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Foolish Hearts

Page 24

by Synithia Williams

  Jeanette shook her head. “No need. I might get something later.”

  He nodded and leaned forward in his char. “You said you’ve found out something new about my brother?”

  Jeanette pulled out her cell phone and tapped the screen. “I did. I had one of my agents track down several of the people we knew were at the party along with anyone they might remember who attended. We found out about a man named Lemuel Wells who was also there.”

  “That name doesn’t sound familiar.” He’d reviewed numerous reports from the night of the party and the subsequent investigation. He’d damn near memorized every name.

  “He was at the party that night almost in the same way your brother ended up there. A friend of a friend invited their group to this huge bonfire at Melissa’s house for the end of the week. He pretty much corroborated everyone else’s story. There was a ton of drinking, sex, and other shenanigans at the party.”

  “Does he remember seeing Rodrick?” Russell asked, barely able to keep his thoughts together. He’d always believed there were more people at the party than originally reported. More people who might have answers to his questions.

  Jeanette nodded, and her voice filled with excitement. “He does. He says he saw your brother and remembers him because Rodrick was one of the few other Black guys at the party. He said there were probably about a handful of them there. He even talked to Rodrick briefly. Mostly about where they went to school and how they ended up at the party.”

  “Is that all he remembers?” Russell couldn’t hide the deflated feeling in his chest. He’d waited so long for information, and if all he would find out is that Rodrick had talked briefly to another guy at the party, that didn’t give him any new answers.

  “That’s not it. He went on to party, but says later he noticed your brother, drunk and being led away by a white guy and girl. He went up and asked them if Rodrick was okay, and they both said yes. They put him in the guy’s truck and left. Lemuel didn’t think more of it and finished his night after the party.”

  “Who were the guy and girl?” Russell asked.

  “He didn’t remember their names, but when I showed him their picture, he recognized Melissa and her ex.”

  Russell’s hand balled into a fist. He’d known it. He’d known from the moment Melissa gave him a sorry-not-sorry smile that she knew more. That she remembered his brother. “Melissa and Bryce never mentioned taking my brother away from that party. They’ve always said he left on his own without them knowing. Why didn’t this guy come forward before?”

  If he’d given a statement from the start, they might have gotten answers years ago.

  Jeanette shook her head and slid her cell phone out of the pocket of her jeans. “He didn’t know your brother went missing. He left and went back to school in Georgia two days later. Your brother’s disappearance only made the local news back in your hometown. A lot of people who were at that party and might have remembered something wouldn’t know he’d gone missing. That and the fact neither were directly invited. No one would know Lemuel was there or how to get in contact with him to make a statement.”

  “Is he willing to testify to what he saw?” Russell asked. As far as he was concerned, he was ready to request that Melissa be brought in for questioning immediately. She’d lied not only to him but to investigators for years.

  As if sensing his urgency, Jeanette held up a hand in a not-so-fast gesture. “It’s not that easy. He does seem willing testify, but that still doesn’t mean we’ll find out what happened to Rodrick. Melissa can claim she brought him back to his hotel room or dropped him off somewhere. Unless we actually find a b...”

  Jeanette cut herself off and leaned back. Russell pressed his fist into the table. He knew what she was going to say. It was the same truth he’d tried to accept when his parents legally declared Rodrick dead. A truth he didn’t want to, and probably never would be ready to accept. A part of him continued to hope his brother would come home safely one day.

  “Until we find Rodrick’s location, it’s just this guy Lemuel’s word against hers,” he finished for her.

  “It is. We’re still looking. Lemuel agreed to go to the police and tell them what he knows. That will at least give them a good reason to question Melissa and her ex again. Hopefully, learning someone saw her leave the party with your brother than she’d believed will put a little pressure on her to remember.”

  Jeanette was right. Rodrick leaving with Melissa didn’t automatically mean he’d get all the answers he wanted, but Melissa might reveal more information that could lead him to his brother. He’d take what little bit he could right now.

  “Even if it doesn’t tell me where Rodrick is, this is the first lead we’ve had in years. Thank you, Jeanette,” he said sincerely. She’d gotten more information for him in a few weeks than anyone else had in years. Proving, once again, why she and her team were some of the best investigators in the state of North Carolina.

  “It’s what I do,” Jeanette said with pride.

  “Maybe so, but the last private investigator I hired gave me nothing new. I didn’t have the means to pay someone a lot of money, nor did my parents.”

  “It’s hard for me to turn down a missing persons case regardless of what a client may have. Especially when it comes to one of our kids. They already don’t get the same media coverage. If you had come to me before, I still would have tried to help. And I’m going to keep trying to help. Believe me.”

  Her dark brown eyes reflected a determination that gave Russell the first bit of confidence he’d get answers about Rodrick he’d had in years. Fifteen years had passed. The news about what happened to Rodrick might not be what he wanted, but he believed Jeanette would do everything she could to help him learn the truth.

  Russell pushed away the feeling of unease and focused on the positive. They had a lead. “I do. Thank you.”

  * * *

  ASHIYA TRIED NOT to spend her first Saturday with no plans obsessing about whether she’d missed something when it came to Danny. When The Dragons invited her over to talk about their plans for a family reunion the following summer, she’d agreed and hoped spending the day getting to know her family would be just the distraction she needed.

  Between talks about venues and potential dates, the three of them gave Ashiya an earful about each family member they hoped would show up and what it would take to get everyone together. There wasn’t any real animosity between everyone. Their kids and grandkids had grown up and grown apart. Her grandmother’s passing had brought home to each of the women how much they wanted to spend more time with their families and bring back the family closeness they’d experienced as kids.

  The women had a variety of reasons they wouldn’t be able to get the family together for the reunion. Everything from busy schedules, to feuding cousins, to general apathy toward the family. All things that were probably true, but seeing the growing disappointment in their eyes, Ashiya knew she couldn’t just accept defeat.

  Ashiya slapped one fist into the palm of her hand. “We’ll get everyone here. It might not be easy, but we can make it work.”

  Her Aunt Gertrude pulled a butterscotch out of her purse and opened it slowly. “Do you really think so?”

  Ashiya didn’t know half of the cousins they mentioned, but she wasn’t going to let that stop her. If she could win over Levi and find an embezzler at the Legacy Group, then she could at least throw a family reunion. “Even if we have to blackmail and bribe, we’ll get the family together.”

  Maggie paused in the middle of her crocheting to point at Ashiya. “I like the way this girl thinks. Maybe my sister wasn’t so wrong for putting you in charge of Legacy.”

  Helena snuffed out her cigarette and nodded. “Maybe Gloria did know what she was doing.”

  Ashiya left them with smiles and a heavy weight on her shoulders. Away from their hopeful stares, she wondered how in t
he world she’d be able to get all of her family together like she’d promised. She chuckled to herself at the thought of trying to hold a reunion with people she’d hadn’t wanted to hang out with for most of her life.

  She called Russell to tell him about her new project, but he didn’t answer his phone. He’d mentioned meeting with the private investigator on his brother’s case today. She hoped he’d found out something new. As much as he tried to remain hopeful, she saw the disappointment and grief in his eyes every time he received another update with no news.

  She glanced at her watch. It was almost two in the afternoon. He might still be in the meeting.

  Instead of going home, she decided to drop by the Legacy Group office. The Dragons had done a great job of distracting her for a little while, but now that she didn’t have anything else to focus on, the paranoia that she’d missed something with the Danny situation came back. She’d left the information she’d gathered on the case in her desk. She could spend just a little bit of time going over the evidence one more time before driving home and getting caught up with Russell.

  The parking lot was empty except for a few cars. Not surprising since there were security and cleaning crews who came in over the weekend. Ashiya didn’t expect anyone to be working at the corporate offices today. The security desk was empty when she entered the lobby. A cup of coffee and a book opened facedown on the desk sat next to the security screen. Ashiya glanced around, but the security guard wasn’t in sight. She assumed the guard had stepped away.

  She’d talk to them on her way out. She used her ID badge to buzz past the lobby doors toward the elevators to the upper floors. When she got out on the top floor, she made her way to her office. The sound of a voice coming from Levi’s office stopped her halfway down the hall.

  Frowning, she slowed her steps and eased up to the door leading to her cousin’s suite. The door wasn’t closed completely. She peeked through the crack toward the office. Melissa stood behind the desk, her back to the door, and a cell phone lodged between her head and shoulder. She held a stack of papers and steadily fed them into the paper shredder.

  “I’m not worried about Danny. If he knows what’s good for him, he’ll keep his mouth shut.” Melissa paused and continued feeding papers. “Of course I trust him. He’s stupid and thinks I love him. I told him that if he were ever caught, I’d cover for him.”

  Ashiya pressed her hand to her mouth. Her heart stuttered and shock made her stomach clench. She knew there was more to the story, but Melissa? She’d never seen Melissa and Danny interact with each other. How could she do that to Levi? Why would she do that?

  “Don’t worry about him,” Melissa continued. “He thinks Levi and Ashiya will go easy on him. By the time he realizes they’re going to throw everything at him, it’ll be too late.” Melissa stopped loading papers, straightened, and pressed the phone to her ear with her free hand. “Will you quit being paranoid? I’m getting rid of everything now. You just have the boat ready. Even if he changes his mind, we’ll be gone. I’m sending Levi my letter of resignation on Monday. He’s another one who trusts everything I say. By the time he puts me together with this, we’ll be gone.”

  Ashiya frowned. So not only was Melissa a thief, but she planned to bail and leave Danny to take the blame for everything. Not if Ashiya had anything to do with it. She’d never liked Melissa. She was going to make sure this woman went down along with whoever was on the phone with her. She pushed the door open slowly.

  “This would be so much easier if that damn Russell hadn’t come with Ashiya. If I wasn’t worried about him finding out the truth, I’d just get Danny to shut up and keep my position here.”

  Ashiya froze at the door. Learn the truth? What truth? Dread sent cold chills across her skin.

  “Levi was just about to promote me.” Melissa’s voice was petulant. “I’d have more control and the chance to get even more from this damn company, but Russell won’t stop pressing. If he keeps digging, he’ll find out the truth about his brother, and I can’t be around for that.”

  Rage snapped Ashiya out of her shock. “What did you do to Rodrick?”

  Melissa yelped and spun around. The papers in her hand flew to the ground along with her cell phone. Wide blue eyes stared back at Ashiya.

  “How did you get in here?” Melissa asked.

  “I own this company and this building. I can come whenever I damn well please.” She placed her hands on her hips and glared at Melissa. “I knew there was someone else working with Danny, but I didn’t think it was you. Why would you do this?”

  The frightened surprise in Melissa’s eyes warped into a smug smirk as she glared back. “Why wouldn’t I? I deserve just as much as anyone else from this company.”

  “How? Levi trusts you. Why deceive him like this?”

  Melissa flipped her hair over her shoulder. “It’s his fault for being so trusting. My family was once the most prominent family in the area. Then suddenly your grandmother’s little soap company turns big. Now people are sucking up to them. I’m just taking back a little bit of what we had before.”

  Ashiya stared, dumfounded. “That has to be the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard,” she shot back. “Just admit you’re a lying, greedy thief, and you saw an opportunity to take advantage of someone, and you did.”

  Melissa shrugged, but her eyes narrowed. “Call it what you want.”

  “And Russell’s brother.” Ashiya took a step further into the room. “You know what happened to him. What did you do to him?”

  Melissa’s eyes darted away. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “I heard you on the phone.” Ashiya pointed to Melissa’s dropped cell on the floor. “You said everything was fine until Russell started digging. You don’t want the truth to come out.” Ashiya stalked closer. “What happened to Rodrick?”

  Melissa raised her chin. “I didn’t do anything to him.” Her voice wobbled, and a frightened look glazed over her eyes.

  “Where is he? What happened?”

  “I don’t have time to deal with this,” Melissa said, sounding frustrated at being interrupted but not at all worried about Ashiya catching her.

  “You’re going to have a lot more time for this. There is no way I’m letting you get away with it.” Ashiya slid her hand into her purse for her cell phone.

  Melissa raised a brow. “I’ve gotten away with this and so much more for so long. You’re not going to stop me now.”

  The cold detachment in Melissa’s voice was the first warning sign. Her eyes narrowed just as her hand clenched around her cell. Melissa’s quick glance over Ashiya’s shoulder and nod was the second warning before pain erupted across the back of her head and everything went black.


  ASHIYA WOKE UP to blinding pain in the back of her head. She groaned and tried to sit up. Her head spun and her stomach flipped. The only light she saw was from the stars behind her eyes. She groaned and brought a shaking hand to the back of her head. Her hair was wet and sticky. Shivers ran through her body as the memories from before came flooding back.

  Melissa was involved in the embezzlement. She also knew what happened to Russell’s brother. Someone, not Melissa, had hit her in the back of the head. Hard.

  She was going to kill that woman!

  She took another deep breath and opened her eyes. The darkness remained. Panic was like a vise around her throat. Choking off her breath and silencing her voice. She blinked several times, but there was still nothing but darkness. Her hands patted around her. She was on the floor. There was carpet beneath her. Pushing herself up, she leaned into a wall behind her. She spread her hands out. They didn’t go far. The vise around her neck tightened.

  Wherever she was, the space was small. Memories of being left alone for days in the basement as kid came back. She opened her mouth and yelled.

  “Help! Hello! S
omeone please!” She banged on the wall.

  She was frantic for what felt like an eternity. Screaming and pounding on anything around her. She pushed up and spun to the wall at her back. Not a wall but a door. The barest hint of light came from beneath the slit at the bottom. If there was a door, then there was a way out.

  She shoved up to her knees. Her head spun with the sudden movement, and her stomach rolled. She pressed her forehead against the door and took another deep breath to steady herself. She slapped at the door, slid her hand across the surface until she got to the knob.

  Relief lived for the briefest flicker and died as swiftly as she turned. Nothing. The door was locked. She banged on it.

  “Please! Someone help!” she yelled. Her hands slapped and punched against the door.

  She’d be in there forever. Just like last time. She was trapped. No one cared. No one would come for her. She’d be alone in the dark. This time injured. Her body shook.

  “No!” she yelled. She closed her eyes and controlled her breathing. “No. you’re not going to die in here, Ashiya. You’re not a kid anymore. You can get out of here. Think. Just...think.”

  It took several more breaths and repetitions that she wasn’t going to die before her heart calmed and her breathing evened out. She was obviously in a closet. Probably still in the Legacy Group offices. That’s where she’d been last. Someone had been there with Melissa and hit her in the head.

  Ashiya touched the knot and winced. They’d hit her hard. No one knew she was here, but Russell would look for her. He might have already tried to reach her.

  Cell phone! She needed her cell phone. She could call him and get out. She felt around the floor of the closet. She found her purse, but when she reached inside, the contents were empty. She felt around the small space again, hope diminishing with each passing second. They’d taken everything out of her purse.


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