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My Warrior (Bewitched and Bewildered Book 12)

Page 16

by Alanea Alder

  "You did throw a book or fifty at me," Kendrick pointed out.

  "And you deserved it every time," she replied.

  "I haven't shot you yet," Meryn added smiling.

  "Thank the gods for small favors," the witch murmured.

  "Are you feeling better, Aleksandra? When we came by the day before, we heard you had gone to bed with Meryn, Amelia, and Anne to watch cartoons and eat chocolate. Did it help?" Brie asked, taking in the queen's pale complexion.

  Aleksandra smiled softly. "The girls did everything they could think of to make me feel better. And I wouldn't necessarily call them cartoons; they seemed like so much more. Especially that delightful romance between Yuri and Tezuka, I couldn't get enough."

  Anne threw her fist in the air. "Another convert!"

  Brie had no idea what they had watched, but if it made Aleksandra smile, it was worth it.

  Cord walked in from the kitchen, a mysterious smile on his face. He placed down plates in front of her, Ari, and Kincaid. "You all need to keep up your strength."

  Meryn frowned. "Where are my baby oranges…" She sniffed the air. "My meat kebobs are here!"

  Cord looked over at her astonished. "How on earth did you smell them from here? You're half-fae not half-shifter."

  "Never underestimate my spiritual bond with my meat kebobs and magic pudding," she informed him.

  Cord shook his head. "Darian opened a portal to the kitchen to surprise you." He laughed. "Darian, she knows the meat kebobs have arrived, you can bring them out," he called out in a loud voice.

  Meryn immediately turned and sat straight in her chair. She picked up her napkin and placed it in her lap. "Meat kebobs, just for me.." she paused. "And Creelee," she continued her little song.

  Brie watched as three young men emerged from the kitchen. Two carried platters and the third a huge bowl. The kitchen staff approached Meryn's chair and set down the food in front of her before stepping back to linger behind her.

  Brie didn't know what to think as they continued to watch Meryn eye her food.

  "I hope you're sharing, Meryn. We had to smell the pudding Sebastian was making all morning," one of the men said.

  Meryn froze, she turned to her right and looked up before bursting into magnificent tears. "You're here!" she sobbed.

  The men pulled her chair back and cuddled her from all sides.

  "Of course, we're here! You're in a strange city, you find out about your parents, people start dying…again. Where else would we be?" the other man said.

  "About time you three got here," Aiden said gruffly.

  Around the table, Anne, Amelia, and Serenity dabbed at their eyes.

  "Who are they?" she whispered to Ari.

  Her mate shrugged. "I think the twins are Nigel and Neil Morninglory."

  Micah just smiled as he rubbed his mate's back. "You're correct. The red-headed troublemakers are Nigel Morninglory from Theta and Neil Morninglory from Kappa. The dark-haired adorable one is Pip Maverick. All three have been adopted by Meryn as her brothers."

  The queen gasped as Brennus smiled wide. "We have nephews!" she exclaimed.

  The one introduced as Pip looked up from where he had been rubbing his cheek against Meryn's curls. "Huh?"

  Nigel and Neil exchanged confused glances. "What now?"

  Kendrick held up a hand and whispered low. Suddenly, the air around them pulsed and Brie opened and closed her mouth trying to get her ears to pop. "What the hell was that?"

  Kendrick lowered his hand. "A soundproofing spell. We have some things to go over." He eyed her, Ari, and Kincaid. "Things will be revealed that could change our world. If you stay, you will be asked to swear an oath of silence."

  Ari's eyes darted to Aiden, then to his brother. Both men nodded. He turned back to Kendrick. "So do I swear." Kincaid echoed Ari's oath.

  Brie had no flipping clue what was going on. "I'll swear to whatever."

  Kendrick stood and went to the twins. Thane and Justice had already pulled up chairs for them to sit to one side of Meryn. Oron had retrieved a chair for Pip, who sat on Meryn's other side.

  Nigel and Neil looked from Kendrick to Meryn and back. "What?"

  Kendrick knelt down in front of the two red-heads and began to tell a story. When he stood and stepped back, confessing to being their king, the young men slid from their chairs to their knees on the floor in front of Kendrick, both sobbing silently.

  Brie turned to Ari to get confirmation that they were hearing this correctly and saw that Kincaid had tears streaming down his face.

  "This is big, right?"

  Meryn rubbed Neil's back while Pip rubbed Nigel's. She nodded. "They've been without a king for about five-thousand years."

  Kendrick knelt back down and lifted the twins so they stood on their feet. "You do not bow to me. As my cousins, you need only incline your heads."

  Neil sniffled. "We're your cousins because of Meryn, does that count?" he asked as he and his brother stood.

  Kendrick placed one hand on each auburn head. "No, boys. Where do you think this red hair came from?"

  Nigel simply started wheezing. Neil took a step back and fell onto his chair. Kendrick helped Nigel sit. Meryn glared at him. "You could have told them in another way."

  "They're my baby cousins; if I don't torture them out of love, who will?" Kendrick asked flippantly, though his eyes were shiny.

  Neil looked up. "How?"

  Kendrick shrugged. "When a boy likes a girl…" His explanation halted as his mate popped him upside the head and kept walking until she could cuddle the twins with Meryn. "Way back when someone had a mistress," she explained, before turning to Nigel to get his breathing under control.

  Beside Ari, Kincaid stood and walked over to where Kendrick and the twins were. He knelt down on one knee. "Your Majesty, I swear fealty here and now. I, Kincaid Bayberry, do solemnly swear to defend and uphold the reigning line of Stormhart, for as long as there is breath in my body. Command me as you will."

  "Well, damn. He beat me to it," Micah groused.

  Serenity smirked at her mate's chagrin. "You had plenty of time to make your pledge. Kincaid is the only one smart enough to make it official."

  Kendrick looked taken aback. "Please rise, Kincaid. As the first to pledge your fealty to me, I offer this boon." He placed a hand on Kincaid's shoulder then stepped back, frowning. "That should have worked."

  Thane stepped up. "What were you trying to do?"

  "Bring a new element online."

  Thane's mouth dropped. "You can do that?"

  Kendrick nodded absently as he rubbed his chin. "Only on rare occasions" He eyed Kincaid. "What was your magic again?"

  Kincaid exhaled as his shoulders sagged. "Broken.

  Ari stood and walked over to his unit brother. "Not broken. So far we've seen Earth and Fire."

  Kendrick's brows shot to his hairline. "Those are not complementary elements."

  Ari nodded. "We think that's why he's having a hard time."

  "Newbie in the room, feeling super lost over here. What does he mean not complementary?" Brie asked, trying to follow the conversation.

  Nigel inhaled, then exhaled. "There are four elements. Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. Air strengthens Fire, Water liberates Earth. Those elements work together well. For him to have Fire and Earth," he winced. "It must be frustrating."

  Neil was also starting to get some color to his cheeks. "But, it's amazing that he has two elements at a young age. We only have Earth."

  Kendrick looked over at his cousins. "And you're barely one-hundred years old." He eyed Kincaid. "Not that he's much older. Two-twenty five?" he guessed.

  Kincaid shook his head. "One-fifty-three."

  Kendrick, Thane, Justice, and Law stared. Kendrick began to pace back and forth. "I know the council sends out young witches to fulfill warrior obligations, but this is getting ridiculous. The only reason I let Keelan go was because I had been following Aiden's career for centuries and knew he'd take care of my brother
. To just send these babies out with no support in place…" Kendrick kept pacing back and forth muttering about self-important Muppets.

  Meryn grinned. "I love when he calls them Muppets."

  Ari scowled at Kendrick. "He has support. He has his warrior brothers."

  Kendrick wheeled on him. "I understand that, but can you teach him to channel his magic into roots to ground himself? Can you create a wall of earth or air to buffer him against himself when his fire magic goes awry?"

  Ari shook his head. "No, I can't. But Heath Clover and Riley Redwood can. Heath served as Beta's witch for centuries before coming here. He's managed to stay one step ahead of the Witches' Council, and I trust him with Kincaid's training. We've reached out to Storm Keep for more training materials, but haven't gotten any response from the Academy."

  Thane turned to Ari. "Please tell me you didn't reveal that he has two elements."

  Ari just stared at the witch. "I may be a unit warrior, but I am also a Lionhart. I know how the Storm Keep Witches Council runs the Academy. We kept the request very generic and didn't mention Kincaid at all."

  Kendrick stopped his manic pacing. "I have books I can give him. If the Academy reaches out, tell them never mind."

  "Your Majesty, I'm not really a baby," Kincaid protested.

  Kendrick waved his hand to point at the group of them, his own mate included. "You're all babies."

  Aiden grinned. "Dirty old man," he teased.

  Kendrick stopped in his tracks then looked at Aiden before bursting out in laughter. He was joined by most of those who had recently come from Noctem Falls. Kendrick wiped at his eyes. "You've just been waiting to say that to someone else, haven't you?" he asked Aiden.

  Aiden gave him a shit eating grin. "Of course."

  Brennus looked to Aiden. "Did someone say that to you?" he asked.

  Aiden exhaled. "Young Stefan, on many occasions."

  The queen tapped her fingers to her lips. "Kendrick, can you take down the soundproofing spell. Unless you have any other secrets to divulge."

  Kendrick released the spell. "I'm fresh out of secrets." He fiddled with a pouch at his belt and began rummaging through it. When he had both arms in, up to his elbow, Brie realized that there was more to his bag than met the eye. He pulled out two heavy tomes and handed them to Kincaid. "Start with those."

  Kincaid stared down. "Yes, You…you're awesome," he corrected quickly.

  Neil turned to Meryn. "So what are we working on?"

  "Trying to find warehouses that may have dead peeps in them," she said bluntly.

  "Noah and Jaxon?" Nigel asked.

  "Pulling and scanning maps into the database. I have a Batcave set up. Did y'all bring your laptops?" Meryn asked.

  Neil grinned. "Of course, and Sugar Free Red Bull."

  "No," was Kendrick's immediate response.

  Nigel simply smiled up at him as he lay his head shamelessly on Anne's shoulder. "You wouldn't hurt us, would you?" he asked innocently.

  "You're so fucked," Serenity whispered, under her breath, causing Micah to stare at her. "You cussed again."

  Serenity pointed to the twins. "They can literally get away with anything now."

  Meryn sat up, a devilish smile taking over her face. "We can do anything."

  Nigel smiled then stared at Meryn's shoulder where Finley was staring back just as enraptured.

  "Meryn, who are they?"

  Meryn slapped her hand to her forehead. "I completely forgot to introduce you. This is Feris and Finley, Felix's baby brothers."

  Nigel held out his hand palm up and Finley floated over to him. "You two," the sprite said pointing.

  "Us too?" Neil asked.

  Meryn shook her head. "I think he means, there's two of you too."

  Feris flew over to Neil and landed on the table in front of him.

  Meryn brightened. "You guys can carry them! I was worried since Felix takes up all the room in my boob pocket. They have to keep warm, and I only have so much room. But if they're with you, that's perfect."


  "Together," the tiny sprites said in unison.

  Nigel and Neil lifted the sprites to their shoulders.

  "Gods they are still identical," Amelia breathed.

  Brie nodded. "Both sets."

  "We're the dynamic duos," Nigel announced.

  "Duos!" the smaller sprites crowed.

  The queen sipped her tea with a satisfied expression as Kendrick's face paled even further. She leaned over and tapped a crystal. A moment later, Portia entered. "Your Majesty?"

  "Could you arrange for robes in varying shades of green to be delivered from Baba for the twins? From my understanding, she is one of the best merchants we have. Also," she eyed Pip. "Robes in blues for young Master Pip."

  "Anything else?"

  "Make sure the robes bear at least Founding Family emblems; they are to be treated as such."

  Portia just nodded. "I am beyond being surprised. I will see it done. The young masters should have robes and dress robes by this evening. I will ensure they are self-fitting and cleaning."

  "You are simply a marvel," the queen gushed.

  "I do try," Portia replied dryly, then left.

  Pip practically glued himself to Meryn's side. "The pretty queen said I was to be treated like a Founding Family member, but I am a nobody," he whispered. "What do I do?"

  Meryn wrapped an arm around him. "You're my brother," she said firmly. "And she is my aunt. And she's the Queen of all the Fae and is like ten-thousand years old, Pip. If this amazing, smart woman who has seen so much says you're to be treated at the very least like a Founding Family member, then don't you think you're actually something very special?"

  Pip stared at Meryn. "Just being your brother is special."

  "I freaking love you, Pip," Meryn exploded.

  Pip sat up straighter. "And I freaking love you too. And I am special because the pretty queen thinks I am."

  Aiden ruffled Pip's hair. "We all think you're special, kiddo."

  Neil snagged a meat kebob and handed it to Meryn. "What do you want us working on?"

  "Foreclosures and past due property taxes using a four-hundred grid matrix," Meryn replied immediately.

  Brie shook her head. "Little genius."

  Meryn winked at her. Pip bumped Meryn's shoulder. "What about me?"

  "Pip, you're in charge of cuddles," she replied, biting into her meat kebob.

  Pip saluted. "Roger!"

  "Creelee, you have to try this." Meryn waved an entire skewer at the small brownie.

  Creelee flew over, eyes wide. "So much bob."

  Izzy watched, concern written all over her face. "Creelee, did you want me to take it off the skewer for you?"

  Oron waved off her concern. "He'll be fine."

  Creelee sat down and lined up the meat kebob.

  Meryn turned to her brothers. "Watch this."

  Creelee pulled one chunk of meat off after another, practically inhaling them. "More bob!" he chirped.

  "Whoa," the twins said in awe.

  Pip handed him another skewer. "Here you go."

  Once again the tiny brownie decimated the small pieces of meat. Meryn continued to eat hers as Brie watched the huge pile of kebobs dwindle down to sticks.

  Meryn sat back rubbing her stomach. "Now time for Magic Pudding."

  "Pud-ding," Creelee repeated, his stomach engorged.

  Cord set down a stack of bowls in front of Meryn and scooped out some for her, then Creelee, then the small sprites.

  Creelee eyed the pudding then climbed up on the rim of the bowl.

  "No!" Izzy rounded the table and caught him before he dived in.

  Creelee pouted up at Izzy. "Pud-ding! Peaz!"

  Izzy rubbed her cheek against him. "Of course, you can have some, but you can't jump into it like you did your pie."

  Meryn held out what looked like a small cracker. "Here's some graham cracker from the side of the bowl. Maybe he can break off crumbs and us
e that to scoop up the pudding."

  Izzy handed the cracker to Creelee, who did exactly as Meryn suggested. He broke off a small piece then thrust the entire thing up to his forearm into the pudding. He gulped and licked, before repeating. Despite his size, he finished about the same time Meryn did. Both were now groaning and rubbing their bellies.

  "Come on, li'l mama. Show us your Batcave, and you can nap while we run financials," Neil said, helping Meryn to stand.

  Meryn tugged on his hand. "Y'all okay?" she asked, her eyes cutting to Kendrick.

  Neil exchanged looks with Nigel, and they both nodded. Nigel kissed Meryn on the forehead. "Our lives changed so much when you adopted us. We suddenly knew what it was like to be loved and cared for. To have family." He looked at Kendrick. "That's just icing on the cake, but you're the cake, Meryn." He frowned. "Did that make sense?"

  Meryn nodded her eyes shining. "Cord, can you bring my Magic Pudding to the Batcave for the boys?"

  "Of course, my dear."

  "Do you want to get started now?" Neil asked Meryn.

  "Yup, I can connect you to the network, and then we can dive into databases. Jaxon uploaded more coastal maps, so we should be able to starting looking farther south."

  Pip popped up, then went over to the queen. He bent down slightly and hugged her fiercely. "Meryn said I am in charge of cuddles, and you looked like you needed one." Brie thought he was the cutest thing ever.

  The queen's eyes went wide before she pulled him back down for a hug and to kiss his cheek. "Thank you, Pip. You can give me cuddles whenever you want. It's been a long time since we had a baby boy in the palace."

  "Roger!" Pip said, giving another salute, then hurried back over to Meryn.

  Aleksandra turned to Brennus. "That boy is to be spoiled shamelessly."

  Brennus just nodded. "I was thinking the same thing, my dear. Your aura brightened so much from such a small gesture; he is a treasure worth protecting."

  "How can one person be so adorable?" the queen mused.

  "Come on, guys, let's boogie." Meryn, along with the boys, headed for the door.

  As they were walking away, Brie heard Neil ask who Pierce was and why was he following them.

  "He's after Ryuu's butt, so we have to protect him."

  "Right!" The twins said, glaring at Pierce.


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