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Making His Way; Or, Frank Courtney's Struggle Upward

Page 5

by Jr. Horatio Alger

  He looked quite crestfallen.

  "I had better shows than you," said James. "I couldn't do it once infive times. Will you play again?"

  Mark agreed to it with some hesitation, and he was again beaten.

  "You had luck against you. Another day you will succeed better. Have youplayed enough?"

  "Yes," answered Mark, annoyed.

  He had four games to pay for and two dollars in bets, and it made ratheran expensive afternoon.

  "Have another drink? I'll treat," said James, who could afford to beliberal.

  Mark accepted, and then, flushed and excited, he left the saloon, justas Frank came up, as described in the first part of the chapter. On thewhole, he was sorry to meet his stepbrother just at this time.

  Frank stopped, and his attention was drawn to Mark's flushed face.



  Mark nodded slightly and was about to pass without a word, when Franksaid, quietly:

  "I am sorry to see you coming out of such a place, Mark."

  "What is it to you, anyway?" returned Mark, rudely.

  "Not much, perhaps," replied Frank, calmly, "but I don't like to see myacquaintances coming out of a liquor saloon."

  "It won't hurt you," said Mark, irritably.

  "No, it won't hurt me, but if tho principal should hear of it, it wouldnot be pleasant for you. You know students are strictly forbidden toenter any saloon?"

  "I suppose you mean to tell on me," said Mark, hastily, and notaltogether without uneasiness.

  "You are mistaken. I am not a talebearer."

  "Then there is no need to say any more about it. Come along, James!"

  Frank's interference was well meant, but, as we shall see, it did harmrather than good.

  As Mark left the saloon, he had half decided not to enter it again. Hewas three dollars out of pocket, and this did not suit him at all.

  In fact, Mark was rather a mean boy, and it was with considerablereluctance that he had handed over to his companion the two dollars withwhich to pay for the games.

  Moreover, he was mortified at losing the two games of billiards, when sogreat odds had been given him.

  James Carson was no scholar, but he was sharp enough to perceive thestate of Mark's feelings, and he also saw how he was affected by Frank'sremonstrance.

  He decided to take advantage of this, and strengthen his hold on Mark.

  "Well, Mark," he said, "I suppose you'll give up playing billiards now."

  "Why should I?"

  "Because your stepbrother doesn't approve of it. You won't dare to gointo the saloon after he has forbidden you," he continued, with a sneer.

  "What do you mean, James? Do you suppose I care that"--snapping hisfingers--"for what Frank says, or even thinks, either?"

  "I didn't know but you might stand in fear of him."

  "Do you mean to insult me?" demanded Mark, hotly.

  "Insult you! My dear friend, what can you be thinking of? Why, I likeyou ten times as much as that muff, Frank Courtney."

  "Then what did you mean by what you said?" asked Mark, more calmly.

  "I will tell you. I got an idea, from what Frank said once, that he wasin charge of you--well, not exactly that, but he looked after you."

  This was a wicked falsehood, as Frank had never intimated any suchthing. In fact, he had generally kept quite aloof from James.

  Mark, however, fell into the trail, and never thought of doubting whathis companion said.

  "If Frank said that, I've a great mind to whip him," said Mark, angrily.

  "Oh, I wouldn't notice him, if I were you!" said James. "For my part, Ididn't believe what he said. I felt sure that a fine, spirited boy likeyou wouldn't submit to his dictation."

  "I should say not--the impudent follow!"

  "When he spoke to you just now," continued James, "one would really havethought he was your uncle, or guardian, and that you were a little boy."

  "I'll show him what I think of him and his advice. I hadn't thought ofgoing to the saloon to-morrow, but now I will."

  "Bravo! I like your spirit!" said James, admiringly. "It is just the wayto treat him. Shall I come round with you about the same hour asto-day?"

  "Yes, I wish you would."

  When the two boys parted company, James Carson smiled to himself.

  "What a fool Mark is!" he thought. "He thinks he is his own master, butI am going to twist him round my little finger. He's a sweet youth, buthe's got money, and I mean to have some of it. Why, he tells me hisfather allows him eight dollars a week for spending money. If I managewell, I can get more than half away from his in bets."

  The next day James called for Mark, as agreed upon, and again the twoboys went to the billiard saloon. The performance of the day before wasrepeated.

  James Carson, while flattering Mark's poor play, managed to beat inevery game but one on which money was staked, and came out the richer bya dollar and a half.

  "I am very unlucky," grumbled Mark, in a tone of dissatisfaction.

  "So you were, Mark," admitted his sympathizing friend. "You made somecapital shots, though, and if I hadn't been so lucky, you would havecome out the victor in every game."

  "But I didn't."

  "No, you didn't; but you can't have such beastly luck all the time."

  "I guess I'd better give up billiards. In two days I have spent fivedollars. It doesn't pay."

  "No doubt Frank will be gratified when he hears that you have given upplaying. He will think it is because you are afraid of him."

  James had touched the right chord, and poor Mark was once more in histoils.

  "It's lucky for me that Frank spoke to him," thought James. "It makes itmuch easier for me to manage him."

  One thing, however, James had not taken into account. There were othersbesides Frank who were liable to interfere with his management, and whohad the authority to make their interference effectual.

  On the day succeeding, as James and Mark were in the campus, HerbertGrant approached them.

  Now Herbert was the janitor of the academy. He also was employed by theprincipal to summon students who had incurred censure to his study,where they received a suitable reprimand.

  It was not a pleasant duty, but some one must do it, and Herbert alwaysdischarged it in a gentlemanly manner, which could not, or ought not, tooffend the schoolfellows who were unlucky enough to receive a summons.

  "Boys," said he, "I am sorry to be the bearer of unpleasant news, butDr. Brush would like to see you in his study."

  "Both of us?" asked James.


  "Are there any others summoned?"


  Mark and his companion looked at each other with perturbed glances. Noone cared to visit the principal on such an errand. Corporal punishmentwas never resorted to in the Bridgeville Academy, but the doctor'sdignified rebuke was dreaded more than blows would have been from somemen.

  "What do you think it is, James?" asked Mark, uneasily.

  "I think it's the saloon," answered James, in a low voice.

  "But how could he have found it out? No one saw us go in or come out."

  The billiard saloon was at some distance from the academy building, andfor that reason the two boys had felt more secure in visiting it.

  "I'll tell you how it came out," said James, suddenly.

  "How?" asked Mark.

  "You remember Frank saw us coming out day before yesterday."

  "He said he wouldn't tell."

  It was not very difficult for Mark to believe anything against Frank,and he instantly adopted his companion's idea.

  "The mean sneak!" he said. "I'll come up with him! I'll tell my fathernot to give him any money for the next month. I'll---I'll get him toapprentice Frank to a shoemaker! Perhaps then he won't put on so manyairs."

  "Good for you! I admire your pluck!" said James, slapping Mark on theback. "You are true grit, you are! Just teach the fellow a lesson."

  "See if
I don't!"

  Mark nodded his head resolutely, and went into the presence of Dr.Brush, thirsting for vengeance against his stepbrother, who, he feltpersuaded, had informed against him.

  If Frank had known his suspicions he would have been very muchsurprised. As it happened, however, he did not even know that hisstepbrother had been summoned to the doctor's study. Had he met Herbert,the later would have told him; but after receiving his list, it sochanced that he and his friend did not meet.

  The fact was that a young man employed as tutor in mathematics in theacademy, while taking an afternoon walk, had seen Mark and James Carsonleaving the liquor saloon, and, as in duty bound, had reported the sameto the principal.

  Mr. Triangle, however, had not been observed by either of the two boys,and therefore they were led off on a false scent.

  "What do you think the old man will say?" asked Mark, uneasily, as theyascended the stairs to the principal's study.

  "He'll give us a raking down, I suppose," said James. "He will comedown heavy on us."

  "I wish I were out of it."

  "Oh, it's not worth minding! We haven't committed murder, have we?What's the harm in a game of billiards?"

  "Not much, perhaps; but the drinking and betting are certainlyobjectionable."

  The boys knocked at the door, and the full, deep voice of Dr. Brush washeard to say: "Come in!"



  Dr. Brush was seated at a table covered with papers, in a largearmchair. He was an elderly man of dignified presence, not a pettytyrant such as is sometimes found in a similar position, but a man whocommanded respect, without an effort.

  Mark Manning and James Carson entered his presence a little nervously.

  "Young gentlemen," said the doctor, gravely, "I am informed that youhave violated one of the rules of the academy by frequenting a billiardsaloon where liquor is sold."

  "Who told you, sir?" asked Mark.

  "That is not to the purpose," said the principal, gravely.

  "But I should like to know who informed on me," persisted Mark.

  "Whoever did so acted as your true friend, Manning; but there is nooccasion for you to know who it was. Is it true?"

  Mark would have been glad to deny the charge, and would not have feltany scruples about doing so, if it would have done any good. But it wasclear, even to him, that he would not be believed, and that denial wouldonly make his position worse. So he made a virtue of necessity, andanswered:

  "I have been in once or twice, sir."

  "Exactly how many times have you been to the saloon?"

  "Three times."

  "What did you do there?'

  "We played billiards."

  "Did you order anything at the bar?"

  "Yes, sir," said Mark, reluctantly.

  "Carson, you accompanied Manning, did you not?" said Dr. Brush, turningto Mark's companion.

  "Yes, sir."

  "And I suppose you also played billiards and drank?"

  "Well, yes, sir, I believe I did."

  "You were aware, were you not, that it was against the regulations ofthe school?"

  "I suppose it must have slipped my mind," answered James, trying to lookas innocent as possible.

  Dr. Brush frowned, for he saw clearly that this was but a subterfuge.

  "If this were true," he continued, "it would be no excuse. As students,it is your duty to make yourselves acquainted with the rules that governthe institution. In point of fact, I cannot believe that either of youis ignorant of the rule forbidding students to frequent places whereliquor is sold. It is hardly necessary for me to defend the propriety ofthis rule. Intemperance is a fruitful source of vice and crime, and Icannot allow the youth under by charge to form habits of indulgencewhich may blast all their prospects, and lead to the most ruinousconsequences."

  "We didn't drink much," said Mark.

  "I shall not inquire how much you drank. In drinking a single glass, youviolated the rule of the school, and I cannot pass over it."

  "What is he going to do with us, I wonder?" thought Mark.

  He was not required to wonder long.

  "As this is your first offense, so far as I know," proceeded theprincipal, "I will not be severe. You are both suspended from theinstitution for the remainder of the term, and are required to leaveBridgeville by the early train to-morrow morning for your respectivehomes. I shall write to your parents, explaining the cause of yoursuspension."

  But a week remained of the term, and the punishment was mild, but bothboys were mortified and left the study crestfallen.

  Mark was the first to recover his spirits.

  "It is not so bad, James," he said. "To-morrow will be Saturday, and Ishould go home, anyway. I don't mind staying at home next week."

  "What will your father say?"

  "Oh, I'll make it all right with him! I don't mind much what he says. Iguess he got into scrapes himself when he was a boy."

  "My father isn't so easily managed. Just as likely as not, he'll cut offmy allowance for a month; and that'll be no joke!"

  "My father won't do that," said Mark. "If he did, I would raise a fuss."

  "Would that do any good?"

  "I'll bet it would!"

  Frank, who was quite ignorant of Mark's trouble, was surprised when thelatter approached him a little later with a frown and said, harshly:

  "You won't make anything by what you have done, Frank Courtney!"

  "Will you be kind enough to tell me what I have done?" asked Frank,calmly.

  "You've been to Dr. Brush and told him about our playing billiards."

  "You are entirely mistaken, Mark. I did not suppose he knew."

  "It must have been you. He told us some one had informed him, and youwere the only one who knew. It's a mean trick, isn't it, Carson?"

  "Awfully mean!"

  "I have already told you that the information did not come from me. Itmay be the best thing for you that it has been found out, for it wasdoing you no good to frequent such places."

  "I don't want to hear any of your preaching, Frank Courtney. I guess Ican manage my own affairs without any advice from you."

  "I don't care to intrude any advice," said Frank. "I have not muchreason to feel interested in you."

  "You'd better look out how you treat me, though," said Mark, insolently."I know very well you dislike me, but it won't be safe for you to showit while you are a dependent on my father."

  "I don't propose to be a dependent on him long," said Frank, quietly."The truth of it is, you and your father are dependent upon propertywhich of right belongs to me. The time may come when I shall be able toshow this."

  "What does he mean?" thought Mark, uneasily. "Will he contest thewill?"

  It was perhaps an evidence of Mark's shrewdness that he had some doubtsabout the validity of the will under which his father inherited.



  Mark so represented his school difficulty to his father that he incurredbut slight censure.

  Indeed, Mr. Manning was so absorbed in plans for getting the greatestenjoyment out of the estate of which he had obtained possession bydoubtful means that he didn't care to be disturbed about such a trifleas his son's suspension.

  He felt more disposed to blame Frank, whom Mark charged with betrayinghim.

  "What does Frank say about it?" asked Mr. Manning.

  "Of course he denies it," said Mark, "but it can't be any one else."

  "He is acting very unwisely," said Mr. Manning, compressing his thinlips.

  "So I told him, but he said he didn't mean to be a dependent on youlong."

  "How is he going to avoid it?'

  "I don't know."

  "I have had some intimation from Col. Vincent, who appears to be in hisconfidence. He wants to leave us."

  "To go away?"


  "But you won't let him?"

  "I have been thinking about that, Mark, and I may give my per
mission.The fact is, he stands in the way of some plans I have formed. I amthinking of traveling."

  "Not without me?" said Mark, hastily.

  "No; you shall go with me, but I don't care to take Frank."

  "You might leave him at school."

  "I might, but how do I know that he might not hatch some mischief whilewe are gone?"

  "He might make some fuss about the property," suggested Mark.

  "Has he hinted anything of that kind to you?" asked his father, quickly.

  "Yes. Only yesterday he said that the property belonged by right tohim."

  Mr. Manning looked thoughtful, and watched Mark narrowly to see if fromhis manner he could divine the boy's intentions.

  Later that same evening, Mark having retired early in consequence of aheadache, Frank found himself alone with his stepfather, and tookadvantage of the opportunity to speak of the plan he had formed.

  "Mr. Manning," he said, "if you are at leisure, I should like to speakwith you a few minutes."

  "Proceed," said his stepfather, waving his hand.

  "But a week remains of the school term. Did you propose that I shouldreturn there at the end of the vacation?"

  "Humph! I had not thought much on the subject."

  "It has all along been intended that I should go to college whenprepared, but I don't think I care much about it."

  "In that case," said his stepfather, with alacrity, "you would only bethrowing away time and money by going."


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