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Until My Last Breath

Page 16

by Tiffany Patterson

  “I don’t have an attitu— Oooh!” Her comment broke off on a moan when I pushed her breasts together and licked them.

  I moaned, sounds of satisfaction emerging from the back of my throat as if I was savoring the best meal I’d ever had in my life. Because I was. Nothing tasted better than my wife.

  I pulled at her panties, removing them from her legs before spreading them wide to give myself a full view of the prettiest pussy I’d ever had the pleasure of seeing.

  “You do have an attitude but I have a remedy for that.” I lowered my body until my mouth was even with her sex.

  Destiny’s thighs immediately clamped around the sides of my head but I wasn’t deterred in the least. If anything, I was more turned on. The more aroused she became the more I fucking became. No one sent me into overdrive like my wife could with just a moan or a look.

  I lapped at her pussy like a dog who’d been out in the Texas sun all day without any water. It didn’t matter that I’d had her just that morning. Going twelve hours without being inside of her, sometimes felt like the cruelest form of torture.

  I inserted my fore and middle fingers into her wet core, and within seconds she was coming from the ministrations of my mouth and fingers.

  But I gave her little time to recover, when I made quick work of stripping before moving back to the bed and turning her over so she was on all fours.

  “Arch your back for daddy,” I growled, pressing my palm to the center of her back. I began sliding in when her back curved downward, causing her ass to press backward into me.

  “Shit! Tyler!” she screamed.

  “Language, precious,” I chided, using the pet name I’d given her, while smacking the back of her ass.

  I licked my lips at watching her butt jiggle from my hand. So much so, I smacked her again, causing her to jump and press back against me, all while moaning my name.

  Damn, nothing sounded sweeter than hearing her moan my name as I road her into climax.

  I bent over her body and reached my arms underneath her to pull her up so that her back pressed against my chest.

  “I’d hate to have to remind you of the consequences of your foul language, precious.”

  “Screw you, Tyler!”

  My cock jumped inside of her. Damn I loved it when she defied me. I knew she loved it, too.

  Wrapping my hand around her throat, just under her chin, I forced her head to turn upward toward me. I crashed my lips over hers, and pushed her knees farther apart with my own, allowing me to slide in deeper from behind her. My hips sped up at the same time my free hand wrapped her body to allow my fingers to play with her clitoris.

  She reached her hands up, one going to the back of my head, her fingers playing in my hair. Her other hand cupped my tricep. The little moans that poured from her mouth were swallowed down my throat.

  I felt her thighs begin to tremble.

  “Are you about to come for me, baby?” I pulled back and whispered low in her ear.

  “Y-yes!” she hissed.

  “No, you’re not,” I retorted, abruptly halting the movements of my hips and hands, pulling away from her body.

  “What the fuck?” Destiny yelped.

  I had to fight with all of the strength I had in my body not to bend her over again and plunge my cock as deep as I could get it inside of her core. I knew she was right on the brink of coming. But my darling little wife needed to learn a lesson.

  “Tyler,” she growled from the bed as I strode, on shaky legs, toward our bathroom. “Get your ass back here!”

  I glanced over my shoulder, my entire body going rigid at the sight of her naked and wanting on our bed. But I held firm.

  “Shhh, precious. You don’t want to wake up the children, do you?” I turned and entered the bathroom, just managing to hold on to my own sanity. My body wanted nothing more than to come inside of my wife.

  “Oh they need to wake up,” she stated a few moments later, entering our bathroom behind me. “Because it might just be the last time they see their father before I kill him.”

  I chuckled, turning to her to see her frowning, eyebrows narrowed, her beautiful face full of scorn. Damn she was gorgeous and hot as hell when pissed. And with the ache in my cock growing, my resolve didn’t stand a chance.

  She gasped when I grabbed her by the waist, spinning her to face our huge mirror over the countertop. I planted her hands against the granite counter, pushed her knees apart with my own, and plunged deep inside of the walls of her pussy.

  The moan she let out was fierce, and I really did fear she might wake the children. But all of my common sense was lost by then.

  “Are you going to give me another baby, Destiny?” I groaned loudly in her ear.

  “Ty-Tyler … don’t stop,” she pleaded instead of answering.

  A smack to her ass had her pounding against the countertop with her fist.

  “That wasn’t the answer I was looking for. Try again.” I smacked her ass once more and plunged deeper, causing her to rise on her tiptoes.

  “Shit!” She leaned over the counter, her arms growing weak.

  “Destiny, are you going to give me another baby?” I demanded.

  “Fuck! Yesss!” she screamed. Simultaneously, her pussy muscles clenched, legs trembled, and she began milking my cock for every ounce of my life-producing fluid.

  The orgasm ripped through my body, ferociously. I came for what felt like forever, all the while pumping into my wife as if my body was desperately trying to override the offending birth control that was imbedded into her womb.

  Not until the last drop of semen poured from me, did I finally unseat myself from inside of her. We both collapsed into a sweaty heap onto the cool, marble flooring of our bathroom.

  All that could be heard was the sound of the both of us, catching our breaths until I finally said, “When can we get started on making the next one?”



  “What am I going to do with you?” I questioned, out loud in the dark bedroom as I laid in our massive bed, facing my husband. I ran my hand down the side of his face, lightly running my fingers through the short hairs of the auburn-colored beard that was only a few days old. His eyes were closed but he wasn’t sleeping.

  He turned his head, planting a kiss to the inside of my palm before opening his eyelids to stare directly into mine. “Love me.”

  My heart squeezed in my chest. “I already do.”

  All thirty-two of his pearly whites could be seen with the smile he expressed.

  “Give me a few months. Until the triplets are one.”

  He frowned.

  “Tyler, they’re almost eight months. That’s only four months away. Then I’ll get the IUD removed and we can start trying.”

  Sighing, he rolled over onto his back, pulling me by the arm to move closer into his body. I did so, until my head was on his chest.

  “It’s a deal.”

  I pressed a kiss to his chest. “Are you okay?” I questioned, knowing something else was bothering him. Something he’d been carrying around for a while now.

  “Would you be okay if I retired from the NFL?”

  I lifted my head to be able to see his face. The dimness of the low lighting of his nightstand allowed me to see him just enough to see the question in those hazel-green eyes of his.

  “You’re still considering it?”

  He nodded.

  After the triplets were born, and all of the upheaval that’d surrounded their birth, Tyler had decided to take a leave of absence from the National Football League where he was one of the top quarterbacks. Needless to say, it was a controversial decision for a man in his position. Some in the public eye had said that his actions served as proof that he wasn’t really committed to his profession, echoing the sentiments that plagued his collegiate and professional careers. Because he’d been born into wealth, many outsiders didn’t believe he’d had to work as hard to earn his position.

  I knew those claims were

  My husband busted his ass every time he put on the jersey for his team.

  But I also knew that dedication, times ten, was what he carried off the field for his family. Most of the idiots talking didn’t know the story behind the birth of our children. The fact that I was attacked and almost killed which led to my needing to give birth while our babies were only thirty-one weeks. It was a scary time and Tyler had been our rock through it all.

  I reached up to cup his cheek. “You know I’ve got no problem being your sugar mama,” I teased.

  He smirked a little.

  “Are you still thinking of coaching?”

  “A little. Coaching requires a lot of time and travel, also.”

  “But it’s something you’ve always wanted to do. And it won’t be as taxing on you physically, as playing. You’d be home more with the kids and I. And trust me, if I’m giving you a fourth baby, your ass better be home,” I stated, sternly.

  I yelped when I suddenly found myself flat on my back, my husband’s long, solid frame hovering over me, his arms wrapped around my waist. Dipping his head, he planted a quick kiss to my lips.

  “There’s no if, precious. We’re having number four. And I could play one more season and then take one to two years off, still working with sponsors and sports camps before I jump full-time into coaching.”

  I smiled. “Sounds like you’ve got it all worked out.”

  “Mostly. The only other thing I have to work out is how to get my wife to come on the road with me when I am traveling.”

  I gave him a deadpan look. “Tyler—”

  “Your podcast with Resha can be broadcast from anywhere. You’ve already got the technology set up for that since she travels for work. Most of your business clients would have zero problem working with you remotely, and the kids could come with us, when they’re not in school. When they are in school, we’d have a full-time nanny, and not to mention, we live in the same neighborhood as my entire family. They could stay with them, and we both know your mom wouldn’t mind staying with them while we’re out of town.”

  I shook my head, laughing. He’d really worked it all out in his mind before talking to me. That’s how he was. The consummate problem solver. Never liking to approach me with a problem until he’d figured out the solution. As much as it bothered me at times, it also aided in making me feel cared for, and know that I was married to a man who would do whatever to protect and provide for our family.

  “She does love that room,” I said, referring to the room Tyler had especially added to the plans of the house when it was being built. It was for my mother, and was on the first floor, so she wouldn’t have to climb the stairs of our home, given her Parkinson’s.

  “She loves her grandchildren even more.”

  I nodded. That was the truth, and my mother would be elated to spend more time with them.

  “I could probably take some time off, too,” I mused out loud.

  Tyler lifted his head to stare down at me, raising an eyebrow.

  I shrugged. “I could take fewer clients and continue doing the podcast with Resha.”

  “Are you sure?”

  Smiling, I leaned closer to kiss Tyler’s lips. I loved that he appreciated my desire to work and make my own money. Considering his wealth from birth, and the money he’d accumulated in the NFL, our children’s children wouldn’t have to work a day in their lives. But my career provided me with more than just money. It gave me the deep satisfaction of knowing I was making an impact on people’s lives by helping organize their finances in a way that served them. But I was ready to be more present with my family.

  “I am. And given the fact that I’ll be working more with your mom and the ladies at the shelter, I’ll still get to provide my knowledge of personal finance to women who need it. And I’ll get to take the kids with me to spend time in the daycare. It’s a win-win.”

  “The shelter’s really turning out to be a family affair.” His fingers trailed slowly up and down my bare arm.

  “It is,” I added wistfully on a sigh. “Resha’s even going to help by giving fashion pointers for interviews, makeup tips for the workplace, and how to carry yourself with confidence.” I was excited that Deborah had been open to allowing my cousin to join us in helping the women who would be entering the shelter.

  “I’m so proud of you all.”

  I moved closer to plant another kiss to his lips. “Thank you, baby. Oh, speaking of your parents, did you book the hotel rooms for all of us?”

  He nodded. “Of course. Five days, four nights in the luxury suite. Aaron, Josh, and Carter booked as well, and Mother and Father’s tickets were booked well in advance.”

  I sat up, clapping in excitement. “This trip is going to be epic. I can’t wait to see the expressions on their faces.”

  Tyler’s long arms reached for my waist, moving to position me over his body. He had that gleam in his eyes. The one that always sent a current of electricity through my body and caused a flood at my center.

  “I’m more interested in the look I’m about to put on your face right now.”

  I moaned, throwing my head back as I slipped down onto his erection. “You shouldn’t feel this damn good after all of this time,” I murmured.

  Tyler chuckled. “Precious, it’s only going to get better and better from here.”

  His hands tightened around my hips, and together we began moving into a rhythm that I was certain, had it not been for my IUD, would’ve resulted in another child. Hell, in between gasps and moans, I silently prayed my birth control was strong enough to stand up to the pleasure my husband was unleashing.

  Chapter Eighteen



  I glanced at the name flashing across the screen of my cell phone. I pressed the button, and a second later my oldest son’s face appeared.

  “Shouldn’t you be in bed next to your wife?”

  He frowned, and his blue eyes—which mirrored his mother’s—narrowed. “She’s with Sam. I swear that kid just knows we’re trying to make another baby.”

  I chuckled deep in my throat. “Just like you were when I was trying to make your brothers.” I laughed harder when Carter’s face crumpled up in disgust.

  “The last thing I ever need to hear about is you and my mother …” He broke off, shaking his head.

  “Grow up, son. You’re a father and husband yourself. You know what it takes to make babies. Your mother and I—”

  “Lalalala,” he began singing, sticking his fingers in his ears.

  “Alright, alright,” I stated in between laughs. “What are you calling me for while your wife’s taking care of your youngest?”

  “I know there’s more.”

  I lifted an eyebrow.

  “Don’t give me that look. More to your and mother’s relationship. You both said at dinner the other night that while you were getting married there were those plotting against you. I want the details.”

  Insistent little fucker. All of my boys were. Aaron had called me earlier that morning with the same question, but he’d quickly been called away for a work issue before I could get the story out.

  “How do you know we weren’t just making that up?”

  He gave me a get real expression. “I know there’s something more to that Jack guy. And Cohen. I know Mother’s ex just didn’t walk away so easily.”

  I nodded. He’d hit the nail on the head.

  “It’s why you taught all of us to kill a motherfucker if he threatens our family.”

  I pitched forward in my chair, my arms folding over one another on the hardwood desk I sat at in my home office.

  “You bet your ass it is.”

  “Then spill.”

  I narrowed my eyes. “I don’t take orders from you.”


  “Alright, alright.” I nodded. “Here’s the story …”




  “The leaks ar
e still happening,” my father snapped, his voice pissed off, as he stood at the corner of the room. He stared down at the city some twenty floors below us.

  I cut my eyes in his direction. “What did you expect?” I was beginning to loathe my father.

  “Not this!” He grunted, turning to face me.

  I was unfazed by his antics. He was an empty suit. I’d been the one running the company over the last few years. But I was powerless when it came to implementing the changes I really wanted to make. Which included getting to the bottom of the leaks, and tapping the board to let us pursue greater research and development funds in new technological advances and different forms of energy. However, they all saw my father as the helm of the company still, and they deferred to his assessments when it came to what changes to approve.

  The problem was, my father was envious of me. I’d felt it all along, since I was a teenager, really. I was smarter than he was. I had more insight into the future. But instead of being proud of that fact and letting me pursue my ideals, he held the reins of the company tighter. At least, he tried to.

  “This is your fault,” he charged, jabbing his finger in my direction.

  I sunk my hands into the pockets of my suit pants because they were growing itchy at the sight of his fucking face. And I while the thought of punching my father didn’t necessarily repulse me, I would not do it in the office.

  “How is this my fault?”

  “Because your focus has been off. Ever since you married that—”

  “Choose your words with extreme care,” I threatened.

  My father stopped short, his face reddening, but he wasn’t deterred for too long. “Your wife. Ever since you ran off and got married like some commoner, things have been falling apart. Your head’s not in the game.”

  It’d been six months since Deb and I had flown to Vegas and gotten married. Obviously my father still wasn’t over it. And I didn’t give a shit, either.

  “Like some commoner? Do you hear yourself? Speaking as if we’re royalty or something.”

  “We might as well be!” He slammed his fist into his open palm.

  I rolled my eyes away from his, shaking my head. My father always had an enormous inferiority complex that masqueraded as his need to feel and tell everyone how superior he was to them.


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