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Page 8

by Samantha Liddell

  As we ran, I was losing focus on the task of actually getting on to this flight on time but was instead admiring the sight of Scott in his kilt and his oh so sexy knees. Scott looked at me, he knew me to well now and could obviously see me going off into Letticia world.

  “Letticia focus” This was all he had to say to bring me back into the present. Just another reason we are so good together. We finally approached the check-in desk. Believe it or not I got their a few steps ahead of Scott. Obviously way more focused than Scott after all.

  “Claire and Jamie have arrived.” I said to the lady sitting behind the desk.

  By now Scott was beside me and correct me, “Scott King and Letticia Little actually.” he said. Ok then maybe I was not as focused as I first thought.

  The lady behind the desk apologized and said “sorry guys we just announced your final boarding call over the speaker a few minutes ago. We waited as long as we could. Boarding has now closed.” I could feel my blood started to boil. I was normally a calm go with the flow sort of person, but I normally had money, and clothes too. Scott could see I was about to explode so tried to calm the situation. He was a well-travelled man and had more than enough airport experiences to know that once those doors were shut they were shut. He asked ever so politely if we could be put on the first flight out the next morning. She said, most certainly but you will need to purchase a new ticket first. Scott was about to explode now so I let him go for it but no words actually came out apart from sounds of anger, frustrations, and sounds of him trying to control himself.

  He ended up walking away yelling “Hells bells we are screwed!” We found an empty bench seat to gather our thoughts. We were there for no longer than two minutes before our next adventure presented itself. It was a man wearing a suit and chauffeur hat holding a sign that said Lord and Sassenach. Obviously, an inside joke that we were not aware of. The man came rushing over to us and in broken English said “Sorry Late, come now. Without a moment's thought Scott and I both followed this man. We were confused and intrigued at the same time. We looked at each other with the look of, ‘here we go again. Let's hold on for the ride.’

  We now found ourselves walking back out the doors of the airport which we had only moments earlier ran in through for dear life. We walked closely behind the man who lead us to a dark green vintage limousine. The man held open the door for us and I gathered up my long dress as I got into the car followed by Scott. We had no idea where this car was taking us but we were cold, hungry and tired and hoped for a nice hot meal and a bed to sleep in for the night. What we found as we entered the back of the car was two champagne glasses filled to the top with bubbles.

  “Aye Cheers my Sassenach. Whatever we are getting ourselves into I want you to know I love you.”

  “Right back at ya.” I replied and with that we both took one big mighty sip. As I put the glass down I noticed a flyer sitting on the seat beside me. I picked it up and read it.

  ‘Welcome to the Annual ‘Outlander’ gathering convention. Please enjoy your VIP treatment.’

  “Oh, dear god Scott we are VIP’s off to an ‘Outlander’ gathering.” I think all my Christmases have just come at once. Scott was more interested in what sort of treatment VIP people got at this gathering so tried to read the rest of the flyer in the dark. I on the other hand just had one thing on my mind and that was Outlander, plus where on earth the real VIP couple that was meant to be picked up from the airport were, but after a few more sips of Champagne, that thought was soon forgotten.

  As we continued our ride in our VIP limousine that was taking us to goodness knows where there was no address on the Outlander flyer only a date which was scheduled to start tomorrow morning so my guess was we were off to our VIP accommodation for the night. We had been driving for about 15 minutes when Scott lent over to me and squeezed my hand.

  “Well, Sassenach it's either this or sleeping in the airport for the night. Don't know about you but I’m up for another adventure.”

  “When are you not up for an adventure?” I teased.

  He replied, “And when are you not up for an adventure also?”

  “Well never when it involves you and I.” I replied. He lent in and placed an ever so delicate kiss upon my lips. The kiss was stopped short with the breaking of the car. We pulled apart and looked out the car window to be presented with an enormous Historic Manor house that had been converted into a top-notch Hotel.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Let the Manor House Adventures begin.

  We arrived just after dark so could not fully appreciate the beauty of the house. Our Vintage limousine pulled up right outside the door and I got an overpowering feeling of this magnificent building overlooking and dominating everything else around it including me. The Chauffeur ran around to my side of the car and opened the door for me and I glided out ever so elegantly in my 1700s dress followed by my Scottish man.

  Scott the one that was always thinking ahead and focused whispered in my ear. “Well how are we going to book ourselves in. We have no idea of the names of these so-called VIP people that we are meant to be.”

  Scott had a good point but before I could start to worry our lovely Chuffer said in his broken English, “Come you no book in, everything done for you. I show you to your room.” and with that Scott and I did as we were told and followed him to our room for the night.

  As we walked through the Manor house, I took in the magnificent decor which reflected elegance and style but still had a colonial charm to the place. The lighting throughout was made from exquisite chandeliers that suspended from the high beamed ceilings.

  We followed our chauffeur up a grand staircase that was made out of marble with the added luxuries of having red tread covering each stair that flowed down the middle.

  The handrails were made out of iron to finish the look off. This Manor house was the jewel of the crown. “I feel like we have been transported in time Letticia.” Scott said.

  I replied “Yes did we actually end up travelling through some stones back at the airport. We should be on a plane right now flying home instead we are back in ‘Outlander’ world escaping back in time, we are even dressed as Claire and Jamie, I joked.”

  Scott laughed. “We really are channelling our inner ‘Outlander’ don't ya think?”

  I replied, “We sure are.”

  The Chauffeur stopped and Scott and I almost walked right into him while we were joking about our time travel experience. He placed the key card into Scott’s hand. A key card is not very 1700’s I thought to myself, first sign we had not actually left the current year.

  Our chauffeur said. “Room Enjoy.” Scott thanked him and he was off. Scott gave me a cheeky look as if we were two naughty school children who had been given the keys to the tuck shop and were allowed to raid the lolly area.

  He opens the big wooden oak door and we were presented with a VIP room. The room was grand and was true to its colonial charm. We were greeted with a bottle of chilled Champagne and fluffy Scones with Jam and cream. We were both so hungry after the day we’d had. I could feel my stomach moaning with an emptiness that it hurt. So we both went straight for the scones while checking out the room service menu. Once we had filled our stomachs up we were then able to focus on the situation we had now found ourselves in.

  We read through the flyer. The ‘Outlander’ gathering convention was on for the next two days. There was a welcome letter addressed to the two VIP people that were meant to be in this room at this very moment which was not us.

  It was addressed to Jamie and Claire. I looked at Scott in his Kilt and Scott looked at me in my 1700s dress. “Well that could be us,” I said sarcastically. Scott didn't need any more convincing. He was already halfway through opening it. I must say Scott was turning into quite the rebel since meeting me. He read the letter out loud to me.

  Welcome to the Annual Cairns ‘Outlander’ convention.

  We hope you enjoy your stay and we look forward to catching up with you both and
watching your impersonator act. I’m sure you both will do Jamie and Claire proud and the crowd will enjoy it.

  See you down for breakfast in the restaurant tomorrow at 8am.

  I have some documents for you sign ASAP!

  Kind Regards

  Jill Larry


  Scott started to laugh, I started to cry and shake in horror. “We need to go, Scott, we need to go now.” I went to grab my things forgetting I didn't actually have things to grab. I was flustered. Scott put both his arms around me and embraced me in that oh so Scottish hug he does where I feel so safe and secure.

  “Letticia where are we going to go? It's dark out, we were robbed of all our money and clothes, and we missed our flight home. Let’s just stay here tonight and hope the real VIP people don't end up making an appearance and let's just enjoy one of the best night sleeps in that oh so comfortable looking kings size bed over there.” I looked in the direction Scott was looking in and so there it was a king-sized bed that looked so inviting and a far cry from the bed we slept in last night at the Motel. Scott teased “Well Sassenach, to bed or to sleep we go?”

  I replied, “To bed but first, we need to sort out our flights home and cancel our bank cards.”

  “Yes, but before that, we need to get out of these clothes and wash and dry them before tomorrow including our underwear,” Scott said. Scott was right he was so practical, we needed to look presentable tomorrow and luckily, we have a washing machine and dryer in our room to do so.

  Once the washing machine was in full swing and we were both under the bed covers completely naked I was able to fully appreciate this high-quality bed and bedding I found myself in as well as the high-quality man that was lying there naked beside me. The mattress was like collapsing on to a fluffy cloud filled with soft feathers. The sheets were high-quality Egyptian Cotton. As I lay there taking in all that this room at the Manor had to offer, Scott was on the room's telephone calling up his Personal assistant also known as Dougal.

  Dougal was Scott's right-hand guy at Scottlander catering and was in charge of things when Scott was not around. Tonight, however Scott had him paying and booking for a flight back home to Brisbane tomorrow. The only flight available was a 7PM flight the next night. So looks like we have a full day of ‘Outlander’ fun tomorrow. I didn't complain one bit when Scott told me the news. “Oh, what a shame, do you mean we have to spend a full day with likeminded ‘Outlander’ fans, that just sounds dreadful.” I joked.

  “Yeah right Letticia, you are in your element here.” Scott laughed.

  “That I am Scott,” I replied.

  “Well, I guess we better work on our act,” Scott said.

  I looked at him confused. “Act, what act? I asked. I had lost focus yet again and forgot about our impersonating act we were required to do as these VIP people we were pretending to be were hired to do.

  Scott said, “Lets practice impersonating Jamie and Claire in bed first, shall we?”

  I laughed at Scott’s suggestion. “Really Scott I hardly think we need to practice that it's not like we are going to put that in our act tomorrow in front of a crowd of a few hundred.”

  Scott replied “Aye, well let’s just call it our warm up before we practise.”

  “Well, how can I turn down such a handsome Scottish man’s offer.” I replied.

  “Plus we are halfway there already being naked and all.” Scott added. We both delved under the covers and made passionate love to each other before falling asleep without getting a single minutes practice in for our act.

  I awoke the next morning with a few seconds of confusion. I forgot where I was and how I got there until I turned to find Scott right there beside me. The sight of him was breathtaking, watching him so peacefully asleep never got old. His snoring even sounded Scottish. Sounded a bit like ‘Aye Sassenach, Shshshsh Aye Sassenach, shshshsh Aye Sassenach, shshshsh.’ Or maybe that was all in my Scottish loving imagination. I lay there watching him like I did so many other mornings before. However, this morning he woke very quickly without even a stir. His eyes opened right up in my direction. I was caught red-handed watching my handsome Scottish man sleeping. “Letticia were you watching me sleep again?” was the first thing he said to me.

  “Why yes, I was.” Not ashamed to admit it. “You are a beauty to behold, and by the way what do you mean again?” I asked.

  “This isn't the first time I’ve caught you watching me sleeping.” Scott laughed.

  “Fine, I’m guilty as charged,” I replied.

  “I don't mind really, in fact, I watch you just as much as you watch me if I am to be totally honest with you.” He declared.

  “Right let’s call it even, we are both weirdos end of story,” I replied.

  “Well, you maybe.” Scott teased.

  “So, what's the plan for our impersonating act today?” I asked, “Obviously I am Claire and you are Jamie. What scene should we do, I was thinking maybe the wedding scene. I know all the words off by heart, I can teach them to you, shouldn’t take too long. I'm a great teacher.” I was talking much to fast with excitement and nerves.

  Scott had to stop me by putting his finger up to my mouth. “Shhhhhh Sassenach, Slow down. I have another idea. I think we should go down to breakfast introduce ourselves to Jill and come clean about everything.”

  “Scott how unadventurous of you. You want to just cut this adventure short and get kicked out of the ‘Outlander’ convention altogether don't you?”

  “Well if that's what happens that's what happens, but we need to do the right thing. plus, I don't really fancy getting up on stage and impersonating Jamie Fraser.”

  “Why not? You make a great Jamie Fraser.” I said.

  “Aye that I do, but I make an even better Scott King.” Scott replied.

  “Well, who am I to argue with that?” I replied.

  I sat up in bed watching the sunlight streaming through the gap of the curtains causing a cluster of dust to sprinkle around the light. I remember thinking as a child they were the sunlight dust fairies coming to clean my bedroom up. They never did do a very good job come to think of it. More to the point why on earth is there even dust in this 5 start Manor house Room. Hold up Letticia, I thought to myself, beggars can't be choosers in this situation I guess, we didn't exactly even pay for this room, so I need to stop being so nit-picky. Just then Scott arrived naked at my bedside holding a hot cup of English breakfast tea. Oh, he knows me so well I thought “Here you go Sassenach one cup of tea made for you by the one and only naked chef.”

  “Careful don't spill it then, you could cause quite the injury to yourself.” I teased, looking down at his crown jewels. I sat in bed with my English tea far too comfortable to even contemplate moving while Scott tended to our one and only outfits that had been in the dryer overnight. He was ironing my dress naked getting it ready for our day of Outlander fun. If we didn't get kicked out that is.

  This was a sight to behold. How did I get to be in a 5 star Manor house Hotel with an extremely kind hearted funny, and handsome Scottish man who just made me a cup of English tea naked and is now ironing my clothes naked? Am I actually dead and did I end up in Scottish Heaven? I wonder if I will bump into Rupert, Angus and Dougal here I thought. I was brought back into reality and knew I was most certainly still on planet earth when Clive’s name came up in conversation. There is no way Clive would be put in a Scottish heaven or talked about up here for that matter. He would have been sent straight to Scottish Hell.

  “The Nerve of that Clive,” Scott said as he continued to iron. He was ironing with his one good hand. Although I noticed he was starting to use his injured hand a bit more this morning, It was still a bit sunburnt from yesterday's activities, and bruised from punching that Clive in the nose which he thoroughly deserved, but I could see he was getting a bit more movement back into his hand this morning. It was obviously not broken then. That Aloe Vera must've done wonders. See Claire knew what she was doing back in 1743.

  Scott continued to talk about Clive. “I would have loved to have seen the look on Clive’s face when he found out we had indeed got to the contract in time and signed and sealed the deal.” I just nodded and agreed with Scott. I was in no mood to discuss a snake-like Clive on a day like today. A day where we got to channel our inner ‘Outlander’ obsessions and discuss ‘Outlander’ all day with like-minded fans.

  Scott threw the dress over to me and it landed on my face. It felt warm from the iron and smelled good too. I actually could not wait to put it back on this morning. It just felt right, it felt like this was the person I was meant to be. I was obviously born in the wrong century. Next to come flying over was my underwear nicely fresh and clean with the added bonus of being wrinkle-free. “Really Scott you iron underwear too? Is that a Scottish thing?” I asked confused.

  “Aye not at all it's a Scott thing. Quickly put them on while they are still hot. You will never look back I'm telling you. You will be ironing all your underwear from this day forward.” he laughed. He indeed was right, the feeling of putting on wrinkle free hot underwear was amazing. I was sold. Thank goodness Scott will be around for a long while yet I thought, I cannot be going back to un-ironed cold underwear, and the fact I don’t iron anything could prove to be a problem.

  Scott and I were finally in our outfits that luckily enough would pass as normal for today and for today only. We were fresh and clean after showering together in a two-person shower with two shower heads. Now that was an experience you don't get every day. But then again, I guess you don't always find yourself in a restored and renovated 1700s Manor house hotel. I highly doubt they had a 2 person shower back then though I thought. Time to refocus on the task ahead. Scott and I were about to head off to breakfast with Jill who is the host of the ‘Outlander’ convention and to come clean about everything. I needed to be fully focused for that. We worked out earlier that morning once we read the flyer correctly after a good night sleep that the ‘Outlander’ convention was actually being held at the Manor house hotel in one of the huge conference rooms as well as outside in the beautiful gardens of the estate. I was very much looking forward to exploring the gardens in the daylight after we had arrived late last night and through pure exhaustion and all the adrenaline that was racing through my body I was not really taking a whole lot of my surroundings in.


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