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Insidious Magic: A Snarky Paranormal Romance (Modern Magic Book 2)

Page 14

by Nicole Hall

  He tilted his head and kissed the inside of her wrist. “I’ll take anything you’ll give me, princess.” He met her eyes and nipped her palm, then swiped his tongue along the center, soothing the bite.

  The wet touch shot straight to her core. Zee twisted her hand in the collar of his shirt and pulled him up between her legs. His mouth met hers in a rough tangle of tongues and lips and teeth. She shoved his shirt up so she could have access to his chest, and he tugged it off with one hand.

  Zee loved the lean muscle he had hidden beneath his shirts. She traced a long, bumpy scar that stretched around his abdomen. If she’d had access to her magic, she could have made it smooth, but she liked the scars humans carried. They were reminders of life and triumph. Whatever made their scars had passed and the person had grown from the danger.

  The hoodie, shirts, and tank top came off in one awkward swoop, and left her in a tiny blue bra that had appeared on her bed one day. She didn’t need much support, but it appealed to her vanity. Ryan kissed his way down her neck and chest to the top of the cups, and she wished she’d foregone the pretty underthings for once.

  Her head dropped back at the feel of his tongue against her breasts, and Ryan helped guide her down until she was lying on the bed. His hands made quick work of her leggings, his pants, and their socks, then his mouth returned to hers. Clad only in thin cotton panties and her bra, Zee wrapped her legs around his hips and arched up. The solid length of him pressing against her center shot electricity through her. She groaned and did it again.

  Ryan’s teeth nipped her ear as he held her hips still. “I’m a huge fan of your enthusiasm, but I’m not going to last long if you keep doing that.”

  Zee laughed low and unclasped her ankles. She braced her foot on the bed and utilized the same maneuver she’d used in class to flip him over. “I think you can handle it.”

  She straddled him and rubbed right where she wanted him, arching her back at the pleasure that coursed through her. His magic flared under her, and her eyes snapped back down to him. A slow, sexy grin curved across his lips as he trailed a hand up her thigh, leaving a trail of crimson magic in its wake. The magic lingered for a moment, warm against her skin, before sinking in and disappearing.

  Everywhere he touched, he left tingles in his wake. She stilled, and his hand painted magic across her stomach, up past her breasts, and into her hair. His hand curled around the back of her neck and pulled her down to him. Their lips met in a tender kiss, an exploration. His magic wound down her back and paused at the band of her bra. The clasp gave way.

  Zee chuckled against his mouth. “You’re getting better. Maybe it’s time for a more advanced lesson.”

  He pulled the straps down her arms and tossed the bra onto the floor. “Like how to remove panties without destroying them?”

  She lifted up and slid her panties off. “We don’t need magic for that.”

  Ryan sat up on his elbows and took her in, completely naked. “You’re beautiful.”

  She smiled. Her appearance had never mattered much to her beyond her own ego, but now that she’d lost the ability to change it, she was glad Ryan liked the one she’d picked. “You’re still wearing something. That seems unfair.”

  “See, it would be really convenient if we could magic these off.”

  Zee took care of it herself, dragging his boxer briefs down with agonizing slowness. His cock sprang free, and she stroked him lightly on her way back up. His length jumped in her hand, and the rest of him collapsed back onto the mattress.

  She grinned. “Much better.”

  None of this was new to her, but the double sensation she was getting through the bond was incredible. She took him into her mouth and could almost feel his eyes crossing. His magic hands were clenched in the blanket, and the bond made it clear how much he was enjoying it. A few strokes were all he allowed before he plunged both hands in her hair and hauled her back up on top of him.

  He didn’t release her, but held her still while he plundered her mouth. She settled over him skin to skin and reveled in the feeling. He was slick, but so was she, and the sensation had her moaning into his kiss.

  She lifted up just enough that he teased at her entrance, but he stopped her. “Do we need protection?”

  Zee hesitated. She’s never used it before because her magic had protected her, but that wasn’t guaranteed anymore. As much magic as Ryan had learned, it didn’t seem wise to place the weight of the responsibility on his abbreviated training.

  She sighed and shifted to the side, sliding off of him. “I don’t know, so I think it would be best.”

  Ryan jumped up and rummaged in his bedside drawer. A couple of seconds later, he was back. He ran his hand, then his lips down her back, urging her onto her stomach. Zee caught her breath as she heard the crinkle of foil. She’d had plenty of partners, both male and female, but she’d always been on top. There was a certain vulnerability in allowing someone behind her.

  The warmth of his magic lingered as he lifted her hips, and his hand curled around between her thighs. He rubbed in exactly the right place, and she pushed back against him. He moved her hair to the side to kiss the nape of her neck, and his heat surrounded her. She couldn’t get enough of the new sensations.

  His fingers eased inside her and established a slow rhythm. Her heart throbbed in a wild beat. She crested higher, with each stroke of his hand building waves of pleasure. Her muscles tightened almost painfully, and then she tumbled over with his name on her lips. Before she’d fully come down, he removed his hand and thrust into her with a groan.

  He was buried to the hilt, with an arm around her waist and his lips mouthing secret words against her neck. They stayed that way for a moment, both acclimating to the feeling of fullness.

  She looked over her shoulder, meeting his gaze, and he started to move. Her eyes closed, and she rested her forehead against the rumpled blanket. In the darkness, she moved with him, a quickening tempo that had them both breathing hard. His magic coiled into a cyclone, and she sensed his grip on it slipping as they approached climax.

  Blindly, she reached for his hand and pinned it to the bed next to her. With a last bit of effort, she drew a sigil on it and focused their intentions there as she plunged over the edge again. Ryan followed right after her. Several long moments later, his magic settled back into him in a contented ball.

  Ryan pulled out of her and collapsed on his side. She only had the energy to turn her head. The sigil on his hand had faded. She knew she’d have to explain that one, but she was too tired and satisfied to do more than lay there.

  He roused himself enough to take care of the condom, then he nudged her toward the pillows and pulled the covers out from under her. Zee thought about going back to her own room and frowned. Before she could move, he rolled onto his back and pulled her close, then threw the blanket over both of them. She rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. One arm splayed across his chest, and her leg tucked between his.

  She could feel his heartbeat under her cheek as her body relaxed into sleep. Her mind drifted. Is this what it’s like to be human? A trade-off of magic for pizza and art and excellent sex? Curled up next to Ryan, her body deliciously sore, she decided it wasn’t too bad of a deal.



  Ryan woke up in a tangle of sheets and hair. Not his hair. Silky dark hair caught in his chin stubble and trailed over his neck. Zee slept with her face tucked into his collarbone, both hands under her cheek. Her breath warmed his chest, but the rest of him was freezing. She’d wrapped herself in the entire blanket and most of the sheets.

  Weak morning light filtered through the window, and he didn’t have anywhere to be. Ryan smiled because he had one arm curled around Zee, who was lying half on top of him. Her soft, smooth skin pressed against a good portion of his side. Chill be damned, he wouldn’t change a thing about the way he’d woken up. It was tricky with a single hand free, but he managed to get under the blanket with her.

  The second his cold hand touched her back, her eyes popped open and she sucked in a breath. Her head came up and she took in her surroundings, then she snuggled back down against him. I regret nothing.

  “Why are parts of you so cold?” Her words were mumbled against his chest, and he had a flashback of her lips locked around him last night. Half-hearted morning wood turned instantly hard, but she wasn’t all the way awake yet.

  “Because you stole all the covers at some point in the night and relegated me to death by hypothermia.” He ran his hand up and down her back, making her shiver.

  “Why is your apartment so cold? Don’t you have heat?”

  He shrugged under her head. “It’s set to turn down at night. I usually have blankets to keep me comfortable.”

  She wiggled closer and slipped her leg between his. Either she felt bad enough to share some of her body heat or she was finally waking up enough to notice his hand was getting lower and lower with each pass. He skimmed over her butt and thigh, then ran his fingers along her center on the way back up. The second time he did it she pushed back into his hand and nipped his collarbone.

  “How do you feel this morning?” He kept up the light touches, but he wanted to be sure she wasn’t too sore.

  Her palm wrapped around his cock and she stroked him up and down before answering. “I feel like this is an excellent way to wake up.”

  She leveraged up on her elbow and kissed him, long and slow. Last night had been amazing, all frenzy and heat. This was quieter, but he dug it. The low hum of electricity coursing between them built to a crescendo, and Ryan had to close his hand over hers to stop her. He wanted to be inside her again.

  She pulled back and grinned, then climbed over him to dig through his nightstand drawer. Clearly, she’d been paying attention. He amused himself by tracing light circles around her nipples but not touching them. Thus far, there hadn’t been enough time dedicated to the attention her breasts deserved.

  They weren’t very big, but he liked the way they fit her toned body and his palms perfectly. He replaced his fingers with his mouth and she moaned low when his tongue finally hit her nipple. She took a deep breath then found the condom she was searching for. He released her and helped her right herself, straddling his lap.

  “You are extremely distracting.” She tore open the package and sheathed him, and they both moaned when she sank onto him.

  He let her take the lead on this one, and marveled at how well they fit together. He matched her movements, thrusting up into her with increasing force. Her hips rolled, and he pulled her mouth down so he could capture the little sounds she was making. They were both close, so he reached between them. A little pressure and she began clenching around him. Her nails scored his chest, but he welcomed the slight pain. His hands went to her hips to hold her steady as he pounded up into her and took his own pleasure.

  Spent, she collapsed on top of him, and her hair covered his face for the second time that morning. He smelled coconut again, and he thought it might be his new favorite fragrance. They laid there until their breathing returned to normal, and Ryan dropped a kiss on the top of her head.

  Zee was breathing deep, but he didn’t think she’d fallen asleep again. The bond assured him she was fine. More than fine. He was content to have her splayed on top of him all day, but they had to get up at some point. Will had to be conscious in the next few hours, and Ryan had promised her he’d help with the problems in the Wood.

  He trailed his fingers up and down her back again, unable to stop touching her apparently. There were a lot of things he couldn’t stop doing when she was around. Taking care of her. Trying to make her laugh. Protecting her. Wanting her. Needing her? His chest tightened with the truth. For once, his thoughts were clear, but he had to be careful to keep them to himself. If Zee knew what he’d realized, she’d pull back, and he’d lose his chance.

  He needed that chance to convince her to stay.

  She did fall asleep again, and after he took care of the condom, Ryan was happy to hold her until she was ready to get up. His mind wandered to the logistics of living with a Fae full-time. If they fixed the Wood, would she get her magic back? Would anything he offered her be enough to keep her? Could he live with her power, knowing how dangerous it was?

  It was another fifteen minutes before she stirred and made a sexy little noise in her throat. Her head tipped up, and she kissed the bottom of his chin before levering herself off of him. He made sure his shields were in place and went into the bathroom to shower.

  He thought about coaxing her under the spray, that night she’d shared herself with him played on repeat in his erotic dreams, but decided to save it for another time. Zee must have been thinking about it too, or she picked up on his wandering thoughts, because she yelled from the bedroom.

  “Don’t waste all the hot water. As soon as I can use my legs again, I need to rinse off.”

  Ryan chuckled and took an abbreviated shower, allowing Zee to take over. Jake called as Zee shut off the water.

  Will was awake.

  He and Sera were heading to the hospital and thought Zee might be the best person to ask the questions. Jake said they’d be there in five, and Ryan told him they were ready to go.

  The ride to the hospital was charged with tension. Sera stared nervously out the window, even when Jake tried to ease her mind with stupid jokes. She gave him pity smiles, but it didn’t seem to help her mindset. Zee had locked down into warrior mode. Her face was serene, but he had a feeling she was prepared to do more than question Will. Ryan didn’t give a crap about Will’s mental health; he only hoped the guy was coherent enough to give them some real information.

  The trees passed in a green blur, and Ryan wondered if the highway between Mulligan and Kilgore wound that way because of the influence of the Wood. As far as he could tell, the road curved through the mundane forest, but didn’t come close to the magical people-eating part of it. They pulled up to a squat brown building that could’ve been a jail in a former life. People usually went to a hospital in one of the bigger cities if they had time, but this place worked in an emergency. They mostly got people stabilized, then airlifted them somewhere else for better care.

  Ryan sincerely hoped he’d never need that kind of help because he sure as hell didn’t want to pay for a helicopter ride he probably wouldn’t remember. Will was on the second floor in a locked wing that required them to sign in and leave all their personal belongings in a box at the nurses’ station. The whole procedure reeked of drama for someone who saw some shadows in the woods.

  He wasn’t sure what Sera had told them, but the staff let all four of them back at the same time with a warning not to agitate Will too much. The tiny room was mostly taken up by a twin hospital bed and a monitor. The lone window had the shade drawn, but bright hospital lights spotlighted Will, who was glaring at the TV suspended in the corner.

  “Will?” Sera knocked lightly on the door, but he ignored her. She shared a look with Jake, then moved further into the room. The rest of them stayed back by the door in unspoken agreement.

  He’d lost his posh veneer. Red patches marred his pale face under disheveled blond hair. This was the first time Ryan had seen him look anything but perfect. Sera didn’t seem fazed. She reached for the remote, but he snatched it away from her.

  “It’s about time you got here, Sera. Can you believe that drivel? Antonio’s accent is atrocious, and his timing was completely off.”

  She glanced at the TV, then back at Will. “You’re watching your station?”

  “Of course I am. I have to keep track of the bumbling idiots they find to fill in for me.” The channel went to a commercial, and Will shut the TV off in disgust. He tossed the remote to the edge of the bed and finally deigned to look at Sera. “The service here is terrible. It took two entire hours for someone to change the input over so I could check the news.”

  Sera gave him a shallow smile. “I’m sorry to hear that. We have some questions—"

nbsp; “I need my phone and my computer. They won’t listen to a word I say, so you’ll have to get them for me. Once I’ve checked in, we can get out of here and find a lawyer so you can sign those papers I have for you.” Will spoke right over her as if she weren’t talking.

  He didn’t seem to notice that there were other people in the room. Ryan wasn’t sure if he was that much of a dick or if there really was something wrong with his head.

  Sera lost her smile and crossed her arms over her chest. “You’re not going anywhere. If you answer my questions, I’ll politely ask the nurse if they can return your phone.”

  He scoffed. “You always were useless and unable to follow the simplest directions.”

  She marched back to the group, waving Zee forward. “I’m done. Your turn. I vote for interrogation, preferably the painful kind.”

  Zee stepped up and waited for him to make eye contact. Will held out for a few seconds, but then he was caught in her stare. “What were you doing in the woods?”

  His eyes streaked away from her, and his hands clenched the thin sheets. “I wasn’t in the woods. I was researching a potential site for development.”

  “Look at me. What did you see at your potential site?”

  His gaze shot back and stopped on Zee’s face again. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

  “What did you see at your site?”

  His jaw ticked, but he answered. “Shadows. Demons with horns. Beckoning me forward into the dark.”

  “Have you been into the woods before?”


  “What did you do there?”

  He wanted to look away, even Ryan could feel it from across the room, but Zee was in control. Will would look away when she let him look away. “We took soil samples and measurements.”

  She tilted her head. “What else?”

  Sweat broke out on Will’s forehead as he fought answering, but Zee was too strong for him. “We tried to stage a sacrifice.”


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