The Yoga Tradition

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by Georg Feuerstein

Mahâ-Bhâshya, 214, 259

  mahâ-bhâva, 289

  Mahâcîna-câra-Krama-Tantra, 342, 365

  Mahâdeva, 185-186, 344

  Mahâdevî, 40

  mahâ-mudrâ. See mudrâs

  Mahâ-Nârâyana-Upanishad, 127, 133-134, 439n. 10

  Mahânirvâna-Tantra, 19, 21–22, 245, 342, 348, 358, 430n. 30

  Mahâ-Parinibbâna-Sutta, 157

  Mahâ-Purânas, 296

  mahâ-rajas. See rajas

  Maharashtra, saints of, 290–291, 384, 388

  Maharshi, Sri Ramana, xv, 50, 355

  Mahâsânghika Buddhism, 171

  mahâ-sattvas, 169

  mahâ-siddhas, 178–179, 290, 367–368, 383, 385–386, 387–390. See also mahâ-siddhis

  mahâ-siddhis, 276, 298, 323, 367–368, 395, 414, 417, 430n. 18

  mahat, 77

  Mahâ-Vâkya-Upanishad, 128, 311, 319

  mahâ-vedha, 395

  mahâ-vidyâ, 87–88, 344–345

  Mahâvîra, xxx, 92, 139–141, 142, 144, 145

  mahâ-vrata, 224, 245

  Mahâvratins. See Kâpâlikas

  Mahâyâna Buddhism, 163–174; Ashvaghosha and, 16; Classical Yoga and, 232; crazy wisdom and, 20; date of, 157; described, 33, 157, 163–164, 167–169, 243, 456; emergence of, 64; emptiness doctrine of, 157, 162, 163–166; Hînayâna vs., 157, 164, 167, 169; Hinduism and, 168, 171, 172; literature of, 157, 163–166; nirvâna equals samsâra and, xxix, 20, 157, 164, 343; no-self doctrine and, 159; Patanjali and, 163; schools of, 6, 57, 69, 157, 163, 167, 169, 171–174, 181; Shankara and, 157; source readings on, 164–166, 169–170; suffering and, 159, 436n. 6; three bodies of Buddha doctrine of, 168; Upanishads and, 159, 164, 318; Vajrayâna (Tantric) Buddhism and, 174, 175; Vedânta and, 171, 243. See also bodhisattva ideal

  Mahâyâna-Sûtra-Alamkdra, 171

  Mahâyâna-Vimshaka, 169–170

  Mahâ-Yoga, 178, 299

  mahesha, 264

  Mahesha, 418

  Maheshvara, Lord, 297, 401, 443n. 21

  Maheshvaras, 383

  mdheshvara-yoga, 297

  Mahîdhâra, 52–53, 401

  mahiman. See magnification

  maithunâ, 7, 177–178, 262, 364, 365–366, 373, 374

  Maitrâyanîya-Upanishad, 6, 69, 127, 183, 206, 246, 312, 382, 432n. 12, 438nn. 22, 26

  Maitreya, 163, 171, 437n. 34

  Maitreyanâtha, 171

  Maitreya-Upanishad, 206

  Maitreyî, 10

  Majjhima-Nikâya, 158

  Makuta, 265

  malas (impure substances), 80

  Malli, 141

  mâmsa, 364, 373–374

  mana, 249, 351

  manana. See consideration

  manas: bindu as, 34; buddhi-yoga and, 405; cakras and, 354; Classical Yoga and, 243; defined, 304, 456; existence hierarchy and, 35; Goraksha-Paddhati on, 405, 419; gunas and, 201; Karma-Yoga and, 50; kundalinî and, 358; mantras and, 51; Moksha-Dharma on, 199, 200; Pre-Classical Yoga and, 136; Purânas on, 297; rishis and, 434n. 41; Sâmkhya and, 77, 136; Self and, 34, 93; senses and, 136; Shaivism and, 268, 349; source reading on, 34–36; Uddhâva-Gîtâ on, 285, 286; Upanishads on, 34–36, 135; Yoga and, 93; Yoga-Vâsishtha on, 304–305, 306. See also mind

  mânasa-dîkshâ, 18

  Mânava-Dharma-Shâstra, 208

  Mandala-Brâhmana-Upanishad, 16, 128, 311, 321, 324–325

  mandalas, 175, 176–177, 364, 456. See also yantras

  Mandana Mishra, 73–74

  Mandara, Mount, 376

  Mândavya, 23

  mânduki-mudrâ, 396

  Mândûkya-Kârikâ, 7, 28, 206–207, 235

  Mândûkya-Upanishad, 104, 127, 183, 206–207, 43 8n. 28

  Mânikkavâcakar, 265, 276, 278

  Mani-Prabhâ, 236, 367

  manipura-cakra. See cakras

  manishâ, 104, 109, 110, 114

  Manjushrî-Mûla-Kalpa, 342

  mano-maya-kosha, 132

  mano-nâsha, 325

  Mantragupta, 261

  Mantra-Kaumudî, 53

  Mantra-Mahârnava, 53

  Mantra-Mahodadhi, 52–53, 364

  Mantra-Mukta-valî, 53

  mantras, 358–359; Absolute and, 5, 52, 359; adept’s mind and, 271; aham brahma- asmi, 5, 52, 129, 311; ajapâ-gâyatrî- mantra (hamsa-mantra), 317, 319, 404–405, 414, 442n. 12; Being and, 271; bhûta-shuddhi and, 358; bîja-mantrâs, 172, 298, 397, 415–416; brahmins and, 105; Buddhism and, 166, 171–172, 174; for cakras, 353, 354; consciousness and, 207, 358, 359; death, 131; defined, 51, 358, 457; deities and, 52, 358, 371; dhâranis, 172; Dharma-Shâstras on, 208–209; emotions and, 51; expiation and, 208; gate gate para-gate … , 166, 172; gâyatrî-mantra, 130, 131, 171, 209, 313, 314, 438n. 29; Goraksha-Paddhati on, 404–405, 415–416, 419; grace and, 359; ham, 354, 404–405; hûm, 172, 298; initiation and, 9, 18, 52, 54, 358–359; Jainism and, 148; kavâcas, 172; lam, 353; liberation and, 358, 405; magic and, 51, 52, 358, 359, 419, 433n. 8; mâtrikâs and, 266; meditation and, 51, 52, 130, 137, 172, 297; mind and, 51–52, 271, 358; Mûl- Mantra, 334; namu amida butsu, 174; om (see om); om mani padme hûm, 52, 172; om nâmah shivâya, 277, 298–299; om sac-cid-ekam brahma, 22; of the Perfection of Wisdom, 166; phat, 172; Purânas on, 298–299; purposes of, 52, 358–359; ram, 353; renunciation and, 71; repetition of, 175, 271, 358–359; satnam, 337; secret hidden in all, 271; Shiva’s name and, 277, 298–299, 439n. 10; Shiva- Sûtra on, 266, 271; Siddha tradition and, 82, 384; siddhis and, 230, 367; Tantra and, 245, 358–359, 371, 372, 375, 377; truthfulness and, 245; Upanishads on, 311, 312–318; vairâja-pranava, 317; vam, 353; Vedas on, 51, 52, 104; vibration and, 51, 359; yam, 354; Yoga-Sûtra on, 230. See also nâda; sound

  mantra-shâstra, 51, 358

  Mantrayâna Buddhism, 171–172, 174, 358

  Mantra-Yoga, 51–54; ânava-upâya and, 265; bhakti and, 53; Buddhism and, 166, 171–172, 174; described, 15, 28, 51–54, 298–299; Goraksha and, 442n. 9; Mantrayâna tradition and, 171–172; nâda and, 442n. 9; rishis and, 105; scriptures on, 52–53, 104, 298–299, 311, 312–318, 329–330, 400, 422, 424; Tantra and, 52, 54

  Mantra-Yoga-Samhitâ, 53–54, 360

  Manu, 85, 184, 208, 296, 434n. 31, 457

  Manu-Smriti, 208–209

  manvantara, 296

  Map of Mental States, A, 251

  mârana, 368

  mârdava. See humility

  marital fidelity, 184–185

  Mârkandeya-Purâna, 22–23, 296, 299, 300–301

  Mark the Mad, 19

  marmans, 80–81, 326, 327–328, 355

  Marpa, 21, 23, 178, 383

  martial arts, 80

  Maslow, Abraham, 80

  Mâtanga, 265

  Mâtangî, 87, 345

  matangi-mudrâ, 396

  Mâtarîshvan, 119, 435n. 61

  materialism, xxvii, xxix, 72, 78, 239, 241, 246–247, 382, 400, 428. See also mâyâ; science

  material welfare, 207

  mathematics, 63, 97–98

  mâtras. See objects

  mâtrâs, 313, 326, 328, 397, 411

  mâtrikâs, 266, 269, 358, 359. See also Sanskrit alphabet

  matsya, 364, 373; âsana, 393; mudrâ, 362

  Matsya, 85

  Matsya-Purâna, 296

  matsyendra-âsana, 393

  Matsyendra Nâtha, 348, 383, 385–386, 387, 401, 421, 423, 442n. 8, 457

  matter. See materialism; Nature

  maturation stages, 7–8, 14, 15–16, 305, 336, 424, 431n. 9

  mauna. See silence

  mâyâ: Buddhism and, 164, 165, 170; Classical Yoga and, 241; defined, 56, 457; forms as, 390; Gîtâs on, 185, 285; Krishna on, 190; mind and, 34; quantum physics and, 381; Shaivism and, 267, 268, 269, 270, 349; Shiva-Samhitâ on, 424; Shiva-Sûtra on, 272; Sikhism and, 334, 335; Tantra and, 346; Upanishads on, 321; Vaishnavism and, 285, 288, 290–291; Vedas on, 435n. 60; Yoga- Vâsishtha on, 304

  mâyâ-vâda, 56, 290–291

  meat, 364, 373–374, 389

62, 78–82, 141, 389, 390, 400. See also healers; health; illness

  meditation: absorption and, 54–55; ânava- upâya and, 266; ranyakas on, 74; âsanas and, 150–151, 162, 393, 395, 416; asceticism and, 67; bodhisattva path and, 168; body and, 381; brahmins and, 126; Buddhism and, 161–162, 168, 169, 172, 178, 180–181, 342, 346; cakras and, 249, 350; coarse vs. subtle, 369, 398; concentration and, 251, 252, 412; defined, 226, 251, 369–370, 416, 455; devotion and, 282; Dharma-Shâstras on, 209; ecstasy (samâdhi) and, 252, 370, 412, 418–419; ego and, 381; of Gautama the Buddha, 156; Gheranda-Samhitâ on, 391, 398; Goraksha-Paddhati on, 410, 412, 416–417, 418–419; on hamsa, 318, 319; Hatha-Yoga and, 28–29, 398; Integral Yoga and, 58; Jainism and, 143, 145, 146, 147, 149–151, 153; kriyâs and, 176; Laya- Yoga and, 54–55; liberation and, 371, 417; Lingâyatas and, 263–264; location for, 150, 297, 301; on lotus of the heart, 317; mandatas and, 176; mantras and, 51, 52, 130, 137, 172, 297; Mantra-Yoga and, 53; memory and, 251, 252, 418; mind and, 34–35; Moksha-Dharma on, 199, 200, 204–205; mudrâs and, 176, 360, 395, 396; nâdîs and, 350, 410; oldest form of Yoga and, 27; om and, 52, 130, 137, 297, 312, 313; paradox of, 251;prânâyâma and, 151; props for, 24–25, 431n. 42; Purânas on, 297, 298, 299, 301; purity and, 246; Râja-Yoga and, 28–29; sacrifice vs., 418; samanu, 397; Self and, 391, 398; senses and, 136–137, 199; Shata-Rudrîya on, 206; Sikhism and, 336, 337; sleep vs., 251, 252; stages of, 199, 204–205, 264; Tantra and, 150, 180–181, 342, 369–373; Upanishads on, 74, 125, 126, 127, 136, 206, 312, 313, 314, 317, 322, 325, 327–328, 331; Vaishnavism and, 288–289; Vedas on, 104, 109, 118; vrittis and, 251–252; Yoga-Sûtra on, 220, 222, 224, 226, 241, 244, 245, 251–252; Yoga- Vâsishtha on, 304, 305. See also contemplation; visualization

  Mehrgarh, 62, 98, 99

  Mehtabhak, Swami, 348

  memorization, 128

  memory: attachment and, 246; chastity and, 10; deep, 231; ecstasy (samâdhi) and, 252; Goraksha-Paddhati on, 416, 418; meditation and, 251, 252, 418; mudrâ for, 360; nondualism and, 5; Purânas on, 297; samskâra-nirodha and, 252; tradition and, 128; two aspects of, 252; Yoga-Sûtra on, 217, 218, 220, 231, 232, 251, 252; yogic explanation of, 55. See also remembrance

  menstrual blood. See rajas

  mental consciousness, 93, 94. See also mind merit, 170, 376, 378, 379, 382, 403, 412, 418

  Meru, Mount, 357, 376

  Mesmer, Anton, 249

  metabolism, 81, 353

  metanoia, 254

  metaphor: religious, xxix; Vedas and, 83, 105, 106

  mid-region. See antariksha; bhuvah

  Mila-Grubum, 178

  milam, 180

  Milarepa, 21, 178, 383

  Milinda-Panha, 158–159

  milk, 87, 101, 109, 309, 420

  Miller, Jeanine, 102, 104, 105, 113

  Mîmâmsâ, 6, 72, 77, 235

  Mimâmsâ-Sûtra, 72, 73–75

  Mîna Nâtha, 385–386, 388

  mind: Absolute and, 35; action and, 189–190; apâna and, 351; asceticism of, 247; attachment and, 189–190; yur-Veda and, 80; bhûmis and, 431n. 9; bindu as, 34; bliss and, 246; Buddhism and, 159, 160, 161, 162, 165, 166, 170–171, 174, 175, 177, 178, 180, 346; buddhi-yoga and, 405; cakras and, 354; Chinnamastâ and, 88, 345; conventions for focusing, 424; desire and, 202; dissolution of, 325, 358, 372; doubt and, 202; ecstasy (samâdhi) and, 29, 30, 312, 370, 399, 419; evolution and, xxvi; existence hierarchy and, 135; experience and, 241–242; five concentrations and, 415, 416; Five M’s and, 364; form and, 51; Gîtâs on, 189–190, 191, 247, 284, 285; Goraksha-Paddhati on, 401, 405, 407, 409, 413, 415, 416, 419; gunas and, 200–204; Jainism and, 146, 152; Jnâna-Yoga and, 31, 34–36; Karma-Yoga and, 50; knowledge and, 36; kundalinî and, 358, 405; liberation and, 34–36, 93, 135, 242; mantras and, 51–52, 271, 358; mâyâ and, 34; meditation and, 34—35; Moksha-Dharma on, 199, 200–205; mudrâs and, 359, 407; phenomenal self as, 272; prâna and, 249, 351, 381, 409; prânâyâma and, 249, 397; Pre- Classical Yoga and, 136; Purânas on, 297, 298, 299, 301; purity of, 34, 246, 285; Râja-Yoga and, 29; rishis and, 434n. 41; Sâmkhya and, 77, 136, 240; Self and, 34, 241, 419; semen and, 381; senses and, 135, 136, 230, 250; Shaivism and, 268; sheath of, 132; Shiva-Sûtra on, 270, 271–272; Sikhism and, 336; source reading on, 34–36; Supermind, 57–58; Tantra and, 175, 177, 178, 180, 369–373; Upanishads on, 34–36, 135, 257, 312, 314, 315, 317, 318, 319, 322, 323, 324, 325–328; Vedas on, 405; vibration and, 348; yantras and, 364; Yoga and transcendence of, 93, 135, 136; Yoga-Shâstra on, 424; Yoga-Sûtra on, 217–221, 223, 230, 241–242, 243; Yoga-Vâsishtha on, 304—305, 306–308. See also buddhi, citta; concentration; conceptualization; consideration; discernment; discrimination; insight; manas; meditation; thought; visualization; volition

  mindfulness, 161, 162, 218

  miniaturization, 229, 323, 367, 415

  Mîrâ Bâî, 292, 293

  miracles, 87, 95, 277, 290, 336, 386, 387. See also siddhis

  misconception, 217, 251

  misogynism, 140–141, 260

  mita-âhâra, 246, 406

  Modern Age, 64–65

  mohâ. See delusion

  Mohenjo-Daro, 63, 96, 98, 99–100

  moksha: defined, 149, 457. See also kaivalya; liberation

  Moksha-Dharma, 187, 197–205

  monks, 161, 286, 300

  moon: Absolute and, 422; amrita and, 413, 440n. 19; bindu and, 407; Buddhism and, 173; doshas and, 411; eyes and, 322; Goraksha-Paddhati on, 404, 407, 409, 410, 411, 413, 415; guru types and, 430n. 13; hatha and, 352, 390, 442n. 13; head and, 410, 411; heart and, 422; hidden, 422; kalâ and, 414, 415; nâdîs and, 321, 352, 390, 404, 410, 422; new, 422; nostrils and, 397; number sixteen and, 440n. 19; om and, 409; palate and, 407, 413; as prajnâ, 173; Self and, 194; sexuality and, 80; Shiva and, 84; shukra and, 407; sun and, 173, 194, 352, 413, 421; Uddhâva- Gîtâ on, 284, 285; Upanishads on, 322; Vrâtyas and, 121; Yoga-Sûtra on, 228. See also entries beginning with lunar

  moral causation, law of. See karma

  moral disciplines. See yamas

  morality: yur-Veda and, 80; Bhagavad-Gîtâ on, 189–190; Buddhism and, 159–160; Carpâta-Shataka on, 422; chastity and, 10; Hindu philosophy and, 72, 73; as human goal, 207; Jainism and, 143, 145, 146, 148; karma and, 143; liberation and, 207–208; Moksha-Dharma on, 198; Pre- Classical Age and, 184, 207–209; Samhitâs on, 280; Shaivism and, 258; Sikhism and, 335, 336; spirituality and, 207–208; Tantra and, 175; Vishnu and, 85; Yoga-Sûtra on, 208, 245–248; Yoga- Vâsishtha on, 306. See also dharma; ethics; niyamas; yamas

  Mother, 58, 88, 110, 185, 344, 345

  mouth, nâdî in, 404

  Mrigendra, 265

  mudrâs, 175–176, 359–363, 395–396; abhaya-mudrâ, 176; anjali-mudrâ, 193, 360, 437n. 15; ashvini-mudrâ, 396; âvâhani-mudrâ, 361; bhujanginî-mudrâ, 396; bhûmi-sparsha-mudrâ, 175–176; Buddhism and, 175–176; cakra-mudrâ, 363; Classical Yoga and, 248; concentration and, 396; dâna-mudrâ, 176; death and, 407, 418; deities and, 359, 360–361, 395; described, 175–176, 359–363, 395–396, 457; dharma-cakra-mudrâ, 176; dhenu-mudrâ (amritî-karana-mudrâ), 362; dhyâna-mudrâ, 176; Five M’s and, 364, 373; Gheranda-Samhitâ on, 391, 393, 395–396, 423; Goraksha-Paddhati on, 406–407, 408, 413, 418; Hatha-Yoga and, 395–396, 423, 424; Hatha-Yoga- Pradîpikâ on, 395, 423; jnâna-mudrâ (cin-mudrâ), 360, 418; kâkî-mudrâ, 396; khecârî-mudrâ (see khecârî-mudrâ); kûrma-mudrâ, 362; liberation and, 407; mahâ-mudrâ, 181, 317, 395, 406–407, 408, 424; mahâ-vedha, 395; mânduki- mudrâ, 396; Mantra-Yoga and, 53; mâtan- gi-mudrâ, 396; matsya-mudrâ, 362; meditation and, 176, 360, 395, 396; mind and, 359, 407; nabho-mudrâ, 395, 406, 407; nâdîs and, 418; number of, 359; padma- mudrâ, 362; pâshinî-mudrâ, 396; prâna- mudrâ, 360; Purânas on, 298; ritual and, 359–360; samnidhâpani-mudrâ, 361; samnirodhanî-mudrâ, 361; as seals, 359; shakti-câlanî-mudrâ, 396; shâmbhavî- mudrâ, 323, 369, 396; shanka-mudrâ, 363; Shiva and, 360, 363; shiva-linga- mudrâ, 363; Shiva-Samhitâ on, 424; shûnya-mudrâ, 360; siddhis and, 395; soma (amrita) and, 354, 362, 395, 396, 413, 414; stability and,
391; sthâpana- karmani-mudrâ, 361; sûrya-mudrâ, 360; tâdâgi-mudrâ, 396; Tantra and, 175–176, 359–363, 364, 366; therapeutic, 360, 406, 407, 414; vajrolî-mudrâ, 366, 396, 424; viparîta-karani-mudrâ (sarva-anga- âsana), 366, 395, 413, 424; Vishnu and, 360; vishnu-mudrâ, 360; yantras and, 360; yoginî-jnâna-mudrâ, 418; yoni- mudrâ (shan-mukhi-mudrâ), 363, 395–396, 407

  Muktananda, Swami, 268, 320, 417

  mukti. See liberation (enlightenment)

  mukti-advesha, 148

  Muktîkâ-Upanishad, 127, 312

  mûla-bandha, 318, 395, 406, 409, 424

  mûlâdhâra-cakra. See cakras

  Mûla-Sûtras, 141

  Mûller, Max, 76, 96, 213, 236, 438n. 26

  Muller-Ortega, Paul Eduardo, 347

  Mûl-Mantra. See Japji

  mumukshutva. See liberation (enlightenment), impulse toward

  Mundaka-Upanishad, 70, 127, 183, 206

  munis, 66, 70, 106, 457

  mûrcchâ-kumbhaka, 398

  Murphy, Michael, 368

  Murukan, 41

  music, 51, 345. See also chanting

  Music of the Spheres, 130, 354. See also nâda

  Muslims, 59, 61, 141, 143, 334

  mysticism, 65, 66, 72–78, 94, 101–105, 130–132, 281, 288

  mythical consciousness, 92–93

  Mythic Yoga, 68–69, 93. See also verticalism

  mythology: Puranic, 296, 298, 299; Vedic, 106, 124, 133, 296

  myths, defined, xxix


  Nâbhânedishtha, 103

  nâbhi-cakra. See cakras

  nabho-mudrâ, 395, 406, 407

  Nâcciyâr-Tirumoli, 281

  Naciketas, 134

  nâda: death and, 400; defined, 457; ether and, 416; Hatha-Yoga and, 442n. 9; heart and, 354; Mantra-Yoga and, 320, 442n. 9; nâdî purification and, 410; om as, 457; prânâyâma and, 412; scriptures on, 317, 319, 329–330, 400, 410, 412, 416, 417; Tantric speech model and, 359. See also anâhata-shahda; shabda

  nâda-anusamdhâna, 319

  Nâda-Bindu-Upanishad, 128, 311, 317

  nâda-yoga, 28, 320

  nâdîs: amrita-nâdî, 355; nanda-Samuccaya on, 422; arrangement of major, 352; yur-Veda and, 80; blocking network of, 408; citrini-nâdî, 352; concentration and, 350; described, 350–351, 352–353, 402, 403–404; disease and, 352, 408; dissolution of, 272; Goraksha-Paddhati on, 402, 403–404, 410, 418; Hatha-Yoga and, 80, 353, 390; illustrated, 54, 127, 352; immortality and, 124, 390; kânda and, 317, 352, 403, 405; Kânphatas and, 386; kurma- nâdî, 228; Laya-Yoga and, 55; light and, 352, 355; meditation and, 350, 410; metabolism and, 353; mudrâs and, 418; nâda and, 410; number of, 124, 352, 402, 403;prâna and, 351, 352, 353, 356, 397, 410; prânâyâma and, 410; purification of, 397, 410; Shiva-Sûtra on, 272; Smritis on, 422–423; subtle body and, 350–351, 352–353; sun and moon and, 321, 352, 390, 404, 410, 422; Tantra and, 350–351, 352–353; triple path and, 418; tumo and, 180; Upanishads on, 124, 317, 327–328, 330; vajra-nâdî, 352; Vedas on, 116. See also idâ- and pingalâ-nâdîs; sushumnâ- nâdî


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