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by Georg Feuerstein

  karma-âshaya, 222, 242

  karma-indriyas, 268

  karmana-sharîra, 144

  Karma-Paddhati, 81, 393

  Karma-Prâbhrita, 142

  Karma-Yoga, 47–51; Bhagavad-Gîtâ on, 49, 50, 189, 191; Buddhism and, 168; Buddhi-Yoga and, 31; caste system and, 208; described, 47–51, 456; “easiness” of, 49; Hiranyagarbha and, 215; ideal of, 33, 48, 51, 94, 189; Jnâna-Yoga and, 50, 68; kriyâ-yoga and, 221; naishkarmya-karman and, 379; Râmânuja and, 289; Râmâyana and, 185; Sikhism and, 335; Upanishads on, 331; Yoga-Shâstra on, 424; Yoga-Vâsishtha on, 50

  Karpura-Manjari, 389

  karunâ. See compassion

  Kashâya-Prâbhrita, 142–143

  kashâyas. See kleshas

  Kashmir, Jesus and, 430n. 7

  Kashmiri Shaivism, 265, 267–275, 323, 347, 349, 430n. 28

  Kashyapa, 296, 434n. 41

  Kâthaka-Brâhmana, 124

  Kathâ-Sârit-Sâgara, 250–251

  Kathâ-Upanishad, 54, 127, 134–136, 436n. 7

  Kâtyâyanî, 10

  kaula, defined, 385

  Kaula-Jnâna-Nirnaya, 348, 385

  Kaulism, 21, 347–348, 385. See also Kaula- Jnâna-Nirnaya; Kula-Arnava-Tantra

  Kaundinya, 260, 261, 277. See also Sambandhar

  Kauravas, 63, 186, 187, 190, 197

  Kaushika, 23

  Kaushîtaki-ranyaka, 125

  Kaushîtaki-Brâhmana, 124, 125

  Kaushîtaki-Upanishad, 125, 127, 133

  Kautsa, 105

  kavacas, 53, 172, 347. See also protection

  kavis, 414

  kâya-kalpa, 67, 81

  kâya-sâdhana, 81, 258, 383

  kâya-sankhâra, 162

  kâya-utsarga, 150-151

  Kedâra, 331

  Kena-Upanishad, 125, 127, 133

  Keshin, 140, 141

  keshins, 104, 113–114

  keshî-sûkta. See “Hymn of the Long-hair”

  kevala-kumbhaka, 55, 397, 398

  kevalins, 147, 150

  Keyserling, Hermann von, 188

  khândas, 336

  khecara, 415

  khecârî-mudrâ, 271, 276, 317, 329, 354, 385, 391, 395, 407, 424

  Khuddaka-Nikâya, 158

  killing, Buddhism and, 161

  kindness, 286. See also compassion

  Kirana, 265

  Kirlian photography, 351

  kîrtana. See chanting

  kleshas: Bhakti-Yoga and, 38, 39; Buddhism and, 169, 172, 177; Jainism and, 145, 147, 150, 151; serpent lord and, 214; Tantra and, 177; Upanishads on, 137; Yoga- Bhâshya on, 214; Yoga-Sûtra on, 219, 221–222, 233; Yoga-Vâsishtha on, 306

  Knee of Listening, The (Da Free John), xvi

  knots. See granthis

  knowledge: of the Absolute, 11, 35–36; action vs., 74; Anuyoga-Dvâra-Sûtra on, 141; Buddhism and, 166; cosmic, 228; of death, 228; Goraksha-Paddhati on, 405; guru-disciple relationship and, 10; initiation and, 18; Jainism and, 143, 144, 153; liberation and, 274; limitation of, 272; mind and, 36; perception and, 217, 227; psychospiritual technology and, xxviii; Purânas on, 299, 301; of Reality, 422; Shaivism and, 267, 269, 270, 271, 272, 349; Sikhism and, 336; Single Cow and, 110; subtle, 228–229; Tantras on, 371; wisdom vs., 272; Yoga-Sûtra on, 217, 221, 228–229, 251; Yoga-Vâsishtha on, 304. See also gnosis

  koshas, 132, 144–145, 350, 420

  krama-mukti, 330

  Krama Shaivism, 265

  Kramrisch, Stella, 12

  kri-kâra, 351, 404

  kripâ. See grace

  Krishna: on action, 47–48; lvârs and, 280–281; Arjuna and, 38, 68, 106, 136, 186–196, 305–310, 320; Bhagavad-Gîtâ on, 31, 38, 68, 136, 186–196, 320; bhakti and, 40, 192, 196; Brahma-Samhitâ on, 279; Buddhi-Yoga and, 31; described, 86, 282; dharma and, 32; Ghora and, 131; Gîtâ-Govinda and, 287–288; the Goddess and, 344; gopîs and, 38, 41, 187, 280–281, 282, 293; Hari-Vamsha and, 186; Hatha-Yoga and, 384; heart and, 192; illustrations of, 40, 48, 187; as ishta-devata, 225; kali-yuga and, 343; Karma-Yoga and, 49; last message of, 282–286; love and, 40, 192, 196; Mîrâ Bâî and, 293; Purânas on, 281–283; Râdhâ and, 287–288, 291; siddhis of, 367; Uddhâva- Gîta and, 282–286; Upanishads on, 130–131; Vaishnavas and, 40; Varâha and, 133; as Vâsudeva, 432n. 13; Vedas on, 131; Vishnu as, 185, 187, 191, 193–195, 281–283; Yoga-Vâsishtha on, 305–310

  Krishna, Gopi, xvi, 356, 357, 366

  Krishna Caitanya, 289

  Krishnâcârya, 389–390

  Krishna Consciousness movement, 292

  Krishna Dvaipâyana. See Vyâsa

  Krishnamacharya, T. S., 30, 288

  Krishnânanda, 368

  Krishna-Yajur-Veda, 133, 206

  kriyâ-dîkshâ, 17

  kriyâs, 176, 392, 409, 424. See also action; purification; ritual

  Kriyâ-Samgraha-Panjikâ, 17

  kriyâ-shakti, 260

  kriyâ-yoga, 28, 50, 216, 221–226, 331, 456

  Kriyâ-Yoga-Sâra, 297

  kshamâ/kshânti. See patience

  kshatriya estate, 9, 60, 86, 101, 106, 120, 133, 145, 434n. 31

  Kshemarâja, 265, 272, 274, 347

  kshetra-jna, 200, 201, 203, 297

  Kshurikâ-Upanishad, 80, 94, 128, 311, 323, 326–328, 355

  Kubjîka (Goddess), 113

  Kubjikâ-Mata-Tantra, 348

  Kubjikâ tradition, 348

  kula, defined, 456

  Kula-Arnava-Tantra: on âsanas, 395; on body, 382, 390; described, 342, 348, 369; on disciples, 16; on Five M’s, 364, 374, 378; on gurus, 11–12, 430n. 29; on initiation, 16, 17–18, 359; on mantras, 359; source reading from, 369–379; Yoga definition in, 372, 395

  Kumâra, 5

  Kumâra, 265

  Kumârajîva, 164

  Kumârî, 270

  Kumârila Bhatta, 73

  kumbhaka, 55, 314, 324, 397–398

  KundaKunda, 142, 145–146, 151

  kundala, 337

  kundalinî. See kundalinî-shakti

  kundalinî-shakti, 355–357; Agni and, 83; awakening of, 356–357, 384, 390, 398, 404, 405, 410, 411, 421, 423, 424; band- has and, 317, 417–418; buddhi-yoga and, 405; cakras and, 353, 355, 357–358, 416, 421; described, 299, 328, 355–357, 405, 421; Devî as, 345; diet and, 406; ecstasy (samâdhi) and, 352; ego and, 384; elements and, 55, 357–358; fasting and, 406; fire and, 405, 411; Ganesha and, 87; Goraksha legends and, 386; Goraksha- Paddhati on, 405–406, 408, 411, 416, 417–418; granthis and, 355; guru and, 290; Hatha-Yoga and, 31, 328, 329, 353, 356, 390, 405—406, 423; ignorance and, 406; illustrated, 55; Jnâneshvarî on, 290; kânda and, 405; Kubjikâ and, 113; kula and akula, 385, 421; Laya-Yoga and, 54, 55, 268; liberation and, 328, 329, 406; light and, 321, 356; mantras and, 405; mind and, 358, 405; Nârâyâna Tîrtha and, 236; pain and, 356; popularization of, xvi; prâna and, 316, 352, 356, 405—406, 411; prânâyâma and, 397; rajas and, 408; Self and, 358, 398; Shakti and, 352, 356, 385; Shiva and, 84, 385; Shiva-Samhitâ on, 424; Siddha-Siddhânta-Paddhati on, 421; siddhis and, 421; Sikhism and, 337; sin and, 321, 411; sushumnâ-nâdî and, 124, 275, 321, 352, 356, 357–358, 405, 418; Tantra and, 299, 316, 342, 345, 352–353, 355–357; transmutation and, 275, 353; Upanishads on, 317, 319, 321, 328–329, 330, 331; Vedas on, 113; veiling power of, 431n. 44; videha-mukti and, 329; Western science and, 249, 351; Yoga-Bîja on, 421; Yoga-Yâjnavalkya on, 422; as yoginî- jnâna-mudrâ, 418. See also shakti; Shakti

  Kundalinî-Yoga: Bhogar on, 384; body and, 399; defined, 337, 357, 456; Hatha-Yoga and, 28, 399; kundalinî awakening and, 356; Lallâ and, 269; Shaivism and, 267; Shamanism and, 95; Sikhism and, 337; Tantra and, 28; Upanishads on, 311–312, 317, 328–331; Yoga-Vâsishtha and, 304

  Kunleg, Drukpa, 21, 22, 23

  kûrma, 351, 403; âsana, 280, 393; mudrâ, 362; nâdî, 228. See also tortoise

  Kûrma, 85

  Kûrma-Purâna, 40, 295, 298

  Kuruka Nâtha, 288

  Kurukshetra, 331

  Kuticakas, 71


laghiman. See levitation

  Laghu-Yoga-Vâsishta, 303

  Laghvî, 236

  Lâkinî, 353

  Lakshmana, 184

  Lakshmanjoo, Swami, 347, 348

  Lakshmî, 86, 88, 133, 261, 360, 364

  Lakshmî Ma, 292

  lakshyas, 325, 420, 421, 443n. 23

  Lakulîsha, 259–260, 261, 263

  lalanâ-cakra, 354

  Lalitâ Tripurâ-Sundarî. See Tripurâ-Sundarî

  Lalitâ-Vistara, 156

  Lallâ-Vâkya, 269

  lam, 353

  lama myonpa. See crazy wisdom

  lambika-yoga, 414

  lam rim, 179

  language: inadequacy of, 130, 161, 162, 252; objectification and, 6, 161; twilight, 366. See also books

  Lankâ-Avatâra-Sûtra, 163, 171

  Lao Tzu, xxx, 92

  laughter, 260, 282, 289

  lauli (lauliki), 392

  law, 168, 184, 207-209. See also dharma; Dharma-Shâstras; Dharma-Sûtras; Smritis

  laya, defined, 54, 456

  Laya-Yoga, 15, 28, 54–55, 268–269, 329, 400, 424, 456

  laziness, 219

  legal literature. See law

  Leggett, Trevor, 235

  levitation, 229, 367, 398, 411

  libation sacrifice, 418

  liberation (enlightenment): Absolute and, 369; action and, 48, 50, 127, 185–186, 304, 306–308; nanda-Samuccaya on, 422; âsanas and, 372, 402; asceticism and, 70, 341; authentic spirituality and, 28; yur-Veda and, 80; balance and, 390; bandhas and, 406; Bhairavî and, 345; bhakti and, 41; bodhisattva ideal and, 167, 168; body and, xxix, 30, 382–383, 390; Buddhism and, 159, 161, 162, 165, 166, 167–168, 169, 170, 346; Buddhi-Yoga and, 31; concentration and, 371; creation and, 273; defined, xxvi, 5, 129–130, 137, 254, 289, 305, 341; devotion and, 248, 282–283; disembodied (see videha-mukti); ecstasy (samâdhi) and, 221, 391, 398, 399, 412; elements and, 5; enjoyment and, 20; evolution and, xxvi-xxvii; existentialism and, 143; experience and, 130, 137, 143, 254; fear and, 38, 132, 143, 320, 420; gate of, 313; of Gautama the Buddha, 156; Gheranda-Samhitâ on, 391; Gîtâs on, 191–192, 285; Goraksha- Paddhati on, 401, 406, 412, 417, 419–420; grace and, 135, 136, 137, 248, 260; gunas and, 222, 223; guru and, 9, 19; Hatha-Yoga and, 30, 382–383, 390, 399; hatred and, 38, 287; heart and, 289, 371; as human goal, 207; immortality equals, 130, 137; impulse toward, xxv-xxvii, 16, 32, 130, 133, 148, 167, 241–242, 245, 305; ineffability of, xxviii-xxix; involution and, 222; Jainism and, 141, 143, 144, 145, 146–147, 148, 149, 153; Jnâna-Yoga and, 31, 32, 33; Kâpâlikas and, 262; karma and, 144, 371; Karma-Yoga and, 50; knowledge and, 274; kundalinî and, 406; light and, 30, 320; living (see jîvan-mukti); Lord and, 282; love and, 30, 192; Mândûkya-Kârikâ on, 207; mantras and, 358, 405; Mantra-Yoga and, 54; meditation and, 371, 4.17; merit/demerit and, 403; Mîmâmsâ and, 73; mind and, 34–36, 93, 136, 242; Moksha-Dharma on, 203, 204–205; morality and, 207–208; mudrâs and, 407; Nature and, xxvi, 222, 223, 232, 240; niyamas and, 204–205, 372; nondualism and, 4, 20, 74; Nyâya and, 78; objects and, 254, 274; paradox of, 20, 162, 176, 254; parama-hamsas and, 325; Pâshupâtas and, 260–261, 439n. 4; peace and, 459;prâna and, 273, 275; prânâyâ- ma and, 81; Purânas on, 297, 298; Râja- Yoga and, 29; Râmâyana on, 185; Reality and, xvii, xxvi, 5, 260, 417, 419–420; rebirth and, 273; renunciation and, 70, 71, 130, 341; Sâmkhya and, 31, 77; sat-sanga and, 15; Self and (see Self [transcendental], identification with); senses and, 5; sexuality and, 38, 245; Shamanism and, 95; Shiva and, 84; Shiva-Samhitâ on, 424; Shiva-Sûtra on, 273–275; siddhis and, 367; Sikhism and, 336; sushumnâ-nâdî and, 206; Tantra and, 20, 342–343, 369–379, 382–383, 399; temporary, 254; types of, 254, 282, 305, 317; union and, 342; unique significance of, xvii; Upanishads on, 126, 127, 129–130, 183–184, 206, 313, 315, 317, 318, 319, 321, 325, 328, 329, 330, 341; Vaisheshika and, 77; Vaishnavism and, 282–283, 285, 289, 291; Vedânta and, 5, 20, 130, 254; Vedic Proto-Yoga and, 110; visions and, 137; wisdom and, 50, 127, 185–186, 304, 306–308, 342–343; yamas and, 372; Yoga-Bhâshya on, 211; Yoga-Sûtra on, 8, 211, 216, 230–233, 254, 258, 439n. 8; Yoga-Vâsishtha on, 303, 305, 308–309. See also God-realization; kaivalya; sahaja-samâdhi

  Life Divine, The, 56

  life force. See apâna; kundalinî-shakti; prâna; shakti, Shakti; vyâna

  life stages. See stages of life

  light/Light: Aghorîs and, 263; Agni and, 83; blue pearl and, 320; consciousness and, 232; contemplation of, 398; death and, 180, 181, 320; dissolving body into, 384; divine body and, 382; ecstasy (samâdhi) and, 412; enlightenment and, 30, 320; fire and, 320, 322; Goraksha-Paddhati on, 403, 409, 417, 443n. 34; Indra and, 107; inner, 320; kundalinî and, 321, 356; lakshya and, 421; Moksha-Dharma on, 200; nâdîs and, 352, 355; ojas and, 95; om and, 409; Purânas on, 297; Reality and, 320; Self and, 232; Shiva and Shakti as, 346; Shiva-Sûtra on, 272, 273; siddhas and, 383; Sikhism and, 336; Soma and, 111; surrender and, 320; transcendental, 320, 325; Upanishads on, 311, 320–325; Vedas on, 34, 102, 104, 110–111, 116, 434n. 43, 434n. 45; Yoga-Sûtra on, 229. See also sun

  Lilly, John, xxvii, 250

  lineage, 17, 27–28

  linga: cakras and, 355; defined, 84, 298, 456; Goraksha-Paddhati on, 403; illustrated, 83, 265; Kâlabhairava and, 295; kundalinî, and, 356; Linga-Purâna on, 298; Lingâyatas and, 263–264; Shiva and, 84, 133, 298, 355, 403; Upanishads on, 133; Vedic era and, 101; yoni and, 84, 403

  linga-mâtra, 243, 244

  Linga-Purâna, 296, 298

  Lingâyatas, 263–264

  lion, 84, 262, 393, 412

  listening, 33, 37, 299

  livelihood, 161, 335

  locks. See bandha

  logic, 71, 73, 78, 142, 169. See also Nyâya

  logos, 359

  Lohâmudrâ, 82

  Lohipâda, 346

  loka. See space

  loka-samgraha: defined, 190–191, 278. See also world welfare

  loka-uttara-magga. See eightfold path

  Lokâyata, 72

  longevity: ahimsâ and, 245; amrita and, 414; yur-Veda and, 79; bhûta-samatâ and, 422; Dhumâvatî and, 345; Goraksha- Paddhati on, 406, 409, 413, 414; karma and, 144; kâya-kalpa and, 67, 81; kâya- sâdhana and, 81; khecârî-mudrâ and, 395; lambikâ-yoga and, 414; mahâ-mudrâ and, 406; mûla-bandha and, 409; ojas and, 81; prâna and apâna and, 414; Siddha tradition and, 81–82

  Lord: Absolute vs., 248; devotion to, 219, 224, 225, 246, 247–248, 281–283, 308, 330; dualism and, 248; Gîtâs on, 190–196, 283–286; Hindu philosphy and, 72; Jainism and, 145; Judeo-Christian God vs., 248; liberation and, 282; Lingâyatas and, 263–264; as Maheshvara, 297; Nature and, 136–137; om and, 219; Pâshupâtas and, 260–261; Pre-Classical Yoga and, 198; Purânas on, 277, 281, 297; Râja-Yoga and, 29; Shaivism and, 267, 278, 349; siddhis and, 367; Tantras on, 369–379; Upanishads on, 136–137, 321, 330; Yoga and, 248; Yoga-Bhâshya on, 248; Yoga-Sûtra on, 219, 224, 225, 240; Yoga-Vâsishtha on, 307, 308. See also Divine; God; Krishna; Self (transcendental)

  lordship (siddhi), 368

  lotus, 177, 350–351, 430n. 27, 432n. 12. See also âsanas, padma-âsana

  love: Bhakti-Yoga and, 36–37, 38–39, 40, 41; bhâva and, 289–290; cakras and, 355; discipleship and, 16; God and, 192; Krishna and, 40, 192, 196; kundalinî and, 356; language and, 6; liberation and, 30, 192; as moral precept, 246; Purânas on, 299; Self and, 196; Shaivism and, 276–277, 278; Shakti as, 356; significance of, xvii; Sikhism and, 334, 335; Tantras on, 377; Vaishnavism and, 280–281, 282–283, 287–293; Vedas on, 114; Yoga- Vâsishtha on, 308. See also bhakti, compassion; râsa-lîlâ

  Lozowick, Lee, 292

  lucid dreaming, 180

  lucidity, 252, 431n. 9

  Luipâ, 383, 385

  lunar disk, 410

  lunar dynasty, 208

  lunar process, 422. See also moon

  lust, 198. See also pleasure

  lying. See truthfulness


  mac-citta, 31

  macrocosm. See cosmos

sp; Mâdhava, 236, 261–262

  Madhurâja Yogin, 267

  Madhva, 289, 292, 437n. 9

  madhya-mârga, 157

  Mâdhyamika Buddhism, 169, 436n. 19

  Mâdhyamika-Kârika, 169

  madness, 19–25, 66, 263, 289, 292, 304

  madya, 364, 373–374

  Mâgha, 438n. 7

  magic: asceticism and, 28, 67, 387; black, 359, 368; Brâhmanas on, 124; Buddhism and, 157, 158, 178; ego and, 384; Gautama the Buddha and, 157; Hatha- Yoga and, 30; Kaksha-Pûta-Samhitâ on, 389; Kânphatas and, 386, 387; Kâpâlikas and, 261; magical flight, 415; mantras and, 51, 52, 358, 359, 368, 419, 433n. 8; Nâthas and, 384, 386; Nature and, 30; Râma and, 185; shat-karmans, 368; Siddha movement and, 383, 384; siddhis and, 28, 67, 95, 367, 368; Tantra and, 28, 178, 342, 344, 347, 367, 368; transcendence vs., 67, 95; Vedas on, 114, 115, 118, 120, 121, 435nn. 60, 67; visualization and, 368; Vrâtyas and, 120, 121; yantras and, 364, 368, 419; yogins and, 95. See also Shamanism

  magical consciousness, 92–93

  magical thinking, 346

  magnification, 367

  mahâ-âkâsha, 322, 325

  mahâ-âtmans, 135, 148, 171

  Mahâbhârata, 186–205; on ahimsâ, 245; Anu-Gîtâ in, 187, 197, 279; arranger of, 123, 186, 234–235; on asceticism, 65–67; on concentration, 251; date of, 62, 63, 183, 186; described, 63, 123, 186–192, 198, 234–235, 259; on disciples, 14; Hari- Vamsha and, 186, 281; kali-yuga and, 343; memorization of, 128; Moksha- Dharma and, 187, 197–205; on Pancarâtra tradition, 39; on renunciation, 70; on Self, 245; on sense-restraint, 250; source readings from, 192–196, 200–205; Sushruta in, 79; Vedas and, 63, 186, 264; Vyâsa and, 66, 123, 186, 234–235; Yoga definition in, 6. See also Bhagavad-Gîtâ


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