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The Yoga Tradition

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by Georg Feuerstein

  transformation, 222, 226–227, 233, 240, 243, 254, 258, 263, 345, 366. See also transmutation

  transformation body, 144

  transliteration notes, xxiii-xxiv

  transmentality, 322, 325

  transmigration, 49

  transmission, 9, 15, 16–18, 265, 430n. 21, 431n. 31

  transmutation: bodily, 36, 137, 275, 328–331, 353, 382–383, 384, 408. See also transformation

  transpersonal psychology, xxvi, xxvii

  transubstantiation, 353

  trâtaka, 392

  trees, 102, 118, 129, 318, 393

  tremor, 219, 398, 411

  tretâ-yuga, 123

  Trika Shaivism, 265, 460

  trikâya doctrine, 168

  tri-mûrti, 185

  Tripitaka. See Pali canon

  triple path, 418

  Tripura-Rahasya, 23, 32–33

  Tripurâ-Sundarî, 87, 88, 348, 360

  tripurâ-sundarî-yantra, 365

  Tripurâ-Upanishad, 347

  Tri-Shikhi-Brâhmana-Upanishad, 50, 128, 250, 312, 331

  trishnâ. See desire

  Trungpa, Chögyam, 17

  trust, 32, 355

  truth/Truth: Buddhism and, 157, 159, 170, 175; guru and, 10, 11; hidden nature of, 1; Jainism and, 152, 153; Sikhism and, 334, 336, 337; Upanishads on, 324; Vedas on, 121; Yoga-Vâsishtha on, 309. See also Reality

  truth-bearing insight, 221

  Truth-Consciousness, 57

  truthfulness: Buddhism and, 161; Gîtâ on, 247; Integral Yoga and, 58; Jainism and, 147, 150; mantras and, 245; Moksha- Dharma on, 198; Râmâyana on, 185; Tantras on, 376; Upanishads on, 131; as yama, 224, 245, 246; Yoga-Sûtra on, 208, 224, 245

  Tsongkhapa, 179, 437n. 35

  Tucci, Guiseppe, 176

  Tukârâma, 36, 291

  Tulasi, Acarya, 143

  Tulsî Dâs, 292, 293

  tummo, 95, 180

  turîya. See Fourth, the

  turîyâtitas, 71

  turya-gâ, 305

  Tushita Heaven, 168, 171, 173, 437n. 34

  tushti. See contentment

  Tweedie, Irina, xvi

  twilight language, 366

  tyâga. See renunciation


  Ubhayâ Bhâratî, 73–74

  uccâtana, 368

  ucchvâsa, 326

  udâna, 124, 126, 229, 300, 316, 351, 404

  Udâna, 158, 162

  Uddhâva-Gîtâ, 279, 282–286, 297

  uddîyâna-bandha, 395, 406, 408, 424

  Uddyoktakara, 78

  udyâna, as âdhâra, 402, 420

  ujjâyî-kumbhaka, 397–398

  Umâ. See Pârvatî (Umâ)

  Umâpati, 214, 431n. 32

  Umâsvâti, 142, 147, 149–150

  Unconditional, defined, xxv-xxvi

  unconscious, 241–242, 257

  unconsciousness, 252, 254

  understanding, 132, 135, 162, 163, 299, 406. See also gnosis; wisdom

  Undifferentiate, 220, 242, 243, 244

  unhappiness, 37

  union: Bhakti-Yoga and, 36, 37, 38, 39; coessential unity, 408; defined, 50; ecstasy (samâdhi) and, 253; Goraksha-Paddhati on, 407, 408; Hatha-Yoga and, 422; identification vs., 258; liberation and, 257–258; Lingâyatas and, 264; nondualism and, 207; of opposites (see dvandvas; polarity; reversal principle); Pâshupatas and, 260–261; of rajas and bindu, 407; Samhitâs on, 280; Sikhism and, 334–336; Upanishads on, 257–258; Vedânta and, 4; Yoga definition and, 3—4, 6; Yoga-Sûtra on, 4, 223–224, 241, 257–258. See also Shiva, Shakti and

  universe: compacting the, 271; creation of (see creation)

  unmanî, 325, 441n. 20

  Unparticularized, 244

  untouchables, 60

  upâdana, 160

  upâdhi, 372, 373, 418, 424

  upâdhyâya, 11

  Upadhyâya, K. N., 188

  Upâgâmas, 264, 265, 439n. 9

  upanayana, 60

  Upângas, 141

  Upanishad Brahmayogin, 328

  Upanishadic Age, 63, 123–137

  upanishads, defined, 460

  Upanishads, 123–137, 311–331; ranyakas and, 125; Bhagavad-Gîtâ and, 184; Brâhmanas and, 124, 435n. 2; Buddhism and, 159, 160, 164; commentaries on, 236; cosmogony of, 128, 133; date of, 61, 62, 63, 96, 127, 312, 435n. 2; described, 74, 123–137, 183–184, 311–331; early, 63, 123–137, 160; Epic-Age, 183–184; Hatha-Yoga and, 128, 317, 328–331; Hindu philosophy and, 74; initiation and, 126; Jnâna-Yoga and, 32, 331; kshatriya estate and, 106, 120; main concepts of, 63, 125, 126, 127–128, 183–184, 257, 311; Mantra-Yoga and, 311, 312–318, 329–330; mental consciousness and, 93; nondualism and, 31–32, 127, 128–129, 257–258, 317, 319, 321–324; number of, 74, 127–128, 311; oldest Upanishad, 70; oral transmission of, 128; Râma and, 185; Sâmkhya and, 198; source readings from, 34–36, 313–316, 321–324, 326–328; transmission of wisdom of, 106, 126; Vedânta and, 4; Vedas and, 27, 63, 105, 106, 126, 127, 131, 326, 327, 429n. 1, 435n. 54; Yoga definition and, 4, 5; Yoga emergence and, 96; Yoga of, 128, 131–132, 134–137. See also Bindu-Upanishads; Yoga-Upanishads; specific Upanishads

  upa-prânas, 351, 404

  Upa-Purânas, 296, 299. See also Devî- Bhâgavata-Purâna

  uparati. See cessation

  Upâsaka-Dashâ-Anga, 142

  upâsana, 126. See also meditation

  upastha-nigraha, 298

  Upatîkâs, 234

  upavâsa. See fasting

  upâya, 168, 173, 265-266, 460. See also compassion

  uprightness. See ârjava

  ûrdhva-retas, 120, 366, 415

  urine therapy, 424

  Ushâ, 101

  utpâda, 169

  Utpala, 267

  Utpaladeva, 255, 257

  uttâna-carana, 103

  Uttanka, 66

  Uttarâdhyâyana-Sûtra, 139

  Uttara-Mîmâmsâ, 72, 74–75. See also Vedânta

  uvula, 402, 414, 417, 420


  vâc. See mantras; speech

  Vâc, 52, 101

  Vâcaspati Mishra, 6, 8, 78, 80, 235, 253. See also Tattva-Vaishâradî

  vag-dîkshâ, 18

  vahni-yoga, 405, 411

  Vaikhânasas, 71

  Vaikhânasa-Smârta-Sûtra, 70

  Vaikuntha Heaven, 282, 297

  vairâgya. See dispassion; indifference

  vairâja-prânava, 317

  Vairocana, 264

  Vaisheshika, 6, 72–73, 77–78, 235, 289

  Vaisheshika-Sûtra, 77

  Vaishnavism, 279–293; lvârs and, 41, 279, 280–281, 288; Bengali saints of, 291–292; bhakti and, 40, 41, 280–281, 282–283, 288–293; Bhakti-Yoga and, 279, 280–293; dualism and, 289; Gupta dynasty and, 64; history of, 40, 41, 187; literature of, 258, 279–288, 290–293; Maharashtra saints of, 290–291, 384, 388; nondualism and, 288, 289; North Indian saints of, 292–293; Patanjali and, 259; preceptors of, 288–290, 291–292; Shaivism vs., 61. See also Bhagavad-Gîtâ; Bhâgavata-Purâna; Gîtâ-Govinda; Pancarâtra tradition; Purânas; Samhitâs; Upanishads; Vishnu

  Vaishvânara, 103

  vaishya estate, 9, 60, 101, 434n. 31

  vâjapeya, 418

  vajrâ: defined, 177. See also vajrî

  vajrâ-âsana, 150, 393

  Vajra-Chedikâ-Sûtra, 163, 164

  vajrâ-deha. See divine body

  vajrâ-kâya, 180

  vajrâ-nâdî, 352

  Vajra Varahi, 389

  Vajrayâna (Tantric) Buddhism, 174–181; crazy wisdom and, 21; described, 174–175, 181; emergence of, 64, 163, 171, 172; Hindu Tantra and, 175, 343; Kâlacakrayâna Buddhism and, 172, 173; Mahâyâna Buddhism and, 174, 715; mahâ-siddhas of, 178–181; Mantrayâna Buddhism and, 172, 174; Nâropa’s Six Yogas and, 179–181; om and, 52, 172; orders of, 21, 178–181, 265; Sahajayâna Buddhism and, 172, 175; sexuality and, 177–178, 179; Tantras of, 341

  vajrî, defined, 431n. 44

  vajrolî-mudrâ, 366, 396, 424

akhilyas, 71

  Vallabha, 289

  Vallabha school, 236

  Vâlmîki, 184, 185, 303. See also Râmâyana; Yoga-Vâsishtha

  vam, 353

  vâma, 366

  Vâma, 265

  vâmâcâra, 258

  Vâmadeva, 330

  Vâmaka-Îshvara-Tantra, 347

  vâma-mârga. See Tantra, left-hand

  vamana, 81, 351, 391

  Vamâna, 86

  Vamâna-Purâna, 296

  vamsha-anucarita, 296

  vamshâs, 296

  vâna-prasthas. See forest dwellers

  vandana. See prostration

  Varâha, 85, 133

  Varâha-Purâna, 296

  Varâha-Samhitâ, 279

  Varâha-Upanishad, 128, 312, 330

  Varanasi, 140, 292, 331

  varna-dîkshâ, 18

  varnas, 9, 60, 286, 418. See also brâhmana estate; caste system; kshatriya estate; vaishya estate

  Vaminî, 88

  vâsanâs, 8, 55, 241, 242, 252, 305, 307, 460

  vashîkarana, 368

  Vashinî, 345

  Vashishtha, 66, 208, 295, 303, 304, 342, 434n. 41, 440n. 1. See also Yoga- Vâsishtha

  vâshitva, 368

  Vâsishtha-Dharma-Shâstra, 209

  vâso-dhauti, 391

  vasti, 391

  Vasubandhu, 171

  Vâsudeva, 36, 39, 85, 196, 280, 312, 432n. 13

  Vasugupta, 265–266, 267, 269–275, 347

  vâta, 80, 433n. 18

  Vâtsyâyana Pakshîlasvâmin, 78

  Vâtula-Shuddhâkhya, 265

  Vâyu, 113, 114, 120, 195

  Vâyu-Purâna, 296, 297

  vâyus, 80, 422

  vedanâ, 160

  vedânta, defined, 429n. 1

  Vedânta, 74–75; Absolute and, 4, 20, 116; Buddhism and, 171, 243; Classical Yoga and, 215, 243; commentaries on, 235; described, 4, 6, 74–75, 127, 453; ecstasy as defined in, 370; illusionism in, 56; Kevâla-Advaita, 453; koshâs and, 132; liberation and, 5, 20, 130, 254; modern West and, 65; Moksha-Dharma and, 197–198; neti-neti and, 5, 130; nondualism and, xxvi, 4, 74; Reality and, 4, 74, 429n. 1; Seif and, 4, 74, 130, 258; Shaivism and, 265; Shudda, 236; Tantra and, 343, 346; târaka and, 320; Upanishads and, 4; Vishishta-Advaita, 41, 453; Yoga definition and, 4; Yoga vs., 237. See also Bhagavad-Gîtâ; Jnâna- Yoga; Upanishads; Vedas; Yoga-Vâsishtha

  Vedânta-Sâra, 33

  Vedânta-Siddhânta-Darshana, 431n. 9

  Vedânta-Sûtra. See Brahma-Sûtra

  vedas, defined, 114

  Vedas: gamas and, 264; arranger of, 123, 186, 234; Aryan invasion theory and, 98–99; bhakti and, 39, 192; Brâhmanas and, 124; composers of, 61, 101–102; cosmogony of, 21, 112, 115–119; date of, 61, 62, 63, 96–97, 98; described, 27, 105, 378; Fifth Veda, 186, 264, 296, 435n. 66; Goraksha-Paddhati and, 405, 406; Hindu philosophy and, 72–74; human sacrifice and, 262; immortality and, 39, 102, 108, 119, 341; Itihâsas and, 295, 296; Jaina, 143; Mahâbhârata and, 186, 264; Mantra-Yoga and, 51–52, 104; mind and, 405; mother of, 52; name of God and, 335; nondualism and, 4, 258; om and, 52, 130, 409; oral transmission of, 128; Proto-Yoga of, 93, 96, 98, 101–114, 115–116, 134, 405; Purânas and, 264, 295, 296, 300; reincarnation and karma and, 126; religion and, 100, 101; sacrificial ritual and, 66, 101–105, 115, 120, 124, 434n. 41; Self and, 126, 196, 237; Solar Yoga and, 103, 106, 110–111; soma and, 52, 103, 111–112, 115; source readings from, 106–114, 116–119; study of, 9; Tamil Veda, 276; Tiru-Murai and, 40–41; Tiru-Vâymoli and, 41; Uddhava-Gîtâ and, 285; Upanishads and, 27, 63, 105, 106, 126, 127, 326, 327, 429n. 1; words of the Divine and, 435n. 59; Yoga-Bhâshya and, 211. See also Atharva-Veda; yur-Veda; Rig-Veda; rishis; Sâma-Veda; Samhitâs; Yajur-Veda

  Vedic Age, 62–63

  Vedic civilization, 27, 61–63

  Vena, 115, 120

  verticalism, xxix, 56, 68–69, 93, 261, 432n. 37

  vibhûti: defined, 367. See also siddhis

  vibration, 51, 130, 265, 266, 305, 330, 348, See also sound

  vicâra. See consideration; reflection

  vices, four, 146

  Victoria, Queen, 64

  videha-mukti, 233, 254, 258, 289, 317, 318, 329, 460

  vidveshana, 368

  vidyâ: defined, 460. See also gnosis; knowledge; wisdom

  Vidyâranya, 7, 303, 312. See also Jîvan- Mukti-Viveka

  Vijayâ, 88

  vijnâna. See consciousness; Consciousness; knowledge

  Vijnâna-Bhairava, 266

  Vijnâna Bhikshu, 7, 213, 236, 241, 253, 298. See also Yoga-Sâra-Samgraha; Yoga- Vârttika

  vijnâna-maya-kosha, 132

  Vijnânavâda Buddhism, 157, 171

  vikalpa: defined, 251. See also conceptualization; imagination

  vikâras, 412–413, 431n. 40

  vikshepa, 285

  Vimala, 142

  Vimalânanda, 263

  Vînâ-Shikha-Tantra, 341

  Vinaya-Pitaka, 158

  Vipâka-Shruta-Anga, 142

  viparîta, 366. See also reversal principle

  viparîta-karanî-mudrâ. See mudrâs

  viparyaya, 251

  virâ-âsana, 150, 393

  virâga. See renunciation

  viraha. See separation

  vîra-îsha, 270

  Virâj, 115

  Vîra-Shaivas, 263–264

  virtues, 147, 150, 161–162, 321, 335. See also morality; niyamas; yamas; specific virtues

  Virûpa, 179, 389

  Virûpâksha, 389

  vîrya, 67, 81, 168, 391. See also will

  vishesha. See Particularized; Vaisheshika

  Vishnu, 84–86; Ananta and, 214; bhakti and, 40, 330; Brahma and, 185; cakras and, 353; Dakshinamûrti and, 12; Dattâtreya and, 23; described, 85, 185; Devî and, 299; the Goddess and, 344; as Godhead, 83; guru and, 11, 324; as Hari, 85, 401; illustrated, 186; incarnations of, 85–86, 185, 192; as ishta-devata, 225; as Kapila, 281–282; as Krishna, 185, 187, 191, 193–195, 281–283; Lakshmî and, 456; mother of, 23; mudrâs and, 360; as Nârâyana, 85, 133, 134, 280; as Nri- Simha, 262; om and, 409; other deities and, 83, 185; Pancarâtra tradition and, 39–40; Purânas and, 296, 297, 298; as Râma, 86, 185, 279; in Rig-Veda, 40, 84, 86, 279; shakti and, 409; Shankara and, 235; Shishupâla and, 38, 287; Shiva and, 185, 295; as tortoise, 298; in Upanishads, 135, 313, 330; as Vâsudeva, 85, 196, 280; water element and, 415; yantras and, 364. See also Vaishnavism

  vishnu-granthi, 355

  vishnu-mudrâ, 360

  Vishnu-Purâna, 38, 296, 297

  Vishnu-Samhitâ, 280, 440n. 1

  vishuddha-cakra, 354, 355, 358, 402, 414, 417

  Vishvâmitra, 66, 434n. 41

  vision: inner, 321, 322, 323, 325; steadiness of, 318. See also eyes

  visions, 66, 67, 72, 137, 325, 421; Rig-Veda on, 104, 105, 109, 110, 114

  visualization: Absolute and, 398; bhûta- shuddhi and, 358; bindu and, 398; Buddhism and, 342; cakras and, 249, 350, 355; chod and, 178; coarse vs. subtle, 398; dzogchen vs., 179; ecstasy (samâdhi) and, 355; Gheranda-Samhitâ on, 398; Hatha-Yoga and, 398; initiation and, 18; magic and, 368; mandalas and, 176; phowa and, 181; siddhis and, 355; Tantra and, 342, 358, 398; tumo and, 180; yantras and, 364

  Visuddhi-Magga, 159

  vitality. See ojas; vîrya

  vitarka, 149, 220, 252, 253, 271. See also awareness/Awareness; consideration; insight; thought

  vitarka-samâdhi, 220, 253

  Vivarana, 235, 236

  Vivasvat, 208

  viveka: defined, 130, 460. See also discernment; discrimination

  Viveka-Cûdâmani, 34

  Vivekananda, Swami, 29, 32, 65

  viyoga. See separation

  voidness. See emptiness

  volition, 242, 304, 307–308, 309. See also conceptualization

  vomiting, 81, 351, 391

  vows, 148, 151, 224, 245, 260, 274, 283, 301, 377

  vratas. See ritual; vows

  Vrâtya-Khânda, 116, 119–120, 121 />
  Vrâtyas, 66, 119–121, 140, 435n. 65, 66

  Vrinda, 82

  Vritra, 106, 108

  vritti-nirodha, 252

  vrittis, 4, 199, 217–218, 219, 229, 232, 241, 251–252

  Vrittis, 234, 235

  vritti-samkshaya, 149

  vyâhritis, 209, 314, 409

  vyâna, 120, 121, 124, 126, 300, 316, 351, 404

  vyâsa, defined, 186, 234

  Vyâsa, 8, 66, 93, 123, 186, 188, 234–235, 296. See also Yoga-Bhâshya

  Vyâsa-Gîtâ, 298

  vyomans. See âkâshas (vyomans)

  vyutthâna-citta, 253. See also wakefulness


  Wâhi Guru, 333

  wakefulness, 253, 270, 273, 315, 419

  Waking Up, 251

  Walsh, Roger, 95

  warrior estate. See kshatriya estate

  water, 200, 201, 209, 357–358, 391, 396, 415. See also elements (bhûtas)

  waters: Vedas on, 118, 119; Vrâtyas and, 121

  Watts, Alan, 174

  Weber, Albrecht, 214

  weeping, 289, 291, 376

  Wentz, W. Y. Evans, 180

  Wesley, John, 246

  Western culture: Hindu culture vs., 60. See also East-West dialogue

  wheel of life (Buddhism), 159–161

  wheel of time (Buddhism), 173

  wheel of Yoga, 27, 28

  wheels of energy. See cakras

  Where the Spirits Ride the Wind, 95

  Whicher, Ian, 439n. 8

  White, David Gordon, 348, 435n. 65, 436–437n.19

  Whitehead, Alfred North, 47

  Whitman, Walt, 188

  Wholeness or Transcendence? (Feuerstein), 93

  Wilber, Ken, xxvi-xxvii, 130. See also Atman project

  Wilkins, Charles, 188

  will: asceticism and, 67; bodhisattva path and, 168; desire and, 159; divine, 335, 359; ecstasy (samâdhi) and, 254; ego and, 67; of enlightened beings, 270; freedom of, 49; Hindu philosophy and, 73; Jainism and, 144; Jnâna-Yoga and, 32; to live, 221, 222; as means of Yoga, 265; om and, 409; primordial, 231; renunciation vs., 30; Shaivism and, 265, 270; shakti and, 409; as siddhi, 368; Sikhism and, 335; spirituality and, 30; Yoga and, 67; Yoga- Vâsishtha on, 306; yogic body and, 383

  wind, 119, 121, 180, 200, 205, 313, 316, 433n. 18, 435nn. 61, 62. See also prâna; upa-prânas

  wine, 364, 373–374, 378

  wisdom: âbhoga and, 272; action and, 50, 185–186, 304, 306–308; balance and, 32; Buddhism and, 162, 163, 166, 173, 177; Buddhi-Yoga and, 31; compassion and, 163, 173; discernment and, 224, 230; ecstasy (samâdhi) and, 218; eye of, 33, 36; Gîtâ-Govinda on, 287; Gîtâs on, 31, 191, 285, 286, 287; the Goddess and, 87–88, 344–345; Goraksha-Paddhati on, 403, 405, 418; Jainism and, 153; Jnâna- Yoga and, 32, 33; karma and, 50, 143; knowledge vs., 272; liberation and, 50, 127, 185–186, 304, 306–308, 342–343; Moksha-Dharma on, 199, 200–204; om and, 409; prânâyâma and, 81; psychospiritual technology and, xxviii; Purânas on, 281, 298, 300, 301; purification and, 203; Râmâyana on, 185; Reality and, 147; rishis and, 434n. 41; serpent lord and, 214; shakti and, 409; Shiva-Samhitâ on, 424; Shiva-Sûtra on, 271, 272; Single Cow and, 110; Spanda-Kârikâ on, 268; stages of, 431n. 9; suffering and, 224; Tantra and, 177, 342–343; Upanishads on, 257, 315, 323, 327, 329, 330; Vaishnavism and, 281, 285, 286, 287, 290; Vedânta-Siddhânta-Darshana on, 431n. 9; Yoga-Bhâshya on, 214, 224; Yoga-Sûtra on, 224, 226, 230; Yoga- Vâsishtha on, 50, 304, 306–308; yoginî- jnâna-mudrâ and, 418. See also buddhi; gnosis; understanding


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