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King's Mate: An Alpha Shifter Romance

Page 15

by Piper Stone

  “And it is every Breed leader’s determination as to whether we choose to accept you as king. Keep that in mind, Luca. You are not God. While we’d kept some small amount of hope that by your mating we could all grow stronger in numbers, perhaps as if by some magic, what you are proposing is a joke, and physically impossible.”

  I allowed my beast to remain close to the surface as I studied him. He was worn out from the internal battle as well as fear. While I had every right to take his life, I needed an ally more than a point made. “While I don’t want discord between us, Rollins, I am king. I know what I’m doing and as far as the human...” I allowed the words to linger in the air. “She’s already in transition.”

  The shock and awe were more than I’d planned for. I hadn’t been prepared to tell anyone about my plans, or the fact I couldn’t live without Clarise. I’d known from the second I breathed in her intoxicating scent that her DNA was already changing. While I couldn’t understand the specifics as of yet, I was determined to find out why.

  However, I knew it was the reason she’d been deemed so important. I was the prey, but she was the lure. And if we had cubs, I could only imagine their wretched fate.

  Rollins rose to his feet, his entire body shaking. “Not possible.”

  “I assure you that it is. She will become my mate and she will bear my cubs.” I rose to my feet slowly, once against scanning the now terrified faces of the other Pride members.

  “Luca. Do you know what this could mean?” Rollins asked quietly, his body sagging against the table.

  “Yes, I do. We could thrive again.”

  “But not as we once did. We would be some fucking hybrid.” The sadness in his voice was disturbing. He was allowing the news to break down the rest of his walls.

  “I need your strength, Rollins. I need to be able to count on your Streak to help us if we are attacked. In fact, I need every Breed to agree to help.”

  “What if we can’t shift, Luca?”

  I pounded the table this time, trying to get through to him. “Then we fight as humans. We will not go quietly into extinction. We will not allow anyone to destroy who we are. We. Will. Fight.”

  Rollins lifted his gaze, finally giving a respectful nod. “I will see what I can do, Luca; however, I can’t promise anything. There are many of the other Breeds who won’t take kindly to the news.”


  “I hope you’re right because if you aren’t, God help us all.”

  I watched as he led his soldier out of the great hall, expecting all hell to break loose. When there was an eerie silence, the majority of the Pride heading for the doors, I knew the next few days would be extremely challenging.

  “What the hell is going on, Luca?” Ranger asked as he approached the table. “Were you planning on telling us your plans?”

  “I just did.”

  Jonas wrapped his hand around my arm, shaking his head. “While I’m not going to say I fully understand what you’re doing, I will gather our soldiers to be prepared at a moment’s notice to invade the scientific ward. However, your Pride isn’t happy.”

  “I am well aware, Jonas. Do exactly as you stated.” My thoughts drifted to the only other person who could have provided information to the tigers. While I was angry, I felt more of a haunting feeling, as if the respect of my ability to lead had waned.

  “You’re risking so much for the female, Luca,” Kane said.

  “It’s necessary. While I suspect my attraction to her isn’t entirely from natural causes, I can’t alter the future.” I’d hated the thought since realizing what the scientists must have done to Clarise, but in my heart, I knew she belonged to me.

  Body and soul.

  “Report back to me, Jonas. My gut tells me that we’ll need to take swift action.”

  “And where are you going, sire?” Ranger asked, his tone riddled with disdain.

  “I have something I need to do.” I walked out of the great hall, moving quickly into the shadows. My anger had kept my beast at the surface, prepared to strike at a moment’s notice. I had to be careful.

  As I walked toward the small house, I could tell she was home by the number of lights. I waited as she came to the door, already knowing that I would arrive on her doorstep.

  “I figured you’d find me one way or the other, Luca. Do you want to come in?”

  “Yes.” I walked inside, waiting until she’d closed the door. “Did you tell the tigers that I had chosen a human mate? Do not lie to me, Becca.”

  “I did.”

  “Why? Why would you betray me? Why would you dare go against a man who cares so much about you?” I turned to face her and seeing the almost desperation in her eyes cooled my beast, allowing him to go back into his lair. But not before she’d seen the burning look in mine.

  “Because you don’t give a damn about me. Because I’ve been in love with you for years and you couldn’t give me the time of day. I am a woman and a lioness. I have been ready to bear your cubs and hold you close at night for so long. When I realized that you could never love me, I reacted. I’m not proud of what I did but I would do it again.”

  When I took a step toward her, she moved backwards as if frightened of me. The tears in her eyes weren’t something I’d expected. While I’d suspected her feelings, I didn’t understand the level of her desire.

  Or her pain.

  “I care about you deeply, Becca. You have been such an amazing friend and in truth, you’ve been like a little sister.”

  Becca bit her lower lip before snorting. “A little sister. I am fully grown. I am no blood relation. I am all woman. And I love you. Damn it. I would give my life for you. Don’t you understand that?” As the tears continued to fall, she wiped them away furiously. “I hate being human. I hate it. I want to run free at night like we used to. I want to hunt with you until the wee hours of the morning. I crave being by your side as we enjoy the first snowfall, the hint of spring. I want things that I can never have and mostly because you won’t love me.”

  My heart was aching and I found it difficult to form words. This time as I approached, she didn’t run from me, allowing me to take her into my arms. As I placed my hand on top of her head, pressing my lips against her silky hair, I prayed I could find words of strength.

  For both of us.

  “I will always love you, Becca. You are the light that has been in my life for so very long. You’ve given me so many gifts over the years. Your loyalty. Your strength. And your love. For that I will always be grateful. I am not the man you need. You deserve someone so much better. But know I will always be here to protect you, to care for everything you do in your life. All the successes. All the failures. I’ll be here.”

  As she clung to me, sobbing for a few seconds, I chastised the man I’d become, the kingdom I’d perhaps ignored. All because I’d been uncertain how to fight to regain power.

  She pushed me away, stumbling backwards. “I know you must banish me for what I did and I accepted that.”

  “I have no intention of banishing you, Becca. You will always have a home with this Pride. Please know that what I must do is for the betterment of the entire Pride and possibly all the Breeds.”

  “As you wish, sire.”

  Her contempt and hurt would likely remain. There was little I could do but continue to show her how important she was to her Pride. And to me.

  “Please, just go. I’d like to have some time to myself.”

  I nodded, taking a deep breath before heading to the door. At that moment, the first wave of pain shot through me like a poisoned arrow, stealing my breath. I tumbled toward the door, gasping for air.

  “What’s wrong? Luca? What’s happening?”

  As images flashed into my mind, I let out a bellowing roar.

  “It’s the human, isn’t it?” she asked as she wrapped her arm around me.

  “Yes. I have to get to her. Now. It’s imperative.” I struggled to open the door as another round of anguish swept through
me, pinching every cell and muscle. “She is about to be killed.”

  Chapter Eleven


  A cold chill shifted down from my spine all the way to the floor. “What the fuck are you talking about?” I demanded.

  Dr. Wycliff yanked the inoculator unit from my hand before pointing to my arm. “Roll up your sleeve.”

  “I don’t fucking think so, especially unless I get some answers.”

  She became the aggressor, snapping her head in my direction, her face pinched. When she spoke, her words were almost inaudible. She fiddled with some of the various apparatuses, obviously attempting to hide our... disagreement. “Don’t you understand that the government is now in charge of this facility?”

  “It was always government mandated and funded.”

  “Not to the degree it is now. Everything changed recently. We were only supposed to be performing certain tests in order to glean information about the Breeds in order to learn how they became altered. We’ve been told for years that it was in an attempt to provide protection against our enemies if another war was started.”

  “And now?” I could hear her rapidly beating heart in my ears, the echo strange. Maybe I was catching some of my own anxiety. I began to unfasten my sleeve, taking my time to roll it up, at least pretending that I’d follow orders.

  She darted another glance toward the camera and the door, speaking rapidly. “There are things you don’t know about what occurred during the last war. The Breeds weren’t the only ones changed forever. Human DNA is slowly being crippled, blood becoming toxic. It’s happening very slowly but it’s only a matter of time before our kind is wiped out if we don’t find some semblance of a cure.”

  There were portions of what she’d said that didn’t make much sense, but a single wash of fear swept over me. That’s what Dr. Porter had been working on. I’d been right in my assumptions.

  “What did you and your people do to the Breeds?” I asked as I rubbed my eyes, trying to remember every detail of what Dr. Porter had told me.

  “The Breeds are special. They have attributes that humans are envious of. They are amazing creatures, capable of performing the most magnificent deeds.”

  I’d never forget his words or the way his eyes had gleamed when he’d told me, so proud of the work he was performing.

  When Dr. Wycliff became quiet again, my anger grew to the boiling point. I grabbed another inoculator unit, holding the tip against the side of her head.

  “Don’t!” the other female scientist yelped, coming closer. “This isn’t Dr. Wycliff’s fault.”

  “Maybe not, but you’re all culpable. What happened to Dr. Porter?” My question seemed to fall on deaf ears.

  The younger male scientist cleared his throat, finally answering. “He really was killed by one of the Breeds, a tiger, but it wasn’t the creature’s fault. He was... provoked just like Dr. Wycliff said. I saw the whole thing. It was... horrible.”

  “Uh-huh. Let me guess, by the fucking HEBME piece of shit,” I snarked. “The creature was tormented until he broke.”

  Dr. Wycliff nodded, her face turning red. “The poor beast just went crazy, several others as well. He was in so much pain. It wasn’t Dr. Porter’s fault. That... bastard did it.” She snarled toward the door, every part of her body trembling.

  “Lieutenant Swift?” I asked, taking several deep breaths. I was going to kill the fucker with my bare hands.

  The doctor nodded again, as if acknowledging his name or his authority was far too painful.

  “Dr. Porter knew what we were up against. Even though he was forced to perform certain tests, once he realized what the government was really doing, he did everything in his power to stop the horrific experiments, even attempting to free the Breeds,” the fourth and final scientist finally spoke.

  While the beast might have been provoked, I had no doubt that Dr. Porter had been murdered because of his opposition to the alteration in his work.

  “Where are the Breeds now?” I continued pressing, knowing time was running short. I had no doubt this was about Luca. Why?

  “The ones who survived are still here, but they’re not in good shape,” the second female said quietly, angst in her tone.

  “The Breeds you have aren’t capable of fixing the problem. Are they?”

  All four of them shook their heads.

  “That’s why the lions are being hunted down.” My words weren’t a question but a statement.

  “Yes,” the first male said but all four studied me intently.

  “Jesus fucking Christ. The fucking assholes don’t give a shit about the Breeds at all.” I was sick to my stomach at the thought. “What’s going to happen to them? Let me guess. They’re all going to be killed.”

  “I don’t have all the answers. They won’t tell any of us. I only know we must capture the alpha,” Dr. Wycliff sighed.

  I snorted, yanking my arm away. “I’m nothing but bait to lure the lions out in the open.”

  Beads of perspiration trickled down both sides of Dr. Wycliff’s face. “I... Yes.”

  “Why me? Why not some other woman?”

  I could tell I’d hit a brick wall. Whether or not they knew or had been told not to answer, there was no way of knowing.

  She bit back a gasp and I knew the fuckers were returning. “Take the shot. You won’t feel anything. I promise you.”

  “Like hell I’ll have anything to do with this.”

  “He’s the alpha. He’ll tear you apart if you’re not compatible,” she insisted. “If they capture him.”

  It was the second time she’d used the word. Compatible. I was even sicker to my stomach, my mind reeling from the possibilities.


  I had my doubts anyone could capture him.

  Was the attraction we felt to each other completely fabricated? I swallowed the increasing bile, another thought trapped inside my mind. Had I received drugs in order to alter my DNA? In order to make me a... I couldn’t finish the thought. I hadn’t felt any different. No, that wasn’t entirely true. I swept my hand over the scratch, suddenly finding it difficult to breathe.

  My senses had been heightened.

  “Do we have a problem?” Robert asked as he took long strides into the room, the metal door slamming against the wall from the force he used.

  “She refuses to take the shot,” Dr. Wycliff half whined.

  My God. She’d turned into nothing but a puppet. Could I even trust anything she’d just said?

  “I refuse to be your bait, you asshole,” I snapped.

  “We’ll take care of that, Lieutenant,” one of the soldiers stated with a growl in his voice.

  “That won’t be necessary, Officer Thomas,” Robert said, a grin on his face. “I know exactly how to take care of this. If she doesn’t want the shot, then by all means, she won’t be forced against her will.” He tapped his index finger across his lips, narrowing his eyes as he glared at me. Then he smiled, sending a shiver down my spine. “I think I have a better plan. A test. Bring her.”

  “What the fuck?” I backed away, attempting to grab a knife from the table. One of the soldiers snapped his hand around my wrist, wrenching my arm.

  Kicking out, I caught him in the gut, twisting until I was able to jerk my arm away. The force of my pull pummeled the soldier against the metal cart, going down with him as he hit the floor hard.

  “Fucking bitch!” he yelped.

  While the scientists scuttled out of the way, the other soldier advanced. By then I had one of the knives in my hand. As I took a swing, so did he, the power of his upper muscles too much. He smashed against my arm, almost breaking my fingers in his successful attempt to snatch the weapon out of my hand.

  I managed a hard kick to his kidney, a punch to his jaw before the other soldier grabbed both my arms, dragging me back several feet.

  When Robert pointed his weapon in my face, the damn cocky smile remaining on his face, I made a promise to myself that I’d kill him with
my bare hands.

  “I think you need to have some respect or what you’re about to face, you won’t enjoy. Trust me.” Robert snickered under his breath as the second soldier flanked my side, still coughing from my actions.

  I spit at him, catching him square in the face. “Over my dead body, Robert. Whatever you’re doing to these Breeds, I assure you that the public is going to hear every ugly detail.”

  He clasped my jaw, squeezing until my eyes watered. “I suggest you learn your place, little girl. The commander is risking a hell of a lot in order to use you as necessary. While he wants you alive, he said nothing about how I could keep you in line. Give her the damn shot!”

  I was held down by the others as Dr. Wycliff approached. Even though I continued to struggle, it was no use. The second she placed the inoculator against my arm, I felt a harsh pinch. She gave me a sympathetic look then backed away quickly, obviously fearful I’d retaliate.

  “You pig,” I hissed.

  “Good girl. Now, let’s see how you enjoy meeting one of the Breeds up close and personal. Oh, and he’s angry as fuck about what he’s had to endure.” Robert crowded closer until his lips were far too close to my ear.

  His stench filtered into my nostrils, making me sick to my stomach. He was enjoying the hell out of this.

  “Fuck. You,” I huffed.

  He dragged his tongue across the base of my earlobe before whispering, “That just might happen, but you have work to do, what you were assigned, and you will follow your orders.”

  Abruptly turning, he walked toward another door in the room, throwing it open, obviously expecting the others to follow.

  As they dragged me down a long hallway, my senses were on high alert, trying to take in everything I was witnessing. Suddenly, there was a horrific odor coming from the powerful vents, a combination of sweat, blood, and a metallic stench.

  I struggled to get out of their hold as the air became more stagnant. While there were various rooms on both sides, every door was closed, not a single sound coming from anywhere.


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