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My Warrior (Bewitched and Bewildered Book 12)

Page 7

by Alanea Alder

  Brie eyed the bath longingly. Without a second thought, she began to strip out of her uniform and stepped into the bubble filled bath. "Ahhhhhhh." The foamy layer of vanilla scented bubbles rose to her chin when she sat down. She had never been in a tub deep enough to truly soak, this may become an addiction.

  Catherine took a seat on the elegant lounger against the wall.

  "How bad was it?"

  "War crimes bad. The bodies were stacked up in piles. I've never seen that many dead in one place."

  "We only had rumors for most of the morning, the only concrete information coming from Ari via Rex. Once the branches began to petrify on family trees, that was when things began to get really bad here in the city."


  "You poor dear, you were literally thrown into the deep end with none of those adorable floaties babies get nowadays while learning to swim."

  Brie shrugged, the warm water moving across her skin. "Ironically, the only thing that has me stuck on stupid is this whole mating thing." She groaned. "How messed up is that? Dead bodies everywhere, angry mobs, and I'm more anxious about possibly meeting my soul mate."

  "It makes perfect sense, dear."

  She turned to look up at Ari's mother. "How so?"

  "You didn't know anyone who has died, but Ari is tied to you directly. Of course, it's making you nervous."

  "I never considered that."

  "Now, let me get you fill you in on what's been going on in our world."

  "I thought this was relaxy time for me?" she countered.

  Catherine laughed. "That was for the men's sake. You and I both know that most bathroom breaks women take are simple 'fall back and reassess the situation' procedures."

  Brie chuckled. Her own mother had told her something similar growing up. "Okay, lay it on me while the bath water is still perfect."

  Brie sat and listened as Catherine not only introduced her to the different aspects of the paranormal races, cities, cultures, and history, but also the growing and alarming threats they were currently facing. The sheer number of names she was learning was astounding. If she didn’t have a near photographic memory, she would have been sunk.

  When she was officially a prune, she let Catherine know she was ready to get out. Catherine stood and retrieved a large fluffy towel for her. She handed it off before turning around once again.

  "So, these reapers are killing pregnant women and stealing the soul of their unborn child to use as a container for the magical ability of their shifter parent, and they are more organized than anyone realized," Brie recapped as she dried off. Though she had just had a ton of heavy stuff thrown in her direction, the bath itself had done wonders in keeping her relaxed so her mind could focus.

  The treats that Jedrek had arranged were small chocolate truffles that kept her alert and able to process so much information. Ari's parents had practically worked a miracle in getting her up to speed so she felt as though she was standing on solid ground. Sometime during her bath, her clothes were handed off, and two glasses of wine were given in exchange. She couldn't tell what helped more, the chocolate or the wine.

  She watched as Catherine nodded and popped a truffle in her mouth. "Exactly. Meryn McKenzie has been invaluable in compiling information to track patterns to try to ascertain the killers intent."

  "I bet," Brie murmured. If their Meryn was the same one she had heard about, they might actually have a chance at catching these killers.

  There was a knock at the door before it opened slightly, and a masculine hand shoved an emerald green robe through the crack. "This is for Brie, Mother." Catherine gathered it and passed it back to her. Brie secured the towel around her body and stared down at the beautiful gown.

  "Thank you, Ari, we'll be down in just a moment. Can you tell your father to arrange the carriage?"

  "He's already seen to it."

  "Perfect. Be down in just a few minutes, darling."

  The door closed as Brie turned the material over in her hands. She normally lived in her uniform, but it wasn't lost on her that this must have cost a small fortune.

  She looked up shaking her head. "I can't wear this."

  Catherine looked back confusion on her face. "Why ever not?"

  "It's too expensive!"

  Catherine simply laughed. "Ari has more money than he could ever spend in ten lifetimes, and even if he didn't, we, as his parents do a few times over. As his mate, you will never have to worry about money again."

  "Yeah, no. That's not gonna work for me. I like my job and having my own money."

  Catherine nodded. "Naturally. You just have his money now too."

  "That's not what I meant," she argued.

  "Let's shelve it for now. After a few days, you'll see what I mean. Now, let's see what he chose for you," Catherine clasped her hands together excitedly.

  "He didn't really…"

  Catherine nodded. "Of course, he chose it himself. You'll find that Lionhart men, more than almost any other lion shifter are extremely dominant and possessive, but in a good way."

  Brie didn't see any buttons or zippers.

  "Up over your head dear." Catherine pointed out, turning back around.

  Brie lifted the material and let it fall over her naked body. Seconds later, the dress began to move and tighten around her. She yelped, causing Catherine to giggle.

  When Brie looked in the mirror, she gasped. Her hair, make-up, and jewelry all complemented the dark green material.

  "Are these real?" she whispered, pointing to the emeralds.

  Catherine nodded. "It's the upgraded version of dress robes. Ari has always had impeccable tastes."

  "Wait right here, darling, I'm going to go change my robes, and we can go down together."

  She just nodded absently as Catherine went to change. She turned this way and that in the mirror. She had never looked so pretty.

  Just a few short minutes later, Catherine poked her head through the door. "Ready?"

  Slowly, they made their way down the stairs. When they reached the bottom, the men rose from the lounge chairs where they had been waiting.

  "Catherine, you steal my breath away every time I see you," Jedrek said, kissing his mate's hand.

  "Brie, honey, you look amazing." Her father leaned down and kissed her cheek.

  Ari simply stared. When she walked up to him, he wordlessly held out a small velvet box. "I had it commissioned when I heard we may be getting mates."

  As she took it from his hands, she noticed that they trembled slightly. She squeezed his hand before opening the box. She stared down at the intricate broach. She tilted her head. "This almost looks like a military medal."

  Ari grinned. "It's a platinum replication of my unit warrior tattoo, except, because you are my mate, I had it inset into a knot work heart to represent our mating. The tattoo shows my unit, city, and family name. I know it's not the most romantic thing, but I wanted you to have something of mine."

  "I love it!" And she did. It was simple, but represented so much. She looked down, frowning. She didn't want to poke holes in her new robe.

  Ari rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah, I thought of that at the last moment." He held up a long piece of material. "This sash is made from the Lionhart tartan, you can attach the broach to this." He pointed to where a familiar bit of metal gleamed. "I added your badge as well, since it's also important."

  He not only added her badge to his, but considered it just as important as his own achievements. Without thinking, she threw her arms around his neck and leaned forward to capture his lips. His arms tightened around her as they thoroughly enjoyed their kiss.

  A throat cleared behind them. "Good work, son, but we really do need to get going," Jedrek said, grinning from ear to ear.

  Ari stepped back and took a deep breath. "Allow me?"

  She nodded, and he draped the sash across her chest and tied it at her waist. "Let's go," he said, taking her hand.

  Chapter Five

  Brie walked thro
ugh the palace gates with Ari at her side. She moved a bit closer to him as they moved past the unblinking guards. Everywhere she looked surfaces gleamed and sparkled in golden hues. When they came to a large wooden door, Jedrek rapped on it twice, and they waited. Moments later, a handsome fae with dark blond hair opened the door.

  "Welcome. Everyone has assembled in the queen's outer chambers before dinner." He stepped back, allowing them to enter before closing the door behind them. He looked first at Catherine, then at her. "Ladies, what can we get you to drink?" He indicated a long side table with trays of poured drinks. "We have red, white, and rosé wines, and of course, Forbidden Fruit whiskey."

  Catherine smiled at the urbane man. "White wine for me, Cord, with my thanks. It has been a most trying day."

  Cord nodded, a deep sadness in his eyes. "This has affected Aleksandra deeply. I took her a glass of her favorite white earlier." His attention turned to her. "And for you, miss?"

  "What about the guys?" she asked.

  Cord blinked then chuckled. "The men usually serve themselves so us humble squires can spoil you lovely ladies more."

  Jedrek returned to where they stood two glasses in each hand. He offered one to Rex, one to Ari, and one to her father. Gage was right behind him, handing off glasses to Kincaid and Priest.

  "Ummm." She wasn't used to this. She didn't even know anyone with servants.

  Cord's expression softened. "Ryuu said he ran into a similar situation with Meryn when she first arrived in our world. Humans these days aren't used to being served, are they?"

  She shook her head, and he continued. "My bringing you a drink is in no way disrespectful to me. I love my job here in the palace."

  It still didn't feel right, and she was about to tell him so when a short woman with a pixie wearing sweats and a hoodie, walked up. "I got this one, Cord," the woman offered.

  Cord placed a hand over his heart and gave a slight bow.

  The woman turned her green eyes to her. "Don't think of them as servants, think of them as Super Moms. Like, they always make sure you're comfortable and have food."

  Brie thought about it for a moment and turned to Cord, who was nodding. "Little Meryn has on more than one occasion called squires Super Moms. It has to be the highest form of a compliment we can receive."

  "In that case, it does feel a lot less weird." She looked around. "Do you have a squire?" she asked the infamous Meryn.

  "Yup! The gorgeous Japanese one is mine. His name is Ryuu. He kicks all kinds of ass."

  "Cord, could I please have a glass of rosé?"

  Cord beamed. "Of course." He immediately left to retrieve their drinks.

  "Meryn, is it?"

  "Yeah, Meryn McKenzie."

  "I thought it was Evans?" Brie asked casually.

  Meryn shrugged. "After I mated Aiden, I took his last name…" Her voice trailed off as she stared up at her. "How did you know my maiden name?"

  "I sat through a training class once about cyber-terrorism; your name came up quite a bit."

  Meryn paled and took a step back. "I totally squared up with the government!"

  Immediately, Aiden and her squire Ryuu were at her side. Aiden looked over at her. "What's this about?"

  Brie laughed. "Meryn, calm down. I'm not going to haul you away in cuffs. You were actually mentioned as a good example—an exasperating and annoying example—but a good one."

  "Government?" Aiden asked, his eyes wide.

  "Yes, please explain," a regal voice demanded.

  Ari gave a half bow. "Your Majesty, I have the pleasure of introducing my mate Deputy Brie Wilson and her father Doctor Chris Wilson. As you know Brie was an enormous help this afternoon. Brie, this is Queen Aleksandra Vi' ÉirDan and her consort Brennus Eirlea."

  "You have my thanks once again Brie," the queen replied in greeting. Brie gave a half bow copying Ari.

  "Aunt Aleks, are you feeling better?" Meryn asked.

  "As well as I can possibly be. Now, what's this about you and the government?"

  Meryn winced. "Well…"

  "It's an entertaining story," Brie added. She accepted her glass of wine from Cord and took a sip.

  Aiden placed his large hand over his mate's head, covering it completely. He bopped it around. "Meryn."

  "Fine! Remember how I told you I used to help Law kill people?"

  Aiden frowned but nodded, so she continued. "So, after college, I ran a bit wild on the interwebs. One day, there was a knock on the door, and a bunch of suits were there to take me in. They drove me to this huge building and sat me down in the middle of this sort of office to await processing. Evidently, I skipped normal jail and went right to federal 'they check in, but they don't check out' kinda establishment." Brie watched as the color in Aiden's face drained away. She took another sip of wine. She knew the story after all.

  "So, I was like, freaking out and kinda mad, because they didn't stop to grab food on the way to the office, when I heard a bunch of raised voices down the hall. The giant they had watching me was looking away, so, I slipped past him to go in the direction where I heard people yelling and panicking.

  "The door to this high-security room opened, and this guy ran out, so I snagged the door and went in, thinking I could hide from the Sasquatch guarding me. I went to the corner and looked up. They had all of these monitoring stations mounted everywhere. At first, I thought they were watching some kick ass action movie, but then I realized that it was real life. The reason why they were freaking out was because one of their teams was stuck behind enemy lines in this huge corporate high rise.

  "I wasn't going to do anything, I mean these guys were about to send me up the river, but then I saw the sleeve of one of the soldiers. It had a battered looking US flag on it, and on his vest was a patch showing one of my favorite comic book character logos. I couldn't let him go down, ya know?

  "So, I walked up behind one of the useless pencil necks and kinda shoved him away from his workstation and got busy. I grabbed his headset and turned on the mic and said…"

  A tall man walked up behind her. "Yo, Deadpool, this is Red Queen, follow my instructions, and you'll live."

  Meryn beamed up at him. "Yup!" She jerked her thumb backward to her friend. "I hacked the company's security and basically guided them out. After that, the suits wanted to make a deal. If I continued to help their teams, all charges would be dropped, and I could live my life doing whatever I wanted as long as I didn't steal or commit treason. So, I worked for the government for a few years, mostly with Law's team and then got out."

  Brie chuckled. "She didn't just work for the government. The base that she operated out of was ground zero for some of the most insane and successful missions the US never officially pulled off. At her insistence, she convinced high command that she should be taught how to carry and shoot a weapon. When they argued that the only ones allowed to carry weapons on base were Black Ops, she just shrugged and said, 'Well, make me Black Ops.' And they did."

  Brie smiled sweetly at Aiden. "Your mate has one of the best shooting records amongst the most dangerous men on the planet."

  Aiden stared down at his petite mate, aghast. "You were Black Ops?!"

  "Sort of."

  "You were trained to shoot?"


  His eyes narrowed. "And you accidentally shot me?"

  Meryn blinked. "Uhhhh."

  Law, then most of the men, began to laugh at the large commander's chagrin.

  Meryn turned to her. "What about you? My exploits wouldn't have been mentioned in a normal training class."

  Her father turned to Meryn. "You'd be right. You're looking at one of the few individuals to attain a perfect score on every single test to get into Quantico."

  "You're a Feebee?"

  Brie shook her head. "I had to quit the program before I could finish. But, like you, I would help out when I could, unofficially of course."

  "Computers?" Meryn asked.

  "No, profiling. My first degree was in Abnorma
l Psych, so I would read case after case after case to study trends and patterns."

  "Kickass," Meryn whispered.

  "Why did you quit?" Ari asked.

  "My mother was diagnosed with cancer, so I dropped out to return home to take care of her."

  Ari wrapped an arm around her shoulder as her father chuckled. "Your mother was so furious that you quit, but also so thankful you were there."

  Meryn tilted her head at her. Brie answered the unspoken question. "My mother and my mother's mother as far back as we can trace were all law enforcement. My mother was FBI, one of the first Black females to serve, which is why she wanted me to stay in the program."

  "Why not go back?" Meryn asked.

  Brie gave a half shrug. "After my mother died, I lost the passion for it. Rathais approached me on campus after I finished my second degree and asked if I would be interested in becoming one of his deputies. It wasn't as prestigious as the FBI, but it felt right."

  Gage laughed. "And he is so pissed that you will probably be moving here. He will have to find someone else to replace him now."

  Brie frowned. "I was looking forward to becoming Sheriff."

  Ari gave her a gentle squeeze. "Nothing has to be decided right now. We have enough on our plates as it is."

  Meryn blinked. "Oh yeah, the dead people."

  Brie had to hold back a smile at her statement. It was horribly insensitive and blunt, but somehow the small woman pulled it off.

  Cord simply kissed the top of Meryn's head. "How about you all adjourn to the dining room. We'll continue drinks, but at least everyone will be seated."

  Brie was seated between Ari and Rex. She recognized a few faces from this afternoon, but not all. Rex caught her looking from person to person and leaned down. One by one he began to put names to faces with small bits of information about each person.

  Meryn overheard what he was doing and whipped out a tablet. "What's your email?"

  Brie gave it to her and watched as Meryn's small fingers tapped rapidly. "Why?"

  "Gonna forward you the information packet that Kari created that we compiled regarding all the problems we've been facing. That way you can read it later and ask questions at your own pace."


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