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Breaking Tessa: A College Sport Romance

Page 10

by T Christensen

  It felt like she was doing the walk of shame. Lindy led her to an upstairs bathroom where people wouldn’t be able to follow her with their eyes.

  Tessa sank down onto the stool and covered her face with her hands, but Lindy wasn’t going to allow her to be embarrassed in peace.

  “What was that?” she shrieked.

  Tessa mumbled from behind her hands, “I don’t know what happened.”

  Lindy perched on the white pedestal tub and pulled Tessa’s hands down.

  “It was hot, Tessa. Apparently you’ve become used to being in the spotlight!”

  Tessa groaned. She couldn’t believe Lindy was trying to joke about this.

  “That was mild compared to what I’ve seen at other parties, Tessa. Relax. I only stopped it because I knew you wouldn’t appreciate being the source of gossip or having a picture of you and Jordan go viral.”

  She could feel her face pulsing with the heat of embarrassment. “I don’t know what happened,” she wailed, reaching over to give Lindy a hug for rescuing her. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

  As soon as they were done hugging, Lindy waggled her eyebrows. “Was it as hot as it looked?”

  Tessa inhaled and dished. “Holy hotness, Lindy! I thought all of those romances I read exaggerated the heat from a kiss. But as soon as Jordan touches me, it’s like I lose every brain cell that I have!”

  “I knew it would be like that for you!”

  “What do you mean?”

  Tessa was genuinely curious. She waited while Lindy sorted through what to say. When she started talking, it was more thoughtful and philosophical than Tessa had ever heard from her.

  “It’s like your body rejects anyone that isn’t your soul mate and . . . ”

  Tessa held up her hands. “Woah, Lindy. Really, soul mate?”

  She waved off Tessa’s concerns. “I know I sound fanciful. I just mean that you’re not interested in having casual relationships. It’s like you’re subconsciously waiting for the relationship you can put your heart and soul into.”

  Tessa digested Lindy’s words and realized she was right. “I don’t understand why you would keep dating someone if you know he’s not going to be your forever.”

  “Exactly! I think dating is fun, but you don’t see it that way.”

  “No, I don’t. Dating is torture.”

  “It didn’t look like torture with Jordan,” Lindy pointed out.

  Tessa laughed but had to agree with her. “No, it wasn’t.” Just remembering Jordan’s body pressed up against hers made her core tighten.

  Their phones, side by side by the sink, lit up simultaneously. They both reached for them.

  J: Everything okay?

  Her stomach contracted. Jordan was concerned.

  T: All good.

  J: Coming down soon?

  T: Yes.

  She looked up to see Lindy typing with a grin on her face. “Are you about ready to head back down?” she asked.

  Lindy finished typing before answering cheerfully, “Yep.”

  They linked arms and walked to the top of the spiral staircase. What waited for them at the bottom was a sight to behold. Jordan and Deion were each leaning on a balustrade on the side of the stairs shooting the breeze.

  Their casual attire didn’t detract from their hotness. Tessa surveyed Deion, who was taller than Jordan but just as nicely proportioned. Deion had his eyes focused solely on Lindy, so Tessa turned to the person demanding her attention.

  She linked eyes with Jordan, breathless when he moved his from her face to inspect every inch of her as she descended. By the time he had raised his gaze to hers, her whole body tingled and she was hyper aware of every move she made.

  Tessa tightened her hand on the railing to make sure she didn’t miss a step and stopped on the landing. She dug her nails into her closed fists to stop from throwing herself at him.

  “Come home with me,” Jordan rumbled in her ear. She bit her lip to stop the yes that wanted to pour out of her. Tessa had been too impulsive around him, and for once, she needed to think.

  Her heart would shatter if she slept with Jordan tonight and then he dismissed her tomorrow morning. Their differences were too vast for a long-term relationship, but Tessa wasn’t ready to stop seeing him.

  He put his hand under her chin and gently lifted it to meet his intent gaze. “Hey, don’t look so serious.”

  The indecision was still warring inside her. After a couple thumps of her heart, she swallowed and forced the words past her lips. “I don’t think it’s a good idea.”


  Jordan’s question was sincere, and she had no desire to be anything but honest. “I’m not the girl at the party who goes home with guys.”

  Jordan smirked. “I know.”

  Now she was confused. “Then why do you want me to come?”

  Jordan’s eyebrows drew together. “Because I like spending time with you. I like that you make me laugh. I want to get to know you better.”

  Tessa’s heart started singing. He liked her. Jordan wasn’t just trying to sleep with her.

  “I know you’re not a one-night stand. Like I said, I like spending time with you. I like kissing you, and I want to be alone with you. It doesn’t mean it has to lead to anything.”

  His fierce eyes were hypnotizing her, and all Tessa could respond with was, “Oh.”

  Jordan’s grin was back. “Yeah, oh.” He kissed her nose and stepped back.

  Tessa was grateful when he turned away from her to talk with Deion. She needed a second or two to process what had just happened.

  “Can you hang with Lindy? Tessa’s going with me.”

  “Tessa,” Lindy whispered and took her arm. They took a couple of steps away from the guys.

  “Are you okay going with Jordan?” she asked worriedly.

  Tessa didn’t have to think about her answer. “Yes. I’ll be home later. What about you?”

  Lindy glanced over at Deion and turned back to Tessa. “I’ll stay here for a while and then head home.”

  They agreed Lindy could drive the car, and then she enveloped Tessa in a huge hug. Before she released her, she whispered in Tessa’s ear, “Have fun, but not too much!”

  “Lindy!” Tessa laughed as her cheeks reddened.


  Chapter 15


  Jordan interlaced their fingers and led Tessa to his truck. She felt like she was back in third grade and a boy had come over to talk with her. She was freaking out and having a hard time maintaining a calm exterior.

  Tessa was slowly allowing the deep feelings she had for Jordan seep into her consciousness. It was like warm water heating her entire body.

  The truck roared to life. Tessa settled into her seat and enjoyed the ride as they raced toward Jordan’s house. It was a far different feeling than the first time she had ridden in his truck. The differences between them were still there, but she was determined to push them away and enjoy the present.

  If Jordan didn’t mind that she preferred to be at the library rather than a party and drove a twelve-year-old Honda, she wouldn’t worry about his extreme wealth and popularity. Tessa turned her head toward him, resolute.

  “I don’t think I ever told you that I like your truck, Jordan.”

  He beamed. A boy and his toys. “Thanks. I love her.”

  He ran his hand around the steering wheel in reverence, causing Tessa to burst out laughing.

  “What?” Jordan snuck a quick puzzled look her way before turning back to the road.

  Tessa pulled herself together and asked, “Did you two want to be alone?”

  “I’m okay. We get plenty of alone time.” He patted the dash, adding, “Thanks for asking.” When he turned and winked at Tessa, they both laughed.

  The conversation ebbed when they drove through the gates leading to Jordan’s home. Tessa made a mental note of the path he drove to get closer to the pool house. If she ever drove here again
she wanted to make sure she remembered where to go to avoid the main house.

  This time she was prepared as Jordan casually settled onto his pristine white furniture. They sat on the sectional with chips, salsa, cookies, popcorn, and drinks. When they were done with their feast, Tessa sank into Jordan’s side. His arm came around her, and she rested her head on his chest.

  “Are you nervous about student teaching on Monday?”

  Tessa’s heart melted. Jordan remembered their conversation.

  “I’m excited to finally be in the classroom, but I’m not going in with blinders. The kids will love that I’m a newbie, so I’m also nervous.”

  “Why will they love the fact that you’re a newbie?”

  Tessa took a second to enjoy the way Jordan’s question rumbled from his chest. “I went to this school, and the kids are not easy for any teacher. That is especially true for substitutes or student teachers. They’ll try just about anything to see what they can get away with.”

  “I do remember enjoying when a substitute came.”

  Tessa was having a hard time concentrating on the conversation as Jordan played with her hair. It still threw her for a loop how a simple touch from him could wreak havoc on her.

  She found herself anticipating what Jordan would do next instead of keeping track of the conversation. Finally she managed to ask, “What did you do to torment the sub, Jordan?” Her voice came out a little huskier than usual.

  “Well, I might have convinced one or two that our regular teacher let us talk during work time.”

  Tessa shook her head. What he imagined as torment cracked her up. He had no idea. “What grade were you in when you started doing that?”

  “Fourth or fifth grade is the first time I remember feeling triumphant that I had accomplished such a devilish deed.”

  Tessa wanted to see Jordan’s face. He was obviously proud of his devilish deed, so she swung one of her legs over his. A quick peek down confirmed that her skirt had ridden up now that she was straddling him, but it wasn’t indecent. He put his hands on her hips, and she ignored the spark that flared.

  “So, fourth grade is where you developed this skill of charming the pants off ladies?”

  Jordan deepened his smirk and said, “It’s a good thing I’ve had lots of practice since then. You’ve been quite the challenge, Tessa Parker.”

  She should have rolled her eyes, but she was too caught up in seeing his fill with heat. She whispered, “All good things are worth fighting for.” Jordan tightened his grip on her hips.

  Tessa leaned down and touched her lips to Jordan's, wondering what had come over her. She’d never straddled a guy’s lap or even felt the desire to do so. Now for the first time she had initiated a kiss. A kiss that was quickly becoming more.

  They let their hands wandered over each other’s bodies, touching everywhere they could. Tessa scooted forward and breathed in harshly when his erection nestled between her legs. Instinctively she started rolling her hips, gasping when her clit hit the exact right spot.

  As if Jordan was reading her mind, he put his hands on the skin underneath her shirt. Tessa held her breath as he inched his hand up her side, approaching her sensitive breasts.

  When he grazed both sides of her breasts with his thumbs, she pushed her chest into his hands. He followed her wordless instructions and cupped her breasts. The breath whooshing out of her turned into a moan. Nothing she had previously experienced had even come close to the way her body was humming now.

  Tessa’s sole focus was on chasing this desire burning inside her. She reached for the bottom of Jordan’s shirt and lifted it up and off. Tessa ate up the smattering of hair on his sculpted chest. Reverently, she traced all of the delineations she had drooled over. When Jordan loosely gripped her wrist, she looked up.

  His face was flushed, and he was sucking in air. His eyes flashed fire, and he pleaded in a rasp, “Tessa, you need to stop. I’m going to embarrass myself if you don’t.”

  “Oh.” She couldn’t believe she was making Jordan Davis lose control. Keeping her eyes on his face, Tessa tilted her hips. She slid her eyes shut as she enjoyed the shudder zipping through her.

  “Tessssa.” He sounded tortured, but in the next breath, he was no longer passive. He pulled her shirt over her head and sucked on her nipples through the lace of her bra. The heated pressure inside her body increased. Tessa gripped Jordan’s hair to keep him in place. Each pull of his mouth on her breasts was a direct line to the pulsing between her legs.

  She arched her back and swiveled her hips, doing everything in her power to achieve her first orgasm at the hands of a man.

  “More, Jordan.”

  He lifted her, and she whimpered at the loss of contact with his body. Her back hit the cushions, and he was at her side, looking down at her. Tessa wanted to feel his skin on hers. She grabbed his shoulders in order to move his weight on top of her, but Jordan was immoveable.

  Tessa’s skirt was bunched up around her hips, giving Jordan access to the ache between her legs. Everything stopped in and around Tessa when he slid his finger under her underwear, and this time it was him moaning.

  “Shit, Tessa, I can’t believe how wet you are.”

  Tessa was beyond reason. She tilted her hips up, forcing Jordan’s finger further into her. She whimpered, a complete withering mess at his mercy.

  Then his mouth was back on her breast, pulling her nipple deep inside and swirling his tongue around it while his finger continued to penetrate her. His palm found her clit with each in and out motion.

  Tessa was lost in a haze of passion, moving her body any way she could to reach the blazing conclusion. Suddenly she stilled and then planted her feet on the cushions as the orgasm tore through her.

  As her body went lax, Jordan maneuvered them so his back was on the couch and Tessa was lying on his chest. Her brain slowly clicked back on as she relived the last several minutes.

  It had been an amazing experience, but Jordan hadn’t gotten anything out of it. She had been completely selfish.

  He wrapped his arms around her and asked, “Why did you tense up?”

  She squeezed her eyes shut, thankful she was tucked under Jordan’s chin so he couldn’t see her.

  “I’m sorry, Jordan.”

  “What for?”

  Tessa was grateful that he sounded puzzled, but it didn’t make what happened okay. “I was very selfish.”

  He sat up suddenly. Tessa clutched his shoulders and flattened herself to his chest when she found herself straddling him. It was a good thing she was hanging on to Jordan like a lifeline or she would have been knocked to the floor when he reached down to grab her shirt.

  He leaned back and helped her put it on. She kept her eyes firmly on his chest.

  “Tessa,” Jordan said, cupping her chin to lift her head. “You weren’t selfish. You were amazing.”

  Tessa furrowed her brows. Was Jordan just telling her what she wanted to hear?

  “I loved seeing you let your guard down and trust me.” There was steel in Jordan’s voice.

  Tessa studied him while he held her gaze, letting her see he meant every word.

  “Okay.” She blew out a relieved breath.

  Jordan tilted his head and asked softly, “Are you a virgin, Tessa?”

  She nodded, biting her lip. Surprise and then satisfaction crossed his face before it turned determined.

  “That means you’re mine, right?”

  Intellectually she knew she should be pissed by his proclamation, but all she could be was happy.

  “Yes,” she whispered and then forcefully added, “and you’re mine.”

  Jordan smirked. “You know it, babe.”

  She hiked up her eyebrows. “Babe?”

  “Yep. I get to call my girlfriend babe.”


  Chapter 16


  Tessa was having new girl nerves as she drove to her old elementary school the next morning. Thankfu
lly she was still on cloud nine from the weekend, providing a great distraction. Her thoughts vacillated between her first day of student teaching and her giddiness at being Jordan’s girlfriend.

  After her incredible orgasm, Jordan and Tessa had spent the rest of the night snuggled on the sectional watching Netflix. Well, Tessa pretended to watch whatever action movie was on the screen. In reality, she was doing a happy dance. She really had resorted to being sixteen. It gave her a thrill every time she got to call Jordan her boyfriend.

  After she’d dozed off on the couch, Jordan had asked if she wanted to spend the night. Thinking about being curled up in bed with him all night had made her insides jump for joy. Unfortunately, the thought of facing her mom the next day had thrown cold water on that idea, and she’d ended up going back home to sleep.

  The turn into the school’s hole-ridden parking lot brought Tessa back to the present. Her nerves returned as she took in the graffiti-covered crumbling brick building. Today wasn’t her actual first day back. For a month Tessa had observed Mrs. Jackson’s fourth-grade class of hardened students.

  A twenty-year veteran teacher, Mrs. Jackson had eased Tessa into teaching more and more subjects. Today was her first day flying solo with twenty-seven students eager to test her resolve to be a teacher. Mrs. Jackson would be there to start the day and then leave the classroom.

  She followed her to the playground to bring the class in and begin the day. While Mrs. Jackson stood at the door to her room greeting each student, Tessa dispersed packaged breakfast food to them.

  Her muscles tensed and her stomach churned as the ten-minute settling in period drew to an end. Mrs. Jackson got everyone’s attention.

  “This is officially Ms. Parker’s class now. I expect you to respect her the same way you respect me.” She eyeballed a few of the challenging students before continuing. “I am still in the building and will be popping in from time to time.”

  She nodded at Tessa and walked out the door, leaving her with twenty-seven sets of eyes sizing her up. Tessa took a deep breath and plunged in.


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