The Yoga Tradition

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by Georg Feuerstein

  prâtibha. See understanding

  pratibimba. See reflection

  pratimîlana, 275

  pratipatti. See absorption

  pratiprasava. See involution

  pratisarga. See involution

  Pratishtha-Lakshana-Sâra-Samuccaya, 264

  pratîtya-samutpâda, 160, 170

  Pratyâbhijna-Hridaya, 267

  Pratyâbhijna Shaivism, 265, 267-268

  Pratyâbhijna-Sûtra, 267

  pratyâhâra. See sense-restraint

  pratyak-cetanâ, 219

  pratyaya-nirodha, 252

  pratyayas, 251, 252

  pravritti. See action

  Prayâga, 331

  prayer, 104, 105, 141, 169, 297, 319, 333, 334, 431n. 10

  Pre-Classical Age. See Epic Age

  Pre-Classical Sâmkhya, 197–198

  Pre-Classical Yoga, 63, 119–209; orientation of, 198–199. See also Bhagavad-Gîtâ; Buddhism; Dharma-Shâstras; Jainism; Mahâbhârata; Moksha-Dharma; Upanishads, early; Vedânta; Vedas

  prema, 356

  Pre-Vedic Age, 62

  pride, 32, 146, 230, 376

  priestly estate. See brâhmana estate

  Prithivî, 101

  Prithu, King, 120

  procurement body, 144

  Prometheus, 435n. 61

  props (concentration loci), 331, 402, 416–417, 420

  prosperity, 114, 115

  prostitutes, sacred, 120

  prostration, 37, 152, 283

  protection, 53, 172, 206, 344, 345, 385

  Proto-Yoga, 93, 96, 98, 101–114, 115–116, 121, 125, 134

  Proverbs, 32

  psyche. See jîva

  psychic powers. See siddhis

  psychocosmograms, 239, 240–241

  psychology, xxvi, xxvii, xxix-xxx, 239, 400. See also schizophrenia; subconscious; unconscious

  pûjana, 148, 152, 458

  Pûjyapâda, 389

  punya. See merit

  purâna, defined, 296

  Purânas, 295–301; arranger of, 123, 186, 234, 296; Bhakti-Yoga and, 298; body and, 299, 442n. 2; on concentration, 297, 298, 300; on Consciousness, 298; date of, 62, 64, 65, 258, 296; Dattâtreya and, 22–23; on deities, 299; described, 64, 258, 295–301, 458; divine name and, 335; on ecstasy (samâdhi), 298, 370; on eightfold path, 298, 299; on God, 299; Itihâsas and, 295, 296; Jaina, 142; on Kalki, 86; legends in, 295; levels of practice and, 299; Mahâ-Purânas, 296; on Manu, 208; source reading from, 300–301; Tantra and, 64, 298, 299, 347; Upa-Purânas, 296, 299; Vedas and, 264, 295, 296, 300, 435n. 66; Yoga in, 295–301. See also specific Purânas

  Purâna-Samhitâ, 296

  Puranic Age, 64

  Pure Differentiated, 243, 244

  Pure Land Buddhism, 173–174

  purification: yur-Veda and, 81, 82; dhauti, 81, 391, 397; of elements, 357–358; fire and, 209, 410; Gheranda-Samhitâ on, 390–392, 423; Goraksha-Paddhati on, 410; Hatha-Yoga and, 390–392; Hatha- Yoga-Pradîpikâ on, 392, 423; Jainism and, 143–151; kapâla-bhâti, 392; lauli (nauli), 392; Mantra-Yoga and, 53; Moksha-Dharma on, 203; of nâdîs, 397, 410; neti, 391–392; for prânâyâma, 390–392, 397; Sat-Karma-Samgraha on, 81, 392; shat-karmans and, 368, 391–392, 397; Shiva and, 84; Tantras on, 342, 376; techniques of, 390–392; trâtaka, 392; Upanishads on, 323; vasti (basti), 391; wisdom and, 203; Yoga-Vâsishtha on, 306

  purity: cakras and, 414; diet and, 246; fire and, 184; Gîtâs on, 247, 284, 285; Jainism and, 147, 150, 152; Kamalâtmikâ and, 345; meditation and, 246; of mind, 34, 246, 285; as niyama, 224, 225, 246, 301; Purânas on, 297, 298, 301; Self and, 246; Sîtâ and, 184–185; Tantras on, 375, 376; Yoga-Bhâshya on, 246; Yoga-Sûtra on, 245, 225, 246. See also cleanliness

  Pûmânanda, 53

  pûrna-yoga. See integralism; Integral Yoga

  purusha: Classical Sâmkhya and, 31, 75–77, 144, 198, 240, 254; Classical Yoga and, 241; Classical Yoga and (see Yoga-Sûtra, on Self); defined, 458; gunas and, 201; Pre-Classical Yoga and, 198, 199, 200–204; Upanishads and (see Self [transcendental], Upanishads on). See also Absolute (brahman); atman; awareness/Awareness; Self (transcendental); Spirit

  purusha-artha, 207

  purusha-medha, 120, 262

  purusha-sûkta. See “Hymn of Man”

  purusha-uttama, 297

  Pûrva-Mîmâmsâ, 6, 72, 73–74, 77, 235

  Pûrvas, 141, 142

  pûrva-sevâ, 148

  Pûshan, 110, 111

  Pushpabhûti, King, 261

  Pythagoras, 92, 130


  quantum physics, xxvii, xxix, 17, 75, 348, 350, 381–382


  Râdhâ, 281, 287–288, 291, 344

  Radhakrishnan, Sarvepalli, 73, 437n. 9

  radiance-spaces. See âkâshas (vyomans)

  râga. See attachment; desire

  Râghavânanda, 234, 236

  Rags, 335

  Rahasyas, 347

  râja-danta, 414, 420. See also ghantikâ

  Râja-Mârtanda, 235, 247

  Râjanaka Kshemarâja, 267

  Râja-Prashnîya-Sûtra, 141

  rajas (female secretion), 29, 407–408, 421, 424

  rajas (guna): asceticism and, 247; yur- Veda and, 81; defined, 75, 370, 432n. 18; Gîtâ on, 247; Goraksha-Paddhati on, 404, 413; liberation and, 222, 223; Moksha- Dharma on, 200–204, 438n. 23; sattva and tamas and, 45, 223, 432n. 23; Vedas on, 434n. 36. See also gunas

  Râja-Yoga, 27, 28–29, 30, 265, 329, 399, 400, 423. See also Classical Yoga

  Râkinî, 353

  Ram, Swami, 348

  ram (mantra), 353

  Râma, 85, 86, 183, 184–185, 279, 287, 291, 292, 293, 360, 437n. 2. See also Râmâyana

  Râmabhadra Dîkshita, 236

  Râmacandra, 303

  Râma-Carita-Mânasa, 293

  Râmadâsa, 291

  Râma-Gîtâ, 185–186, 279

  Ramakrishna, Sri, xvii, 399

  Râmalingar, 384

  Râmânanda, 292, 293

  Râmânanda Yati, 236

  Râmânuja, 41, 74–75, 288–289, 292, 437n. 9

  Râma-Pûrva-Tapanîya-Upanishad, 183, 185, 437n. 2

  Râma- Uttara- Tapanîya- Upanishad, 183, 185, 437n. 2

  Râmâyana, 62, 63, 86, 128, 142, 183, 184–186, 291, 293

  Râm Dâs, 333, 334, 337

  Râmî, 291, 344

  Ram Tirtha, 303

  rapture, 325

  rasa, 289–290, 367, 414, 458

  râsa-lîlâ, 281, 283

  Rasa-Paddhati, 390

  Rasa-Ratna-kâra, 389

  rasâyana. See alchemy

  Ratan Haji, Baba, 388

  rationality. See reason

  ratis. See kleshas

  Ratna-Tîkâ, 260

  Raurava, 265

  Râvana, 184, 287

  Ravindra, Ravi, 213

  Reality: nanda-Samuccaya on, 422; asceticism and, 341; bliss and, xxvi; body and, 382, 390, 399; Buddha as, 168; Buddhism and, 157, 160–161, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 176, 177, 178, 181, 346; cakras and, 355; Chinnamastâ and, 345; defined, xxv-xxvi; deities and, 83; ego vs., xvii; fragmentation of, 6; Goraksha- Paddhati on, 401, 403, 412, 417, 418, 419–420; guru and, 18, 430n. 29; Hatha- Yoga and, 422; Hindu philosophy and, 72; initiation and, 18, 19; Integral Yoga and, 58; Jainism and, 147, 148; Jnâna-Sâra on, 147; knowledge of, 422; liberation and, xvii, xxvi, 5, 260, 417, 419–420; light and, 320; mantras and, 358; models of, xxviii-xxix; nature of, 4; om and, 130, 172; Pâshupatas and, 260; Purânas on, 301; Râma as, 185; renunciation and, 68, 69; rishis and, 101, 105; Sâmkhya and, 75, 76; seeking and, 95; Self and, 126, 127, 133, 418; Shaivism and, 267, 270, 271, 272, 273–275, 276, 349; Shiva-Sûtra on, 267, 270, 271, 272, 273–275; sun and, 320; Tantra and, xxix, 175, 176, 177, 178, 181, 343, 366, 370, 371, 372, 373, 378; Târaka- Yoga and, 320; Upanishads on, 126, 127, 133, 159, 311, 320, 322, 323, 324, 325, 329; Vedânta and, 4, 74, 429n. 1; Vedas on, 435n. 63; verticalism and, xxix; wisdom and, 147; World Pillar and, 116; yantras and,
364; Yoga definition and, 3–6; Yoga-Vâsishtha on, 306, 307. See also nirvâna; Self (transcendental); Spirit; Truth

  realization. See liberation (enlightenment); sâdhanâ; siddhis

  reason, xxx, 31, 32, 72, 93, 240, 265, 268, 289

  recitation: of Divine name, 335; Gîtâ on, 283; Goraksha-Paddhati on, 405; initiation and, 52; Kabîr and, 292; of mantras, 358–359; Mantra-Yoga and, 53; Purânas on, 298; rishis and, 105; Shiva-Sûtra on, 274; Sikhism and, 335, 337; svâdhyâya and, 247; Tantras on, 372; Upanishads on, 206

  recollection. See memory

  rectitude. See ârjava

  reflection: bhûmis and, 431n. 9; Buddhism and, 169, 175; ecstasy (samâdhi) and, 218, 220, 252, 253; Jainism and, 150; Moksha-Dharma on, 199, 200, 205; Upanishads on, 206, 313, 314, 315, 440n. 8; Yoga-Sûtra on, 218, 220; Yoga-Vâsishtha on, 310

  Reich, Wilhelm, 249, 351

  reincarnation: Buddhism and, 126, 159–161, 173, 180, 181; described, 49, 126, 129; initiation and, 17; Jainism and, 144, 153; liberation and, 126, 273; scriptures on, 124, 126, 129, 133, 135, 137, 321, 323, 324, 327, 403; Tantra and, 180, 181

  rejuvenation, 67, 79, 81

  religion, 72, 83–88, 100, 101, 187

  remembrance, 37, 334, 335, 337

  remote viewing, 78, 228

  Renfrew, Colin, 96

  renunciation, 67–72; abandonment and, 68; Absolute and, 134; action and, 48, 68, 189; asceticism and, 65, 70; attachment and, 68, 70; avadhûtas and, 21; brahmins and, 70; Carpata-Shataka on, 422; chastity and, 71; contentment and, 247; defined, 68, 318; desire and, 70; diet and, 71; discernment and, 130; discouraging, 69, 70; ego and, 67, 68; external vs. internal, 304; forest dwellers and, 69, 70, 71; Gîtâs on, 68, 189, 282–283; Goraksha-Paddhati on, 406; greedlessness and, 245; integralism and, 69; Jainism and, 139, 140–141, 146, 150; Karma-Yoga and, 48, 50, 68; liberation and, 70, 71, 130, 341; Mahâbhârata on, 70; mantras and, 71; Mantra-Yoga and, 53; Pâshupâtas and, 259–260; Râma and, 185; Reality and, 68, 69; Sâmkhya and, 75, 240; sexuality and, 71; Shiva and, 84; social obligations and, 63; stages of life and, 69; Tantras on, 378–379; Upanishads on, 63, 70, 127, 134, 318, 324, 328; verticalism and, 56–57, 68–69; wandering renouncers, 70, 71; will vs., 30; Yoga and, 67; Yoga-Vâsishtha on, 304, 307–308. See also asceticism (tapas); samnyâsa

  repression, 258–259

  restraints. See niyamas

  resurrection, 387, 389

  retas, 29, 120, 366, 381, 407, 415, 421, 424

  revelation: Jaina, 142, 150; Vedic, 63, 72, 74, 128, 130, 459; Yoga as, 214, 401

  reversal principle, 9, 17, 366, 374. See also dvandvas; nirvâna, samsâra equals

  Rig-Veda, 101–114; Agastya and, 82; ranyakas and, 125; Aryan invasion theory and, 96–97, 99; on Being, 102; on bhakti, 39; Brâhmanas and, 124; on caste system, 60; cosmogony of, 112; date of, 61, 62, 96–97; described, 6, 105; on ecstasy (samâdhi), 104; on faith, 37; gâyatrî- mantra and, 130; Hindu philosophy and, 72; honey doctrine and, 131; hymns of, 60, 66, 101, 102–104, 105, 106–114; on Indra, 103, 106–109, 110, 111; on Manu, 208; on marmans, 80; on medicine, 78; on meditation, 104; nondualism and, 258; Proto- Yoga of, 96, 101–114; reincarnation and karma and, 126; Rishabha in, 140; rishis and, 102; on Shiva, 40, 83; on soma, 52; source reading from, 106–114; spirituality and, 100, 104–105, 112; on tapas, 66; Vedic civilization and, 61, 100; Vishnu in, 40, 84, 86, 185, 279; yoga term in, 6

  Rig-Vidhâna, 66, 433n. 8

  Rishabha, 140, 435n. 2

  rishis: bhakti and, 192; described, 101–102, 104–106, 434n. 31, 434n. 41, 458; human sacrifice and, 262; installing, 358; metaphor and, 83; reincarnation and, 126; Vâc and, 52. See also Vedas

  rita, 101

  ritam-bhara, 221

  ritual: ranyakas on, 125; Bhakti-Yoga and, 37; Brâhmanas on, 39, 63, 124–125, 435n. 1; brahmins and, 39, 126; Buddhism and, 174–175, 346, 384; chod and, 178; fertility, 100–101, 120; of Five M’s, 262, 348, 364–365, 373–374, 378; initiation and, 17; interiorization of, 124–125, 139; Jainism and, 139; Kâpâlikas and, 261, 262; Lingâyatas and, 263; Mantra-Yoga and, 54; mudrâs and, 359–360; Pâshupâtas and, 260; Purânas on, 296, 297, 298, 299, 300–301; Samhitâs on, 280; Self and, 196; Siddha tradition and, 384; siddhis and, 367; Smritis on, 422; Tantra and, 342, 343, 346, 357–366, 372, 373, 378–379; Upanishads on, 63, 125, 133, 183; Vedic, 66, 101–105, 120, 124, 434n. 41. See also chanting; fire ritual; Five M’s; maithunâ; sacrifice

  Romaharshana, 296

  root gurus, 206

  root lock. See mûla-bandha

  rope trick, 325

  royal tooth, 414, 420

  Rudra, 84, 101, 115, 120, 133–134, 206, 260, 313, 353, 409, 415

  Rudraka Râmaputra, 156

  rudra-sâyujya, 260

  Rukmani, T. S., 235, 236

  rûpa. See form


  sabîja-samâdhi, 220

  sac-cid-ânanda. See Being-Consciousness- Bliss

  sacrifice: of animals, 101, 128, 262, 283, 379, 418; Brâhmanas on, 125, 435n. 1; brahmins and, 39–40, 126; discipleship and, 14, 17; Gîtâs on, 189, 286; Goraksha-Paddhati on, 418; grace and, 344; human, 120, 262; interiorization of, 4, 63, 124–125, 139, 319; Jainism and, 139; Karma-Yoga and, 48; libation, 418; Mantra-Yoga and, 53; meditation vs., 418; Purânas on, 297, 298, 300; Self and, 196; self as, 131; soma and, 87, 103, 124; Tantras on, 372, 377; tapas and, 66; transcendence and, 131; Upanishads on, 63, 128, 132, 133, 319; Vedic ritual and, 66, 101–105, 115, 120, 124, 434n. 41; Vrâtyas and, 121. See also fire ritual; ritual

  sad-âcâra, 148

  Sadânanda, 33

  Sadâ-Shiva, 133, 267, 319, 349, 366, 372, 373, 390, 416, 421

  Sadâshiva Brahmendra, 443n. 44

  Sadâshiva Indra, 236

  Sad-Dharma-Pundarîka-Sutra, 163

  sad-gurus, 11, 458

  sâdhakas, 8, 458

  sâdhana, 8, 12, 33, 343, 357, 458

  Sadhus: India’s Mystic Holy Men, 259

  sad-vidyâ, 267, 349

  sahaja: defined, 336, 346, 458. See also spontaneity

  sahaja-samâdhi, xxvi, 11, 20–21, 23, 275, 355, 370, 372, 458

  Sahajayâna Buddhism (Sahajîyâ), 21, 57, 69, 172–173, 175, 291, 346, 384

  Sahaja-Yoga, 105

  sahajolî, 424

  Sahasra, 265

  Sahasra-Nâma, 53

  sahasrâra-cakra, 133, 249, 355, 358, 414, 417, 420, 421. See also brahmic fissure; crown of head

  sahita-kumbhaka, 397

  saints, 4, 19–20, 276–278, 290–293, 384, 388. See also specific saints sâkshât-karana, 227

  Sakyapas, 178, 179

  saliva, 414

  sâlokya-mukti, 282

  sama-darshana, 245

  samâdhâna. See collectedness

  samâdhi. See ecstasy (samâdhi)

  Samâdhi-Shataka, 389

  samâdhi tanks, 250

  samâdhi-yoga, 28

  samâna, 124, 229, 300, 316, 351, 404

  Samantabhadra, 178

  Samantabhadrî, 178

  sâmânya, 11

  Sâmânya-Vedânta-Upanishads, 127

  samâpatti, 252, 253. See also ecstasy (samâdhi)

  samarasa, 408, 419. See also balance

  samatâ: with Reality, 412. See also indifference

  samatva. See equanimity

  samâvaya, 77

  Samavâya-Anga, 142

  Sâma-Veda, 51, 62, 124, 125, 130, 334, 435n. 66

  Samaya-Sâra, 142

  sâmâyika. See equanimity

  Sambandhar, 276, 277, 278. See also Kaundinya

  sambhâra, 170

  sambhoga-kâya, 168

  Samhitâs, 8, 61, 62, 123, 125, 128, 258, 279–280, 342, 347, 423–424, 440n. 1. See also specific Samhitâs

  sâmîpya-mukti, 282

  samjnâ. See perception

  samkalpa. See conceptualization; volition

  Sâmkhya, 75–77; atheism of Classical, 60, 198, 240; yur-Veda and, 79; Buddhism and, 198; commentaries on, 235, 236; des
cribed, 63, 72, 75–77, 135, 198, 240–241; Gîtâs and, 31, 282; Hariharânanda and, 236; Hinduism and, 6, 60; Jainism and, 144; Jnâna-Yoga and, 31; Moksha-Dharma and, 197–198; Patanjali and, 240; Pre-Classical, 197–198; Self and, 31, 75–77, 144, 198, 240, 254; twenty-four principles of, 76; Upanishads and, 198; Vedas and, 103, 115–116; Yoga and, 75, 187, 198, 240–241

  Sâmkhya-Kârikâ, 64, 75–77, 79, 240

  Sâmkhya-Sûtra, 75

  Samkriti, 331, 424

  samma. See terms beginning with samyag

  samnidhâpanî-mudrâ, 361

  samnirodhanî-mudrâ, 361

  samnyâsa, 7, 21, 48, 67-68, 70, 125, 127, 459. See also renunciation

  Samnyâsa-Upanishads, 70, 127, 442n. 9

  samnyâsa-yoga, 28

  samprajnâta-samâdhi, 218, 221, 252, 253–254

  samsâra, 129, 170, 328, 418, 459. See also nirvâna, samsâra equals

  samskâra-nirodha, 252

  samskâras: Buddhism and, 160, 171; defined, 55, 241, 242, 459; ecstasy (samâdhi) and, 218, 220, 221, 252, 254; nirodha and, 217–221, 226, 252; subconscious and, 242; Yoga-Sûtra on, 218, 220, 221, 222, 226, 227, 231, 241, 242, 248. See also vâsanâs

  samtosha. See contentment

  Samudragupta, King, 128

  samvâhya, 275

  samvara, 145

  samyag-âjîva, 161

  samyag-drishti, 146, 149, 161

  samyag-vâca, 161

  samyag-vyayama, 161

  samyak-karmantâ, 161

  samyak-samâdhi, 162

  samyak-samkalpa, 161

  samyak-smriti, 161

  samyama, 226, 252, 275

  samyoga. See union

  Samyutta-Nikâya, 158

  sanâtana-dharma, 12

  sancâra. See transmission

  sandha-bhâshâ, 366

  sanga. See attachment

  Sangharakshita, Bhikshu, 158

  sanketas, 424

  Sannella, Lee, 356-357

  Sanskrit alphabet, 18, 266, 269, 274, 358, 359

  Sansonese, Joe Nigro, xxix

  sapta-dvâra doctrine, 313

  Sarahapâda, 172–173, 175, 346, 436–437n. 19

  Sarasvatî, 73–74, 101, 102, 360

  Sarasvatî River, 62, 96–97, 98, 101, 123. See also Indus-Sarasvatî civilization

  Sârdha-Trishati-Kâlottara, 265

  sarga. See creation

  sârishti-mukti, 282

  sârûpya-mukti, 282

  sarva-anga-âsana. See âsanas

  sarva-anga-âsana, 366, 395, 413, 424

  Sarva-Darshana-Samgraha, 236

  Sarva-Jnâna-Uttara-Tantra, 342

  sarvam brahma asti, 311

  sat, 419, 459. See also Being


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