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Foolish Hearts

Page 13

by Synithia Williams

  Her Aunt Gertrude had rented the local country club, and the clubhouse was transformed into a black-and-gold wonderland fit for a king. Round tables were covered with black tablecloths. Gold, LED-light-filled balloons everywhere from the tall centerpieces to the various backdrops gave the place a warm, cheerful glow. People mingled around the space, laughing, sipping champagne, and a few were already on the dance floor, dancing to soulful music.

  Ashiya glanced around the room before looking at Russell at her side. “Looks like one of my family’s parties.”

  “I was just thinking the same thing.”

  They’d followed Brianna’s instructions and dressed in black or gold to fit the theme. Russell’s dark gold button-up shirt stretched across his broad shoulders. Black tailored pants accented his perfect ass and long legs. His gold chain peeked out occasionally, when he turned just the right way and stretched the edges of his collar. The man was too fine for his own good. Ashiya longed to rip open his shirt, expose the chain, and run her hands over his chest.

  Not to mention he smelled divine. His spicy, clove-inspired cologne mingled with his natural scent for a direct attack on her libido. Not salivating over him as they’d ridden together in the car had taken a massive amount of willpower on her part. That and his ability to not bring up the almost-kiss in the kitchen had her rethinking her strategy. If she didn’t do something soon, he would continue to pretend as if it never happened.

  “Are you ready?” he asked.

  To pull him into a dark corner and have her way with him? Yes. But since that wasn’t what he meant, she focused on the reason for coming. Getting to know her family while subtly interrogating Levi about the suspected embezzled funds.

  “I am. If I’m going to build a relationship with my family better, this is the best place to start.” She spotted The Dragons sitting at a head table across the room. The three women observed the crowd and leaned in often to whisper to each other.

  Ashiya straightened her shoulders. Her stomach churned just enough to remind her that she might not have as much fun as she hoped tonight, but she wouldn’t make any headway if she didn’t try. “I’ll start by saying hello to my great-aunts.”

  Russell’s gaze followed hers. “I’ll go with you.”

  She gave him a bright smile, hoped he didn’t see the nervousness in her heart reflected in her eyes, and headed that way. He followed behind her. She couldn’t prove that he watched her as they crossed the room, but a part of her could always tell when Russell’s eyes were on her. She added an extra swish to her hips so the short hemline of her vintage gold cocktail dress brushed across the backs of her thighs. Russell let out a soft cough and moved to walk beside her. Ashiya’s smile broadened. He’d been watching.

  “Hello, Aunties,” Ashiya said cheerfully. “You ladies look beautiful.”

  Her Aunt Helena’s starch-white hair looked freshly cut and tapered. She wore a black twenties-style flapper dress with a black shawl draped over her shoulders, an electronic cigarette perched in one hand. Aunt Maggie’s gold suit dress sported a huge crocheted flower on one shoulder, and a wide gold hat covered her dark hair. Aunt Gertrude had also gone for a black dress, sequined and with a deep V that complemented her pushed-up cleavage. A black feather fascinator adorned her honey-gold hair.

  Maggie held out a peppermint toward Ashiya. “I’m glad you came.”

  Ashiya took the candy. “Of course I would come. It’s a great way for me to get to know my family.”

  Helena lifted her electric cigarette and eyed Ashiya. “Seeing as how you’ve been in town for days and haven’t come by, I didn’t expect you tonight.”

  Ashiya blushed under the reprimand. Yes, she’d been busy, but she also hadn’t expected her aunts to want to see her often since she was the stray child who’d swooped in to snatch the family fortune. She’d remember to take the time to visit them in the future.

  “I’ve been busy going over the company information. But I do plan to visit more often.” In the face of their dubious looks, she turned to Russell at her side. “This is Russell Gilchrist. He’s working as a consultant to assist me as I step into the lead as chairwoman at the Legacy Group.”

  The ladies’ gazes swung to Russell and sized him up. “This the one who told you to fire my Levi?” Gertrude asked.

  Russell coughed and pressed a hand to his chest. Ashiya let out a tight laugh and patted his shoulder. “That was just one of many suggestions.”

  “Mmm-hmm,” Gertrude said. Though she kept the sweet smile on her face, her eyes were like razorblades. “He looks more like a boyfriend than a consultant.”

  Ashiya dropped her hand from his arm. “Russell has worked with my family for years and has experience with large corporations. This is strictly a business partnership.”

  “That doesn’t mean he’s not your boyfriend,” Maggie said, slipping a mint into her mouth with a knowing smile.

  “I’m not,” Russell said firmly.

  Helena’s white brows rose. “I’ve heard that tone before. There’s something going on between you two. Don’t let that be the reason you’re trying to fire Levi.”

  “No one is firing Levi,” Ashiya said. “In fact, where is the birthday boy? I’d like to congratulate him myself.”

  Helena’s eyes narrowed, but she pointed. “He took a call and stepped out. Go get him and tell him to get back in here.”

  Ashiya nodded. “I’m on it.”

  She turned to leave, and Russell turned with her.

  “Not you, young man,” Helena said, pointing her electric cigarette at him.

  Russell pointed to his chest. “Pardon?”

  Maggie tapped the table. “You stay. We’d like to get to know the consultant helping our new chairwoman.”

  Russell threw her a save-me look. Ashiya smiled sweetly and nodded. “I’ll be right back.”

  She hurried away before he could say more. He might as well get used to The Dragons’ fire if he was going to help her. Working with her at Legacy meant dealing with them since they were also shareholders and regularly attended board meetings.

  Ashiya wound her way through the crowd, looking for Levi. She saw Brianna and made a beeline to her side.

  “Have you seen Levi? You look great, by the way!”

  Ashiya was used to seeing Brianna in her button-up shirts and slacks every day. She hadn’t expected her to go all glamorous on everyone. Brianna’s gold chiffon, one-shoulder dress clung to her breasts and revealed a sliver of midsection before stopping just above the knee.

  Brianna smiled sheepishly and slid her hand over her short corkscrew curls. “Thanks. I’m just glad I finally got a chance to wear this dress. It’s been in my closet for years.” She pointed over her shoulder. “Levi went outside. He was on the phone. I just tried to get him to sit at the head table so we can start with the toasts, but he said the call was important.”

  “Who’s toasting?”

  “Some of his friends and your aunts.”

  “None of my cousins?”

  Brianna raised a brow. “Your grandmother and your aunts really want to bring the family back together, but that doesn’t mean I’d put your cousins in charge of toasting Levi. It’ll turn into a roast instead and... I’m trying to keep this party fun.”

  Ashiya chuckled. If Levi was anywhere near as overbearing with her cousins as he was with her, then she could imagine what they’d say. “Smart. I’m going to talk to Levi.”

  “Good luck,” Brianna said with two thumbs up.

  Ashiya froze in place. “Am I going to need it just to talk to him?”

  Brianna’s eyes widened, and she shook her head. “No. I know you two started off on the wrong foot, that’s all. Levi’s really sweet. Once you get to know him.”

  Ashiya bumped Brianna’s shoulder. “I think you’re a little biased.”

  Brianna’s eyes dropped,
and she smiled. “Maybe so. Still, remember what I said.”

  Ashiya left Brianna blushing and went outside in search of her cousin. He wasn’t immediately outside the clubhouse. She walked to one side of the building, and his voice traveled to her.

  “We need to get this figured out before my cousin discovers the missing money,” he said.

  Ashiya stopped short at the edge of the building and cringed. Damn! She really hoped he wasn’t behind the embezzlement. She didn’t want to fire Levi, but she couldn’t keep him around if he was stealing from the company.

  “Give me a call tomorrow. I’ve got to get back in this party before my grandmother kills me,” Levi said. A few seconds later, he rounded the corner. He saw her and froze before a scowl took over his face.

  Ashiya crossed her arms over her chest. “I really hoped you weren’t behind the missing money.”

  His eyes widened. “You’ve noticed it already.” Disbelief filled his voice.

  Ashiya’s head cocked to the side. “I’m kind of offended that you’re surprised.”

  “Honestly, I didn’t think you’d notice. It’s so subtle,” he said. “I thought you’d take the reports at face value. If you looked at them at all.”

  She uncrossed her arms and put her hands on her hips. “So, you’re admitting you took the money.” She couldn’t believe his audacity. It was one thing to steal from her grandmother’s company, another to be so blasé about doing so.

  He shifted, legs widening in a defensive stance. In his black dress shirt and dark pants with that what-the-hell-did-you-just-say glare in his eyes, he would have been intimidating if Ashiya wasn’t so pissed. “I didn’t take the money. I’m trying to find the person behind the embezzlement.”

  “I’m supposed to believe that?”

  He sliced a hand through the air. “I honestly don’t care what you believe. I’ve already started my own investigation into the missing money.”

  Ashiya eyed him, but his gaze didn’t waver. “Then why did you say you needed to clear this up before I found out?”

  “Honestly, if I found the person and you didn’t even notice, then proving to the board why they should trust me over you would be easier.”

  His bluntness proved he was ruthless. She also appreciated his candor. If she hadn’t noticed, that would have been a good way to push her out. “But me noticing foiled that plan.”

  “Not quite. As long as I find the person first, then I still look more capable than you.” He moved to walk past.

  Ashiya stepped to the side and blocked him. “I’ve got one better. How about we work together to find the person?”

  He took a step back and eyed her as if she’d proposed something outrageous. Considering their strained relationship, working together was kind of far-fetched. “Why would I work with you?”

  “Because I still don’t trust you. You could be lying right now.” He opened his mouth, and she held up a hand. “Which means I have enough grounds to fire you for the fact that this happened under your watch.”

  His eyes narrowed. “You’re searching for a reason to get rid of me.”

  “No. I’m trying to work with you to prove you aren’t the asshole I think you are and find the nice guy Brianna seems to think you are.”

  His shoulders relaxed, and the glint in his eyes softened. “Brianna is smart but naive.”

  “Maybe, but working with me to find this person means keeping your job. It also means I’ll get a chance to know my cousin.”

  “Why do you want to know me?”

  “Because apparently it’s what my grandmother and the aunties want. I’m here to take people at face value. If you really aren’t behind the embezzlement and want to find the person, then work with me.” She held out her hand. “Otherwise, turn in your resignation on Monday.”

  Levi glanced at her hand, then met her gaze. After a few tense seconds, he wrapped his hand around hers and shook. “Fine. I’ll work with you.”


  A FEW DAYS after the party, Russell walked into the kitchen and froze. Ashiya paced back and forth from the fridge to the island. She had one of the legal briefs for the Legacy Group in her hand. Her full lips moved as she silently spoke to herself. Her high heels clicked on the floor, and even though he hated himself for doing it, he noticed how much of her legs was revealed by the short skirt of her navy-blue fitted dress and the way the material clung to her curves.

  He’d noticed her a lot in the past few days. Working with her hadn’t been as bad as he’d assumed. In fact, he enjoyed working with her way more than he should. Though she didn’t have a background in the corporate world, she did know enough about business and was savvy enough to pick up on the intricacies of navigating a much larger organization. His attraction to her, which he’d prayed for years would die and go to hell, had come back to life in full force.

  The almost-kiss the week before hadn’t helped. Neither had going to that party with her over the weekend. Watching her charm her aunts, try to get to know her various cousins, and dance in that ridiculously small gold dress had reminded him of all the reasons she’d stolen his heart in the first place.

  “What are you doing?” His voice came out harder than he’d intended. He was doing exactly what Isaac predicted and that irritated him.

  Ashiya stopped mid-stride. She stared at him with wide, worried eyes. “I can’t do this.”

  The panic in her voice made him hurry toward her. “Do what?”

  “This!” She pointed to the brief in her hand. “Go there?” She pointed toward the front of the house. “I can’t do it.”

  He immediately understood. Today was her first day touring the Legacy Group’s facilities, and she was attending the first board meeting as chairwoman. They’d spent the days since the party preparing for this. She might not have the history with the company that her cousin Levi did, but she’d absorbed enough data to be familiar with the items on the agenda.

  “Yes, you can.” He went to the coffee maker and grabbed a mug from the rack next to it.

  “No. I can’t.” She hurried over to him. “I’m serious, Russell. What was I thinking? I never wanted to be in charge of a multimillion-dollar company. I spent my life staying out of being considered for this type of role.”

  He poured coffee into the mug. “You didn’t want to be a part of the Robidoux family holdings, but that doesn’t mean you can’t take charge and help run Legacy. You’ve already proven you have what it takes.” He kept his voice calm.

  “How? How have I proven anything?” she asked doubtfully.

  Russell faced her and stared her in the eye. “The first day you reviewed the financial reports, you spotted the missing money. You understand the Legacy Group’s place in the market, and you’ve already told me some ideas you’ve had on ways to improve marketing and profitability. Don’t you dare say you can’t do this.”

  She blew out a breath and ran a hand through her hair. “That’s talking to you in here. I can talk to you because I’m comfortable around you. I know you won’t judge me. That entire room of board members wants to judge me.” She turned and leaned back against the counter.

  “Let them. You’re still the majority shareholder, and you’ve got me by your side. You’ll be fine.”

  Her lips lifted in a smile he didn’t want to admit made his insides twist into a knot. “I do have you.” The gratitude in her voice, combined with a hint of longing, was a jolt to his already agitated libido.

  A jolt he did not need at this moment, when he was trying to convince her that she could handle the upcoming board meeting. He cleared his throat and glanced away. “Once you get through this meeting and we find out who’s embezzling the money, I can go back to Jackson Falls and Robidoux Holdings, and you can take over running things without me.”

  He said the words as a reminder to himself. This situation was only tempora
ry. He would not be by Ashiya’s side forever. Once this ended, so would any personal connection he would have to her.

  Ashiya’s shoulders slumped. “I know. That’s the point. You’re consulting me so that I can stand on my own. I’m still going to hate it when that day comes.”

  “Why is that?”

  “Because it means you won’t be by my side anymore.” She placed a hand on his arm and stepped closer him. “Seriously, Russell, thank you for helping me. I couldn’t have done this without you.”

  Her eyes were serious. Her tone was sincere. There was no hint this was one of her attempts to flirt with him, so why did his heart rate speed up so much?

  “Yes, you could have. You would have hired a consultant who would have given you the same advice as me.”

  “Maybe, but I’m still glad you’re the one helping me.” She hadn’t dropped her hand. Her beautiful eyes looked up into his and pierced straight to his soul. “I know I can’t hope for anything more than this between us, so of course I never want this time to end. I’m not looking forward to feeling the way I felt when you walked away the last time.”

  Russell struggled for words. He’d meticulously avoided letting the conversation slip back to their old relationship since she’d told him she no longer had contact with Stephen. He didn’t want to rehash something that was over, and he’d hoped she’d understood. But the look in her eye made him think she’d also spent the past few days thinking about what it would be like for them to try again.

  He had to snap out of this. Ashiya knew all his switches and just what to say to wrap him around her little finger. He’d been twisted in knots by her before.

  “Ashiya, I—”

  “I know. This isn’t like last time, and I shouldn’t have brought it up,” she said in a soft, sad voice that wrapped around his heart and gave the slightest of pulls. “Even though I know that, and I’m nervous about today’s board meeting, having you in my corner reminded me how much I messed up before. How I could have always had you in my corner. If I’d done things differently.”


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