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Book Two: Thirty Days, Book 2

Page 18

by Bibi Paterson

  I gasp as I feel his lips begin to suckle on my clit. I reach down and twist my fingers into his hair to keep myself steady as the sparks of electricity start to shoot across my pelvis. My body is so aware of every lick, bite and nibble that, after a week without Taylor’s touch, it is merely moments before he is bringing me to orgasm. I cry out as my body spasms and shudders under Taylor’s ministrations, my hands gripping his hair tightly so that I don’t collapse.

  Moments later, Taylor is picking me up and gently laying me on the bed, before stripping out of his own clothes quickly. Today is not about teasing or testing but rather a chance to get reacquainted with each other’s bodies. Tongues clash, hands stroke and lips kiss as it feels like we are almost trying to meld into one another. Finally, Taylor settles between my legs and slowly pushes inside of me as he remains on his elbows, kissing me fiercely. Never breaking the kiss, he gradually starts a gentle rocking motion, all the while thrusting deeper and deeper. I cry out into his mouth when, finally, he settles against the sweet spot buried deep inside of me. We both still for a moment and, as always when Taylor is inside of me, I feel whole.

  I can feel Taylor’s cock twitching inside of me and I know that he needs more, so I push my pelvis against his whilst clenching my muscles. Taylor growls in appreciation and I repeat the movement, setting up a gentle rhythm. I didn’t think it would be possible, but I can feel Taylor swelling more inside of me. Without warning Taylor suddenly picks up the pace, withdrawing out of me before thrusting himself all the way back in. It only takes a few drives and I am flying, soaring above the clouds as each plunge takes me higher and higher. I am vaguely aware of Taylor stiffening above me before he is spilling his hot seed into me with a force that shatters me completely.

  We lie there, unable to move, as we come down from our respective orgasms, Taylor’s forehead resting on mine. Slowly I come to, opening my eyes to stare into his dark brown ones. “Shit,” Taylor mutters before quickly withdrawing and moving off me. “Shit, Abby, are you okay?” he says, his eyes wide as he runs his fingers gently over my ribs.

  “I am fine, you goof. Now shut up and kiss me,” I demand, pulling his lips back to mine. He gently pulls me into his arms and we lie like that for a while as we continue to make out. Eventually, a chill creeps up my body, despite the warmth from Taylor, and I start to shiver. With a gentle kiss on my nose, Taylor gets up and makes his way to the bathroom, where I hear him start running a bath. I grab one of the complimentary robes and wrap it around me before padding through to Taylor.

  Within minutes, the room is filled with fragrant steam, and I groan in pleasure as I sink down into the warm water. Taylor climbs in behind me and pulls me into his chest. I swirl the bubbles with my fingers, playfully blowing them off my fingers. I luxuriate in my surroundings as Taylor alternates between gently rubbing my neck and nibbling on my ear. Before long I find myself dozing off only to be woken up by Taylor pulling me out of the bath and wrapping me up in a warm towel. We stumble back through to the bed and slide in between the crisp, cool sheets. Wrapped back up in Taylor’s arms, it is only moments before I am falling back to sleep, Taylor’s whispered words ‘You’re mine, all mine, baby’ running through my head.


  Arriving at my parents’ house promptly on the dot of seven, I am overwhelmed by the aromas filtering out of the kitchen. Following a brief round of hugs, we are ushered through to the dining room, which has been set beautifully, candlelight glinting off the silverware and stark-white china and the lovely smell of fresh freesias filling the room with their beautiful aroma. We take our seats and my mum disappears for a moment before returning with a dish that I quickly identify.

  “Mum, is that…?” I ask quietly.

  “Nonna’s chicken parma. I know it was your favourite, so I dug through her notebooks and found the recipe,” Mum says proudly.

  “Your mum has been practising for the last week to get it right,” my dad chuckles.

  Oh my. After all her hard work, I can’t bring myself to tell Mum that this is the dish that Nonna was making when she dropped dead on the floor from an aneurism. Even after a lot of therapy, I still can’t think about that day without feeling like my world is ending. Today, though, I am thinking only happy thoughts, I tell myself, as I force a smile on my face. “Wow, Mum, that smells amazing.”

  We all dig in and I am surprised at just how good the dish is. Mum is not a natural cook, and for her to have produced something so close to Nonna’s must have meant that she really has put in the practice. Dinner passes in a whirl of conversation as we chat about the plans for tomorrow. I think it is safe to say that we are all exhausted but completely excited about the grand opening. Once the plates have been cleared away, Mum returns with a plate of chocolate fudge brownies, my absolute favourite.

  “The guys sent these back with us for you,” Dad tells me, and I can’t keep the grin off my face as I help myself to one. I am just about to take a bite when Mum puts a beautifully wrapped parcel in front of me. I look up in surprise…Seriously, they have just helped make my biggest dream come true. I was certainly not expecting a birthday present.

  “Come on, Abby, time to unwrap,” Mum says, curiously on edge.

  I take my time pulling off the ribbon before getting to work on the wrapping. When I lift out the gift, it takes me a moment to realise what I am looking at. At first I think it is simply a book, until I look closer, realising that the cover has a picture of Nonna on it. I flick through the pages and see that it is a collation of Nonna’s favourite recipes. Someone has gone to a lot of trouble to dig out all the little scraps of paper that Nonna used to jot her notes on, type them up and produce this beautifully bound book. Tears are running down my face as I look at both my parents.

  “We knew she would have wanted you to have these, sweetie,” Mum says, her voice thick with her own unshed tears.

  “Wow, this is such an amazing gift. Thank you!” I smile at my parents, completely overwhelmed by this perfect gift. I could have not dreamed up anything better to ask for. “It must have taken ages to try and decipher Nonna’s crazy spider scrawl,” I chuckle.

  “Yeah, it was hit and go on a couple of recipes,” says my dad, “but we have all the originals, so if you need to go back and check, they are available.”

  “Thanks, guys.” I jump up and give Mum and Dad giant hugs to convey just how grateful I am for this amazing gift.

  When, at last, the evening is over, Taylor puts us in a taxi and I reflect on what a perfect birthday I have had, well, apart from waking up in hospital having been attacked by my boyfriend’s crazy ex, that is. But at least I know that I am also surrounded by people who love me and care for me so much more than I ever considered possible. And that makes me the luckiest girl in the world.

  The Thirtieth

  I am standing outside of Bread & Cake, ready to walk in and get this party started. I am wearing the Valentino dress and boots that Taylor gave me for my birthday, my newly cut and coloured hair has been styled into an awesome faux hawk and the girls at the beauty bar in the hotel worked their magic with my make-up, so, all in all, I am feeling very glam.

  My body is still humming from the orgasms Taylor gave me earlier. When I finally emerged from the bathroom, fully dressed, Taylor’s jaw nearly dropped on the floor. Seeing Taylor all dressed up in his charcoal-grey slacks, a fitted black shirt with its arms rolled up, and muted silver tie had me damp in seconds, and when he started circling me like a predatory lion, I felt ready to combust. I can still feel the electrifying touch of his fingers as they traced the tops of my stockings before making their way up to my wet pussy. Orgasm number one came as he finger-fucked me hard and fast, just how I like it. Number two came when he dropped his trousers, twirling me around so that I could steady myself against the back of the chair, and plunged into me from behind. And number three came as he fucked me mercilessly, slamming his body into mine with a need that matched my own. A final sharp slap on my bare arse
where my dress had ridden up and Taylor’s command of ‘Come for me, baby’ and I was gone…shattered into a million stars.

  I slip my hand into Taylor’s as we make our way through the front door of the café, the tinkle of the door announcing our arrival. The heels of my boots echo against the hard wood of the floor as I take in the scene before me. Until a couple of hours ago, everything had looked normal, but in such a short time the space has been transformed for our grand-opening event. All of the tables have been moved out temporarily and the couches pushed against the walls to create space for people to mingle. The main lights have been dimmed and fairy lights are strung up all around, giving the room a magical, intimate feeling, and in the background I can hear the sounds of Frank Sinatra crooning away. The counter has been magically transformed into a bar for this evening with our very own mixologist, who has come up with a variety of dessert-inspired cocktails. Lastly, I take in the smart waiters and waitresses who have been hired in for the evening to serve our guests, all waiting for them to arrive.

  When we first started talking about the event, my dad had suggested that the staff does the serving, but I decided that this was their celebration too and so put my foot down and insisted that they all don their glad rags as well. It is not long before my little ‘family’ arrive, decked out in their finery, stopping to ooh and ah as well. No one is due for another half an hour, so it gives us all a chance to make sure everything is ready to go.

  I am just about to head into the kitchen when Mum stops me insisting that, as Bread & Cake is my baby, I need to be out front at all times. She assures me that the hundreds of tiny savoury canapés the caterer delivered earlier, alongside the miniature desserts that we spent all morning making, are all ready to go, and I reluctantly relinquish control, knowing that Mum has everything in hand.

  It is not long before the room is filled. Dad is playing the ultimate host and doing exactly what he does best, charming the socks off people as he greets friends old and new. Many of our bakery regulars are also here tonight along with business owners from around the Lanes. I spot Michelle, who is chatting away to her date, Marc, across the room, and I can definitely see the chemistry radiating off those two. When I finally catch her eye, I give her a big thumbs-up and grin.

  I watch from my position next to the bar as everyone mingles, taking in people’s reactions to the décor, the drinks and, most importantly, the food. Suddenly the sound of metal on glass interrupts my observations as Dad clears his throat to introduce me. Suddenly every eye in the room is on me, and I step forward nervously, trying desperately to remember the speech that I had prepared earlier. I sense rather than see Taylor come up behind me, his presence giving me comfort and the courage to talk in front of all these people. Taking a deep breath, I open my mouth and am pleasantly surprised by how confident I sound once I start speaking.

  “Good evening, everyone,” I say. “Thank you so much for taking the time out of your very busy schedules to come and have a drink and some desserts with us tonight. Ever since I was a young girl, I have loved to bake. My Nonna taught me everything I know and always encouraged my dream of one day opening up my very own dessert café. When she died earlier this year, she left me a bakery, a chance to realise my ambitions. What started as an addition to the amazing breads that our head baker, Andreas, produced soon flourished, and when the opportunity to buy the building next door arose, well, it seemed a little bit like serendipity. What you are standing in now is the result of an amazing team of people. I would like to take this opportunity to express my thanks to them all,” I say, raising my glass and sweeping my eyes around the room with a smile. “And I hope that tonight everyone gets to have a taste of what I have to say are some delicious desserts, though there are savoury canapés going around if you are in fear of going into a sugar coma.” I am gratified to hear loud guffaws of laughter. “So welcome, everyone…to Bread & Cake.”

  A round of applause breaks out and I can feel myself blushing. A pair of strong arms circles my waist and I breathe in Taylor’s masculine scent. “You were amazing,” Taylor murmurs into my ear as we watch everyone return to their conversations. “This place is buzzing. Just in case you hadn’t realised, everyone is raving about the desserts and the cakes…” I can hear the smile in his voice. “I am so proud of you, Abigail James.”

  “I am quite proud of me too,” I whisper back.

  “So what do you do when you realise your dream has come true?” Taylor asks softly, his hand resting gently on my belly.

  “Create some new ones,” I reply.


  Midnight has been and gone, and as I lie in Taylor’s arms, I reflect on the night’s success. By the time all the guests left, it was fair to say that everyone was exhausted but elated. I can’t even begin to imagine how I would have ever done this without the amazing people around me. I know there is still so much unresolved; I have yet to make my official statement about Hannah’s attack, we are still unclear of what Richard is planning, and the idea of returning to my own home fills me with dread. But I push it all out of my mind, determined that, for tonight at least, nothing is going to ruin my good mood. Tomorrow will probably be a different story.

  “Taylor?” I murmur, taking a chance to voice something I had been thinking about for the last couple of days.


  “I was thinking about wedding dates…” I say, my heart beating in my chest. “I was thinking about how there has been a lot of change in the last few months, and I was kind of thinking that I would very much like to be married to you when we start the new year. I know you probably think that’s way too soon…” I start to ramble.

  I am interrupted by a fierce kiss. “Oh, baby, there would be nothing I would like more. What about New Year’s Eve?” Taylor suggests with excitement in his voice. “Then we can really ring the new year in with style.”

  “Perfect,” I whisper, a thrill coursing through me at the prospect of becoming Mrs Abigail Hudson. “I love you, Taylor Hudson,” I say as sleep beckons.

  “And I love you, Abigail James. More than you will ever know” comes Taylor’s heartfelt reply.

  The story continues in


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  About the Author

  British author Bibi was born in South Africa and loves to tell saucy stories with a twist. Inspired from a young age, her love for literature started with Enid Blyton and her Secret Seven. Since then a voracious appetite for books has brought her a world full of heroes, love, murder, betrayal and the odd vampire thrown in for good cause. Bibi's hobbies include consuming copious amounts of coffee and chocolate, building cardboard castles with her daughter and spending time with the laziest cat in the world.

  Visit for more information.

  Other books by Bibi Paterson

  Tied to You

  Olivia Walker has just hit rock bottom. About to lose her job and become homeless, she can’t see a way out of the mess her life has become until Alex Davenport enters her life with a proposal she is in no position to refuse.

  For One Night Only

  Indulge yourself in this collection of six short stories guaranteed to get you in the festive mood.

  Santa's Saucy Shorts

  Santa's Saucy Shorts are a series of short, erotic Christmas stories around 5,500 words.

  Two: Thirty Days, Book 2




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