The Yoga Tradition

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by Georg Feuerstein

  Siddhi-Traya, 288

  signs, 325, 420, 421

  Sikhism, 59, 126, 333–337

  sila, 162

  silence, 151, 247, 284, 298, 318, 319, 372

  Simeon, Saint, 19–20

  sin: Bhairava and, 266; Dharma-Shâstras on, 209; Goraksha-Paddhati on, 405, 409, 420; Jainism and, 148; Krishna and, 190; kundalinî and, 321, 411; mantra for, 405; om and, 409; prânâyâma and, 209, 411; Purânas on, 297; Tantras on, 372, 373, 374, 375, 377; Upanishads on, 324; Vedas on, 101; Yoga and, 148, 245

  Singh, Jaideva, 347

  Singh, M., 442n. 9

  singing, 260, 282, 289, 292. See also chanting

  Single Cow, 103, 110

  Sinha, Phulgenda, 188

  Sîtâ, 86, 183, 184–185, 344

  sîtkarî-kumbhaka, 398

  sixfold path, 314, 317, 331, 358, 401

  skambha, 116

  Skanda, 128

  Skandagupta, 64

  Skanda-Purâna, 16, 296

  skandhas, 160, 165–166

  skill. See upâya

  skin, 391, 413. See also touch

  skull-bearers. See Kâpâlikas

  sky, 121, 408, 409, 415

  sleep, 217–218, 251, 252; concentration vs., 251, 252; deva-datta and, 351; Fourth and, 273; Goraksha-Paddhati on, 419; insomnia, 360; karma and, 242; meditation vs., 251, 252; Moksha-Dharma on, 198, 202; om and, 207; Self and, 218; Shiva-Sûtra on, 270, 273; Tripurâ-Sundarî and, 345; Upanishads on, 315, 324; Yoga- Sûtra on, 217–218, 220, 252; yogic, 325

  smarana. See memory; prayer; remembrance

  Smârtas, 86

  smell sense. See nose

  Smith, Vincent A., 155

  smriti: as tradition, 127. See also memory; mindfulness

  Smritis, 86, 208–209, 335

  social class. See caste system

  social values, 94, 167, 433n. 7. See also world welfare

  Socrates, xxx, 17, 92

  solar circle, 410

  solar dynasty, 208

  solar process, 422. See also sun Solar Yoga, 103, 106, 110–111, 422

  solitude, 324, 411

  soma (amrita): Brâhmanas on, 124, 125; cakras and, 354; chanting and, 51–52; concentration and, 414; consciousness and, 51–52; crown of head and, 413; described, 395, 414, 432n. 27; Goraksha- Paddhati on, 408, 410, 413–414; illness and, 414; immortality and, 52, 87, 103, 111–112, 115, 125, 131, 354, 355, 413, 414; jâlandhara-bandha and, 408; kundalinî and, 356; lambikâ-yoga and, 414; moon and, 413, 440n. 19; mudrâs and, 354, 362, 395, 396, 413; prânâyâma and, 410; râja-danta and, 414, 420; sacrificial rites and, 87, 103, 124; sense- restraint and, 413; shakti and, 414; Sikhism and, 335; sun and, 413; Tantra and, 131; Vedas on, 52, 103, 111–112, 115

  Soma, 23, 101, 103, 110, 111–112

  Somadeva, 250–251

  Somânanda, 267

  Someshvara, 263

  Sonic Absolute, 35

  sophia, 344

  sorcery, 342. See also magic

  sorrow, 314, 355

  soul, Buddhism and, 160

  sound: Absolute as, 35, 330, 358, 359; consciousness and, 51–52; Goraksha- Paddhati on, 410, 412, 416, 417, 418; inner/unstruck (see anâhata-shabda; nâda); kundalinî and, 356; levels of subtlety of, 329–330; Mâtangî and, 345; religio-spiritual traditions and, 312; Shamanism and, 93; Siddhas and, 386; sphota and, 78; as thought, 359; Upanishads on, 311, 312–319, 329–330; vision and, 104; world as, 312. See also mantras; Mantra-Yoga; senses; shabda

  space: Bhuvaneshvarî and, 345; concentration upon, 396, 416; Goraksha-Paddhati on, 402, 411, 416; Hindu mysticism and, 309; radiance-spaces (see âkâshas [vyomans]); Self and, 422; Upanishads on, 318, 322, 323, 325; Yoga-Sûtra on, 229; Yoga-Vâsishtha on, 308, 309. See also ether; khecârî-mudrâ; nabho-mudrâ

  space-time, 84, 145, 162, 191, 233, 304, 308, 348, 350, 359, 381–382

  spanda: defined, 266, 460. See also vibration

  Spanda-Kârikâ (Spanda-Sûtra), 266, 268

  sparsha. See touch

  sparsha-dîkshâ, 18

  Sparsha-Yoga, 299

  speech: asceticism of, 247; Buddhism and, 161, 177; fire altars and, 124; five concentrations and, 416; Gîtâs on, 247, 284, 285; Goddess and, 345; Goraksha- Paddhati on, 416; Jainism and, 148; Purânas on, 301; Tantra and, 177, 359, 376; udâna and, 351; Upanishads on, 318; Vedic civilization and, 51

  sphota, 78

  Spirit, xxv-xxvi, 3–5, 9, 349. See also Absolute (brahman); God; Reality; Self (transcendental)

  spiritual crises, 19, 21

  spiritual disposition. See bhâva

  spirituality, xvii, 28, 30, 59, 72, 100, 104–105, 112, 207, 344

  spiritual transmission. See transmission

  spontaneity, 7, 33, 48, 172–173, 175, 336, 337, 346. See also sahaja-samâdhi

  Sprockhoff, Joachim Friedrich, 68

  stability, 391, 397, 412

  stages of life, 69, 285, 286

  stages of maturation. See maturation stages

  stambhana, 368

  stava. See praise

  steadfastness, 189, 246

  stealing, 161

  Steiner, Rudolf, 188

  Sthâna-Anga, 141

  sthânas, 417, 422. See also âdhâras; deshas

  sthânutva, 409

  sthita-prajnâ, 8

  stotras, 347

  strength, 228, 246, 391, 393

  struggle, ego and, 173

  students. See discipleship

  study: defined, 247, 459; deities and, 225; Gîtâs on, 247, 282; Jainism and, 151; Jnâna-Sâra on, 144; Moksha-Dharma on, 204; as niyama, 224, 225, 246, 247; obligation to, 9, 10; Patanjali and, 214; Purânas on, 296, 298; purpose of, 247; Self and, 196; Tantra and, 341, 346, 372; Upanishads on, 313, 329; of Vedas, 9; Yoga-Sûtra on, 221, 224, 225, 246, 247; Yoga-Vâsishtha on, 305. See also books, learning from

  subconscious, 241–242. See also samskâras

  subjugation (siddhi), 368

  sublimation, 415

  subliminal activators. See samskâras

  substance, 77, 152

  subtle body, 350–357; cakras and (see cakras); described, 350–351, 420–421; granthis and, 147, 355, 371, 390, 423; Hatha-Yoga and, 350; Hatha-Yoga- Pradîpikâ on, 423; Jainism and, 144–145; koshas and, 132, 144–145, 350, 420; kundalinî and (see kundalinî-shakti); Laya- Yoga and, 55; marmans and, 80–81, 326, 327–328, 355; nâdîs and (see nâdîs); prâna and, 351–352, 390; Shiva-Samhitâ on, 424; Tantra and, 350–357; vibration and, 348

  subtle essences. See tanmâtras

  subtle realms, 95, 348, 350

  Sudhâkâra, 236

  suffering: Buddhism and, 157, 159, 163–164, 165, 166, 168–170, 436n. 6; causes of (see kleshâs); change and, 222; defined, 455; ego and, 159; five concentrations and, 415, 416; gunas and, 202, 222; initiation and, 19; Jainism and, 151; liberation from, xxvi; Moksha-Dharma on, 202; Pâshupatas and, 260; rebirth and, 129; Sikhism and, 335; Upanishads on, 314, 329; Vedânta and, 4, 129; wisdom and, 224; Yoga-Bhâshya on, 224; Yoga-Sûtra on, 217, 222, 224, 233, 241; Yoga- Vâsishtha on, 305, 306

  Sufism, 20, 61, 292–293, 334

  sukha. See bliss; joy; pleasure

  sukha-âsana, 150, 416

  Sukhamani-Sahib, 335

  Sukhavatî-Vyûha-Sûtras, 173

  sûkshma-loka. See subtle realms

  sûkshma-sharîra. See subtle body

  Sumer, 99, 100

  sun: amâ in, 422; amrita and, 413; Brâhmanas on, 124; Buddhism and, 173; concentration and, 199; cosmos and, 228; doshas and, 411; eyes and, 322; fire altars and, 124; Goraksha-Paddhati on, 404, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, 416, 418; guru types and, 430n. 13; hatha and, 352, 390, 442n. 13; heart and, 319; hidden, 422; horse and, 128; Indra and, 106, 108; as keshin, 113; moon and, 173, 194, 352, 413, 421; nâdîs and, 321, 352, 390, 404, 410; navel and, 410, 411, 413–414; nostrils and, 397; om and, 409; prâna and, 331; Purânas on, 297; radiance- spaces and, 325; rajas and, 408; Reality and, 320; Self and, 137, 194, 199, 422; sense-restraint and, 41
3; Shambhu and, 416; Shiva and, 84; tapas and, 66; Upanishads on, 322; as upâya, 173; Vedas on, 103, 104, 110–111, 114, 116, 117, 434nn. 39, 40, 44, 45, 47; Vrâtyas and, 121; Yoga-Sûtra on, 228. See also light; Sûrya; Vivasvat; entries beginning with solar and sûrya

  Sundaradeva, 425

  Sundarar, 265, 276, 277, 278

  superimposition, 372, 373, 418, 424

  superlimination, 415

  Supermind, 57–58

  Suprabheda, 265

  Supreme Being, xxv-xxvi

  Sur Dâs, 292, 293

  Sureshvara, 73–74

  surrender: benefits of, 248; initiation and, 17; Integral Yoga and, 58; Karma-Yoga and, 49; as niyama, 224, 225, 246, 247–248; rishis and, 105; Sikhism and, 335, 337; transcendental Light and, 320; Vaishnavism and, 288, 289. See also sacrifice

  Sur Sâgar, 293

  Survey of Bhuddism, A, 158

  survival instinct, 241

  Sûrya, 66, 106, 108, 110, 128, 130, 187

  sûrya-âkâsha, 322, 325

  sûrya-bheda-kumbhaka, 397

  sûrya-câra, 422

  sûrya-mudrâ, 360

  Sushruta, 79

  Sushruta-Samhitâ, 79

  sushumnâ-nâdî: Absolute and, 321, 352; amrita-nâdî and, 355; cakras and, 352, 353, 355; Chinnâmastâ and, 88; described, 299, 352; fire and, 404; Goraksha legends and, 386; granthis and, 355; Hatha-Yoga and, 390; ida- and pingalâ-nâdîs and, 352, 390; immortality and, 124, 390; kundalinî and, 124, 275, 321, 352, 356, 357–358, 405, 418;prâna and, 352, 353, 356; scriptures on, 206, 275, 321, 326, 327, 330, 382, 402, 403–404, 418, 424; Self-realization and, 206; sun and moon and, 321, 422; Tantra and, 352; triple path and, 418; yoginî-jnâna-mudrâ and, 418

  Sushumnâsvara-Bhâsinî, 88

  Sûtra-Artha-Bodhinî, 236

  Sûtra-Krita-Anga, 141

  sûtras, defined, 215, 459

  Sûtras (Buddhist), 163-166. See also Prajnâ-Pâramitâ-Sûtras

  Sûtras (Hindu), 62, 63, 120, 127, 179, 215-216, 234—237. See also specific commentaries; specific Sûtras

  Sutta-Nipâta, 158, 160-161

  Sutta-Pitaka, 158, 159

  Suttas, 163

  Suzuki, Daisetz Teitaro, 174

  sva, 403

  sva-bhâva, 203, 204

  svabhâvatâ, 169

  sva-dharma, 306

  svâdhishthâna-cakra. See cakras

  svâdhyâya: defined, 247, 459. See also study

  svah, 209, 314, 409

  Svâmi-Kârttikeya-Anuprekshâ, 143

  svaras, 409

  sva-rûpa, 323, 370, 371

  svastika-âsana, 53, 315, 393

  sva-tantra, 273

  Svâtmârâma Yogendra. See Hatha-Yoga- Pradîpikâ

  Svayambhû, 326

  swan, 117, 320. See also hamsa

  sweating, 411

  symbolism, 125. See also metaphor

  synchronicity, 350


  Tagore, Rabindranath, xxvii

  taitila, 327–328

  Taittirîya-ranyaka, 125, 140

  Taittirîya-Brâhmana, 124

  Taittirîya-Upanishad, 10, 127, 131–132, 145, 319, 350, 436n. 4

  Talavakâra-Upanishad. See Kena-Upanishad tamas: asceticism and, 247; yur-Veda and, 81; defined, 75, 370, 432n. 18; Gîtâ on, 247; Goraksha-Paddhati on, 404, 413; liberation and, 222, 223; Moksha-Dharma on, 200–204, 438n. 23; rajas and sattva and, 45, 223, 432n. 23; Vedas on, 434n. 36. See also gunas

  Tamil Literature, 384

  tanmâtras, 77, 243, 244, 268, 349, 418

  tantra, defined, 342

  Tantra, 341–379; Bengal and, 291; bindu and, 312; Buddhism and (see Vajrayâna [Tantric] Buddhism); crazy wisdom and, 20, 21–22, 23, 343–344, 374–375; date of, 342; defined, 459; emergence of, 64, 120, 163, 341–344; existence levels of, 348–355, 376; experimentation and, 328; female initiates and, 299, 346; Five M’s of (see Five M’s); Gîtâ-Govinda on, 288; Goddess worship and, 342, 343, 344—346; hedonism and, 177, 343, 344, 365, 366; Hinduism and, 64; ideal of, 30, 64; in India today, 343; initiation and, 16–19, 366; innovativeness of, 64; integralism and, xxix, 69, 343; Jainism and, 64, 149; Kâlâmukhas and, 263; kali-yuga and, 64, 174, 264, 343; Kâpâlikas and, 262; Kashmiri branch (see Kashmiri Shaivism); Kaula branch of, 21, 347–348, 385; Kubjikâ branch of, 348; Kundalinî- Yoga and, 28; Laya-Yoga and, 28, 55; left-hand, 71, 342, 343, 364, 366; liberation and, 20, 342–343, 369–379, 382–383, 399; literature of, 342, 347–348 (see also Tantras); Mantra-Yoga and, 52, 54; morality and, 175; nondualism and, 343, 346; om and, 52; overview of, 341–344; practicality of, 343, 348; Purânas and, 64, 298, 299, 347; quantum physics and, 381–382; Râja-Yoga and, 29; right-hand, 343; ritual practices of, 343, 346, 357–366; samarasa and, 408; Shaivism and, 262, 263, 265; Shaktism and, 40; Shrî-Vidyâ branch of, 347, 360; siddhis and, 367–368, 382–383; sixty-four yoginîs of, 7, 430n. 8; source reading on, 369–379; subtle body and (see subtle body); Tiru-Mantiram and, 276; tolerance and, 208, 343; Vedânta and, 343, 346; Vedas on, 121; Vrâtyas and, 121; Western neo-Tantra, 343; Yoga and, 343. See also Hatha-Yoga; Siddha tradition

  Tantra: The Path of Ecstasy (Feuerstein), xviii

  Tantra-loka, 51, 267, 347, 385

  Tantra-Râja-Tantra, 347

  Tantras: gamas and, 264—265, 342, 347, 441n. 1; Buddhist, 342, 383; commentaries on, 347; date of, 62, 264, 342; described, 342–343; ecstasy as defined in, 370; kali-yuga and, 264; mahâ-siddhas and, 383; Purânas and, 299; Samhitâs and, 279, 342, 347; Shakti and, 264, 265, 342, 346; Shiva and, 84, 265, 346, 370, 371; source reading from, 369–379; supplementary literature to, 347; Sûtras and, 179; Yoga-Yâjnavalkya and, 422. See also Kula-Arnava-Tantra; Mahânirvâna- Tantra; specific tantras

  Tantra-Sâra, 347, 368

  Tantra- Tattva- Tantra, 342

  Tantra-Yoga. See Tantra

  Tantric Age, 64

  tanu-mânasâ, 305

  Taoism, 29, 48, 173, 320, 344

  Tao of Physics, The, 381

  tapas. See asceticism (tapas)

  Tapasviji Maharaj, 67, 81

  Târâ, 87, 168, 344, 360

  Târaka-Yoga, 320–324

  Tarangâvatî, 142

  tarka. See reflection

  Tarka-Jvalâ, 207

  tarpana. See satisfaction

  Tart, Charles, 251

  taste. See tongue

  tat, defined, 459

  tathâgatas, 166, 436n. 17

  tathatâ, 168, 169

  tat savitur… . See gâyatrî-mantra

  tattva. defined, 242, 431n. 34, 459. See also buddhi; elements (bhûtas); existence; manas; Reality; senses; thatness; Truth

  tattva-âkâsha, 322

  Tattva-nanda-Taranginî, 53

  Tattva-Artha-Adhigama-Sûtra, 150

  Tattva-Artha-Sûtra, 142, 147, 149–150

  tattva-avabodha, 422

  tat tvam asi, 12, 311

  Tattva-Sandarbha, 292

  Tattva-Vaishâradî, 6, 8, 234, 235, 253, 367, 431n. 42

  tattva-vidyâ-shâstra, 72

  teachers: types of, 11–12. See also gurus

  technology, xxvii, xxviii, xxix, 3, 28, 30

  teeth, 391. See also râja-danta

  Tejo-Bindu-Upanishad, 5, 16, 128, 257, 311, 317–318

  telepathy, 18, 354

  Teraiyar, 82

  termas, 265

  Textbook of Yoga (Feuerstein), xvii

  thankas, 177

  thatness, 231

  therapeutic uses. See illness

  Theravâda Buddhism, 156, 157, 162, 173. See also Hînayâna Buddhism

  third eye. See cakras, âjnâ-cakra

  thought: ecstasy (samâdhi) and, 218, 220, 253; experiential knowledge vs., 237; generation of, 48; Goraksha-Paddhati on, 416; initiation through, 18; karma and, 241–242; magical, 346; mantras and, 358; Moksha-Dharma on, 199, 200, 205; Self-realization and, 242; sound as, 359; Tantras on, 372, 373, 378; Upanishads on, 126; Yoga-Sûtra on, 218, 220, 252; Yoga-Vâsishtha on, 305. See also consideration
; karma; mind

  throat, 354, 355, 391, 402, 404, 408, 415, 417, 420. See also jalandhara-bandha; vishuddha-cakra

  thunderbolt, 150, 327, 366, 393, 396

  Tibet, crazy wisdom in, 19–23

  Tibetan Book of the Dead, 320

  Tibetan Yoga. See Vajrayâna (Tantric) Buddhism

  Tîkâs, 234

  Tilopa, 178, 383

  time: Buddhism and, 173; Goraksha- Paddhati on, 419; Kâlî and, 344; prâna and, 173; Shaivism and, 268, 349; Upanishads on, 318; Vishnu as Krishna as, 195; Yoga-Bhâshya on, 227; Yoga- Sûtra on, 227, 230, 233; Yoga-Vâsishtha on, 304, 308. See also space-time

  Tipitaka. See Pali canon

  tîrthankaras, 139–140, 147, 148, 153

  tîrthas, 331. See also âdhâras

  Tirumankai, 280

  Tiru-Mantiram, 40–41, 264, 276, 277, 278

  Timmûlâr, 40, 264, 276, 342, 383

  Tiru-Murai, 40–41, 276, 278

  Tiru-Murukâr-Ruppâtai, 41

  Tiruppâvai, 281

  Tiru-Vâcakam, 278

  Tiruvalluvar, 265

  Tïru-Vâymoli, 41, 280

  titikshâ. See endurance

  Tittiri, 131

  toes, 402, 420

  tolerance, 61, 72, 157, 208, 259, 264, 292, 334, 343. See also egalitarianism

  tongue, 391, 402, 413, 414, 420. See also khecârî-mudrâ; nabho-mudrâ; senses

  tortoise, 298, 351, 362, 413. See also kûrma

  touch, 18, 160, 413. See also senses; skin

  tradition. See smriti

  trance, 252

  tranquillity: yur-Veda and, 80; Gîtâ on, 286; Jnâna-Yoga and, 33; liberation and, 204; Moksha-Dharma on, 201, 202, 204, 205; Purânas on, 297; sattva and, 202; Tantras on, 371; Upanishads on, 321; Yoga-Vâsishtha on, 307

  transcendence: asceticism and, 66, 67; Bhakti-Yoga and, 36, 37; Classical Yoga and, 240; defined, xvii; degrees of, 7–8; existentialism and, 143; immanence and, 346; impulse toward, xxv-xxvii, 16, 92; Jainism and, 147, 150; Karma-Yoga and, 49; Laya-Yoga and, 55; magic vs., 67, 95; mantras and, 359; necessity for, 28; power vs., 384; sacrifice and, 131; spiritual life and, xvii; Tantra and, 345–346, 347; teacher and disciple and, xvi; technology and, xxviii; Yoga as technology of, 3, 28. See also liberation (enlightenment)


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