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My Warrior (Bewitched and Bewildered Book 12)

Page 18

by Alanea Alder

  Ian just grinned. "Still want to play?"

  Sascha sat back down. "Menace, did you teach them that?" he asked the small woman, who was still in fits of giggles.

  "Nope, but that was very awesome. Keelan would be proud," she said, holding up her hand to Ian for an 'air' high-five. He obliged and turned to Ari. "The way you Lionhart men are, you'd need more time anyway," he said, clapping him on the shoulder.

  Ari straightened. "You know it," he said, sounding a bit less depressed.

  "I'll make it up to you, baby," she promised.

  Ari brightened at that, then gave each man around them that was scowling a shit-eating grin. "I win," he said.

  Aiden cleared his throat. "All right, men, let's get started. Kendrick?"

  Kendrick shook his head. "One's already in place."

  Quinn raised his hand. "I did it earlier, sir."

  Aiden gave a short nod. " As you may have noticed, quite a few warriors have suddenly found themselves without standing orders." All of the men nodded. Lorcan pointed at Brie. “Brie spelled it out for some of us slow ones earlier."

  Aiden gave her an appraising look. "Very good." He turned to the men. "My mate has identified two more possible warehouse locations here on the East Coast. I'd like to use every warrior in Éire Danu to hit both at once."

  Bastien, along with the other fae warriors, placed their fists over their hearts in a silent show of gratitude and respect.

  Brie eyed Meryn. She knew the woman was a genius, so her information wasn't wrong, but could they all be missing something. She raised her hand before Aiden started in on the mission details.

  Aiden looked surprised. "Yes, Brie?"

  She turned back to Meryn. "Why the Coast?"

  Meryn blinked. "It's what's closest."

  Brie pointed to the fae. "But we have portals, couldn't we go anywhere?"

  "I suppose."

  "Meryn, I don't know if you've had a chance to look at the reports from the second site, but in mine, I made mention that it felt staged. The people hadn't been dead that long, hell, we could still smell the lemon disinfectant in the hallways."

  "Go on," Meryn said, looking intrigued.

  "What if you run the same search parameters, but farther out, say, around Noctem Falls. If this is a cat and mouse game, I'd rather catch the cat unawares. It'd be nice to save people for a change instead of recovering bodies.” She frowned.

  "The only downside is if we disrupt their plans, it may change whatever game they're playing, and they may become more aggressive. It could lead to others getting killed faster."

  Meryn was already reaching for her laptop, which had the twins reaching for theirs. "I think the risk is warranted. If we catch the bad guys actually in the warehouse, that would give my mate someone to torture for more info, which could actually lead to saving everyone. Give us a few minutes, I'll see what we can come up with."

  Aiden just stared at her. "We have been so blessed in our mates."

  The men all raised their tankards and drank deeply.

  Smiling, Ari handed her his pint. He nipped her neck as she drank. "You're so damn sexy when you talk cop."

  "You want to get arrested later?" she whispered.

  "I'll even let you strip search me," he teased.

  Aiden looked over the papers they had brought. "I'd still like to hit one of these targets," he said, placing a map on the table. He pointed to a circle around a town in southern Virginia. "This is a little too close to home for us.

  "The plan is relatively simple. We'll be dividing into two groups." He held up his hand, which now sported a silver ring. "This is on loan from the queen. It works similarly to the one Darian has and will allow me to open a portal anywhere as long as I work in tandem with a fae. I will be leading the group heading to the Virginia site," he looked around the room. "Brie, I'd like you to head up the group going to the secondary site."

  Brie felt her mouth drop. The men around her literally had thousands of years more experience. "Sir, I'd be honored, but, are you sure?"

  "I had Meryn hack your file and looked at your test scores. You're the best suited to lead a more modern SWAT style mission. As we speak, updated gear is being secured by Marius, Sebastian, and Cord. It will be gear you'll be familiar with."

  Ari's arm came to rest across the back of her chair. "I can't think of anyone who would be better," he admitted.

  She looked at Aiden. "Who's opening our portal?"

  "Darian, so Oron will also be going with you. Do you have a preference for your team," he asked. There was a curious expression on his face. His question wasn't a test, more like a gauge.

  "I'd like Tau, of course, Gamma, Phi along with whatever Superwitch would like to tag along."

  Aiden pointed to Bastien. "Why Phi and Gamma?"

  "I feel like I know Bastien and his unit well from the limited time I've spent here. Gamma because if Darian and Oron are assigned to the secondary site, it makes sense for Oron to have his unit with him."

  "Any preference on the Superwitch," Aiden asked, his mouth twitching.



  "It increases the likelihood that one of his brothers will tag along, securing me two Superwitches," she explained.

  "Damn good job," Aiden said.

  Ari pointed to his chest. "You didn't ask why she wanted Tau along."

  Brie just stared. "You didn't assume I wanted you there because you're my mate?"

  Ari snorted. "If anything that'd be a deterrent to you. You know damn well our attention may become divided."

  "I love how you get me."

  Aiden pointed to Ari. "Wait, he's right?"

  "Would Meryn choose you because you were her mate?" she asked.

  Aiden shook his head. "No. She's actually a quick thinker on the field and a crack shot. I'd be wasted in a perch with her."

  "I chose Tau because of all the men, I know them best, but more than that, I feel like they know me best. They won't hesitate when I give an order, and that may make a difference later."

  "Brie, I felt like I knew how good you were, then your mate proves I was underestimating you. It won't happen again," Aiden promised.

  "No problem, sir."

  "Okay, I may have something," Meryn called out, looking up from her laptop.

  "Where, baby?" Aiden asked.

  "It's gonna cost ya."

  Aiden frowned. "You know I'd deny you nothing. What would you like?"

  Meryn pointed to her. "Can I have a broach like that? But all your stuff and your tartan sash."

  Aiden scooped up his mate. "I'll happily get you a representation of my warrior status to wear. That way the whole world will know you're mine."

  Meryn peppered his face with kisses before wiggling about for him to set her back down. "You won't let me get a tattoo, so I figured this would be the next best thing."

  Aiden turned to Ari. "Is the jeweler local?"

  "Yes, sir. He owns a small shop here in the Border City," Ari answered.

  "Perfect. Baby, I promise to commission one immediately. Can you tell us the secondary site now?"

  Meryn scrunched up her face. "It's a long shot. Only a few people's homes have missed payments, but I think it's because the late payments haven't hit the systems yet."

  Balder sat forward. "That may mean they're still alive."

  Meryn shrugged. "It's possible." She flipped her laptop around. "It's about fifty-miles north of Noctem Falls. I already sent a text to Eva; she said that the Eta unit is grabbing their shit and will rendezvous here." She pointed to a large parking lot. "This mall was shut down last year, so you won't have anyone bugging ya."

  Brie looked up at Aiden. "Sir, with your permission I'd like to hit that location this evening. Sunset is around six pm here on the East Coast for your team, which means we'll be hitting our location around four. Darkness will help you remain hidden, but it still being light out may give us the advantage of surprise, no one expects these type of things to happen in the mid
dle of the day."

  "Agreed." He looked around. "Tau, Phi, Gamma, you're with Brie. Thane are you okay with heading out to New Mexico?" Aiden asked.

  Thane nodded. "It's old stomping grounds for me. Cristo liked to stay close to home, so whenever we had downtime, we lingered in the southwest." He looked at Justice. "You're with me. Law, you babysit the commander."

  Aiden gave him a flat expression. "I'm standing right here."

  Brie stood, and the units assigned to her stood as well. "Can you update Darian and send him to the warrior villa?"

  Aiden nodded. "Good luck. Gods willing, this may be over tonight."

  Brie didn't say a word. Situations like this were never easily resolved. "Meryn, do you have anyone that can guide us in?"

  Meryn jerked her thumb to the twins. "It's buy one, get one free. I've been training them along with Noah and Jaxon to be eyes in the sky."

  Brie looked at the twins. "We'll be counting on you."

  Neil gulped. "We'll do our best."

  "Come on, guys, I have phone calls to make," Brie said, already heading toward the door.

  "After, right?" Ari called out from behind her.

  She just chuckled and kept walking.

  Chapter Thirteen

  "Are you mad?" she asked as they began laying out their gear.

  Ari looked over at her, surprised. "What, because my blow jobs got postponed? No. I know your head needs to be in the game for this to work."

  She walked over and hugged him from behind. "How are you so perfect?"

  Ari rubbed her hands where they rested at his waist. "I'm not, but I think I am perfect for you."

  In truth, Ari wanted to scream. He didn't want her within one-thousand miles of this entire mess, but she had been chosen and recognized by his commander. There was no way he'd take that from her. He'd just have to ignore her orders and guard every step she took. He sighed.

  "Thank you," she whispered. "I know this has to be hard for you."

  Ari turned in her arms and pulled her close. "It is. It's very hard. I want to wrap you in cotton and keep you safe, but that's not who you are here." He tapped her chest.

  "I'm assigning you my six."

  He grunted.

  "You were totally going to do that anyway, weren't you?" she asked, amusement dancing in her eyes.

  "Absolutely." He saw no reason to lie.

  "I knew it." She laughed. "I suppose having you act as my back up is a small price to pay." She tilted her head back, and he practically sagged in relief. Any action where he touched her felt like heaven. He kept things light and simply nibbled and tugged on her lower lip. When her phone rang, they stepped apart.

  She answered it. "Wilson, here."

  "Hey, Brie, I asked our boys for what you wanted, and they were more than happy to donate. I'm at the portal now; where should I drop your stuff?" Ari wondered what Brie had asked Cam for.

  "I'm at the warrior villa, we're mobilizing for tonight."

  "That soon? Need help?"

  "Think you can keep up, old man?" she teased.

  "Old man? Wait until I see you, young lady," he groused before he hung up.

  "What'd ya ask for?"

  "Some SWAT tactical gear. I helped nearly every team member study for their advancement tests, they so owed me."

  "We have gear," Ari protested. It was unit gear; it was the best. Right?

  "And it's solid equipment, but what I asked for is part of the reason why Aiden chose me for this mission. It's all new tech gear that you and your fellow unit brothers may not have been exposed to yet."

  "I guess, if it's so important."

  "Are you pouting right now?"

  "No. Maybe."

  "God, I love you," she said, then froze. His heart practically stopped. They turned to face one another. She covered her mouth with her hand. "God, I do. I love you. This is bad."

  "Wait. What? This is in no way bad!" he protested, pulling her close. His mate loved him! He wanted to shout it from the palace walls.

  "Yes, it is, because I can't lose you and live," she struggled in his arms.

  "Baby, I'm a lion-shifter. I'm close friends with witches that can do shit like make it snow and create tornadoes. I'm not going anywhere."

  She calmed down but still clung to him. "I can't lose you, Ari. I just can't."

  "You won't," he reiterated.

  She looked over at their bed and sighed. "We don't have time."

  "Normally, I'd see that as a challenge, but as we just admitted our love for one another, the next time we're in that bed, we're going to spend all night making love, and I'm reclaiming you. I don't want to be rushed."

  Brie gave him the stink eye. "I didn't hear you admit shit. I'm the one dangling out here in vulnerability land."

  Ari stared. She was right. He cupped her face. "Brie Wilson, I have loved you from the moment I first saw you. I loved you even more when you shot me. Every day that love grows. From now until the day we pass from this world, I will be yours and you will be mine."

  She rubbed her cheek against his hand. "You would say something about me shooting you in your love confession."

  He kissed her nose and let his hands drop. "Of course."

  They heard a doorbell chime. "That's probably Cam with your stuff." He grabbed the last of his own gear, and they headed downstairs where Bastien was greeting Cam.

  Cam eyed his mate. "I heard y'all were having a party. Feel like letting this poor, bored Vanguard join in?" He held out an impressively large duffel to Brie. She stepped forward took it, then headed off to one side of the foyer to rummage through it like a kid in a candy bowl.

  Bastien pointed to Cam's attire. The man had come completely decked out in black gear, an automatic weapon slung across his back. "And if we said no?"

  Cam shrugged. "I already bribed Meryn with an Apple watch to get the locations of both sites. I could just meet you there."

  "Damn," Bastien muttered.

  On the floor, Brie just chuckled. "Oh, they remembered. Awesome." She started attaching, buckling, clipping, and even velcroing items to her body. When she stood, she looked like his own personal wet dream. "Damn, baby," he breathed, taking her in.

  "Ari, you're doing that growl thing again," Priest said, nudging him.

  "I don't even care anymore," Ari said.

  His saucy mate winked at him and looked down at her watch. "It's almost time to go. Is everyone ready?"

  The men that had crowded the foyer with the doorbell's chime all chorused, 'yes'.

  "Is Darian here?"

  "I'm here. Just arrived though. I've been arguing with my brother for him to stay at the palace with our mother, but he's being stubborn," Darian complained.

  "Don't be like that, Dari. It's been ages since I've had a mission with Gamma; let me have some fun," Oron pointed out.

  Brie tapped her watch then looked at Darian. "You know where we're going?"

  He nodded. "I went out there a bit earlier to get my bearings for the portal and to scope the place out. Menace did a good job picking a rendezvous point."

  "Why do you call her Menace. I mean it suits her, but isn't that kinda mean?"

  "She's the one that started these call signs, she's stuck with it," Sascha growled.

  "What's yours?" Brie asked.

  Sascha turned pink. "Gamma Kitten One," he muttered lowly.

  "I'm Foxy Boy," Quinn added.

  "I'm Adonis," Ben said smirking at his unit leader.

  Ari turned to Christoff and Oron. "You two?" He was dying to see what the rest of the unit got. The warriors of the Tau and Phi units were laughing their asses off.

  Christoff gave a modest shrug. "Prince."

  Oron beamed. "Oreo."

  Sascha scowled at the warriors. "Yuk it up. You'll probably be getting christened tonight. And from what I heard from Aiden, she's hungry and stressed, so I don't think you'll fair as well as we did."

  Ari chuckled to himself as his brothers stopped laughing almost immediately. />
  Nerius turned to Sascha. "They're not real call signs, right?"

  Sascha gave him a flat look. "We're about to go on a council sanctioned two prong mission with coordination from three of the four pillar cities." He pointed to their walkie talkie. "I can guarantee you at some point tonight, Meryn's chirpy voice will be calling out to Gamma Kitten One. Real? Maybe. Permanent. Absolutely."

  Bastien turned to Oron. "Why are you so happy with Oreo?"

  "Because it's one of her favorite cookies, which means she loves me and because those cookies are freaking amazing," Oron explained.

  "Double stuff?" Kincaid asked.

  Oron nodded. "Evidently, according to Meryn, double stuff are regular Oreos. Regular Oreos are diet Oreos and those thin ones are abominations."

  Kael's head bobbed as he agreed. "Exactly. We need to invite Meryn to a Snack Party. It sounds like she knows her stuff."

  Brie tapped the comms piece at her ear. "Menace, you set up?"

  "Ready to rock 'n' roll, NinjaGaiden."

  Brie grinned at the guys at her call sign. "Who will we be working with?"

  "I have you set up with Gemini. They'll be taking over comms when you meet up with Professor."

  "Roger that, Menace. Over."

  "Werd. Over."

  Brie motioned to Darian. "Anytime you're ready."

  "As you say, NinjaGaiden," Darian shook his head and opened a portal in their foyer.

  Ari made sure he was right behind his mate as they walked through.

  Once on the other side, they saw another group of men standing by a black SUV. A tall dark-haired warrior stepped forward, his arm out. Brie clasped forearms with the man, and the others waved their greetings.

  "Welcome to New Mexico," the warrior said. "I'm Adriel Aristaios. This is Declan Lionhart, my second. Grant Douglas, wolf-shifter, Etain Vi'Aerlin, and of course, you've already met Micah. Darian dropped him off with us when he checked out the warehouse for portal placement," Adriel said, by way of introductions.

  Ari never even saw it coming. One moment he was standing with his mate, the next he was wrapped up in the arms of his older brother, being swung around.

  "Ari!" Declan laughed, his eyes bright.


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