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Angel in the Shadows, Book 1 by Lisa Grace (Angel Series)

Page 15

by Lisa Grace

  Robby looks at Johnny, “This is too cool. Yeah, we can fight him for God. Hey, can we get some special weapons or like some powers? Maybe you can help us fly or something. Bring it on! Oh yeah.”

  Johnny just shakes his head, “I’ll answer everyone’s questions tomorrow. Right now I’ve got to go back out and keep an eye on our friend. He’s always up to more mischief at night when people are drinking and doing drugs. It’s easier pickings for him.”

  As I walk Seth out to the van, before anyone else comes out, we see Judas across the street. He flashes us a peace sign then disappears.

  I look at Seth, “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. I just didn’t know how to say, ‘oh by the way, I see angels’. I didn’t want you to think I was a nutcase and I wanted to keep you safe.”

  Seth takes my hands, “Well Megs, tonight has been full of surprises. You see angels, huh?”

  I look at my feet embarrassed I haven’t told him sooner. I‘m afraid to look in his eyes, afraid of how he’ll look back at me. Afraid his feelings for me won’t be the same.

  I whisper, “Yeah, the good ones glow white, the bad ones are surrounded by dark. I see clouds of dark too. I think they’re demons without a body.” my voice trembling, “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. I didn’t want to risk telling you.” I let go of his hand so I can wipe away a tear in mine. “If you didn’t believe me, I couldn’t stand the thought of losing you. I know how crazy it would’ve sounded.”

  I wait for him to speak and just sniffle back the emotions of loss. Seth lets go of my hand. I start to turn to walk back into the house, defeated. I feel his hands on my shoulders stopping me and his arms encircle me with a hug. He whispers in my hair, “None of this changes the way I feel about you. I would give my life if it meant saving you. I’m glad you’re not alone when I’m not around. I’m glad Johnny’s here to help protect you.”

  I turn around and hug him back, listening to his heartbeat. “How long have you known?” he asks.

  “Only since summer camp,” I answer. I start to cry. Seth and the rest are in danger and it’s my fault.

  Seth rests his head on top of mine, “It’s okay. We’re on the winning team.” I know he’s right and I silently thank God for Seth. I hear the front door slam so I take a deep breath, pull back, and work on gaining my composure quickly.

  Robby comes out with Carrie, “I talked to Johnny and Vania. Tomorrow at the beach we’ll come up with a strategy on how to deal with Damon. Let’s try to get some sleep. Johnny’s going to pick us up at eight-thirty, sharp.”

  Everyone leaves. I help Mom clean up and then drop in the sack. I pray about what I should do, but I don’t get an answer.


  Ugh, my alarm goes off. It’s a struggle to get out of bed. I go to the kitchen and fill a cup of coffee. I go take a quick shower, get dressed, slather on the sunscreen, pack a bag, and go downstairs to sit by the front window, waiting for Johnny to pull up.

  As I’m waiting, Max comes down the stairs.

  “Hey Maxie,” I say.

  He walks up to me rubbing his eyes, he looks sad.

  “What’s wrong big guy?” I ask as I lift him up onto my lap for a hug.

  “I had a bad dream.”

  “You did? What was it about?”

  “This monster came into my room. He said he was going to take you and then come for me.”

  A chill hits my heart. I hug Max and tell him, “It’s okay Maxie, it’s only a dream. Jesus will protect you. Tonight, before you go to sleep, you ask Him to send his angels to keep us safe and I will too. I love you Maxie.”

  “I love you sissy,” he says as he snuggles into my arms.

  Johnny pulls up and I put Max down. “Go watch some cartoons. I’ll see you later.”

  I wonder if it was a dream or if Judas came by to torment my little brother. I’ll never look at bad dreams the same way again.


  It’s such a beautiful day at the beach that it’s hard to believe we’re in a battle for people’s souls. Carrie and Robby head for the water as soon as we lay our blankets down. I’m interested to see what Vania wears to the beach. Wouldn’t you know she managed to find a black suit with a lot of metal rings on it. She’s also wearing a big black straw hat, black sunglasses, flip-flops and lipstick. Her hair today is a bright yellow. She actually looks quite chic.

  Seth lays down a big blanket that we anchor with bags and sandals to keep it from blowing away in the wind. Seth asks Johnny, “So do you get to pick what you look like in earthly form?”

  Johnny looks at Seth, “No more than you do.” Seth nods his head like that makes perfect sense.

  “So what did Jesus look like when he was on Earth?”

  “At what time on Earth? He looks like whatever He wanted to look like. He is the great I AM. Does it matter to your salvation what He looks like?”

  I give Seth a look, he says, “I’m curious, I might not get an opportunity like this again.”

  I’m surprised he’s at ease with hanging out with an angel.

  “Wanna arm wrestle?”

  “Now you’re sounding like Robby,” I say.

  Johnny answers, “No, I’d win. What’s the point?”

  Vania says, “My boyfriend can beat up your boyfriend.”

  We all laugh and settle back to enjoy the day while we can.

  Robby and Carrie come out of the surf and lay down to let the sun bake them dry. Robby asks, “Dude, what’s Heaven like?”

  Johnny appears to be thinking about his answer. “Better. Different. It’s like comparing this beach to your perfect dream beach. It would be better and different.”

  Robby tries another question, “What’s the food like?”

  Johnny answers, “Better, different.” Johnny sees he has all of our attention. “It’s hard to limit heavenly things to this world which is based in time and limited to so many physical laws. Your languages are a barrier to heavenly meanings. Your human brains are like a fly’s brain compared to God. You try to fit him into a box shaped by time and space. God is bigger, different from that. His creation, this universe, cannot contain Him.” He looks out at the beach and is quiet for a minute. “He is the ‘I AM’. Think bigger.”

  We need time to digest everything Johnny has just said.

  Johnny continues, “Since you are all bound by time, we need to think about what to do tonight about Jude, at the game. We need to keep an eye on him. We can eavesdrop on him and those he talks to. Follow him at every opportunity. Keep praying continually the whole evening while going about the game and the dance. We can’t prevent him from every evil thing he does but we can stop some. Since we have three groups we should always aim to keep him in the center of a triangle formed by us. If I ask you to do something, no matter how silly it seems, please just do it. Later, you will see why it was helpful.”

  I bring up something that has been haunting me, “Johnny, the other night when Brody died, Jude called. He did this awful poem, about a ‘her that I love the most.’ The only ‘her’ that I can think of are saved, except one. My best friend for years has been Mandy. I don’t think she’s saved. I’m worried he might target Mandy tonight.”

  “He could. But Jude’s father is the father of lies. Jude could have said that to throw us off track. Tonight, keep your eyes and ears alert. Signal me if anything nags at you, it could be important. If you need to speak to me, signal me to come over and have your partner cross to be with Vania. Don‘t drink a lot of fluids so we can limit bathroom breaks. Have your phones ready to receive texts. Sign an x after every text so we know it’s not a fake sent by Jude. Any questions?”

  Robby raises his hand and we all groan.

  “I mean about tonight’s plan,” Johnny adds.

  Robby’s hand goes down. We nervously chuckle. For the rest of the day we enjoy hanging out and acting our age. The afternoon passes quickly and soon it’s time to head home to change clothes for the game and then the dance. I hope this evening has as go
od an ending as the rave did, but I know Judas is prepared for us. He has some tricks up his sleeve. I don’t think he would be so cocky if he wasn’t sure, whatever the surprise is, we won’t see it coming.


  By the time we get to the game, Mandy and Alex are already down on the field. Both Mandy and Alex are on the homecoming court. I’m so proud of Mandy. She talks to everyone and passes out lots of hugs. She looks beautiful in a full-length iridescent cornflower blue dress. It’s almost a roman toga style with one wide shoulder strap. The skirt has a waterfall effect falling in layers on the left side with a modest slit starting just above the knee. They take a ride around the field in a convertible car.

  If I get a chance, I’ll try to warn her about Jude. Jude is down on the field too. One of the kids who made the court had to step down due to illness and Jude is his replacement. I notice him talking quite a bit to Alex.

  At one point I see him gesture towards Mandy making a crude hand sign while Alex nods his head and chuckles. I’m sure Jude is pressuring Alex to make an advance on Mandy tonight. I say a prayer for Mandy’s safety.

  Alex goes back to suit up for the game.

  The game starts without incident. Seth and I hold each other’s hand and sneak in a few hugs. We really don’t see much of the game. We’re as close to the field as we can get. Jude is bouncing around talking to several people being his usual charming public self. If I didn’t see his darkness shining through, I might be fooled myself. As Jude leaves a group of kids a fight breaks out. Punches are flying. One girl gets knocked over and scratched up. A few adult parents and teachers head over to stop it. I’m sure he said something to instigate the fight. Jude is just warming up.

  I am so grateful I am not alone in facing him. For a minute I wonder where Zadok is and how he is doing. I wonder if he is back in Heaven or somewhere here on this Earth. I miss him. I wonder if in Heaven we will have friendships with angels.

  After the game we get to our cars, which we parked near the exit in sight of Jude’s car. We follow him to the dance. At the dance, it’s hard to enjoy ourselves. I tell Seth what happened at the rave so he’s prepared. Jude circles around the crowd, talking to his numerous fans. He waves to us a few times. He’s obviously aware we are following him.

  Mandy and Alex head over to talk to Seth and me. “Hi Mandy, you look beautiful,” I say as I hug her. “You too,” she responds.

  “Mandy and Alex this is Seth, my boyfriend.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Alex says, holding out his hand for Seth to shake.

  Alex looks at me, “Jude must be upset. He has quite the crush on you.”

  Seth and I look at each other, I answer, “If you only knew… Seth knows all about the problems I’m having with Jude.”

  Seth nods his head, “He’s deluded himself about his importance in Meg’s life. We’re trying to straighten him out.” Seth gives me a hug of reassurance and kisses me on my head.

  “He’s a great guy, I’m sure he’ll come around. There are only about a dozen girls who have a crush on him,” Alex says.

  “Is he throwing a party after the dance?” I try to sound casual.

  Alex looks at Mandy, “I don’t know. If he does, we won’t be attending. We have some special plans of our own. I got us a room.”

  He winks at Seth. I look at Mandy with concern, but she’s too busy looking at Alex adoringly.

  We excuse ourselves. Seth and I walk off to get a drink. Mandy is making a huge mistake and there is nothing I can do to stop it. It won’t do any good to go to their parents. They’re the ones that gave Alex the condoms and Mandy the pill. I’m sure they know about the hotel room too. I wonder if their parents really realize what they’ve done by rolling the dice. If it comes up pregnancy or STD, will they feel okay with it?

  Jude starts dancing with some of the girls who have been following him around the dance floor. One girl walks off in tears. I wonder how he insulted her. Jude is so good at it. The next girl he dances with, he has his hands on her in front of everyone. She looks a little uncomfortable but doesn’t stop dancing with him. One of the adult chaperones walks over and says something to him. He tones it down. I dance a slow dance with Seth. He turns me so he’s watching Jude. I look over his shoulder and see Mandy and Alex leaving the dance. I feel Seth’s body stiffen, I whisper in his ear, “what’s he doing?”

  “He just slipped something in that girl’s drink.” Seth takes my hand and we walk over. He bumps into her hard enough to distract her and uses his hand to knock the drink onto the floor.

  “Hey!” The girl says.

  “Sorry, I wasn’t looking,” Then Seth whispers into her ear, “Jude slipped something into your drink, be careful.” Seth and I don’t care if we’re being obvious to Jude. We want him to know we’re not afraid of him. Cautious, but not fearful. He’s toying with us while searching out those he can harm. My romantic evening with Seth has turned into a night of babysitting the dance room.

  Jude comes right up to Seth and me and says, “You’re so clueless. This isn’t where the action is this evening. All I did was give the ball a push and now it’s rolling down the hill into traffic. You can’t stop it.” He does a little victory dance. “Relax have some fun. Seth, Megan’s hot. You know you want to. What are you waiting for man? You know you’re going to marry her some day. Why wait? You’re gonna miss out on years of loving her for what? You really think God cares? You think he’s going to waste his time with you? You’re a fool.”

  I hold Seth back. I can tell he wants to punch him. “Seth, he’s defeated. He knows it. Jude’s just a sore loser. Leave him alone.” I drag Seth out of Jude’s range.

  I motion to Johnny and he sends Vania in our direction. I ask Seth, “Dance with Vania? I’ll be right back.” I walk over to Johnny.

  “Jude says the action isn’t happening here, but somewhere else. I believe him. He looks too happy.” Johnny nods his head, “He could have any number of things in the works. We angels can only be in one place at one time, so unless we know what’s going down, it’s still best to keep him in sight even if it turns out to be a waste of our time.”

  The rest of the evening passes without incident and we all feel worn out by the time the dance breaks up. We follow Jude out to his car. He leaves alone. Johnny asks, “Can you give Vania a ride home so I can follow Jude the rest of the evening?”

  “Sure,” Seth says. We head home tired and relieved. We drop Vania off first, then me. Carrie’s house is on the way to Pastor Bill’s.

  Seth gives me a quick hug and kiss at the door. We don’t want to tempt our passion into taking over. Jude was right. We want to. But God is more right. And to please Him, we wait.


  In the morning I get up an hour before church so I have time for a cup of coffee and to put on some makeup. I have dark circles under my eyes from lack of sleep. I want Seth to see me at my best. I put on a cute summer dress, since we’re going to lunch at Carrie’s right after church. I bring my swimsuit just in case.

  On the morning news they mention there was a break in at a near by high school. Computers were stolen out of the computer lab. I wonder if Jude had anything to do with that.

  When Max comes downstairs I ask him, “How were your dreams last night?”

  “Better. I did what you said. I asked Jesus to give me good dreams and to have his angels guard me while I sleep.”

  I give him a hug, “Good guy, I love you!”

  “Yeah,” he squirms, “do we have any Eggos left?” He wiggles out of my arms and into the kitchen. We head out the door shortly after Max finishes his breakfast.


  At church, Seth and Robby are already there having come early with Pastor Bill and Gina. Seth has his car packed up, ready to head home after lunch at Carrie’s. Seth and I sit next to each other during church. Ironically, Pastor Bill’s sermon is on the servant attitude of angels and what we can learn from their example.

  After church, and plenty o
f goodbyes, we head over to Carrie’s house. Seth and I are alone in his car since Robby hitched a ride with Carrie and her parents.

  “I’m sorry this weekend didn’t turn out like we planned,” I say. I’m disappointed that we didn’t have as much romance as I would have liked.

  “Are you kidding? This was one of the best weekends of my life. I got to be with you, and God gave me, us, confirmation that there is a whole spiritual world going on around us. I have an angel as a friend, and we’re serving God together. What could be better?”

  “But what about Jude? He’s going to be out to get us!”

  “So? Haven’t evil angels always been out to get us? We have God’s protection. Don’t worry so much.” I’m amazed at Seth’s point of view. I can’t believe how nonchalant he is about the good/bad angel thing.

  When we get to Carrie’s house, she’s drying off from Robby having thrown her in the pool. I look at her shake my head and say, “again?”

  “Don’t worry. I’ve set limits, only once a party and never on a major holiday.”

  “Well, that should work.”

  “And if I’m wearing my cell phone and he ruins it, I get a free upgrade. I think I’ll have a top of the line one by Christmas,” Carrie looks ecstatic. Robby would drive me nuts after one day, but she’s obviously in heaven.

  Robby enters the patio from the house and says, “Surprise! Guess who’s here.”

  I turn around expecting Johnny and Vania. “Hi everyone. Hi Mouse. Mind getting me a Coke, Robby, my man?” Of course, it’s Jude.

  “Help yourself, on the way out.” Robby goes to grab Jude by the arm, but he’s too fast and easily moves out of the way.

  “Remember the last time you went to lay a finger on me? Would you like a repeat? I might have to hold you under for a few minutes to teach you a lesson,” Jude goes to the cooler and takes a Coke. He pops the top and takes a sip, watching us.

  “Oh, we’re missing a couple of our friends. Let’s play a game. Truth or dare? Twenty questions? You pick.”

  “What have you done to them?” Carrie asks.

  “Alright,” Jude claps his hands together, a look of anticipation on his face, “twenty questions it is,” He sits in a chair, while we all stand, unconsciously forming a half-circle around him.


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