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Dog Wood Bride

Page 18

by Jillian Hart

  He was being studied by the black stallion, who watched over his grazing herd. He wondered how long it would take for Shadow to risk relaxing and not worrying about entering the newly fenced pasture. Right now, the full feeder was being nibbled on by a handful of the mares. Nearby, their foals frolicked in the growing grasses.

  Skye didn't take a step. She didn't move away from him. It was tempting to draw her into his arms again and see where more kisses led them. He wouldn't be opposed to laying her down into the grasses and seeing what was underneath that pretty dress.

  "Skye!" Her cousin Forrest's friendly baritone rumbled across the yard. "There you are. I noticed you were at the house or in the barn. What are you two doing out there?"

  "Besides watching the wild horses? I'm up to no good. You look ready to lend a hand this morning." She turned toward the newcomer, rosy cheeked and thoroughly kissed.

  "I am."

  "Good." She cleared her throat, finger combed her loose curls, a proper lady once again. "If I had known you would have helped out I would have put you and your brothers to work long before this."

  "You didn't confide in me and tell me you wanted a second barn full of horses. What you are going to do with them is anyone's guess."

  "I hired a horse trainer, so I thought it might be obvious."

  Brennan shook his head, still trying to get his pulse to a normal rate. "I'm not working for you, remember?"

  Skye blushed. She shook her head, always drifting away from him. "I'd better go. Orville is waiting for me, and he doesn't like to eat his grain late."

  "I noticed," Brennan answered. "If you go up to the house, I'll take care of it. Don't worry, I'll do things right for him and the others."

  "Fine, thank you for, well, everything." She blushed, remembering the intense pleasure and thrill of his lips on hers.

  She eyed her cousin as she strolled by. At least he hadn't caught her kissing the horseman! It wasn't as if it would become a regular kind of occurrence.

  After all, the man had made that clear enough. He'd even cautioned her.

  When she glanced over her shoulder, he made quite an impression with the rising sun at his back. Her blood heated with a melting-hot desire. What was wrong with her?

  She could not get it to stop.

  The handsome wrangler might be her undoing, after all. Not again, she thought, because it was rare to fall in love, wasn't it? And so easy to fall out, that she didn't dare get her hopes up. At all.

  But she did long for him and desire him. Maybe that would be enough, considering he had a more freedom-based life here in Dog Wood, where few eyes were prying or noticing what she did or whom she loved.

  She opened the heavy barn door with a shove and the barn cat overhead gave her a welcoming mew.

  "Good morning, Scotty!" She greeted, pushing the door open wide to let in the new day's light and cool breezes. "Good morning, everyone!"

  Minnie wickered. The wild pinto gave a startled snort, not used to being penned up again. Evie woke up and blinked her sleepy eyes.

  Orville came bounding up to the half door of his big box stall. His ears were pricked with delight and he strained over his stall door, waiting with grand expectations for adoration.

  "Good morning, good boy." It really was glorious. Of course, she'd just had the best kiss of her life. She rubbed Orville's nose. "Looks like you're ready to head out into your corral. You can see the men working on the new barn."

  Orville lowered his head, pressed his forehead against her from collarbone to belly button and leaned in affectionately.

  "I love my boy." She stroked his forehead and forelock with her free hand. "What a gorgeous day it is, and no problems at all. I'm so glad we've got Brennan here, aren't you?"

  Orville gave a sigh and allowed her to slip into his stall. She opened the back door, letting in sun and light and grass-scented air.

  "Skye, I was just coming to do that." Warmth laced the deep notes of Brennan's voice. Quick and athletic, this boot strikes knelled as he stalked down the aisle in her direction.

  It was good to see him. Her hungry-for-him eyes had missed him! She wanted to leap to her feet and cheer. It felt like something she'd dreamed up to have him in her life, and the sizzle of his kiss was still fresh on her lips.

  With his hat shading his face and his dark hair whipping behind him, he looked every inch a horseman of the highest caliber. Striding towards her, that something noble in him shone through when his guards were down, and she couldn’t resist him.

  Or stop craving another one of his kisses. She momentarily squeezed her eyes shut, trying to erase the memory of how he'd made her feel. She'd never known anything as splendid as Brennan's passionate, tender kiss. She would die to have that and more.

  The stallion's head went up to greet the man and neighed a welcome. Orville sighed, unable to tell them of his opinion, and reached his head out for soothing from the man in charge.

  Her heart warmed seeing the exchange. Brennan held out his hands, and the stallion stretched to press his muzzle there and nickered affectionately, as calm as could be.

  Now she knew what was important about Brennan Mosley, the only thing she needed to know. Orville adored him, and she did, too.

  She blinked away the tears in her eyes. Those tears made it hard to see enough to adore the way the man stood in silhouette, towering wide and powerful, as strong as iron, tough as nails, as tender as true gentleness.

  "Let's get you outside, big fellow." Brennan opened the half-door. "Come on, get going, handsome boy, go stretch your legs. The wild stallion is out there. Go give him a neigh or two, will you?"

  Orville tossed his head, happy, and ambled out the door into the sun and green and fresh air. His friendly, lilting nicker made Skye grin.

  "I'm suspecting that Orville is saying this is his place to the other stallion." A lump lodged in her throat.

  "I think so. Don't worry, I've almost got the entire herd in the new corral. Watch me. I'm hoping to have more horses for you by the day's end, maybe tomorrow. Depending on how things go. There's one dream for you achieved."

  His words touched her. If she wasn't careful he would win her heart. Her chest twisted hard at the caring, true undiluted caring, shining as bright as the star-strewn sky in the man's eyes.

  It had been ages since she felt as if she were important, and never like this.

  Brennan. Incredible tenderness breezed through her heart, sweet and passionate and desirable. And like a fast moving summer storm, left her trembling from the power and the inherent beauty of it.

  Her step was wobbly as she backtracked into the aisle to open Minnie's stall. "Thank for being so wonderful to Orville and to me. It feels good to trust a man again. That means you have the highest regard in my heart."

  "Hey, I'm just doing my job for the horses here. They are darn good bosses."

  "Not me?"

  "I told you, I don't work for a woman. No self-respecting man does. But I'm sure glad to be pleasing you. Making you happier." He was cloaked in the shadows, and his warm, good humor revealed more of his feelings. Of esteem. Of honor. Of affection.

  An answering affection filled her all the way up. Words failed her, so she chose silence. She felt determined to do all she could for the man.

  They smiled in silence beneath a sky streaked with clouds and infinite, promising blue, just like every day, just another day in Dog Wood. Nothing had changed.

  Except for her.

  Because of the man, she would never be the same.


  What a morning and a glorious day. Even when she tried, Skye couldn't focus on a single thing but the man she'd left behind in the barn to help Claude with the morning work.

  She'd shared breakfast and lunch with her sister, helped her maid box up a crate to send gifts and a few fun things to their mother. Oh, she was discussing making another visit out for a long extended stay. What an adventure that always was, full of fun and good memories made with those she loved.
r />   She'd spent more than one long bit of time staring out the window at the progress outside. She spotted him helping lay more beams across the four walls that made up the medium sized but very impressive looking stable, and her heart kicked.

  She'd nearly fainted when, as if he'd felt her gaze, he glanced up to see her at the window. Her heart leaped and had felt his presence like the sun on her face. The closeness she'd experienced with him remained. A place in her heart had filled with him and, glowing with a brightness, outshone everything and lasted even when she turned back to her book.

  A knock on the screen door's frame grabbed her attention. She looked up from her page to see a familiar man framed in the doorway.

  "Want to come out to the meadow with me?" Brennan called to her in the midmorning sun. "You might want to see what I'm doing, seeing as you're wanting to be the boss lady and everything."

  "I'm glad we're getting that straight." Amused, Skye closed her book, pushed off the sofa and headed his way. "What are you up to? Judging by the look of you, you do need supervision."

  "I truly do. Your esteemed company is requested."

  "How can I say no to that? What you need, I'll do my best to do for you. You're the best horseman I've ever hired."

  "I'm the only horseman who's ever agreed to work on your land."

  "True, but you are the best. At least in my view."

  "Be careful, or you might start liking me even more or something." He opened the door and squinted at her through the cheerful sunshine. "And that cannot be a good thing."

  "I'll agree with that." She grabbed her sunbonnet and plopped it on her head. "What kind of a problem do you have? Is it with the new construction? Or one of the horses?"

  "I need you to see something with me."

  "I'll do what I can. Don't think I can't see what you're up to." She swept down the steps alongside him. Her heart felt light like a cloud, and he was to blame, him and his kisses. "I see that pail of grain."

  "I noticed the mares had nibbled the trough bare, so it's time to attempt to lure the stallion in. He's been risking the corral more and more, then darting out again."

  "He's hungry, if he's watched everyone else eat the previous servings of grain." She did her best to ignore the heat of Brennan's presence hot on her skin, scorching hotter than the sun.

  But her entire body felt sensitized at the memory of his kiss. The rich, butter-rum timbre of his voice rang intimately, encouraging her. "Do you think we can catch them? Or will we have to ride and round them up to bring them in?"

  "I'd rather catch them the easy way." He knuckled back his hat, keeping his gaze forward and ahead, not on her. "You look disappointed."

  "I love any excuse to ride, and I've never done anything as exciting as a round up."

  "Horses can get hurt and scared, and I'd rather see how many little herds will just come right to us. Why not have the gentle, pretty horse farm of your dreams?"

  He'd known without words, as if he'd been able to read her soul. The summer-like air breezed across her over-heated face as she strolled alongside him. Brennan turned toward her and smiled.

  She wished they were alone without so many eyes on them, like her cousin sawing a length of wood balanced on two sawhorses. Like Claude, who was hammering the intersecting supports for the roof rafters. And her brother was nowhere insight.

  She wished she could tell the man at her side how glad she was that he was here. How she yearned to be close to him once again and for the next kiss to never stop. Sheer lunacy, for sure, but that's how she felt.

  Common sense told her to keep six feet of space between them and never yield to him again. Look what happened with the last man she'd kissed. He'd broken more than her heart when she hadn't been good enough for him, but also her belief and hope for love.

  Orville nickered from his paddock, head up from grazing. A daisy hung from between his velvet lips. His gaze traveled beyond her to the meadow where the wild band of horses were scattered, aware of the interlopers.

  Her heart soared.

  "Maybe I'm going to like working for you," he said quietly.

  "Work for me?" Her heart responded to his humorous tone. "I thought that was something you refused to do."

  "Give me an order, any order."

  She veered along with him on the narrow, path worn between ankle-high grass. "Kiss me."

  "You will see, I've changed my mind. Now, I aim to please." He grabbed her by the hand, gave her a tug and she stumbled against his chest.

  What a lovely feeling it was to have his muscled arms banding around her and to be trapped safely against him. Her entire body felt sizzling as if a lightning bolt had struck. Even her bones seemed to melt.

  His mouth met hers with a softness that warmed her to the core. She clung to him, unable to believe this was really happening, that he was kissing her again. Need and desire blinded her as the satin heat of his mouth broke away from hers.

  "See?" His voice came raspy, rough, but warm with his grin. "I can take orders from a lady. Are you satisfied?"


  She stumbled back a step, disoriented, unable to breathe or make sense of the world. Slowly her sense of balance returned right along with her sight. She followed him a few short steps along the shadow of the draw and toward the long rays of incandescent sunlight.

  A few puffs of thistle fluff floated lazily by. The faint drone of a couple of bees hopping from dandelion to daisy serenaded her as she came to a stop alongside Brennan.

  "Shh." His order barely made a sound.

  The black stallion had risked entering the large corral of a pasture. Those ten foot tall posts and the solid wooden rails fenced him and his mares in. Her heart stopped, so close to the small herd that she forgot to breathe.

  "Don't move." His whisper was softer than the breeze.

  He took a slow silent step, nonthreatening, and watched the stallion's head rise up from the feeder. Grain tumbled from his velvety, whiskered muzzle as he swung around. Eyes went wide and he neighed a warning, but he'd trusted too much and Brennan swung the big gate closed with a click.

  Freedom so gently lost and yet, their free spirits would always remain protected and unbroken. The magnificent animals lifted their heads, magnificence kissed by the sun. The stallion protested in an angry trumpet and ran the perimeter, head up, glinting like a shadow against the green.

  Her heart ached in sympathy, but at the same time triple beat with joy. They were hers now, to care for and protect. And they would be loved.

  The mustangs milled around their enclosure scenting the wild winds. With the tall posts and thick rails, they weren't going anywhere.

  "Look what I did. I distracted him pretty good." Abe grinned as he emerged from the grassy knoll that had seemed to swallow him from sight. Grinning, hat askew, going easy, he held up the empty bucket. "I took a page out of our grandfather's book. Always ply them with extra grain and even more after that. It works every time."

  Happy, Skye laughed. "Look what we did. We caught the mustangs without a single bit of trouble at all. They didn't even break a sweat."

  "Or learn to be afraid of us." Brennan nodded, hands on his hips, satisfied with that truth. "Not that they are happy about it."

  Abe smiled. "That new fencing looks perfect. You did a good job with that."

  "Glad you think so. I've got more meadow to change into pastureland. I've got more fenceposts to order up at the lumberyard."

  "I'll do it. I'll put in your order along with our lumber request." Abe looked over his shoulder. "Oh, here comes Forrest. We're waiting on the next lumber delivery. I've got errands to run anyway, so we're taking the rest of the day off."

  "Sounds good to me. Thanks for your help, Abe. You just let me know what you need. Whatever it is, I'll jump to do it."

  Someone tugged on Skye's hair, a gentle tug that drew her out of her thoughts. Those horses surely did look fine in her meadow. Her horses, now.

  "You're lost in thought." Brennan's voice ru
mbled straight through her.

  She shivered down to the soles of her feet. Here she'd been unable to think about her horses, the importance of seeing them here, because the man was near, scrambling her senses, dominating her heart, fixing her life.

  How did she tell him that she was doing her best not to think about him?

  "You've got quite a few mares there to get to know and name." Brennan's hand curled on her shoulder, warm and claiming, burning like a brand.

  Her stomach twisted. Desire flip-flopped deep in her abdomen, hot and hard. "That means I have quite a few names to come up with."

  "And don't forget their foals. And that stallion there, he's going to need a name, although I like Shadow." His hand gave a squeeze before he walked away.

  "Claude saddled up the horses for you." Forrest moseyed closer, holding onto two different set of reins. "I'm hoping you have a good scouting trip, Brennan."

  "We'll have to see how that goes. I'm armed, and that's what matters. Are you going to come along with me, pretty lady?" Brennan's eyes laughed at her, full of joy. Happiness looked good on him, very good.

  "You keep sweet talking me, and you might find out there are consequences to that." She scooped up the reins from her cousin and went to slip her shoe into the stirrup.

  But the handsome wrangler she'd just kissed caught her by the waist, his big hands banding her and effortlessly lifted her upward. She slipped into the saddle with ease.

  "Are you settled in okay?" he asked, patting her foot, taking that extra moment to take care of her and make sure she was settled.

  Her chest ached with the power of it. She nodded, not trusting her voice.

  "Then we'll see you boys later!" Brennan's voice rang warmly over the creak of his saddle as he mounted up. "When I come back, I hope the lumber is here so we can keep on building."

  "You and me both!" Abe called out. "We have business to do."

  "Yes, we do," Brennan agreed, reining his gelding into the meadow.


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