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Syd's Wolf Den

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by K Harris

  Syd’s Wolf Den


  K. K. Harris

  Copyright © 2019 K. K. Harris

  This is a work of fiction. Any references or similarities to actual events, real people, living or dead, or real locales are intended to give the novel a sense of reality. Any similarity in other names, characters, places, and incidents is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the Publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.

  Book cover design by KH Designz.

  To my inspiration, with all my love.


  Certified tomboy Sydni spoke how she felt at all times and proclaimed war against anyone who attempted to check her. Many accused her of being callous but those that she considered as family loved her and her mouth. Past hurt of being neglected by her father and let down by men in general, she was a free spirit who dodged long term commitments like flying bullets. Sydni’s sharp tongue and crass vocabulary led people to believe that she was loose, free-loving. The truth was, Syd had yet to find a man worthy of her attention for longer than a hot minute. That is until the Knight’s prospect, Wolf walked into the bar she managed.

  Whereas Syd really had no preference when it came to flirt with men, the ones who were gifted with a dip in her whirlpool did not resemble him. Tall, light-bright, and quiet was the exact opposite of what she was. Either way, Wolf was the epitome of indifferent and would appear to care less whether she was throwing the panties at him seriously or for play. A dumb ass attempt to make him jealous during Blacktober fest was foiled when too many drinks were consumed, and Syd wound up overplaying her hand. Conceding that she just may not be his type, she is given a heated dose of the energy that she constantly pumped in his direction. Immediately afterwards, Wolf retreats back to his normal stance of blasé.

  Left confused and conflicted, Syd vows to get some answers by any means necessary. Truth be damned, she had a craving to tie the young Knight up in her Wolf’s Den until he submits to the sexy seductress that she aims to be.


  Imagine being a little girl waiting for a man to come to pick you up for a visit that he himself begged for. Now mind you, that conversation was supposed to be between grown folks. Keeping it real, how many children actually abide by those rules every single time. Ear hustling is what they do best. How else will they overhear things that do not pertain to them directly?

  Better yet, how else will they make life awkward for their parents when they least expect it? Bringing up discussions that were not meant for their little ears or the person that it was repeated to. When parents are in mixed company with their friends and other family members, don’t let them say or see something that sounds familiar to that nosey child.

  “Mama is that the woman you don’t like,” or “remember you said blasé blah.”

  While it is funny to some, that parent is borderline livid that they have been exposed and their “private” conversation is revealed for the world to hear. All because little ears listening has led to big mouths blabbering. “Kids say the darnedest things,” my ass. Those little innocent ears that love to snoop and stay when they should flee during serious talks have been privy to far too much. Those conversations that were meant to stay private often led to hurt feelings because it was taken as a promise.

  That little girl was me. From the moment I heard my daddy say that he was coming to pick me up, I was jumping for joy thinking “finally.” He was finally coming to pick me up for some daddy daughter time. My innocent mind figured it would be just like Uncle KC with my cousins Mark and Jeff, we were going to go out for some fun.

  The silly but brief conversations that we had over the phone were finally about to come true. He told my mother that he was going to take me to Liberty Land. Though at the time, I had no clue what that was, it sounded like fun. “If I knew then what I know now,” it certainly could have saved me some heartache.

  That visit never came, I was never picked up to go down the street let alone all the way to Memphis. To say my heart was crushed was an understatement, surely it had to be my moms’ fault. After all, she really didn’t want to tell him yes from the beginning. What did she say to my daddy to make him break his promise to come for me? Feeling awfully brave, I allowed my hurt feelings to write a check that she cashed on my ass for speaking out of turn. After the tears subsided and her anger simmered to a soft boil, she sat me down and explained her reasoning for tagging my ass.

  “First off little girl, you need to stay in a child’s place. Never cross that bridge without an invitation, do you understand?”

  “Yes ma’am.”

  “Second, the only reason why I give him a hard time is that he lies like a rug. I suspected that he wouldn’t come through and I didn’t want to get your hopes up.” She stated and took a deep breath. “Baby girl, you are too young to understand the complications of being an adult. Just know that everything that I do is for you not to hurt you.”

  “Is it safe to come back in now?” Ma-2 poked her head in the front door.

  “Yes, it’s safe to come back with your soft ass.”

  “Hey, don’t come for me cause I didn’t send for you.” Ma-2 shooed and smirked in my mama’s direction. “Now that you are done being the mean mama, I want to take my baby for some ice cream.” I tried to hide my glee. Hearing my favorite past time, eating ice cream just lifted my sullen mood. My mom cut her eyes at me and I was smart enough to look away in an innocent manner.

  “You keep talking shit and you will be the one getting beat next.”

  “I’ve survived worse,” she shrugged coming to my side. “A little hot sauce to our room couldn’t hurt.” Ma-2 laughed at the face that my mama made.

  Chapter One


  It took years of maturity and experiences for me to realize the small innuendos that were passed between those two were very inappropriate. There was no wonder where I got my candid speech from for sure. All three of us had a way with words but Ma-2 and I were the worst. We both had a knack for making people blush or feel downright embarrassed with our speech. There was no telling what was going to come out of either one of our mouths at any given moment.

  After that bullshit failed attempt at visiting, my father was never awarded a moment more of my joy. There was bound to be some underlying resentment towards him, but it was suppressed. That is until I have to deal with the shiftless negros that were available. As soon as anyone I chose to deal with in the past became just a little flaky, I chunked the deuces. Truth be told, they didn’t even have to show any signs, I was dipping out regardless.

  Something about long term commitment gave me hives. “All women dream of being in love or loved by a man,” is what the books and so-called specialists say. “Fuck that shit,” is what I say. That shit is for the birds and I much prefer to be a predator. If I had to be lumped into the bird species, label me a vulture. It wasn’t like I hadn’t heard the reference before when dealing with these bitch-made men created now. They damn sure didn’t make them like my Uncle KC, and some of the other men of the Knights MC. They were the shoot it from the hip type of brothers.

  Don’t get it twisted, I think love is a beautiful thing for the ones fortunate enough to experience it, but my mind was too fucked up to imagine anyone wanted me past a nut. Possibly it was the other way around but who was taking tally. Certainly not me because I didn’t want to even fathom being stuck with one person for the rest of my life. Actually, that was a small lie, but no one had to know that part. Truth be told, my real issue runs far deeper than not wanting to commit. That was only a small p
art of my issues.

  When Dez fled the entire state to alleviate any further hurt from my cousin Cage, that sealed the deal for me – this shit wasn’t for me. As sure as shit stinks, I felt horrible for not warning Dez that she should probably shield her heart from the big bad brute Cage. Who knew it would get that far? Normally Cage is a fuck and duck, even with his germophobic ass, Cage never stuck around chicks he screwed. He enjoyed getting his rocks off but never risking the chance of interrupting his peace.

  A fucked-up lapse in judgement and my need to fulfill a fantasy took me to places that I should have never gone the night some prospects received their colors. Turning up at the live ass party made me act out in ways that I typically didn’t dream of doing around familiar territory. The saying “don’t shit where you eat” was what I lived by to the fullest. None of the Knights had ever stuck their hand in my candy jar no matter how hard they tried. However, that never stopped me from harmlessly flirting.

  That is until the mysteriously silent prospect Wolf was presented to me when he was Dez’s protection. Though I was only kidding with the words that I threw in his direction, when he never batted an eyelash as if he were tempted – it became an obsession in a way. Whenever he was around, I felt it was my duty to make him feel uncomfortable and show me some interest. Hell, I knew I was sexy on the outside. Wanting him to taste the freak on the inside became my ultimate mission. For some reason, he was playing hard to get but I knew he wanted me. The night he got his colors was the night I threw caution to the wind and saddled up to prove my point. Only I was the one left stumped when the deed was done.

  “Syd, what are you doing here?” Wolf stumbled into the room that I knew was his. Thanks to my homeboy AC, I was hooked up on the sly. Plus, it didn’t hurt that he owed me a favor from a bet that he lost a while back.

  “Waiting for you, what does it look like?” I cheekily replied. Before he could attempt to retreat, I nudged him out of the way and locked the door. No one knew I was back here but my ace, and by now he was probably knee deep in some pussy not thinking about me. Just the way I like it.

  “What are you doing?” He put some space between us, but I had him right where I wanted him.

  “What does it look like?” I seductively asked and pushed him down onto the bed. “Congratulating you on getting your colors.” Straddling his brawny build, I caressed his bare upper body under his vest. Biting down on my lip, my eyes followed the path from his muscular chest until the happy trail disappeared behind his dark denim jeans.

  “Are you trying to kill me?” He forced out, clearly losing control. From his neck to his pecks, I licked, sucked, and teased him while he withered below me. That was all that I needed to hear to know that he was just as attracted to me as I was him.

  “Oh, don’t you worry – I guarantee that you will enjoy this near-death experience.” I teased nearing the dark hint of curls that traveled to the land below. With the quickness, I had his belt unbuckled, the jeans opened inserting my hand into his boxer briefs. The hiss that he released when I gripped the strong veiny muscle caused me to grin devilishly. If he wanted to ignore my previous invitation through words, let’s see how well he ignores my actions through demonstration.

  Wolf lifted slightly to assist in pulling his jeans and briefs down to his ankles. Hesitation be damned, I tasted all that was him and allowed his natural musk to fill all of my senses. Recalling all of my neglected oral skills, I tried to suck the life from his body. Apparently, my skills were not in vain from the slew of curses that flew from his plump pink lips. The strong hold he had on the sheets gave me added motivation to get downright nasty with my technique with no hands. Placing my hands over his to emphasize my point, I bobbed up and down at a quickened pace while alternating my weaving with each dip down. Feeling the veins strain in his hands and feeling the swell of his tight mushroomed head, I timed my departure perfectly as he erupted like a volcano.

  Wolf scrambled to either cover himself or catch the creamy broken spout as I watched my hard work with pride. Having already set up my workstation, I had a towel specifically ready for this occasion. Removing the short leather skirt that I wore, my audience forgot all about the mess he made and enjoyed the mini strip tease that I presented. My shirt was next, leaving me in nothing but my red thong and bra. Using the towel to clean up the forgotten nut, I massaged his hardened member and applied the condom. Praying the entire time that the magnum that I purchased earlier would actually fit him. Whereas I was praying he didn’t have a small dick, I should have been wondering was he abnormally large.

  If I thought my saliva glands were anticipating the taste of Wolf, my candy factory’s pot was boiling over. No priming was needed as I slid my thong down my legs. The awestruck look on his face didn’t hurt either in pumping my head up. Reclaiming my seat at the throne, I lifted high on my knees to allow room to tease him by sliding his tip from my pearl to my slit a few times. Though I wasn’t certain I could fit the entire length of him inside, I was damn sure gonna try my best. It may not be a smooth insertion, but I was damn sure prepared to enjoy every excruciating minute adjusting. The incredibly full feeling alone made me shiver when he was embedded to the base of me.

  “Fuck,” he groaned and swallowed hard. Exhaling to regain my resolve, I thought to myself, ‘my sentiments exactly.’ Wolf felt so damn good, that I almost forgot what my mission was. Swallowing the thickness that built in my throat, I commenced to riding him as hard as I could without causing myself any pain.

  Leaning forward, I teased his tip. In and out smoothly while I kissed those tempting lips. Shit, if there was ever another moment like this, I wouldn’t mind sitting my happy ass right on his face. That was not possible though unless I could guarantee there would be no complications. Being in such close quarters, there was no way of guaranteeing that from either of us. As good as he felt, I could certainly see myself getting hooked. Feeling the need to detach from the moment, I assumed my original position.

  Shit talking Syd had flown the coop. This bitch I didn’t recognize as I was reaching my peek entirely too fast. If I came, there was nothing that I could do to regain control. As if he felt my dilemma, Wolf started to aggressively bounce me on his lap cracking the already shaky foundation right down the middle. He pounded into me with a vengeance and I took it, determined that he wouldn’t see the glorious tears of completion that I felt deep in my soul. This was too dangerous for me; I don’t give up control to anyone. Wolf would be no different, he caught me at a weak moment but best believe that is and will be the last time.

  After climbing off that stallion, I redressed with the quickness and hightailed it out of the back door. No one was the wiser and I preferred it that way. The next few days went by like a blur not even catching a small glimpse of him. Dez was so consumed with the woes that involved Cage that she didn’t easily pick up on the changes that occurred. When she did, I had perfected my lying face and had all but convinced myself that it was a fluke. Too bad my heart and head didn’t agree. Being with a Knight meant submitting and becoming property, the fuck I look like.

  The one time I shoot for the stars and act out on an attraction, he ghosts me. Maybe I was too forward for him. If that was the case, fuck him. He isn’t worth my lack of sleep and he damn sure wasn’t worth the berating that I currently gave myself. When he showed no interest in me, I should have kept it moving. But no, I had to show him that he couldn’t resist these goods and look where that got me. In essence, what man could resist free noncommunal pussy. Then again maybe communal twat is more his speed.

  Nothing against any of the Knights or any other MC that I socialized with, but I don’t think being an old lady is in the cards for me. Given up my identity doesn’t sit well with me, especially if it leaves me feeling unsure. As for Cage and Dez, I cheered them on and really wanted to see them become a power couple. They were good for each other. Me, on the other hand, had some serious control issues and submitting to an alpha male was out of the question. Becoming weak
for another human being would be a serious long shot.

  Chapter Two


  Four months ago,… (Blacktober Fest Inkwell)

  Guiltily I think I have an infatuation for unavailable men. All except married men, they were completely off-limits. Though I’m sure there have been one or two that have slipped passed my radar, I do my best to refrain from adding to anyone’s marital issues. That kind of karma, I wanted no parts of, shit I had enough going on without that added stress. Unavailable men were so easy to deal with because they hated complicated situations as much as I did.

  Unavailable men as in, men who were adamantly against settling down. Men who often thought of themselves and were fine with being selfish. The ones who worked long hours and traveled often were the best. The only thing they look forward to is a nice hot shower, a warm meal, and some wet-wet to slide into. Many would consider my activities as reckless or call me a hoe, my answer would be “never that.” Adventurous is how I describe my actions. Detached would be how my suitors would describe me.

  A release is the only reason why I sought out my fuck buddies. Nothing more, nothing less. Would my mother prefer that I was in a relationship? Probably, but I haven’t reached that level in my life. That is a lie, I have reached it, but my negative view of men makes me act inappropriately. Whereas I could definitely see me settling down but with who is the mystery. The way my brain was setup I have to be in control. Relinquishing my hold on that would mean giving myself away and leaving me too vulnerable.

  Then along comes the mystery man Wolf. Since he has been prospecting at the club, guiltily I didn’t notice him. The prospecting process can last anywhere from six months to a year. In all that time, I never knew he even existed. It didn’t help that I never hardly came to the compound, that pretty much explains it. When I did, it was for brief meetings with Cage and Wood until Maze died. Just as I told Dez, I knew of her because of the diner but we never spoke.


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