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Mate Not Needed

Page 2

by Michelle Ziegler

  "I think my ass is hanging out every time I get the corset where I feel comfortable," Katie groaned.

  Ellen and Colby leaned back and looked.

  "I think you're fine. Then again, maybe you'll find your future mate and you can skip the line of having to be in an arranged pairing."

  Katie shrugged. "Stop complaining. One, you get an alpha. Or well, next in line kind of thing. Two, have you ever seen an Alpha that wasn't fucking hot? I'll skip the boohoos until we meet him. Mom said that once upon a time his dad was the most eligible wolf in the region. Do you think she'd have let dad set you up with someone less? You're our pack's next-in-line." Katie smoothed down the poofy skirt. "They let you have a Fae best friend. Believe me, you're basically the princess in both name and title."

  Ellen tried not to argue, but she wasn't about to let her sister make any good points.

  "Well, whatever. What if he's the one alpha-hole in the region the looks to match?"

  That gained an eye role.

  "For crap sake. I can't. Colby, fix her."

  He finished putting on his mask.

  "I can't fix her Katie. That being said, I have no problems helping her forget this little snafu."

  Snafu? Being in an arranged mating was not a snafu. Getting your dress caught on the fence as you tried to escape was a snafu. Spilling hot coffee all over your car was a snafu. Being stuck with some stranger for the rest of your life was not a snafu. A snafu might be if they never had a cub. This mating thing sucked.

  "What happens if He's out there though? Then, is this a snafu?"

  Katie tied her mask behind her hair and didn't bother looking at Ellen. "You believe in fairy tales too much. Fate isn't real. The perfect mate isn't out there. This guy is real. You can touch and feel him."

  Both Colby and Ellen glared at Katie.

  "You're not my sister. Can I divorce you?"

  "Wait? Back to the touching and feeling part-" Colby said.

  Ellen slugged Colby as he joked.

  "Ow. Fine. Then let's go before you all kill my mood," he said, as he rubbed his arm.

  Colby ushered them out his bedroom door, through his tiny apartment.

  "I do not have time for this drama. The party is starting soon and you two are my ticket. Let's go look at some hot men in their human grandeur. Although, if any start wolfing out I'll be running away. Does that happen?"

  Both the girls shrugged. Like they had ever been to some kind of invitational party hosted by a pack. Normally all the parties were Fae in this town. Sometimes witch. Vampires didn't seem too keen on social gatherings with other species either.

  "I'd guess no. There'd be no reason. Just don't give them a reason, Colby."

  Ellen took the sidewalk carefully as they stepped into the night. The October breeze blew a chill across her skin.

  "Get in the car and give me directions," Colby hollered.

  Katie gripped Ellen's arm as they both attempted to not only stay upright in their ridiculous shoes but also keep the dresses from flying up.

  As they made their way into the car, Ellen tried to find her excitement. She'd always loved Halloween, until now. Until she was told that she would be mated to some stranger who might take her away from her life.

  "El, stop. Get out of your head right now. We look hot and you can't ruin this for us. Don't think you are the only one to suffer if you leave."

  Colby was right. It was just that she would be the one to suffer the most.


  West shook his leg. The damn pants were too tight. He hated restrictive clothing.

  "Stop fighting, man. If you want to sew your last few wild oats, just stop."

  West wanted to sock his brother for talking him into being a cop. Wasn't this a stupid human thing? To be a cop? And God. The mask itched his damn nose.

  "Whose dumb idea was it to wear the masks, again?"

  His brother laughed. "Don't mess with tradition, man. You can't see her until all pack members are present and that happens to be arranged for Halloween. So, you thank the females in our pack for upholding traditions. You wouldn't want to take away their fun? They're already losing you, brother."

  Eric clapped him on the shoulder.

  West scowled. "I'm seriously sick and tired of tradition. Who the hell decided it was a crime to be unmated at thirty."

  Standing at the top of the stairs they looked over the balcony into the massive main room. West was pretty sure that everyone who was anyone in just about every pack within New Mexico was here.

  His mom was adamant that they wait until the Fall harvests, a traditional season for mating. Fuck him though. The last few generations were all fated matches. He knew his true mate had to exist. Not that he wanted to find her yet. Well, now he probably did. He could do anything, except find her when he needed her.

  Why the hell did he have to get mated at all? He was happy with the single status. His wolf snorted. Right. That wasn't how wolves were designed. They were meant to be mated.

  "Fuck me."

  His brother squeezed his shoulder before letting him go.

  "Not a chance, dude. But feel free to do what you need to."

  West scowled. "You aren't funny, asshole."

  Eric shrugged. "Neither are you. In fact, you're a real killjoy."

  Yeah, yeah. He was. He was about to have his manhood snipped. His wolf snickered. Damn animal just wasn't on his side as of late.

  The music changed from a loud thump to something slower. It was now or never.

  West followed Eric's lead and decided to head down. At least no one could tell the alphas from the betas, from the general population. Cubs raced through the party, in and out of couples on the dance floors. A sea of masks the only comfort of the night.

  He would know his mate. That's what he was always told. He would know her by scent, magic. There was no rhyme or reason. But, would she be here? Or was he destined to be stuck with her - his mystery mate?

  West walked the perimeter as he caught the scent of something, not wolf. There were several covens here, but this was different. This was fae and he hated their kind. Always screwing with people. Not at his party. West shifted his path, heading towards the stench near the door. As he approached he took another whiff and this time, he paused, catching something that had his dick twitching and his body aching with a foreign hunger.

  West scanned the small crowd spilling through the large double doors and stopped on a short curvy blond creature. Their eyes met as she turned towards him. The air in the room dampened, the sounds gone. There was no one but her.

  He needed to know her.

  West took one uncomfortable step forward. Taking a deep breath, he tried to control his body. He fisted his hands, his muscles damn near shaking with restraint.

  Nothing was going to help, his dick was going to have a zipper imprint for the remainder of this fucking party.

  "Well, hello there," said a voice. He didn't care who it was, his eyes couldn't look away from the woman in front of him.

  He stood toe to toe with the beautiful female and drew in her scent. Her body fidgeted as she drew her hands behind her back, pushing those delicious breasts closer to him.

  Extending his hand, he offered it to her without words. There were no words to describe how badly he wanted her. No. Needed her. His raging hard-on wanted her, his body begged for her, but even just a simple touch of her hand eased a soul-deep yearning. He needed to feel her.

  West's heart beat once, twice, three times and finally she pulled a hand out from behind her and even more slowly, she placed it in his.

  Stepping backwards slowly, he pulled her into the crowd where the music's tempo was slow, rhythmic. An excuse to bring her close.

  They settled somewhere among the bodies and he pulled her in, pausing, allowing her to pull away. She didn't, and instead, she came the remainder of the way.

  Her thighs rested against his, her free hand sliding up his arm, resting on the back of his neck.

  "Who are you
," he asked.

  Her breath hitched. "I should ask the same thing."

  The feel of her breasts rising and falling against his chest only made him more aware of her. She was here, in his arms.

  She wasn't going to make his life any easier, and fuck it if he cared.

  Allowing his free hand to explore her above the costume, he tried to memorize her curves. He inhaled, trying to remember her scent. The perfume of her had been ingrained in his subconscious as if waiting for him to finally remember. It was the only thing he could do to keep himself from taking her in the middle of the dance floor. Suddenly this party didn't suck and neither did his life.

  "Fine. No names, yet. By the end of the night I'll have you begging for mine," he whispered into her ear.

  Closing his eyes he pulled her in. Without thinking his tongue darted out, tasting the outer ridge of her ear. She didn't pull away, and he took that as an invitation. Pulling in the lobe, he sucked on the soft skin. His lips trailed along the line of her jaw to the soft skin of her neck, stopping at her collarbone.

  God, he needed to stop this. His pants were about to bust a stitch. The pain should have made him stop. This was all her fault and she should fix it.

  She didn't seem like that kind of female though, but God, he needed her.

  She moaned against his chest.

  Air. Fuck he needed air. No, he needed her. Air could wait.

  "Want to go outside," he asked?

  Finally, after an eternity, she found her voice. "Yes."

  God, he wanted this creature. His wolf pawed within, whining. Keening for her. Yeah, yeah. Down boy. He had this.

  West started walking backwards, pulling away, but keeping her hands within his own.

  As he turned, he released one hand and repositioned his grip on the other. She wasn't getting away.

  Leading her out, the cool air of the night did nothing for the fire burning within him.

  The second his feet hit the pavement he turned and pulled her in. Her lips were on his before he inhaled his next breath surprising him. Without missing a beat he answered her back, drawing her closer. Every breath she took, he took.

  Every taste of her tongue drove him deeper and deeper into insanity.

  He wanted her, no, he needed her. He couldn't take his next breath without her.

  West's hands wandered. Instinct driving him to explore every inch of her.

  Sucking in a gulp of air he pulled away. He bit back the need to claim her. God. No. He couldn't fuck up like that. Could he?


  Ellen's mouth tingled as he pulled away.

  Wait, why had he pulled away?

  "Wait. No."

  She looked up into his eyes, pools of blue sapphires. She'd seen him in her dreams. Well, maybe not. Maybe she'd dreamed him up and here he was.

  Her wolf panted in need.

  Down, girl. We're getting mated in, well when the hell was she getting mated again? She couldn't remember her damn name, let alone a stupid date.

  If she did this, with him, it couldn't be undone. It wasn't cheating though, right? Not if you didn't know the person you were cheating on. She'd agreed to a loveless marriage. She'd agreed to what her father wanted for her, but right now this is about her.

  What she wanted.

  And, she wanted him.

  "Who are you?" he asked.

  God, she liked the sound of his voice. The deep baritone slipped beneath her skin, flowing like a river of molten sex.


  Her panties were wet. Was that a real thing? Ellen had read all those steamy books, heard about women who actually loved sex and enjoyed it. Until now, well. This was the first time in her life she wasn't entirely sure she needed him in her to come.

  "Who are you?" she asked back. Was that her voice? Breathy, and so not her?

  He smiled and suddenly she realized she was in too deep. Or maybe not deep enough.

  "I asked you first. I've never met anyone like you before," he said.

  All Ellen could do was nod.

  "You too? What is this? I've never. Is this what..."

  Say it. God, please say it. What? Is this what finding your mate was like? Or what else could he say? I mean, sure this was lust. Holly shit, was this lust? Her wolf was ready to roll over and have him give them a damn tummy rub. Ellen didn't want a tummy rub though. Nope. She wanted him stroking her from the inside out. No. She wanted to ride him like she was the rodeo queen and he was her prized stallion.

  Her face heated.

  "Princess. I don't know what is going through your head, but I'm praying it's something to do with us. Me."

  Nibbling her lip, she let a slow smile answer the question.

  "This is insane," he whispered.

  She nodded. It was insane, and it was absolutely what she needed. This was for her. This was all she wanted.

  "This is crazy," she whispered, "don't judge me, but I've never wanted something so much in my whole life as I want you."

  His eyes flicked over her face, as if he were trying to read her like a book.

  "I feel the same way. I can't walk away from you."

  He bent in, his lips gentle, different from a moment ago.


  Pressing herself against him, she ached for his touch. Standing on tiptoes, even in her damn heels she still struggled to reach him.

  A need flowed over her as his hands traveled her body, memorizing each place, each curve like it was a map. Losing a battle against a tremble as one hand finally found its way under her skirt, she nearly came as his fingertips grazed her thigh.

  She slid her leg closer, pushing his hand higher.

  Secretly, Ellen begged him to keep going. His hand stopped mere inches from something that should be off limits, forbidden to anyone but the wolf she was to mate.

  Something in her cried out. No! This was who she should be with. This was who she was meant to mate.

  Tonight she was who she wanted to be, not who she should be.

  He shook her from her stupor.

  "Not here," he said, his voice husky.

  A huff of air escaped her as his hand retreated.

  "What?" Trying to clear her head, she blinked. The fog still holding against reason, within her mind, over her body.

  "Are you sure you want this? You want me?" he asked.

  Was he stupid?

  "I don't think want even covers what I'm feeling right now."

  Her hands slid over his biceps. So many muscles. So many muscles to lick. Yeah, no. Want wasn't it. She needed.

  He stood there, studying her. What was going through his head? It couldn't have been as bad as what was going through her head. Breaking a betrothal. Maybe she should walk away. Maybe she should go find her sister and Colby and go home.

  The gentle touch of his hand cupped her cheek.

  "Where have you been my whole life?" He asked.

  Wait, what? Was he about to turn her down? Was he killing time? This was not a time for talking. Oh, hell no. No. He didn't get to turn her down. This was her damn fantasy and she was going to live it out. She was going to go out with a bang - both figurative and literal. She couldn't walk away never knowing what the hell kind of connection they could have.

  No. Fuck her future. That was something for future Ellen to worry about. Right now, present Ellen wanted to screw this man's brains out.

  She grabbed his hand and pushed it against her breast. He couldn't miss that kind of cue.

  "I've been right here waiting for you to grow a pair and ask me up to your room."

  He smirked.

  "I think I'm in love."

  She squirmed. That wasn't what she wanted to hear. Or, well yes. Maybe that's what she wanted to hear her entire teenage and adult life. But not right now.


  Without thought, she simply reached up and kissed him. He needed to shut the fuck up.

  Before she could overthink anything else he picked her up and they were moving.

  Ellen peeked,
she wasn't about to let him stop kissing her, but she wanted to see where they were going. He was a wolf, he was safe. Who cared. He was her soulmate.

  Somewhere within her she knew it and right now, everything Ellen had ever wanted was holding her.

  She closed her eyes again. A door creaked. Muted noises of the party, somewhere in the house filtered in.

  She pulled away.

  "We're not going through the party are we? I can't be seen with you."

  His chest rumbled. "Embarrassed already?"

  Her eyes grew wide.

  "God no. I just, it's complicated."

  He kissed the top of her head.

  "No. We aren't going through there. There are back stairs here, to rooms."

  Right. Okay. Sure. Wait.

  "Rooms? You, are you staying here?"

  He paused. That wasn't good.

  "If I say yes, will that change anything?"

  Shit. This house. This was his pack. This was the pack of the guy she was supposed to mate. Could she break it off and then mate with someone else in the pack? Maybe they could run away together?

  "Would you run away with me if I say it might?"

  He started to walk again.

  "I will follow you to the end of the world if that was the only way to have you."

  The tone in his words. He meant it. He meant he would follow her.

  "If you won't give me a name, tell me. What pack are you from?"

  Ellen thought, and realized this was the time.

  "Tonight. Let's pretend like we are whoever we want to be."

  She kissed him and he took her the rest of the way upstairs.

  Before she remembered to breath again her body lay against a soft bed. The lights were off, a Fall moon the only light streaming in through an open window.

  He stood off the edge of the bed, his hands running up her thighs.

  Heat coursed through her.

  She fumbled with the buttons on his blue shirt. God. A policeman? He was breaking every law she could think of right now. Only, he didn't know that, did he?

  He yanked at the shirt, freeing it from his pants. It flew behind him at a flick of his hand.


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