Syd's Wolf Den

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Syd's Wolf Den Page 3

by K Harris

  “You aren’t hard of hearing Syd.” My breath came to a screeching halt feeling him advance impossibly low. Though I certainly enjoyed being in control, being dominated like this had an alluring feel to it. The nervousness I felt was addicting. ‘This was not how I rolled.’ I thought to myself.

  “And you ain’t running shit tonight.”

  “The fuuuuck…” I moaned trying to keep up my hard front. My eyes instantly rolled to the back of my head at first contact with his hot mouth to my sensitive jewel. No matter how many times I have perched my hot ass onto someone’s face, it never felt like this. The slow wine from down below had me opening wider for easier access. Offering my pussy up on a platter as to say, ‘eat that shit.’

  “Keep offering me this pussy and I’m gonna own it before long.” The deep rumble from within him vibrated against my sex in the most delicious way.

  “Gotdamnit all to hell,” I shouted in earnest. Instinctively, my thighs clamped down on his ears, but his response was to motorboat my sensitive nether lips. The shout of appreciation sounded throughout the room as I hurriedly gapped my legs open again.

  “Let’s ruin these muthafuckin’ sheets, shall we.” Hearing a distinctive buzz, my eyes popped open in search of the source of the sound. I didn’t have to wait long as the sleek object was inserted inside of me. “From now on every muthafuckin time you play with this bitch, you will think of me and only me.” The shock of having my bullet elevate me to the clouds while being gobbled into submission was too much for me to take.

  Withering around on the bed, I could do nothing but succumb to the endless bouts of pleasure. Every nerve ending in my body was primed to make me cum on the spot and he didn’t waste a moment in testing the theory. Squeezing my eyes tight, my back arched high off the bed and I came one after the other until everything faded away.


  All my senses ceased to exist, time stood still as my body inside and out shattered into a million pieces. Like a kitten lapping up some milk, the big bad Wolf ravished me until I blacked out. Only reading about shit like this, I knew for sure these bitches had to be embellishing. Who the hell passes out from an extreme orgasm?

  As my eyes rolled around inside of my head, I can still feel tingles zipping through my body. This shit isn’t natural. An orgasm from his expert tongue, lips, and skill – I passed the fuck out? What kind of tongue lashing did he put on me?

  “Wolf?” I hoarsely questioned trying to pry my eyes open. The sunlight from the window let me know just how much time had passed by. There was zero sound coming from the room or the connecting bathroom. No one was here and I didn’t know how to feel about that.

  Sitting up in the bed was a struggle but I managed after several failed attempts. Looking around, the only thing that I saw was my clothes thrown across the chair in the corner. If it weren’t for the incredible feeling and vivid images that rapidly passed through my mind, I would swear that I dreamt of this encounter. Then a foolish feeling slammed into the forefront of my brain. Wolf made me relinquish my control over to him and completely threw me off my game. If that didn’t make me feel out of sorts, him leaving before I opened my eyes certainly messed my head up.

  Chapter Three


  After a stent in the military, I really had nothing to return to Little Rock Arkansas for. No family was there to welcome me because my grandmother that raised me alongside my no-good ass cousins had long ago passed away. She was the only person that I cared about and her passing really hurt me deeply. Joining the military was my way of getting off the streets and honoring her deceased husband’s memory. Granddaddy died before I was even a stray sperm cell from my deadbeat daddy’s sack.

  My granny wanted more for me than the losers that I was raised around, she didn’t want me to end up in the streets doing dirt. Most of the people from around the way either went to jail, the cemetery, or they were strung out living from pillar to post. When I was approached by a recruiter, they told me that I could make an easy $25,000 sign on bonus. All I had to do was complete three months of basic training, I signed without a doubt. That was my chance to help my granny, but she would never see those coins.

  While away in Texas fulfilling my end of the deal, she was murdered in a botched home invasion. Granny was known as the pistol and bible toting woman on the block. She could quickly bless you out in a way that either you respected it or allowed your ego to be disrespected. Most people didn’t cross her more than once because that was all that she allowed you to have. Still to this day, I believe that one of her sons, my uncle had something to do with that. Being a clucker on the block, desperate times calls for desperate measures is their mindset.

  The way he threw himself upon her casket and wept like a wounded animal gave me cause to be guarded and a bit suspicious. When he thought no one was looking, the look on his face spoke of extreme guilt for whatever reason. It could have been all in my mind, but I highly doubted it. Either way, once the funeral service was completed and her body was lowered into the ground, anything that hadn’t been rummaged through, I packed up. By the time, they returned from the repass anything left of importance, photo albums, and other memorabilia, was extracted by me.

  When that check posted to my account it was bittersweet. Whereas I had some break time to go home and celebrate with loved ones, I chose to briefly stop through just to visit her gravesite and kept it moving. Personally, I didn’t even have use for a vehicle because I knew that I didn’t plan on living anywhere permanently or have a need to go out wherever I was stationed. So, I bought a motorcycle, that way if I were deployed, I could place all of my belongings into a storage unit. That bonus along with each check earned collected interest in my bank account until my six-year sentence was fulfilled.

  On my last visit to see Granny, it was important for me to tell her that I made it through safely just as she prayed I would. She made me promise to leave Little Rock in my rearview mirror as fast as I could. Even in death, I didn’t want to disappoint her. Giving her one final goodbye, I set out on my journey to find myself. With the funds that I stacked over the years, I bought a nice used truck, unpacked my storage unit, and rented a trailer for my bike. Lincoln came up on my radar as I was passing through Tennessee.

  Originally, I stopped in Lincoln to grab something to eat and get a little sleep before I continued on my way. One day turned into two, and the rest is history. The atmosphere and quaintness of the area were addictive. No one knew me or were they overly pushy about prying into my life. Applying for a job at a construction company, I met Black and the first thing he noticed about me was my dog tags. That sparked a conversation gaining me much respect for not only enlisting but making it out in one piece.

  Though I knew he was a part of the town's MC, I knew nothing about them aside from passing them on the street. Not to mention, a few of them worked for the company as well. Cage was the first to approach me with an opportunity to prospect because he admired my ability to keep my head down and move about in silence.

  Instantly liking the way that he handled himself, it only took me a day or two to decide. The way they operated as a unit and respected one another as family, I needed that. Minus the few bad screws in the pack but that was just like real life family, there will always be fuck ups.

  “What’s up Wolf, you good?” Black approached me as I worked through the thoughts that flowed through my mind. One person always seemed to take up more space than anything. That gotdamn Sydni hogged all of my common sense and tested my resolve more than any woman I have ever met before. Her slick ass tongue both pisses me off and turns me on at times.

  “Yeah man, I’m good.” I sighed.

  “You sure about that,” he pushed. “You seem like you have a lot on your mind.”

  “Is it that obvious?”

  “Maybe it’s just me, you have always been a little quiet but there is something a little deeper going on now.” He silently regarded me for a few with a smirk. “Has our little Syddie burrowed und
er your skin young buck?”

  “How do you figure that?” I chuckled.

  “Cause obviously you have served her feisty ass a cold dose of ‘put up or shut up,’ she has been unusually quiet lately.”

  “I’m quickly learning that you are the all-seeing eye.”

  “And you are just as evasive as Cage, what is the matter with you youngsters. Y’all better jump on these women before you sleep on your shot.”

  “Nah, if she goes anywhere it’s because she chose to and nothing more. That only means that she wasn’t meant for me. Cage and Dez are on another stratosphere with difficulty.”

  “That you may be right about, they will get it together soon – I feel it.”

  “I know they will, but Syd just isn’t ready to compromise. And I’m not yielding for the fuck of it.”

  Syd needed a huge fucking wakeup call when it comes to dealing with a real man. When she first started to flirt with me while throwing out what some would view as inappropriate suggestions, I found them quite tempting. Unlike many, I chose to shelf my growing desire for her fine ass, especially while I was nothing more than a prospect. Little did Syd know; I had my eye on her feisty shit talking ass ever since I appeared in Lincoln over two years ago.

  She never bit her tongue and I admired that shit but her need to run every damn thing wasn’t going to work for me. The first time she snuck into my room at the compound for some top shelf seduction spy shit, I wanted to see how far she was willing to go. As soon as my dick passed her tonsils, I was a goner. No matter how phenomenal that night was, I wasn’t so gone that I completely negated the truly emasculating way she operated.

  Syd is used to fuckboys like the punk ass delivery driver for the bars in town. That muthafucka had the audacity to flex his little baby nuts in claiming that he had Syd in the bag. Though he wasn’t talking directly to me, him saying it at all bothered me. If she knew that shit, she would surely have checked his ass with the quickness. But the fact that she continued to fuck with him period pissed me off a little bit. For sure, I had no right to be perturbed but shit happens, and it always floats when we least expect it.

  “Aren’t relationships all about compromise?” Black cryptically asked. The messed-up part, it was full of compromises, but my belief is only on certain things. Maybe I’m the one who is fucked up and needed to get my mind right, who knows.

  The Inkwell Flashback…

  “What is this fuck boy doing down here?” I asked no one in particular.

  “Who?” Wood asked. I pointed in the direction where Syd stood speaking with the current thorn in my side. “Good question.” He said and leaned back in his chair to watch the show before us.

  “Ain’t that bout some shit, where the hell he come from?” AC suddenly questioned.

  “I just asked the same thing.” I commented and felt that all eyes zeroed in on me but I didn’t give a damn. AC and Reno ended up in the midst of the group of women chatting it up. Seeking his ass out was my solitary focus as I followed him back to the opposite side of the fence. How did he even know that Syd was at this hotel let alone in the Inkwell period?

  When I returned to the party to scope Syd out, I realized that she had snuck off to parts unknown. Then and there I knew exactly where she went. To say that I was livid would be right on point but the fact that I had no right bothered me. True enough, I never actually planned on camping out on her hall to wait for her return but that is exactly what I did. When she walked off that elevator, I was both ecstatic and peeved. How dare she let that shit for brains see, touch, taste, or smell any parts of her anatomy?

  To make her put up or shut up was the direction that I originally planned on going but it quickly morphed into something entirely different. When she passed out, I laid awake and watched her sleep until I could take it no more. Before the sun fully hit the horizon, I was off to handle some business of my own. Running full steam into my road dog, it seemed that Santana was waiting for this moment and I welcomed the silent company.

  “Who the fuck is it?” We heard grumbling from the inside of the roach motels rickety door. “What…” was all that he got out before I drug his ass from the room.

  “This is the one and only warning you will get muthafucka, Syd is off-limits,” I growled in his face as I slammed him against the textured wall.


  “No matter who I am bitch, you’ve been warned.”

  “Back!” Santana growled at the flunkies that tried to exit the room.

  “You’d better listen to the man,” I heard over my shoulder. AC and Reno posted up behind Santana. Though they wore smiles, obviously the hidden meaning behind them was heard.

  “Syd sought me out!” He attempted to further push his point.

  “I doubt that shit but so that you don’t get it twisted. Hear me and hear me good,” I leaned into him so that he would probably hear me in his sleep state. “Sydni of Lincoln, the pretty thick thing you missed your chance in bagging last night is OFF-MUTHA-FUCKIN-LIMITS! If you so much as sniff in her direction, I will hunt you down and gut you like the spineless little shit that you are.”

  “Figga-dig-that shit!” Reno clowned.

  “He understands. Tell him, man,” his homeboy tried to speak for him. I wasn’t moving an inch until I heard it from him. Though he was shaking like a leaf in my grasp, I wanted to hear the affirmative straight from his mouth.

  “I got it!” He tried to hold on to a small ounce of bravado, but I had his card. He would see me again, this much I was certain of. With one last sinister smile, I tossed him to his crew that still stood in the doorway. “Have a good morning, gentlemen.” I tipped my imaginary hat to their stunned asses.

  “You know we haven’t seen the last of him, right?” Santana commented.

  “I’m counting on it.”

  Though I truly had no right to check another man over a woman I had yet to claim, he was up to something. Dude creeping around both Lincoln and the Inkwell didn’t sit well with me. Bringing that tidbit of information to Cage and Wood’s attention, there were now enough things in place to make sure Syd was being watched at all times. Until his motives were made clear, he would be monitored when he touched any parts of Lincoln.

  As for me claiming Syd, she wasn’t ready. Whether she ever would be ready was the true mystery. The way she views claiming and settling down is disturbing. She didn’t think I was in tune with how uneasy she gets when those topics arise. Even though she wants to see Dez and Cage together just as the rest of us, I’m not sure she saw that same fate for herself. Plus, in my mind, I still had things I needed to accomplish first as well. When our time comes, we will both be ready. Until then, I fully plan to enjoy the spur of the moment maintenance man visits with her.

  Chapter Four


  “You good Syd?”

  “Yeah of course, why?”

  “Something on your mind?”

  “Nope,” I mentally slapped myself for over sharing my hand. The extra emphasis on nope was a dead ass give away.

  “Liar, what’s up?”

  “Nothing, I just…I don’t want to talk about it.”

  “What did Wolf do?”

  “How do you figure this has anything to do with Wolf?”

  “Your stubborn ass,” he chuckled.

  “I’m not stubborn. I just like things a certain way. That is not a bad thing, and if anyone wants to deal with me should respect that.”

  “A fucking control freak.”

  “Damn Wood, taking it easy on me, huh. Give it to me straight.”

  “Not my style,” he smirked at my sarcasm. “Planned on it.”

  “You know I have daddy issues.”


  “I don’t trust anyone to not hurt me in the long run. Men can’t be trusted. Flaky fuckers,” I mumbled.

  “You trust us.”

  “You and Cage don’t count.”

  You trust Wolf.”

  At that statement, I did consider th
at before because I did trust Wolf with my life. Just not with my heart. “And he still left before I woke up,” the remark was meant to be more on the inside, but his chuckle let me know he heard it loud and clear.

  “Sounds familiar,” he remarked with his infamous smirk.

  “Whoa, below the belt sir.”

  “Nah, that’s his job.”

  “I hate you.”

  “Love you too sis,” he kissed me on the cheek. “Lighten up, let go.”

  “I don’t know how.”

  “Never too late to learn.”

  “But I don’t wanna be the big girl,” I whined.

  “Two big ass babies,” he commented as he watched Cage sulk to the conference room that we not too long ago vacated. We’d just been given permission to start a spinoff of the Knights MC. When he and Dez first hugged, it was apparent that they should be given some privacy. There were some unresolved issues where they were concerned, and it was about time that they hashed it out. Where Dez practically sped walked from the direction of his office, he made his way around with the weight of the world on his shoulders. Deep in thought, he didn’t even acknowledge any of us that stood around the room chatting. No doubt harboring over an almost lost opportunity where Dez is concerned. From what I know to be true about them and their attraction to one another, they would be alright over time.

  Cage was indeed guilty in not recognizing what he wanted until it was damn near too late, me, on the other hand, was nothing like that. There was no doubt that I wanted Wolf I just wanted him on my terms. Selfish probably, but those were my issues. Most would say that was the reason why I didn’t have a man and that is absolutely false. The reason I don’t have a man was that I had no other use for one besides to get my rocks off. Once the deed was done, the chosen was free to move about.

  Truth be told, ever since Wolf was brought to my attention no other man can hold the little energy that I have to entertain. When he kept denying or ignoring my advances my ego was a bit bruised. Hence the reason for ambushing him and calling myself fucking and leaving him. Instead, I ended up being the one in my feelings, anticipating seeing his face. When he began to ignore me once again and not pine over me, that had hurt. It was a huge slap in the face that said that I wasn’t as unforgettable as I once thought. He was different.


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