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Breaking Tessa: A College Sport Romance

Page 17

by T Christensen

  “Do you know how fucking sexy you are standing there in my jersey? Open those legs, Tessa.”

  She did as he asked. Jordan squeezed the end of his cock, and he let out a tortured groan. “Fuck, I don’t think I’m ever going to be able to play basketball again. Every time I put on my jersey, this is the only thing I’ll be able to picture.”

  Tessa couldn’t take it anymore and whimpered, “Please, Jordan.”

  He closed the distance between them, gripping her hips and lifting her up. Instantly, she wrapped her legs around his waist and gasped as Jordan pushed into her.

  With her hands locked around his neck, Tessa met him thrust for thrust. Just when she was about to reach her climax, Jordan turned away from the wall.

  “Fuck, condom.”

  Thank God Jordan had remembered. He strode toward the bed with Tessa still wrapped around him. As soon as she hit the mattress, he was yanking the jersey over her head and stripping off her bra. He took a step back and stood there looking down at her naked body.

  His awed, gravelly voice was barely audible. “Look at you, Tessa. You’re perfection, and you’re mine.”

  Jordan came to the bed and straddled her hips with his knees. He kissed and felt his way down her body. Tessa glided her hands all over his hard body. When his fingers finally reached her begging core, a low groan came out of him.

  “Fuck, you’re so wet. I can’t wait anymore, Tessa.”

  Jordan reached over her head to grab the condom and slide it on. He covered Tessa with his hot, hard body, causing her to groan. After teasing her by sliding his cock through her aching core, Jordan finally slid the tip in and stopped.

  They stared at each other, chests heaving, both pausing to soak in the moment. Holding their connection, Tessa pressed her hips up. Their breathing stuttered. Jordan locked his hands on her hips and pushed all the way in.

  Slow and steady, they climbed the hill together. Tessa felt like he was branding her soul as he pushed in and out of her, never releasing her gaze. He reached for her hands and laced them together with his.

  The pace increased, and Tessa was moments away from coming. Her grip tightened under Jordan’s hands. She wanted this feeling, this moment, to last, but her orgasm barreled through, leaving her boneless.

  She opened her eyes and watched Jordan above her. His face was flushed and his jaw was locked. As soon as he saw her eyes, his jaw relaxed and he rode to his own release. The pleasure that Tessa saw on his face was something she would picture for the rest of her life.

  Eventually Jordan collapsed on top of her. Neither of them spoke. Tessa didn’t think there were words for what had just passed between them. It was more than just sex.


  Light filtering in through the blinds worked its way into Tessa’s consciousness. It competed with her desire to return to the deep, drugging sleep she’d enjoyed all night. It was like she was sleeping next to a toasty fire. Her head, on the other hand, felt like it was being cushioned by a book.

  Tessa squinted her eyes open and was greeted by a deliciously tousled Jordan smirking at her. “Decide to finally wake up, sleepyhead?”

  “What time is it?” Her voice came out husky.

  Jordan raised his head and maneuvered to kiss her. At first she lay motionless, trying to figure out what was going on. It wasn’t long before Tessa’s body recognized who was kissing her, and she wholeheartedly returned his kiss.

  “Good morning. It’s eleven,” he told her before lowering his head back to the pillow.

  “What?” Tessa was confused.

  Jordan chuckled and rolled to his side, so they were facing each other. With sparkling eyes he clarified, “You asked me what time it was.”

  With a sinking heart, Tessa realized their rare free weekend was over. “I should get going.”

  Jordan’s eyebrows snapped together. “Why?”

  She answered cautiously, “Well, I assumed you would have to do stuff.”

  He put his hand on her stomach, and she drew in a sharp breath but kept her focus on his serious face. “I have to go look at film at one. I’ll be gone for a couple of hours, but I want you to be here when I get back.”

  Her heart thumped. Jordan wanted her to stay, but she couldn’t. Tessa brushed her lips against his.

  “I can’t. I have to do lesson plans for the week, and I told my mom I would have dinner with her tonight.”

  Jordan heaved out a breath. “Okay, but make sure to keep Friday open for me.”

  Tessa perked up at the thought of another night together. “You don’t have a game?”

  “Not until Saturday afternoon. My mom is throwing a benefit for the Humane Society at The Westin on Friday. I want you to come with me.”

  Tessa felt her eyes pop out, and she was having problems getting enough air. Jordan had casually mentioned going to the benefit like it was the same as going to a movie.

  He reached down to still her hand that was busy scrunching the sheet into a ball. “What’s wrong?”

  Tessa pulled herself up against the headboard, using the sheet to cover herself. “I’ve never been to a benefit.”

  “It’s not a big deal. It’s just a bunch of rich people competing to see who can give the most money.”

  Jordan’s shrug and casual manner reminded Tessa of the differences between them. She didn’t even like being at a party, and now he was expecting her to go to a sophisticated, grown-up charity event. Benefits were a part of Jordan’s upbringing, so for him it was just another Friday night.

  The stirrings of panic tightened her gut. She searched for an excuse not to go, but she knew she would. If she was going to be with Jordan, she needed to learn to fit into his world.

  She forced a smile. “Okay. What time should I be ready?”

  Jordan reached over and pulled her naked body into his lap while she squawked and dragged the sheet with her.

  “Thank you, Tessa. It would be boring without you. I’ll pick you up at six. Cocktails are at six, dinner is served at seven, and the dance contest starts at eight-thirty.”

  At those words Tessa scrambled out of Jordan’s lap. “Dance contest? I can’t be in a dance contest! I don’t know how to dance!” she screeched while throwing on his discarded shirt.

  Jordan climbed out of bed and placed his hands on her shoulders. “Calm down, Tessa. We’re not in the dance contest. Professionals pair up with people from the community. It’s the entertainment for the night. We’re only watching.”

  The frenzied energy drained from her. “Oh, thank God.”

  “I have to get in the shower. Are you going to be okay?” Jordan quirked a brow and pursed his lips to stop from laughing at her.

  Tessa pushed his shoulder. “Go, smart-ass. I’m fine.”

  As he walked to the bathroom, he threw over his shoulder, “Let me know what color dress you’re wearing so I can coordinate with you.”

  She was back in panic mode. Where was she going to get a dress?


  Chapter 25


  Tessa couldn’t remember a more stressful week. Even finals week paled in comparison. And here she was riding in a limousine, still stressed. Some of her anxiety had faded, though, thanks to Jordan’s reaction when she’d come out of her bedroom in a formal gown.

  For the first time ever, Tessa had seen Jordan at a loss for words. His jaw had slackened, and his eyes had widened when he saw her. Remembering how stunned he’d been brought a small smile to her face.

  The sight of Jordan in a custom-fitted tuxedo almost made the stress of going to her first benefit worthwhile. Tessa had thought nothing could transfix her as much as watching Jordan on the court, but it had been a very close second. The tux did nothing to hide his well-cut, solid body. It actually drew more attention to his broad shoulders and trim waist. Wryly, Tessa guessed his tux cost more than all of their furniture in the living room he was standing in.

  Lindy murmured, “T
old you—you look good,” which broke Tessa’s fixation on Jordan.

  “You look stunning,” Jordan whispered with sincerity.

  Tessa blinked rapidly to be sure the wetness in her eyes did not fall. With that one awed compliment, the stress from the past week was worth it.

  Lindy was her rock. Tessa had had no idea where to look for a dress. When Lindy had whisked her off to a secondhand bridal shop, she’d balked.

  She wasn’t a bride, and she didn’t want the gossip that would follow her if she wore a wedding dress. Lindy had rolled her eyes and declared that no one would know what it had started out as once she was done modifying the dress.

  She’d been right. Lindy had taken out some of the tulle so it wasn’t as fluffy but kept enough to maintain the ball gown shape. A satin cummerbund separated the silk of the skirt from the lace of the top. The front and back were V-necks supported by wide straps. The most dramatic change was the color. Instead of the original ivory, Lindy had dyed the dress a pale pink.

  When her mom raised her cell phone and declared it was picture time, Tessa almost died of embarrassment. They weren’t in high school—she was going to a benefit. The embarrassment amped up when Lindy’s mom silently stood beside hers with her phone raised. Tessa looked at Lindy for help, but all she did was laugh and shrug.

  Jordan took control of the situation. He gently grabbed her elbow and guided her to where the moms were directing. When they endured at least five minutes of pictures, he stunned her.

  “Lindy, do you mind taking one with my phone?”

  The action in the room stopped. Everyone turned to Jordan with widened eyes. Lindy took his phone with a shit-eating grin and started snapping pictures with the moms. Tessa’s heart melted, and it was at that moment that she knew she loved Jordan Davis.

  When they were finally done and escaped outside, Tessa halted her steps. There was a black limo at the curb. Her nerves returned. The limo was an instant reality check. Tessa had no idea what she was doing.

  “Is that for us?”

  Jordan’s cocky grin appeared. “Of course. Nothing but the best for my princess.” He bowed and opened the door, waving away the driver.

  When she stood there gawking at the lit-up leather interior, Jordan teased, “Did you want me to get the moms for more pictures?”

  That got her moving into the limo. “Don’t you dare.” Tessa knew they would absolutely take pictures of the limo and then of them inside the limo.

  She smiled at the memory but was brought back to the present when Jordan broke the easy silence between them.

  “Tessa, you don’t need to worry.”

  She turned to look at him. “What makes you think I’m worried?”

  “I don’t know.” Jordan reached over, inch by inch tearing her clammy clasped hands apart and engulfing them with his warm ones. “It could be because it looks like your shoulders are part of your neck.”

  As soon as he said it, Tessa could feel the tension in her upper body. She took a deep breath and forced herself to lean back against the seat. Why did it feel like she was going to jail instead of a benefit with Jordan?

  “Tonight is not a big deal, Tessa.”

  She snorted, but Jordan ignored her and continued. “It’s really just an adult version of prom with more money thrown at it. Oh, and you don’t need to hide the alcohol you’re drinking.”

  Tessa looked away from Jordan’s magnetism and mumbled into his chest, “I didn’t go to prom.”


  His satisfaction was unexpected, and Tessa raised her eyes back to his. He lifted one of her hands and kissed the back of it. “I get another one of your firsts.”

  Jordan’s husky voice and engaged stare had desire rumbling through her. Thoughts of his tongue and hands running over every part of her made her shiver.

  Tessa’s heart started pounding, and all she wanted to do was climb on top of Jordan and bury herself in him. She kept her voluminous skirt glued to the seat.

  The next thing she knew, Jordan threw himself back against the seat and covered his eyes with his forearm. “Fuck, you can’t look at me like that, Tessa.”

  A smile spread across her face, and she asked innocently, “Like what?”

  Jordan lowered his arm just enough for him for her to see his narrowed eyes. “Like you want to climb on my lap so I can fuck you.”

  Tessa gasped at the accuracy and vulgarity of his statement. Jordan smirked and then covered his eyes back up. “If we weren’t so close, I’d be tempted.”

  Tessa’s body was embarrassingly ready. Jordan hadn’t even touched her and she was wet. In the mood to tease and test his resolve, she brought her hand down on his thigh.

  It turned to steel underneath her hand. His arm came down again, and he shot her a warning. “What do you think you’re doing, Tessa?”

  She didn’t look up as she moved her hand to cup his whole length and squeeze. Jordan hissed in a breath as his hand came down over hers. He squeezed it, encouraging Tessa to tighten her grip. As soon she did his hips rose, and then he determinedly set her hand on the seat between them.

  Tessa squirmed in her seat, trying to get her body to calm down while she looked at Jordan visibly struggling to get air into his lungs. Her chest was heaving as well, and she should have looked away to calm down, but she couldn’t. It always amazed her to see Jordan like this because of her. And she wanted this picture engrained in her memory—him wearing a tux in a limo while trying to get his hard-on under control.

  Her body abruptly turned cold and her nerves returned with a vengeance when the limo stopped. Tessa looked through the dividing glass and realized they were in line with other limos, waiting to be dropped off.

  “Are you wet right now, Tessa?”

  Tessa stopped her owl impersonation and looked at Jordan. “What?”

  “Your pussy. Is it wet?”

  Tessa sucked in a startled breath and swore her breasts swelled against the dress. The rest of her body was on red alert waiting for something to happen to alleviate the throbbing. She had no idea how to answer, but she couldn’t take her eyes off Jordan.

  “If I were to run my hand up your leg and under your skirt, what would I find?”

  She bit her lip.

  “Answer me, Tessa, or I’ll find out myself,” Jordan rasped.

  She widened her eyes, but she still couldn’t find words. When Jordan leaned forward and started gathering her skirt up, Tessa frantically looked around and blurted, “I’m wet.”

  “Good. Now you know what I’m feeling. I have all kinds of ideas on what we will be doing after the benefit.”

  With that foreshadowing, her thoughts began running along the same lines. Every idea in her head was lost as soon as her door opened, though. Taking a big breath, she stepped out and froze. The scene before her was what Tessa imagined a movie premiere would be like.

  Jordan’s warm, hard body pressed against her backside and subsided some of her panic. When he whispered to smile, she did. When his hand touched the small of her back and encouraged her to move, she did. Keeping her smile in place, Tessa started down the red carpet.

  When they got to the end of the carpet, the paparazzi were yelling Jordan’s name. The flashes from all of the cameras became blinding. Tessa carefully watched the couples ahead of them and mimicked what they did.

  Jordan leaned down and whispered for her to relax. At the same time, he started rubbing circles on the small of her back, which did manage to distract her a little. Tessa had a thousand questions. She wanted to know why the photographers were here, where the pictures would be seen, and why he hadn’t told her about them? The questions could wait. For now, Tessa made herself concentrate on the warm buzzing of her skin where Jordan touched her.

  When they stepped up to the Humane Society benefit backdrop, he glided his hand across her back, cupping her hip and pulling her to him. Tessa instinctively splayed her hand across his abs to steady herself. She was blinded by all of the flashing light bulbs d
irected at them.

  This time she didn’t have to be told to smile. Tessa smiled until it felt like her face was going to break, and then Jordan guided her through the hotel doors. They followed the signs indicating which room the benefit was in, and she used the opportunity to catch her breath. Her brain had forgotten to do it on its own during the trip down the red carpet.

  She gasped when the ballroom door opened and lost all of the recently gained air from her lungs. The room was a beautiful fairyland.

  The twinkling crystal chandeliers that hung from the ceiling looked like stars in the sky. Candles on the black tablecloths were the only other source of light in the room. A black-and-white dance floor ran down the center of the room with arches supported by columns surrounding it.

  Jordan shoved a glass of champagne into her hand. Tessa took a tentative sip and then another when the bubbles slid smoothly down her throat. With wide eyes she turned to Jordan. “This room is amazing.”

  Jordan swiveled his head as if just noticing where they were. “It does look good.”

  Tessa shook her head. Jordan asked, “What?”

  A smooth, cultured voice had them both turning toward it. “Jordan, I’m so happy you’re here.”

  Mrs. Davis placed her hands on his shoulders and leaned in to kiss his cheek. It was the most carefully orchestrated greeting she had ever seen. Tessa focused her attention on the older replica of Jordan who introduced himself to her.

  “You must be Tessa. I’m Eric Davis, Jordan’s father.” Familiar steady blue eyes looked down at her, and Mr. Davis extended his hand. Tessa put hers out and was gently pulled in. He placed a chaste kiss on her cheek before pulling back.

  “It’s nice to finally meet you. I can see why my son is always talking about you.”

  Tessa felt her cheeks warming and managed a shy thank-you.

  Then Mr. Davis was pulling Jordan in for a hug, which left Tessa standing in front of Mrs. Davis. She nodded. “Hello, Mrs. Davis. Nice to see you again.”

  She narrowed her eyes at Tessa, and then they drifted down. With the lift of a critical brow, she said in a cold, sugary voice, “Nice dress, Tessa. Who are you wearing?”


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