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Protector (Grim Legion MC #1)

Page 6

by Brook Wilder

  “No, Mama,” I answered, seeing the surprise on Nat’s face. “You’re confused again. That was a long time ago.”

  “Oh,” she replied, releasing Nat’s hand. “I guess it was.”

  “Get some rest,” I answered, pressing a kiss to her forehead once more as my dad slept on, oblivious to the fact that we were even in the room. “I’ll see you on Tuesday.”

  “Be careful brother,” Graham said as I turned to go. “Justin will be here tomorrow.”

  I nodded and walked out, Nat behind me. I could feel the lingering questions between us, knowing she had to have a few after what my mom had said. I didn’t know if I wanted to answer them when the time came.

  “I’ve been thinking,” Nat said softly as we walked to the bike. “I think you need to stay at the mansion from now on.”

  I stopped, turning toward her.


  She looked away from me. “I think you need to be there, in case something happens. You can leave to visit your mom of course. I know you would want to do that.”

  I started to object, finding it hard to form the words on my tongue. Maybe she was right. It was making no sense to leave her alone in that mansion at night, and after what I had witnessed today between her and Bryan, I was wanting even less for her to be spending time alone with him either. Everyone was a suspect to me, and usually it was those that were closest to the person that ended up being the prime suspect.


  I was going to regret this.

  Chapter 7


  I tried to keep my nervousness in as I showed Fox to his room, wondering why he was affecting me in this way. Maybe it was the quiet softness he had shown his mother today, or the fact that he had taken me to something very important to him.

  Maybe it was because he had cared that I ate breakfast, not concerned about what I would look like if I ate that kind of meal every day for the rest of my life.

  And now I wanted to help him and his family out more than ever. Once I had got my inheritance, I would make sure that his mother’s treatments continued for however long it needed to happen. I didn’t know the woman, but it was enough to know that she meant the world to Adam.

  “Are we going to the dungeon?” he teased as I turned down another set of stairs.

  “Maybe,” I said, a smile on my lips. “How do you feel about handcuffs?”

  “Depends on who’s putting them on,” he answered, his husky voice sending a shiver down my spine.

  Suddenly I had a flash of Fox over me, his sculpted body under my touch, igniting the simmering fire that burned just under the surface. He hadn’t even touched me, and I wanted him, badly.

  Clearing my throat, I pushed open a door, stepping back.

  “It’s the guest suite.”

  Fox let out a low whistle as he stepped inside, taking a look around the spacious suite, complete with its own small kitchen.

  “This isn’t a suite, it’s another damn house.”

  I stayed in the doorway, knowing that if I stepped inside, I might not want to leave.

  “There’s an intercom that can get you whatever you want from the kitchen. It will also ring to the security team on site if you need them.”

  He turned, his eyes glittering.

  “What about you?”

  My heart stuttered in my chest.


  “How far away is your bedroom?” he asked.

  “Um, two stories up,” I answered.

  Of course, he wouldn’t be calling me, wanting me. I was a pain in his rear, a money tree for his mother, nothing more.

  Fox shook his head, hefting the duffel bag over his shoulder.

  “That won’t work. Too far away.”

  I blew out a breath, wishing my heart would quit beating hard against my chest at every little thing he said. The tension, at least on my part, was killing me.

  “What do you want to do, sleep on my floor beside the bed like a lap dog?”

  His expression grew hard, and I regretted my words. I was mad at myself for how I felt whenever he was around, hating that I was feeling these feelings for him and not my own fiancé. Maybe I needed to spend more time with Bryan, to garner those feelings and put me back on the right track for this upcoming wedding.

  So why did that thought make me slightly nauseous?

  “Sorry,” I muttered.

  Fox blew out a breath, rubbing a hand over his hair. He still hadn’t shaved, and I found myself fascinated with his ginger colored hair, just enough of it on his head for me to run my fingers through.

  Ugh, this was not a good idea.

  “Listen,” Fox started. “I just… I need to be closer if I am going to protect you. I don’t need to sleep on your floor, but surely there’s a bedroom closer to you.”

  I thought about it for a minute before turning back toward the hallway.

  “Come on.”

  Not looking back to see if he was following me, I led him back to the second floor, remembering that there was a bedroom not far from mine, one that Alice had used in the past. Just the thought of having Fox so close caused me to swallow hard. I mean, I could walk out of my suite and see him if I wanted to.

  Oh God.

  “Closer,” I forced out, opening the door. “I’m right down the hall.”

  “Good,” he said, ducking into the bedroom.

  It had its own bathroom, and as I entered the room, I tried not to picture Fox naked in the walk-in shower.

  “Well – um – I will leave you to your unpacking.”

  “Nat,” he called out as I turned to go. “Thanks.”

  I ducked my head and hurried out of the room, wondering if he could see the flush of my cheeks. No one had ever thanked me as much as he did.

  No one had ever made me feel the way he did either.


  Later on that evening, I sat in the theatre room, my feet tucked under me. Alice sat in the seat next to me, a bucket of popcorn drizzled with chocolate sitting between us. Normally I wouldn’t touch it, but my parents were at some dinner party, and I knew my mother couldn’t bust me for eating this junk food.

  I was blaming it all on Fox for that breakfast this morning. Now my stomach was craving everything I had denied myself over the last year.

  “So, who is this guy again?”

  I looked over at my friend, the romantic comedy we had seen dozens of times playing on the large screen in front of us. Alice was the complete and total opposite of me, a petite woman, who I wish would let me dress her from time to time, so I could show off her curvaceous body. I knew she was embarrassed by her body and the attention it brought her, so I had never pushed the issue. But she had helped me in my community college classes when no one else would, and for that I had struck up a friendship with her. Alice was kind and caring, probably the only person in this world that saw me more than just a leg up or a money tree.

  “He’s my bodyguard.”

  Her eyes narrowed behind her thick-rimmed glasses.

  “So, let me get this right. Someone threatens you and you immediately get a biker guy for your bodyguard? What kind of guy is he?”

  I thought about Fox and the last two days with him.

  “He’s… Well, he’s different.”

  “Go on,” she prodded. “Give me something to work with, Nat.”

  I sighed.

  “He’s tall and looks nothing like the sort of guy I would normally find myself attracted to. He’s kind, and this morning he let me eat a breakfast I had been dreaming about for over a year. He took me to see his mama today.”

  “Whoa!” Alice said, holding up her hand. “Are you falling for this guy? I mean, you have that dreamy look about you, Nat.”

  I waved my hand at her, my engagement ring catching the light and my attention.

  “Of course not! I’m an engaged woman.”

  “To a douchebag,” Alice muttered, digging into the popcorn.

  I knew what she was
referring to. The first and only time I had tried to put my closest friend and my fiancé together for dinner had turned out to be disastrous. Bryan had been polite to Alice, but it was clear he didn’t approve of her quirky ways, just like my mom didn’t too. Though she tried hard to hide it, I knew it had hurt Alice’s feelings.

  “I have to marry him. I have no choice.”

  Alice snorted.

  “Of course you have a choice. I mean, who wouldn’t want true love over millions of dollars anyway? You would be happy, Nat. Money can’t buy happiness.”

  Oh, she was so wrong about that.

  “So, you are telling me that you would rather give up the money for the sake of a guy who could or could not leave you in a year or two?”

  She sighed, looking down into the bucket.

  “I don’t know, Nat. Sometimes money isn’t everything. You’re lucky, you have your pick of men.”

  I heard the wistfulness in her voice, and my heart went out to her. Alice thought that she wasn’t attractive, but it was her personality that made her the most desirable. I could be myself around her, and not once had she ever scolded me for it or held it against me.

  “It’s not all it’s cracked up to be sometimes.”

  Alice laughed.

  “Well let’s talk about something else, like that wedding dress you have been drooling over. Has it arrived yet?”

  I shook my head, thinking about the one-of-a-kind wedding gown that had been specifically designed for me. The train, the bodice… It was all perfect, and I would look like an actual princess on my wedding day.

  “It hasn’t arrived. Speaking of, I want you to be one of my bridesmaids.”

  Her mouth dropped open, and she pushed her glasses back on her nose.


  “Matter of fact,” I continued, seeing her surprise. “I want you to be my maid of honor.”

  I had thought about the conversation between Fox and I, and he had been right; it was my wedding, and my friend should be part of it. I should have someone on my side that day, and Alice was that person.

  “Nat,” she breathed, gathering herself. “But what about your cousin? Your mom? I can’t… She was pretty clear.”

  “I don’t care,” I cut her off. “And don’t worry about the dress. I will take care of it. Please say that you will be there for me that day.”

  Alice reached over and gathered my hands in hers, tears in her eyes.

  “Of course, I will! I can’t think of anything I would rather do than be your right hand that day.”

  Tears gathered in my eyes, and I pulled her into an awkward hug, feeling emotional myself.

  “Thank you.”

  Alice gave me a watery smile as she pulled back, wiping her eyes.

  “Your mom will be pissed.”

  “I can handle her,” I answered with a grim smile.

  She would be pissed, but it was my wedding day, and I wanted Alice at my side.

  Now, if only I could have the perfect groom, all would be well.

  Fox’s face popped into my thoughts, and I fought the urge to laugh aloud. Fox? As my husband? There was nothing between us beyond the money my father was going to pay him on my wedding day. Sure, he had been nice to me, kind even, but that didn’t qualify him as someone I would sleep with, someone I could love.

  Confused by my own feelings, I unfolded myself and stood.

  “I’m going to get some drinks.”

  “Okay,” Alice said, turning her attention to the screen. “Hurry up, it’s about to come to our favorite part.”

  I swallowed, knowing which part she was talking about. It was the moment when the girl realized she was making a huge mistake and went after her true love, her happily-ever-after. Walking out of the theatre room, I passed along the long hallway that connected the room to the rest of the main house, windows on either side. It was one of my favorite walks; when the sun was setting, the colors of the Nevada sky reflected off the glass.

  I had nearly made it to the other side when a motion caught my attention. A man’s shadow appeared in the nearest window.

  “Fox!” I screamed, making a break for the kitchen. “Fox!”

  He was in the doorway instantly, his gun in his hand.


  I pointed toward the glass walkway.

  “A man. He’s right outside.”

  He wasted no time exiting the kitchen. My heart was in my throat as I pressed the intercom, yelling for help in the grounds. No one should be able to even get close to this house, yet they had.

  We were no longer safe.

  Slumping against the counter, I watched as Alice hurried down the connector, her eyes wide.

  “Oh my God, are you okay? I heard you scream.”

  I drew in a shaky breath.

  “There was a guy outside. I… Fox went after him.”

  “Oh, you poor thing,” she stated, gathering me in her arms. “This is crazy.”

  I couldn’t agree more.

  A few minutes later, Fox walked back into the kitchen, a man in his grip and my father’s men following him, eyeing the biker with some distaste.

  “I got him.”

  My knees weakened, and if Alice hadn’t been holding onto me, I would have collapsed on the tiled floor. I didn’t recognize him at all. Fox dropped him on the floor, kicking him in the ribs.

  “What’s your name?”

  “Hector,” the wiry man wheezed, gripping his side. “Hector Chavez.”

  “A Diablo,” one of the other men announced.

  “Who is this? What is going on?” my father yelled as he walked in, flanked by Bryan and his own bodyguard.

  “Caught this guy sneaking around outside,” Fox answered, his eyes on me. “Nat saw him on her way to the kitchen.”

  My father looked back at me.

  “Are you okay, my princess?”

  I nodded.

  “I’m fine, Papa.”

  My father turned his attention back to the intruder, motioning for his men to pull him to his feet.

  “Who are you?” he asked in a very calm voice. “What are you doing here?”

  “I-I was paid to follow her,” Hector announced, his eyes moving over to me. “To scare her up a little.”

  Well, he had done a fine job of that.

  My father clenched his hands at his side and I knew he was barely restraining his fury.

  “You are the bastard that broke into my home and scared my daughter?”

  Hector’s face went pale, and immediately he started shaking his head.

  “I-I didn’t do that, I swear! This is my first night, sneaking around here. I-I ain’t done nothing else.”

  My father looked at Fox, who stepped forward.

  “You’re a Diablo. What the fuck are you doing here?”

  “I told you,” Hector squealed, his eyes starting to become frantic. “I was paid to make her uncomfortable. I don’t know nothing about breaking in or anything like that.”

  “What does Nieto want with the Russians?” Fox asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

  “N-nothing,” Hector said, shaking his head with emphasis. “I-I swear it.”

  “Take him out of here,” my father announced, motioning to his men. “We aren’t done yet.”

  Hector whimpered as he was led out of the kitchen, and I breathed a sigh of relief. Though Fox had caught him, it still didn’t seem that he was the man who had put the dead animal in my bed.

  Bryan finally made his way over to me, his jaw clenched tightly.

  “You screamed for him.”

  I stared at my fiancé.

  “Of course I did. He’s my bodyguard, remember?”

  Bryan let out a chuckle, though there was no humor in his expression.

  “Of course. Why wouldn’t you call him.” Then he leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine, no heat in his kiss. “I will be staying the night as well, my darling.”

  I gave him a false smile as he stepped away. He gave Fox the eye
before moving out of the kitchen. Fox didn’t seem the least bit intimidated, his eyes on me once more.


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