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The Wayfinder's Apprentice (Shadows of the Umbra Book 1)

Page 26

by K Dezendorf

  Vikhail nearly collapsed and it took a great effort for Rose not to fall under her weight. She stopped, taking a closer look at the injury. The fabric of her jeans was soaked in blood around the bullet wound.

  Another cop car pulled up behind the first and Rose was panicking even more. Dammit. What was she supposed to do?

  As she tried to think, a familiar, purple Cadillac jumped the curb and halted right near them. The rear door popped open and Rose was happy to hear Jenkto’s voice.

  "Get in!"

  Rose once again tried to lift Vikhail. As she did, she felt the other grab her and chuck her inside. She nearly hit her head as she landed in the backseat of the car. Sure enough, she saw Jenkto in the driver’s seat, and in the passenger’s seat…


  As Vikhail got up, and pulled herself towards the car, the second cop got out of his car and yelled, "Freeze!"

  Vikhail kept moving and there was more gunfire. The window of the open door shattered as the bullet hit it. Vikhail got in, and as she did, Jenkto fishtailed and took off. Several other cars honked as the car peeled out.

  Rose looked over at Vikhail who was gripping her leg. There was even more blood soaking around the wound. Rose heard sirens and noticed one of the cop cars just behind them.

  Jenkto was dodging in and out of traffic. She shouted at her brother, "Now would be a good time, please!"

  Macklass made a few hand gestures, and Rose could feel the swell of his mana and the shadows around him seemed to shift and change. She glanced back at the cop car behind them. Out of nowhere, she saw a shadowy figure land on top of the car which began veering back and forth.

  The figure stood up, taking a sword from his back and jamming it down into the car where the engine block was. The car sputtered back and forth, beginning to smoke and slow down. The figure then did a backflip off the car and dissolved into dark wisps. Rose was stunned, having never seen Macklass use that particular trick before.

  With the cop unable to pursue, Jenkto continued driving at full speed, avoiding people, going down side streets, taking lefts and rights. Rose did her best to comfort Vikhail who was in shock.

  Rose’s mind was a whirl of adrenaline, worry, and confusion. “How did you guys find me?”

  “Oh, no need to thank us or anything,” Jenkto muttered sarcastically. “You’re very welcome, Rose.”

  “Jenkto,” Macklass said, his low voice placating. He turned in his seat so he could look at Rose. “Jerome was listening to the police radio, and he heard your description. So we came just in case.” His eyes glanced to Vikhail, then back to her. “What were you doing?”

  Rose opened her mouth to explain, but Jenkto cut her off. “Macklass, sit your butt down and buckle up. You guys can talk when we get there.”

  “Jenkto,” he said wearily.

  “My car, my rules.” Then she started muttering about having to get the window replaced.

  Reluctantly, Macklass turned away to face forward in his seat, doing as his sister asked, or commanded as it were. Vikhail was just holding onto her leg which was entirely covered in blood. Rose kept seeing the sputter of a glow as Vikhail tried to heal herself but to no avail.

  “Vikhail, stop it. You’re gonna burn yourself out.” Rose retrieved the first aid kit from her bag and got to work. First she fashioned a tourniquet for Vikhail, tying it securely a few inches above the bullet wound. Then she took some gauze and applied pressure to the wound to help further stem the bleeding. Vikhail grimaced in pain, her golden brown skin beginning to look pale and lusterless.

  They traveled for about fifteen minutes, Rose doing what she could to tend to Vikhail, telling her over and over it was going to be all right. Jenkto drove them to the garage they called home, into the gated area of the building. The car bay was already open and she drove straight inside. Rose spotted Hadwin, and as soon as they were inside, he pulled the rolling doors shut.

  Jenkto looked back over her shoulder at them. "Wow, he’s a mess," she commented, looking Vikhail over.

  Jenkto shut the car off and got out. Macklass also got out and opened Rose’s door. She stepped out of the car and hugged him tightly, him returning the embrace with equal vigor, not minding the blood on her hands.

  “Are you all right?” he asked her. His face looked stricken with concern as his azure gaze looked her over.

  “I’m fine,” Rose said, looking back to Vikhail with mounting worry. “She’s the one who needs help.”

  He hummed. "It'd be a bit difficult. I don't know." He looked to Jenkto. "Would you please go grab Jerome?"

  "Fine." She took off around the side of the car and disappeared from view.

  "Damn." Hadwin stepped up next to Macklass, looking at Vikhail. He was wearing full armor and Rose also noticed his mace at his side.

  "At least we got Rose here safe," Macklass commented.

  "Yeah, that's what’s important," Hadwin agreed with a nod.

  Rose glanced between the two of them, disconcerted about their lack of concern towards Vikhail’s well-being. She looked so rattled by the whole ordeal, and her breathing was becoming shallow, furthering Rose’s mounting guilt and worry.

  Jenkto came back with Jerome. The red head poked his head in the car and cringed from the sight. "Geez... yeah... let's, uh... let's get him out of there." Jerome looked to his dark haired brother. "You help too, Macklass."

  “I think I should stay with Rose,” he said, and Rose could sense a tinge of unease in his voice.

  Jenkto slapped a hand on his shoulder. “Oh, give them a hand. You’ll have plenty of time to catch up afterwards.”

  Macklass gave Rose an apologetic look before pulling away from her to help his brothers.

  Together the three of them managed to get Vikhail out of the back seat. Once they got her out, they carried her off.

  "What of Rose?" Vikhail yelled weakly. "I cannot abandon her!”

  Rose came very near to tearing up. Even after all she’d been through, Vikhail was worried about her? "I'll be okay. You just focus on healing up. They're gonna help you."

  Taking a look around, she saw others lingering about. Some she recognized, and others she didn’t. When had they gotten so many people? All of them were observing the scene with varying expressions while pretending to be busy with other things. Some of them looked interested, others guarded.

  One guy in particular looked very somber, pitying. When Rose met his gaze, he hurriedly looked away.

  The atmosphere in the room felt so tense. Like everyone was waiting for lightning to strike them down at a moment’s notice.

  Jenkto looked to two cloaked individuals. “Get the portal ready,” she ordered. They quickly hurried off.

  Rose stared at Jenkto. Portal?

  Jenkto met Rose’s stare and motioned her to get in the car before sliding back into the driver’s seat. With a feeling of apprehension, Rose got in the passenger’s side and shut the door.

  "Now that the distractions are out of the way..." Jenkto turned to look at Rose. She vividly recalled when they were in Dimitri’s castle and the guilt resurfaced.

  "I have to hand it to you, Rose. I really underestimated you.” Jenkto was smiling, at her. Not in that guarded way she usually smiled, but closer to ones she occasionally gifted her siblings. “I never would have believed you’d find your way to the Umbra without us.”

  Rose flinched. “Jenkto, let me explain-”

  “There’s no need.” Jenkto's smile broadened. “I’m not angry. In fact, I couldn’t be more pleased. You wanted something, and you made it happen. Consequences be damned."

  Rose's face burned. “I didn’t plan for things to go this way, I was just making the best of things.”

  "There’s making the best of things, and then there’s taking advantage of an opportunity."

  Why does that sound so much like a compliment? Rose wasn’t sure if she should feel proud or shamed.

  “I’ll admit, when you started getting close to Macklass, I may h
ave been a little bitter. He’s my brother, I didn’t want to see him hurt if anything happened to you. But, you proved you weren’t as helpless as I thought.” Jenkto continued. "And, I’ll be honest, I don't think you fit in very well over there with Dimitri and his group of... milksops."

  Rose frowned. "Excuse me?"

  "The pish-posh of everything that grows there. They’re so weak their leader is going around begging other Paragons to help them. It's a stagnant pool of failure."

  "There are some very decent people there.”

  "Decently weak." She leaned back against the seat. "Face it, Rose, you don’t have a lot of power, yet. But maybe, given the right guidance, you can belong here with us.”

  I can belong? There was a twisting in Rose’s chest. She could be with Macklass. Jerome and Hadwin were like brothers she never had. Jenkto was offering her guidance, her attention. It was everything Rose wanted. So why did she feel so conflicted?

  Jenkto once more gave her a thorough look over. "Keep in mind that I just saved your hide. You and your new friend. I never even told my brothers about your… involvement with Dimitri. If that isn’t enough, I’m about to take my generosity a step further, and do what Macklass was always too scared to do.”

  “What’s that?” Rose asked.

  Jenkto opened the door, and got out. “Introduce you to our father, Markeos. Congratulations, Rose. You finally get to be part of the family.”

  Chapter 20

  Jenkto led Rose down the hallway to a room off to the left which Rose had never been in before. Something was very off. The energy in the room felt erratic and unstable. In the center, the air rippled frantically, and the two cloaked individuals were sitting on the floor, their hands on the ground. Rose noticed they were visibly shaking and both had what looked like steam coming off them.

  "Inside we go," Jenkto said cheerfully.

  Rose took a deep breath and walked on through. As she stepped inside the portal, it felt similar to the ones Billy did only far more shaky. Instead of walking straight while everything went by or around her, she felt like she was being pulled in every direction. It was the first time she was afraid she wouldn’t make it to the other side. By the time she stepped out she was feeling nauseous.

  Before her was a large stone keep, an iron fence surrounding it and the courtyard they stood in. What plants and flowers might have grown there were dead and withered. While she wasn’t certain where exactly they were, it was unmistakably the Umbra, the air rich with the mana her body came to crave. Jenkto stepped up beside her and the rippling from the portal faded out, giving Rose the sense there was no turning back.

  "Home sweet home," Jenkto sighed.

  Rose’s heart fluttered with anxiety and she remembered Edward’s words of warning, about being careful when dealing with her friends. As Jenkto continued to walk forward, Rose crouched down and dug her fingers into the dry ground, pulling up fistfuls of dirt and stuffing them in her pockets.

  “You coming?” Jenkto called, having stopped when she noticed Rose wasn’t behind her.

  “Yeah, just fixing my shoelace.” Rose straightened up and moved towards Jenkto. Once the other girl’s back was turned, Rose discretely wiped her hands on her pants.

  They continued walking, going towards the front door. It was a massive, two story door but it had a smaller door built into it. Jenkto opened it and looked at Rose, gesturing for her to go in first. Rose took a breath to steel herself and stepped inside. Jenkto shut the door behind them and then stepped forward, leading the way. Rose was taken through a series of vast hallways, and she focused to keep track of the turns they took.

  "What have you guys been doing lately?” Rose asked, wanting to fill the otherwise chilling silence. The air was starting to feel really heavy.

  “While you were making new friends, we lost a brother,” Jenkto said, her tone placid. “Though, I heard Macklass already informed you of that.”

  “Yes, he did,” Rose answered solemnly as she remembered Macklass’ grief. “I am very sorry for your loss.”

  “Since then, we decided change was in order,” Jenkto continued, ignoring Rose’s sympathy. “It was time to go back to what we were meant to do.”

  “And that is?” Rose was feeling more and more on edge. The air felt electrified and her senses were screaming for her to leave.

  "Mm, I think you're better off asking him." Jenkto opened the door at the end of the hall which led into a great big room. Candles were lit up all over the place, and the stench of death was overwhelming. In the center of the room was a big stone throne. Sitting on the throne was a.... Rose wasn't sure if 'man' described him well.

  Unlike any others she had seen thus far, Rose didn't even have to focus to see his aura. Multiple colors whipped around him constantly, and his aura was easily the largest she'd ever seen. Rose had to focus to look through the aura at the person within it.

  He had pointed ears, his skin was very pale, and he was wearing a cloak with a whip at his side. Leaned up next to the throne was a large axe that was on fire. Both of his eyes were a frosty blue, the color at odds with the fiery red hair that hung past his shoulders. Standing there, Rose got this incredible sense of deja vu, like she'd been in this situation before. Her dream...

  Her footsteps echoed loudly in the dead silence of the room, jarring her back to the moment. Blood thundered in her ears as her heartbeat hammered in her chest. The air was so thick Rose could barely get a proper breath.

  "And this is her, Jenkto?" His voice was oddly tame compared to the presence he was giving off, yet it still shook the very air in the room.

  Rose looked at Jenkto to find her kneeling with her head down. "Yes, my lord." Jenkto, a woman Rose had always admired for her strength and confidence, was prostrating herself before this man. Her blithe and cocky attitude was completely gone, replaced with reverence and obvious fear.

  He stood up and looked at Rose. "So, you have been brought here to me, because one of my followers thinks that you might serve me well."

  Under that gaze Rose's breathing became erratic. She felt like she was losing all sense and control of herself as fear overtook her. She'd had panic attacks before, they were nothing compared to this as he took step after step towards her.

  "Now tell me, why should I let you join their ranks?" He stopped about 20 feet shy of her.

  Rose tried to speak, but she was barely even able to stutter out a few sounds.

  He continued to survey her. "Mayhaps, they were wrong, and you are just a waste of flesh and blood. Maybe I should just end your pathetic life now before you waste any more of my time. What have you to say?"

  After a deep breath, she swallowed down the overwhelming fear, her brain screaming she needed to do or say something now. "Apparently... I have a knack for seizing opportunity."

  "Jenkto has told me of this. What else can you do for me?"

  Rose had to swallow again, and her mouth felt so dry. She was honestly at a loss for what to say and just wanted to leave. Jenkto failed to mention that Rose would likely lose her life before this meeting concluded. Still, she decided to give an answer.

  "I may only be human, and I may seem small now, but I'm a fast learner and in time I'll grow."

  The ‘man’ appeared unimpressed by her answer. "I don't think so." He raised his hand.

  "My lord," Jenkto spoke up.

  "You dare interrupt me?" he asked, not even looking at her.

  Rose glanced over to see Jenkto had prostrated herself further, her arms straight out with her forehead touching the floor.

  "My apologies, my lord, but I thought it important. She is currently one of the followers of Dimitri and, as such, Edward."

  His eyes glowed brighter and his aura flared. "You have ties with Edward?" he demanded of Rose, his voice far more intense now.

  Rose was unable to speak but managed a small nod. Keeping her eyes lowered away from his gaze, she instead focused on his torso. That’s when she saw, stitched into his clothing, a symbol. Th
e same symbol she saw on Macklass and his siblings.

  He took a deep breath and the aura calmed around him. "Mayhaps you can be of use to me. So tell me, do you wish to join their ranks and become one of my followers?"

  This wasn’t even a real choice. She knew if she refused he would more than likely smite her on the spot. Oh, no... she was going to die if she said 'no'. But if she said ‘yes’... surely she’d be able to be with Macklass, right? She’d be part of the ‘family’? Something she'd wanted for so long now.

  Not like this.

  Seeing how everyone else was acting, seeing how Jenkto acted in front of this person, it was very clear to Rose. This man ruled through fear and abuse, just like Chad.

  When she remained silent, he demanded, "Speak, human. Will you, or will you not, swear an oath of loyalty to me?"

  Never again. She would never again allow herself to be entrapped like that. Not even for love. She recalled how it felt being at Dimitri’s castle, or with Billy or Edward. Being a part of something that really felt like family, where people had shown her kindness even after only knowing her for a short time. That was the family she wanted.

  She took a shuddering breath, knowing what she had to do, resigning herself. She lifted her head, and looked him dead in the eye.


  The word came out much stronger and braver than she felt, knowing that it might be the last word she'd ever utter. Simultaneously, her hand dove into her pocket, and she flung a fistful of dirt right in his face.

  The sandy particles flew into his eyes and he reeled back, letting loose a roar of rage as his aura once more exploded. It hit with physical force, sending Rose stumbling. Turning on her heels, she ran for the door. She glanced over, fearing Jenkto’s wrath, only to find she was struggling under the full brunt of Markeos’ flaring aura.

  Ducking out into the hallway, Rose ran as fast as her legs would carry her, adrenaline and the sheer need to survive the only things keeping her moving. I’m going to die! He’ll kill me for sure! Terror was making it difficult to think, her brain screaming at her to keep running and not look back because if she did it was all over.


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