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Amends: A Paranormal Women's Fiction Series (A Diana Hawthorne Supernatural Mystery Book 2)

Page 13

by Carissa Andrews

  “I’m s-sorry, I must be delirious because I think I just heard you say you’re the Oracle of Delphi,” Ren says, his face still convulsing from the vodka.

  “Indeed.” Kyros nods.

  Ren turns to him, looking absolutely scandalized, and he downs more alcohol.

  “I’m telling you this because Blake’s right—we all need to be operating from the same playbook. Apollo expects me to resume my role and I’m not sure I have a choice here. I have until the full moon to resume my role or—”

  “Or all the crazy will keep happening,” Blake finishes. “Apollo is trying to send a message to Diana.”

  “Hang the fuck on.” Ren’s head lolls to the side as he jabs a finger at Blake. “And why does Mr. Tightpants know more than I do?”

  “Tightpants?” Blake says, his expression full of bewilderment.

  I raise a hand, shaking my head. “Ren, I didn’t think you could handle all of this.” I lower my eyebrows, staring at him from under their weight. “Good thing I was wrong.”

  Ren sighs, deflated. He might hate being the last to know, but he hates being thought of as an absolute diva even more.

  “It’s important we’re all on the same page because I’m not sure how this is going to impact things,” I say.

  “What? Did you lose your goddammed mind? Um, excuse me—are you or are you not Diana Hawthorne? Why can’t the world’s most powerful psychic just look into the future to see how it plays out?” Ren says, his words starting to slur slightly.

  I stare, wide-eyed at him for a moment.

  For so long, my life has been such a blind spot, it never even occurred to me I could intentionally hunt through my own future. Could I see how this all plays out?

  “Oh my god. You’re right. Thank you, Ren,” I say, standing up.

  He shoots me a perplexed smile. “You’re…welcome?”

  “Atta boy, Mr. Garcia,” Kyros says, slapping Ren on the back. “Way to be a team player!”

  “On that note,” Blake says, standing up. “I assume this means you have a plan?”

  “I do, actually.” I nod, suddenly more optimistic than I have been for ages. “I’m gonna go seek out the future.”


  Into the Future

  Filled with more optimism than I’ve had in ages, I sit back down in the recliner.

  “Do you need us to do anything?” Blake asks, his expression serious.

  I shake my head. “No, I just need some time to get outta my head and into the universal flow so I can channel the future.”

  “This should be highly entertaining,” Kyros says, clapping his hands in front of his body. “It’s been ages since I have been able to witness this.”

  Ren lolls his head from Kyros to me. “No more sugar for this one. Mkay?” His words blend together as he pats Kyros on the top of his head.

  “I assure you, I haven’t had a scrap of sugar today,” Kyros says, raising his eyebrow as if he’s mildly put out by the suggestion.

  I roll my eyes. “I take it back. I do need something.”

  “Whatever it is, I am your man,” Kyros says, standing up and dusting off his thighs.

  “Like hell you are. I’m her assistant. If she needs something I can get it,” Ren counters, standing up, then swaying slightly.

  “I need silence so I can concentrate,” I say, eyeing each of them from under my eyebrows.

  Blake barks out a laugh.

  Ren and Kyros exchange a pained glance and both return to their seats without saying another word.

  Taking a deep breath through my nose, I cast one final glance around the room. Blake shifts on the edge of the couch, while the other two watch me with the kind of intensity that makes my skin crawl.

  Groaning internally, I pull up my legs into a cross-legged position and close my eyes. At first, the only thing I feel is utterly ridiculous—especially with the three of them staring at me.

  However, as I take a few slow, deep breaths, the external world around me begins to wash away. The energy of the room, where I could feel their eyes on me, vanishes and I’m submerged into an inky well of darkness.

  It’s not the scary kind of darkness, though. Instead, it’s more like the kind of darkness that rests in the cradle of birth—it’s on the verge of enlightenment. As the currents of energy swirl around me, I pull my awareness in, honing the message I’m seeking…

  Apollo, if I fully accept my role as Pythia, how will my life change?

  Unlike in the past when I tried to access anything to do with my future, the pressure gives way, allowing me to step outside the darkness. At first, the light is so bright, I have to shield my eyes. But as my vision adjusts, I drop my arm to my side.

  I’m no longer in my house, but instead, I’m in the garden behind Inner Sanctum. Blake sits in one of the patio chairs, his hand resting on a bottle of beer in front of him on the table. He smiles at me, then pats the open seat beside him.

  Walking over to him, I sit down, wondering what this has to do with my question.

  “It’s a beautiful afternoon, isn’t it?” Blake says, smiling. Not much in his features seem different, so I’m not entirely certain when in the future this is meant to be.

  I nod, inhaling deeply the combined aroma of all the flowers my landlord Sebastian has planted.

  There’s a light breeze and the sun is shining in thick bands through the branches of the neighbor’s large oak tree. If I had to guess, it’s mid-afternoon. Maybe 3 p.m.

  “What are we doing here?” I ask, turning to face him.

  While it might seem like I’m here with Blake, I’ve been at this a long time. I know all that I see in this place is really an extension of myself and this is about drawing out the information I’m seeking.

  “We’re enjoying the afternoon,” he says, clearly not ready to give any of his secrets up just yet.

  My forehead wrinkles as I contemplate the usefulness of this exercise.

  “Right,” I say, absently.

  “Don’t worry, so much. Demetri said he’ll be here soon. I know you want to get started. But for now, just relax,” he says, reaching a hand out and placing it on my forearm.

  My skin sparks at his touch and my ears perk up at the mention of Demetri.

  What does this have to do with him? And get started with what?

  I lean back in my chair, trying to play the part. “You know me. Relaxing isn’t usually part of my modus operandi.”

  Blake nods and takes a sip of his beer. “I’ll drink to that.”

  I glance around, realizing there’s a cooler a few feet back. Standing up, I walk over to it and pull out a hard seltzer. Flipping it over, I take a look at the sell-by date, trying to get a feel for how far in the future I am. The date is less than a year out.

  I crack the seal and take a sip as I walk back to my seat.

  “Did Demetri say anything else?” I ask, settling back into the patio chair.

  “Just that he wanted to stop by the Fletcher’s house to check in on Jonas.”

  “Is he okay?” I ask.

  Blake’s eyebrows tug in and he shoots me a confused look. “Well, he’s better now. But you know that already.”

  I nod, trying to play off nonchalantly. “Of course. I just meant did something new happen?”

  “Oh, no. Not as far as I’m aware.” Blake says, taking another swig of his beer.

  Despite being cryptic, I am happy to learn that in the future, Jonas is okay. Hopefully, it means we were able to overcome whatever is going on right now. Or stop whoever is after him.

  “Can you believe how long it’s been since I embraced being Apollo’s oracle?” I say, goading the conversation in the direction I want it to go.

  “Yeah, it’s gone fast, that’s for sure. I always knew I wanted to be a part of something big—helpful. But I had no idea what I was getting into when I met you.” He chuckles. “But at least things have finally evened out. Do you remember how crazy it was before you and Demetri started working together?�

  Nervous laughter erupts from my throat. “Oh, I remember like it was yesterday.” I take another sip of my seltzer, feeling the cool bubbles tickle the back of my throat on the way down.

  My stomach clenches. If I’m working with Demetri, I’m almost afraid to ask about Kyros and Ren. And does this mean Demetri got his powers back? If so, he must be incredibly thrilled.

  Excited agitation rolls through me. I wish I could get on with the understanding, so I know the how and the why. Ordinarily, a vision trip like this would divulge its insights more quickly. For whatever reason, each piece of the puzzle is unlocking itself slowly as I go along.

  Perhaps it’s in response to my internal compass?

  The scene shifts and no longer am I in the back garden, but instead on the side of Mt. Parnassus, sitting amongst the ruins of Apollo’s Temple.

  Beside me, Apollo himself sits, his hands resting between his knees. Dressed in modern-day clothing, his untucked button-down shirt and faded denim jeans make me double-take.

  A lopsided grin emerges on his boyish face. His green eyes sparkle mischievously as the wind tosses about his dark curls.

  “So, we’re back to this?” I say, sighing softly. “And here I thought you were allowing me to forge my own path.”

  Apollo watches me for a moment without saying a word. His discerning gaze assesses my every movement and it’s like being scanned by some sort of futuristic machine. After a brief moment, he turns and faces out toward the landscape.

  “I like it here. It’s peaceful,” he finally says.

  I look out over the mountainside, letting my gaze rest in the direction of the setting sun. “It’s pretty, yes.”

  “Diana, things have been strained between us and I want to rectify that. There’s much work that needs to be done, but I’m beginning to understand I cannot simply rely on your compliance. Regardless of how necessary it may be,” he says, continuing to gaze out over the landscape.

  I chuckle. “It only took you two millennia to realize this? Typical man.”

  For the first time, Apollo turns to face me, the lopsided grin still evident. “Fair enough.”

  “Look, you should know this by now, but since I’m not sure you do, let me make it clear. Whatever it is—ask me. Straight up, no holds barred. Let me choose, rather than trying to strong-arm me into doing your dirty work,” I say, staring him directly in his eyes.

  A full grin cracks his features. “See, that’s why I like you, Diana. That’s why I’ve always liked you. You have guts—and heart.”

  I raise my eyebrows, waiting.

  “All right, all right. Here’s the thing… Time has moved forward, but my ultimate plans remain the same. I foresee a world in balance. A world where the simple joys in life coincide with the ebbs and flows of nature. I want to build that future and I’m willing to do what it takes. But I need your help. While I have my role, I am not fully of this world. I cannot walk in it the way you and Kyros can,” he says, exhaling slowly.

  I think back to my life before—my life here in the temple. It’s not something I want to repeat.

  “I don’t want to sit atop a pedestal—to be only accessible by those with power and the ability to make change. I want to be able to pick and choose how I use my gifts,” I say, standing up and pacing in front of him. “But you and I have a similar goal. I’ve walked this world for a long while and I’ve seen its dysfunction first hand. I would love nothing more than to see it come back into some semblance of balance.”

  “What do you propose?” Apollo asks, shockingly humble as he tilts his head slightly to the side.

  “We work as a team,” I offer. “Give me the information and insights you think are important—but let me choose what to do with them. Don’t keep me in the dark and try to manipulate me because it won’t end well. In return, I promise I will do my best to help in any way I can.”

  Apollo considers for a moment, his eyes going distant.

  I raise an index finger. “Oh, and I get to choose where I live. I know you love this place, but like you said—you don’t walk in this world the way I do. You can come and go as you please. I can’t.”

  Again, Apollo tips his head. “Understood.”

  Walking over to him, I extend my hand. “Then we have an accord.”

  He stands up, brushing a dark curl from his eyes. Reaching out, he gives hand a good shake. “It is done.”

  Light consumes my awareness. Suddenly, my awareness cracks open, and I’m thrust from the vision and back into my body.

  I open my eyes to find Kyros, Ren, and Blake all staring at me with expressions flitting between horror and relief. But I don’t have time to worry about that now.

  The knowing of the future hits me full-force and I know exactly what I need to do to help Jonas and make amends with Demetri.


  An Agreement Has Been Reached

  “I will never get used to witnessing that,” Blake says, shaking his head. His eyes sparkle with wonder as he stands up, grinning so his dimple digs deep into his cheek.

  Butterflies knock against my ribcage and I smile at him. I swear I’ll never get used to seeing the admiration in his eyes. Every once in a while, the remnants of his soul shine bright in their depths, reminding me so much of Anastasios.

  Ren fans himself, leaning back into the couch cushions. “Well, I don’t know what in the hell all that was, but I was ready to call an exorcist. Did you know you glow? Like, full-on glow? What in the actual is that?”

  “Oh, Mr. Garcia, there’s no need to be so dramatic. How can you possibly call yourself her assistant and not know this is a part of who she is? That is simply Amara—Diana’s prophetic ability seeping through,” Kyros says, shaking his head. “It is a testament of her true powers.”

  “Yeah, well, she looked possessed. Her eyes were white and everything. I’ve seen horror movies that start with a character looking like that,” Ren mutters, shooting a glance over his shoulder at Kyros. “And what’s with the Amara—Diana stuff? Do you have a seizure every time you try to say her name? It’s not that hard. Say it with me… Die-ann-ah.”

  “The old man gets confused and keeps forgetting her name,” Blake mutters, smirking in my direction.

  I shake my head. So much for keeping the team on the same page.

  Kyros stares at Blake, scandalized. “I did not forget her name. Her true name is Amarantham and you should do well to remember that, Anastasios. While you might be reincarnated, she chooses to go by—”

  Ren holds up a hand, stopping him right there. “Nope. That’s enough crazy talk for one day. I’ve reached my max limit and can take no more.”

  “Yeah, well, you might want to hold that thought, Ren. I’ve reached an agreement with Apollo and we have work to do,” I say, untangling my legs and standing up. My muscles groan in the movement, but it feels good to be back in the here and now. Plus, it’s game time. There’s a lot to accomplish and not much time to do it, if what I saw is true.

  “What did you see?” Blake asks, suddenly by my side. His warm hand rests on my elbow, holding me steady.

  I take a moment, considering what I learned. Finally, I say, “Everything is tied together—I just didn’t realize it. I was too busy trying to juggle everything, so I couldn’t see the forest through the trees.”

  I’m still amazed that I didn’t see what was right in front of me. It was so close, the answers to our problems could have jumped out and bitten me on the ass.

  “Do you want to elaborate for those of us who aren’t in your head with you?” Ren asks, holding a hand in the air like he’s about to Thanos snap his way out of the room if he doesn’t like my answer.

  Kyros turns to Renaldo. “You don’t have a mental link with her, too?”

  Ren stares at Kyros, his eyebrows tugged in tightly. However, he opts to leave that question unanswered as he turns back to me. The connection the two of us have is vastly different from what Kyros and I share, but it’s still powerful nonetheless. Ren ge
ts me in a way Kyros wouldn’t even know how to start.

  Nodding to myself, I step away from Blake, so I can pace the room for a moment. They need to know the details, but it’s not easy trusting my team with everything—handing over vital information that has truly life or death consequences. But if there’s one thing these recent insights have taught me, it’s that if I can’t trust them to have my back, what good am I? I’m just a rogue vigilante who can occasionally see into the future. Big deal.

  “We have to help Jonas get rid of his powers,” I say, turning to face them. “If he keeps them, he’ll die. The group that’s after him—it goes by the code name Sentinel. Right now, it’s currently a small organization, but if the future holds its trajectory, it will become something far more terrible. They want to harness his abilities and Jonas is just the start of their plans. We have to head this one off or Jonas will be killed in the process.”

  Kyros gasps, covering his mouth with his fingertips.

  “And how exactly do we do that? It’s not like we have some sort of power-removing machine or something,” Ren says, eyeing the vodka like he might have to take another swig. “Do we?”

  I grin. “Actually, we do.”

  Kyros quirks a bushy white eyebrow and Ren eyes me skeptically. Blake’s expression, on the other hand, looks like he caught exactly what I was putting down.

  Maybe he’s been around me long enough now to put the pieces together when I’m being cryptic. Or maybe his lifetime as Anastasios and his connection with me guides his train of thought. Either way, it’s nice to feel understood without needing to explain myself to him.

  In fact, it’s kinda sexy.

  I puff up my chest, inhaling a deep breath. “We have a god on our side, remember?”

  Kyros tips his head back, staring at my ceiling. “Oh, right.”

  “I hate to bring you all back to the land of sanity… Okay, no I don’t—but this is news to me,” Ren says, jostling his head from side to side.

  “Did you not take on board the information about Amarantham being Apollo’s Oracle?” Kyros says.


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