she moved atop him, riding him. Surrendering as he again took control. The base of his erection rubbed up against her clit with every thrust, and she moaned, unable to stop the waves of pleasure taking over.

  He easily lifted her up and down even as he bucked into her, and then she closed her eyes, crying out as she reached the precipice.

  With one more powerful thrust, she was coming. Screaming his name.

  Claimed utterly and completely by him.

  Tyler hardened and then found his release as well, groaning in pleasure.

  She gazed up into his green eyes, breathless and spent, as his arms tightened around her. He kissed her once, twice, holding her close. “I love you, gorgeous.”

  “I love you, too.”

  ♦ ♦ ♦

  Thank you so much for reading Melissa and Tyler’s story! If you enjoyed this book, you’ll love Her Forbidden Marine. Find out what happens with Becky.

  The wrong man never felt so right...

  Marine Corps Captain Matt Beckett is in hell. Trying to move on with his life after his convoy was ambushed a year ago in Afghanistan, resulting in the death of his best friend, there’s nothing more he’d love to do than lose himself in the arms of the woman he’s loved from afar for years.

  Too bad she’s the one woman he can never have.

  Becky Ford has finally moved on after her fiancé was killed in a roadside ambush last year. She’s finishing up her Ph.D. in Biology and wants to graduate, land a job, and eventually fall in love again.

  Unfortunately, none of the guys she’s dated hold a candle to her former love’s best friend—but he can’t stand to even be in the same room as her.

  Becky never felt so protected and safe as when Matt pulled her into his muscular arms one night. But he made it perfectly clear in the past that they’re not even friends. Can they overcome their shared past to find a future together?

  One-Click Her Forbidden Marine Now!

  And book one in the addictive Alpha SEALs series SEAL THE DEAL is FREE at all retailers! He’d do anything to protect her....

  Download SEAL THE DEAL now!

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  Excerpt from Her Forbidden Marine

  Becky gasped as the first strains of the bugle sounded. The wind whipped her hair behind her as hot tears streamed down her cheeks. The entire moment felt so permanent, so final. There was no going back after this—no pretending that he was coming home.

  How could she be standing here at Brody’s funeral?

  He’d been so young, so full of life. They hadn’t even started their life together, and now her dreams for the future were over before they’d begun.

  Her mom and sister Melissa stood a few feet away, beside her father, all of them dressed in black for the solemn occasion. She’d stepped away from everyone after the honor guard had presented the folded flag to Brody’s parents, needing a moment to collect her thoughts, to just breathe.

  She stepped back further, away from the shiny casket, away from the crowd of family and friends gathered there to support her and say their goodbyes.

  Becky glanced down at the engagement ring on her finger, twisting it with shaking hands as it sparkled in the sunlight. Maybe she should have removed it, had it buried along with Brody. She felt like her own life had ended when his was taken, and a piece of jewelry to remind her of Brody was not going to bring him back.

  She should just turn around and run away, pretend this whole affair was nothing but a nightmare. Maybe if she crawled back into bed, she’d wake up tomorrow and Brody would still be in Afghanistan, preparing to come home to her in a few short months. She wouldn’t have to stand here, enduring the worst day of her entire life.

  The tears fell harder now, and she was sobbing, covering her face with her hands as if she could somehow keep the pain inside from seeping out. There was absolutely nothing holding her together, nothing to keep her from falling apart.

  She shook as the endless sobs wracked her body, and suddenly a strong arm wrapped around her shoulders as a six-foot-two Marine eased her into his arms. She wasn’t sure which of Brody’s friends had stepped away from the crowd to comfort her and didn’t care as she leaned into his solid strength, grateful to have someone there to hold her up.

  “I’ve got you,” a deep voice said gently. A voice she recognized, would know absolutely anywhere, but she had to be mistaken. Because Brody’s best friend made himself scarce anytime she was in the room. He would barely even speak to her on a good day, let alone comfort her when she was upset.

  He certainly wouldn’t be the one to ever hold her as she cried.

  She felt like the world tilted on its axis as she finally glanced up and scanned his chiseled features. Because the man holding her, looking down with concern in his brown eyes where before there’d been nothing but cool disinterest before, was Matt Beckett.

  One-Click Her Forbidden Marine Now!

  Books by Makenna Jameison


  SEAL the Deal

  SEALED with a Ki

  A SEAL’s Surrender

  A SEAL’s Seduction

  The SEAL Next Door

  Protected by a SEAL

  Loved by a SEAL

  Tempted by a SEAL

  Married to a SEAL

  Seduced by a SEAL

  Rescued by a SEAL


  One Night with a Marine

  Her Sinful Marine

  Her Forbidden Marine


  Christmas with a Soldier

  Valentine from a Soldier

  In the Arms of a Soldier

  Return of a Soldier

  Summer with a Soldier

  About the Author

  Makenna Jameison is a bestselling romance author. She writes military romance and romantic suspense with hot alpha males, steamy scenes, and happily-ever-afters. Her debut series made it to #1 in Romance Short Stories on Amazon. Makenna loves the beach, strong coffee, red wine, and traveling. She lives in Washington DC with her husband and two daughters.

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