The Yoga Tradition

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by Georg Feuerstein

  Sâtî, 40, 295

  sati-patthâna, 161, 162

  satisfaction, 53

  Sat-Karma-Samgraha, 81, 392

  sat-kârya-vâda, 243

  sat nam, 337

  sat-sanga, 15, 335, 459

  sattva: asceticism and, 247; yur-Veda and, 81; bliss and, 201, 202; defined, 75, 370, 432n. 18, 459; Gîtâ on, 247; Goraksha- Paddhati on, 404, 413; insight and, 273; liberation and, 222, 223; Moksha-Dharma on, 200–204, 438n. 23; rajas and tamas vs., 45, 223, 432n. 23; Self and, 228–229, 230, 232, 241; Shiva-Sûtra on, 273; Vedas on, 434n. 36. See also Being; buddhi, gunas

  sattva-âpatti, 305

  Sâtvata-Samhitâ, 279

  satya. See truthfulness

  Satyananda Saraswati, Swami, 95, 364–365

  satya-yuga, 86

  Saundarya-Laharî, 348

  Sauras, 187

  savicâra-samâdhi, 220, 253

  savikalpa-samâdhi, 253

  Savitri, 101, 109, 110–111, 117, 119, 130, 314, 345

  Schilling, Harold, 348, 350

  schizophrenia, 252

  Schopenhauer, Arthur, 188

  Schumann, Hans-Wolfgang, 160

  science, xxvii, xxix, 72, 249, 252, 351, 400, 427–428. See also materialism; quantum physics

  seals: Indus-Sarasvatî, 98, 100–101. See also mudrâs

  secrecy, 330, 395, 407

  Sectarian Age, 64

  seed, 220, 298. See also bîja-mantras; bindu

  seeking, futility of, 95

  Seer. See Witness

  seers. See rishi

  Segyu Choepel (Rinpoche), xvii

  Segyus, 179

  Seidenberg, A., 97

  self. See ahamkâra; asmitâ; ego; jîva; nonself (no-self)

  Self (transcendental): aloneness of, 139 (see also kaivalya); amrita-nâdî and, 355; ranyakas on, 126; asceticism and, 196; Bhakti-Yoga and, 36; bliss and, 127, 417; Brahma and, 195; Brâhmanas on, 126; breath and, 319; Buddhism and, 160–161, 171; chain of being and, 135, 240; consciousness and, 3, 236; Consciousness and, 241; Creator and, 129; death and, 119, 137, 243; deep, 134–135, 183, 436n. 7, 437n. 1; defined, xxv-xxvi, 126–127, 309; dualism and, 4, 77; earliest mention of, 43 5n. 64; ecstasy (samâdhi) and, 3, 254, 398–399; elemental, 35, 201, 206, 438n. 22; emotion and, 287; evidence for existence of, 252; existence hierarchy and, 135, 145–146, 243–244, 267; fire and, 194–195, 422; five forms of, 422; food and, 133; the Fourth as (see Fourth, the); Gheranda-Samhitâ on, 391, 398; Gîtâs on, 8, 185–186, 189, 192–196, 243, 282, 284, 285; Goraksha-Paddhati on, 401, 403, 413, 417, 418, 419; guru as, 11, 12–14; Hatha-Yoga and, 30, 395, 422; heart and, 403, 422; Hindu philosophy and, 72, 73; as honey, 116; horse and, 128; identification with, 5, 19, 52, 129, 241, 254, 258, 341, 399, 419 (see also liberation [enlightenment]); indescribability of, 130, 160–161; intuition of, 9; Jainism and, 143, 144, 145–146, 151; Jnâna-Sâra on, 147; Jnâna-Yoga and, 32; joy and, 200; Karma-Yoga and, 31, 50; kundalinî and, 358, 398; Laya-Yoga and, 54, 55, 269; light and, 232; love and, 196; Mahâbhârata on, 245; maithunâ and, 366; Mantra-Yoga and, 54; meditation and, 391, 398; milk and, 309, 420; Mîmâmsâ and, 73; mind and, 34, 241, 419; Moksha- Dharma on, 199, 200–204; moon and, 184; multiple Selves, 73, 75, 76, 77, 144, 240, 241, 244, 247–248, 254, 311; Nature and (see Nature, Self and); nonattachment and, 189; nondualism and, 4, 20, 74, 207; Nyâya and, 78; offerings and, 196, 307; om as, 372; as pilgrimage center, 331; prâna and, 125, 133, 319; psychocosmograms and, 239; Purânas on, 297, 299; purity and, 246; Râja-Yoga and, 27, 29; Reality and, 126, 127, 133, 418; sacrifice and, 196; Sâmkhya and, 31, 75–77, 144, 198, 240, 254; sattva and, 228–229, 230, 232, 241; science of the, 72; senses and, 204, 250, 413; Shaivism and, 266, 267, 269; shakti and, 128; shâmbhavî-mudrâ and, 396; Shiva-Samhitâ on, 424; Shiva- Sûtra on, 265, 266; sleep and, 218; Smritis on, 422; space and, 422; Spanda- Kârikâ on, 266; spiritual maturation and, 8, 424; study and, 196; sun and, 137, 194, 199, 422; Tantra and, 343, 358, 369, 370–374, 395; Upanishads on, 126–127, 128, 129–130, 133, 134–137, 159, 183–184, 206, 207, 237, 257, 258, 311, 313, 315, 316, 318, 319, 323, 324, 331, 341, 436n. 4; Vaisheshika and, 77; Vaishnavism and, 280, 282, 284, 285; Vedânta and, 4, 74, 130, 258; Vedas on, 112, 126, 196, 237, 435n. 64; Yoga-Bîja on, 421; Yoga definition and, 3—4, 5; Yoga-Sûtra on (see Yoga-Sûtra, on Self); Yoga-Vâsishtha on, 304, 306, 307, 308–310. See also Absolute (brahman); Divine; God; Reality; Spirit

  self-actualization, 80, 43 3n. 16

  self-discipline, xvi, 147, 150, 168, 174, 185, 239, 244, 337

  self-offering, 37

  Self-realization. See God-realization; liberation (enlightenment)

  self-transcendence. See transcendence

  semen, 29, 120, 366, 381, 407, 409, 415, 421, 424

  sense-restraint: amrita and, 413; ânava- upâya and, 266; calmness and, 391; defined, 396; dharma-shâstras on, 208, 209; ecstasy (samâdhi) and, 252; Gheranda-Samhitâ on, 391, 424; Goraksha-Paddhati on, 412–413, 415; Hatha-Yoga and, 396; Jainism and, 146; Jnâna-Yoga and, 33; Mahâbhârata on, 250; prânâyâma and, 250, 412; Purânas on, 297, 298, 301; Tantras on, 373; tapas and, 67; Uddhava-Gîtâ on, 284—285, 286; Upanishads on, 135, 136, 206, 313, 314, 318, 321, 324, 325, 331; vikâras and, 412–413; vrittis and, 251–252; Yoga definition and, 135; Yoga-Sûtra on, 224, 225, 226, 244, 250, 252, 424

  senses: nanda-Samuccaya on, 422; bondage and, 285; Buddhism and, 160, 165–166, 177; cakras and, 353, 354; divya-samvid and, 219; ecstasy (samâdhi) and, 252, 370, 419; enlightenment and, 5; existence hierarchy and, 135; Gîtâs on, 185, 189; Goraksha-Paddhati on, 402, 419; gunas and, 223, 244; as horses, 135, 136; meditation and, 136–137, 199; mind and, 135, 136, 230, 250; Moksha-Dharma on, 199, 200–205; rishis and, 434n. 41; Sâmkhya and, 77; Self and, 204, 250, 413; Shaivism and, 268, 349; Shiva-Sûtra on, 270, 273, 274; Tantra and, 177, 369–373, 376; Upanishads on, 257; yantras and, 364; Yoga-Sûtra on, 81, 219, 227, 229, 230, 243, 244; Yoga-Vâsishtha on, 306. See also ears; eyes; nose; sense- restraint; skin; sound; tanmâtras; tongue; touch

  separation: cakras and, 355; devotion and, 281; dualism and, 75; fear and, 159; gunas and, 370–371; happiness and, 257; ignorance and, 223, 224; nondualism and, 207; quantum physics and, 381; Sikhism and, 336; Tantra and, 346; Yoga definition and, 4–5; Yoga-Vâsishtha on, 304, 308, 310

  serpent, 85, 214, 393, 396. See also kundalinî-shakti

  service, 10, 14, 16, 148, 152, 334

  servile estate. See shûdra estate

  sevâ. See service

  sevenfold path, 393

  sexuality: ashva-medha and, 128; yur-Veda and, 79; bridal mysticism and, 281, 288; Buddhism and, 161; crazy wisdom and, 20, 21, 23; desire and, 32; Gîtâ-Govinda on, 288; Goraksha-Paddhati on, 402–403; gurus and, 344 (see also crazy wisdom); Hatha-Yoga and, 30; Jainism and, 147; Kâlabhairava and, 295; left-hand vs. right- hand paths and, 258; liberation and, 38, 245; moon and, 80; nondualism and, 258; ojas and, 67, 81, 95, 245, 366; orgasm and, 366, 396, 424; Purânas on, 298; rajas and, 29, 407–408, 421, 424; Râja- Yoga and, 29; renunciation and, 71; saha- jolî and, 424; semen and (see semen); Shaivism and, 258, 259–260, 262, 264; Shiva and Shakti and, 84, 128, 345; Siddha tradition and, 82; spirituality and, 344; sublimation and, 415; sunken consciousness and, 251; Tantra and, 128, 177–178, 179, 245, 342, 343–344, 364, 365–366, 373–374 (see also Five M’s; maithunâ); transformation and, 258, 366; Vaishnavism and, 281, 287–288; vajrolî and, 366, 396, 424; Vrâtyas and, 120; Western neo-Tantra and, 343. See also cakras, svâdhishthâna-cakra; celibacy; chastity; Krishna, gopîs and; prostitutes, sacred; ûrdhva-retas

  shabda, 358, 459. See also anâhata-shabda; nâda; shabda-brahman; sound

  shabda-brahman, 35, 330, 359

  shad-anga-yoga, 206, 280, 313, 358

  shad-âyatana, 160

  Shad-Darshana-Samuccaya, 235

  shadow side, 258–259, 263

  Shad-Sandarbha, 292

  Shadvimsha-Brâhmana, 124

  Shaiva-Siddhânta, 40, 276–278

haivism, 257–278; Aghorîs, 263, 265; avadhûtas and, 22; bhakti and, 40–41, 264, 265, 276, 278; dualism and, 265; history of, 40–41, 187; Kâlâmukhas, 40, 263, 439n. 5; Kâpâlikas, 40, 261–262, 263, 389–390; Kashmiri, 265, 267–275, 323, 347, 349, 430n. 28; Krama, 265; Lallâ and, 268–269; left-hand, 258–264, 265; Lingâyatas, 263–264; literature of, 258, 259, 260, 261–262, 264–278; Nalvars, 278; Nâyanmârs, 276–278; nondualism and, 265, 276; northern, 264–268, 276; Nyâya (see Nyâya); Pâshupâtas, 40, 121, 259–261, 439n. 4; Pratyâbhijna, 265, 267–268; right-hand, 264–268; Shaktism and, 267, 342; source reading on, 269–275; southern, 265, 276–278; Tantra and, 262, 263, 265; Trika, 265, 460; Vaishnavism vs., 61; Vedânta and, 265. See also gamas; Pâshupâta-Brahma- Upanishad; Shiva; Shiva-Sûtra; Tantras

  Shâkâyanya, 206

  Shâkinî, 354

  Shâkta-Upanishads, 127

  shâkta-upâya, 266

  shakti: amrita and, 414; described, 356, 409; Goraksha-Paddhati on, 409, 414, 418; initiation and, 18; Self and, 128; Shiva and, 84, 431n. 44 (see also Shiva, Shakti and); siddhas and, 276, 383; Siddha- Siddhânta-Paddhati on, 421; sixty-four yoginîs and, 7, 430n. 8; Tantra and, 64, 344; Upanishads on, 127; Vedas on, 110; yogic body and, yoginî- jnâna-mudrâ and, 418. See also feminine principle; kundalinî-shakti

  Shakti: body as, 399; cakras and, 354; described, 267, 345–346, 352, 356, 459; as Divine Intellience, 356; Hatha-Yoga and, 390; Kâpâlikas and, 262; kundalinî and, 352, 356, 385; maithunâ and, 365; The Mother as, 58; as rajas, 408; Shaivism and, 267, 342; Shiva and (see Shiva, Shakti and); Single Cow and, 110; Tantras and, 264, 265, 342, 346; yantras and, 364. See also Devî

  shakti-calana, 396, 421

  shâktikâ-dîkshâ, 18

  shakti-pâta, 17, 268, 459

  Shaktism, 40, 187, 267, 342

  Shakyamuni. See Gautama the Buddha

  shama. See tranquility

  Shamanism, 93–95, 106, 113, 415

  Shambhala, 173

  shâmbhava-upâya, 265, 266

  shâmbhavî-dîkshâ, 18, 430nn. 28, 29

  shâmbhavî-mudrâ, 323, 369, 396

  Shambhu, 18, 265, 347, 369, 396, 416

  Shândilî, 23

  Shândilya, 37, 124

  Shândilya-Upanishad, 128, 312, 330

  Shankara: nanda-Laharî of, 345, 348, 350; Asparsha-Yoga and, 207; Buddhism and, 157, 171; Carpâta-Panjarika-Stotra and, 388; commentaries of, 3, 33, 130, 136, 207, 235, 422, 437n. 9; Dakshinamûrti- Stotra of, 12–14; date of, 74, 312, 433n. 14; described, 5, 213, 235; Gaudapâda and, 7, 206, 207, 235; Jnânadeva vs., 290–291; Kâpâlikas and, 262; Mandana Mishra and, 73–74; Nirvâna-Shatka of, 5; philosophy of, 74, 288; Prapanca-Sâra- Tantra and, 348; Râmânuja vs., 41, 74–75, 288, 289; Saundarya-Laharî and, 348; Vijnâna Bhikshu and, 236; Vivarana and, 235; Viveka-Cûdâmani of, 34

  Shankara Bhagavatpâda, 235

  Shankara-Dig-Vijaya, 73, 261–262

  Shânkhâyana-Smriti, 209

  shan-mukhi-mudrâ. See yoni-mudrâ

  Shântanu, King, 234

  shânti. See peace

  Shântideva, 167

  sharana, 264

  sharing, Sikhism and, 335

  Shâriputra, 165–166

  sharîras, 144–145. See also koshâs

  Shâstras, 62, 188, 341, 414, 459. See also Dharma-Shâstras; specific Shâstras

  shâstra-yoga, 152

  Shata-Patha-Brâhmana, 39, 124-125, 208, 214, 247

  Shata-Ratna-Samgraha, 431n. 32

  Shata-Rudrîya, 206

  Shata-Sâhasrikâ-Sûtra, 163

  Shat-Karma-Dîpïkâ, 368

  shat-karmans (magical), 368. See also siddhis

  shat-karmans (purificatory), 391–392, 397

  Shat-Khânda-gama, 142

  Shat-Sandarbha, 37

  shauca. See purity

  Shaunaka, 66, 433n. 8

  sheaths. See koshas

  Shekhara, King, 389

  Sherab Sengye, Jetsun, 179

  Shesha, 85, 214

  Shikhâs, 347

  Shiksha-Ashtaka, 292

  Shikshâ-Samuccaya, 167

  shîla. See self-discipline

  Shinran Shonin, 174

  shiras, 209, 314, 408

  shîrsha-âsana. See âsanas

  Shishupâla, King, 38, 287

  Shishupâlavadha, 438n. 7

  shishya, 14

  shîtalî-kumbhaka, 398

  Shiva, 83–84; as Absolute, 259, 417; as dinâtha, 385, 401, 420, 424; as Aghora, 263, 265; âsanas and, 393; as Being- Consciousness, 267; as Bhairava, 261, 262, 265, 266, 270, 374; bhakti and, 40; as Bhûta, 265; as bindu, 408; body and, 329, 421; Brahma and, 185; cakras and, 354, 355; as Consciousness, 346; creation and, 381; as Dakshinamûrti, 12; dance of, 381–382; as Dattâtreya (see Dattâtreya); described, 83–84, 185; as destroyer, 185, 381; Devî and, 299; ether and, 416; five faces of, 265, 439n. 10; as Garuda, 265; Gîtâs on, 16, 185–186; the Goddess and, 344; Gopîcandra and, 388; Goraksha Nâtha and, 386; Goraksha-Paddhati on, 401, 403, 408, 412, 414, 416, 417; on gurus, 11; as Hara, 84, 137, 414; Hatha- Yoga and, 390; identification with, 5; illustrated, 266, 276, 392; as Îshana, 84, 265; as ishta-devata, 225; Jâlandhari and, 387; as jîva, 372–373, 390; as Kâlabhairava, 295; kaula and, 385; Kubjîka and, 113; Kumârî and, 270; kundalinî and, 84, 385; as Lakulîsha, 259; Lallâ and, 268–269; liberation and, 84; as Light, 346; as linga (see linga); as Mahâdeva, 185–186, 344; as Maheshvara, 297, 401, 443n. 21; maithunâ and, 365–366; mantras for, 277, 298–299; Mina and, 386; moon and, 84; mother of, 23; mudrâs and, 360, 363; as Nata-Râja, 381–382; Nâthas and, 385; om and, 409; Parama-, 349, 354; Pârvatî (Umâ) and, 16, 18, 84, 185–186, 270, 277, 354, 365, 386; as Pashupati, 133, 261, 319, 374; on pashupati seal, 100; poems to, 276–278; as principle of existence, 267; Purânas on, 296, 297, 298–299; Rudra and (see Rudra); Sadâ- (see Sadâ-Shiva); shakti and, 84, 431n. 44; Shakti and, 84, 128, 175, 265, 267, 345–346, 349, 354, 356, 357, 359, 369, 385, 390, 403, 408, 421, 430n. 27, 431n. 44; as Shambhu (see Shambhu); as Shankara, 84; Tantra and, 84, 265, 316, 345–346, 370, 371, 372, 373, 376, 378; trinity and, 185; Upanishads on, 133–134, 137, 331; as Vâma, 265; Vedas on, 40, 83; videha- mukti and, 329; Vishnu and, 185, 295; yantras and, 364. See also gamas; Shaivism; Shiva-Sûtra; Tiru-Murai

  Shivajî, King, 291

  shiva-linga. See linga

  shiva-linga-mudrâ, 363

  Shivânanda (17th century), 443n. 44

  Shivananda (20th century), Swami, 421

  shiva-pura, 297

  Shiva-Purâna, 9, 16, 298–299, 431n. 42

  Shivaratri festival, 365

  Shiva-Samhitâ, 10–11, 15, 424

  Shiva’s city, 297

  Shiva-Stotra-Avalî, 255, 257

  Shiva-Sûtra, 265–266, 269–275, 347

  Shiva-Svarodaya, 81

  Shiva-Yoga-Pradîpikâ, 443n. 44

  shodasha-anta, 323

  shodhana. See purification

  shraddhâ. See faith

  Shraddhâ-Utpâda-Shâstra, 16

  shramanas, 140

  Shrauta-Sûtras, 123, 434n. 41

  shravana. See listening

  Shrîmad-Bhâgavata. See Bhâgavata-Purâna

  Shrînivasa Bhatta, 423

  Shrî-Parvata, 331

  shrishti-pratyaya, 359

  Shrî-Vidyâ-Arnava-Tantra, 347

  Shrî-Vidyâ tradition, 347, 360

  shrî-yantra, 364, 365

  shruti. See revelation

  shubha, 170

  Shubhacandra, 151

  shubha-icchâ, 305

  shudda concepts, 265

  shudda-yoga, 298

  Shuddha Vedânta, 236

  shuddhi. See purification

  shûdra estate, 9, 60

  Shuka, 330

  shukra, 407–408. See also semen

  Shulba-Sûtras, 63, 98, 123, 434n. 15

  shûnya-mudrâ, 360

  shûnyatâ. See emptiness

  shvâsa. See breath

tâmbaras, 140–141, 142, 189

  Shvetâshvatara-Upanishad, 40, 127, 134, 136–137, 422, 435n. 54

  siddha-âsana, 318, 393, 401, 402

  siddhârtha, 156, 436n. 3. See also Gautama the Buddha

  siddhas, 8, 9, 82, 145, 146, 147, 178–181, 276, 290, 367, 382–390. See also Siddha tradition; siddhis

  Siddha-Siddhânta-Paddhati (Goraksha), 22, 24–25, 402, 420–421, 443nn. 23, 39

  Siddha-Siddhânta-Paddhati (Nitya Nâtha), 389, 443n. 39

  Siddha-Siddhânta-Samgraha, 443n. 39

  Siddha tradition, 81–82, 163, 258, 268, 276, 383–390. See also Bauls; Kaulism; Maheshvaras; Nâthism; Sahajayâna Buddhism; siddhas; specific masters

  Siddha-Yoga, 82

  siddhi, as perfection, 383

  siddhis, 367–368; of Abhinava Gupta, 347; alchemy and, 367; amrita and, 414—415; artificial body-minds, 230, 271; asceticism and, 67, 230, 367; assuming various forms, 94, 95, 230–231, 367, 382–383; astral travel, 229; bhûta-samatâ and, 422; birth and, 367; cakras and, 355; clairvoyance, 227, 392; compacting the universe, 271; cosmic knowledge, 228; death-ing, 368; delusion and, 272; described, 8, 367–368; desire and, 367; Dharma- Shâstras on, 209; direct perception, 227; dissension causation, 368;divine body and, 408; divya-shrotra, 229; ecstasy (samâdhi) and, 198, 230, 367; effulgence, 229; ego and, 198–199; elements and, 271, 367, 368; entering another body, 229, 297; eradication, 368; extension, 367; future event perception, 78, 209, 227, 297; growing back body parts, 388; Hatha- Yoga and, 382–383; herbs and, 230, 367; immobilization, 368; immunity from all weapons, 390; invisibility, 94, 95, 209, 228, 329, 367; Jainism and, 149; Kâpâlikas and, 261; khecârî-mudrâ and, 395; kundalinî and, 421; lambikâ-yoga and, 414; levitation, 229, 367, 398, 411; liberation and, 367; limitations of, 28, 67, 95, 198–199, 297, 298, 329; Lord and, 367; lordship, 368; magical consciousness and, 92; magical flight, 415; magic and, 28, 67, 95, 367, 368; magnification, 367; maha-, 276, 298, 323, 367–368, 395, 407, 414, 417, 430n. 18; Mani-Prabhâ on, 367; mantras and, 230, 367; metabolic control, 353; miniaturization, 229, 323, 367, 415; misuse of, xvi, 67, 367, 368; Moksha- Dharma on, 198; mudrâs and, 395; pacification, 368; past life recall, 209, 227, 246, 297; peace aura, 246; perfection of body, 229; poison assimilation, 406, 415; prânâyâma and, 81, 229; Purânas on, 297, 298; reality of, 368; remote viewing, 78, 228; renouncing, 28, 421; resurrection, 387, 389; ritual and, 367; Shamanism and, 94, 95; Shiva-Sûtra on, 271, 272; Siddha- Siddhânta-Paddhati on, 421; Siddha tradition and, 383, 384, 385; sthânas and, 417; strength, 228, 246; subjugation, 368; subtle knowledge, 228–229; Tantra and, 367–368, 382–383; Tattva-Vaishâradî on, 367; Tiru-Mantiram on, 276; treasures, 246; turning people into stone Buddha sculpture, 388; types of, 367–368; Upanishads on, 319, 329, 330, 367; Vedânta and, 367; visualization and, 355; will, 368; words come true, 246; yamas and, 246; Yoga-Bhâshya on, 367–368; Yoga-Bhâshya-Vivarana on, 367, 368; Yoga-Bîja on, 367, 382–383; Yoga-Sûtra on, 28, 198–199, 216, 226–230, 246, 367. See also magic; miracles


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