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Stars, Snow and Mistletoe: A Holiday Naughty List Collection

Page 20

by S. J. Sanders

  “I know,” she murmured breathlessly.

  He chuckled, a low, rumbling sound that caused every muscle in her body to tighten with anticipation. Warmth pooled in her belly before sending heat straight to her core, that gentle pulse of pleasure growing into large waves of desire that tingled along her every nerve.

  He stepped forward; his inhumanly pale blue eyes luminous in the dark bedroom. A spike of trepidation flared inside of her. Only the ghostly light from the full moon streamed through the windows, casting the rigid contours of his face into harsh shadows and accentuating the lethal horns that towered above his head. His tail twitched leisurely from side to side, his stinger relaxed and not producing any venom. He stared at her, unblinking, waiting, watching, a predator about to strike.

  The sight of him naked and aroused, so powerful, so dangerous, so dominant, should have frightened her but a quiet excitement began to bubble up inside of her instead. Malekith would never frighten her the way that Chase had; she knew this down to her very bones.

  “Well,” he purred, his inhuman eyes bright with hunger, “are you going to stare at me all night long?”

  She smiled; she couldn’t help herself.

  “You are very attractive,” she told him, her happiness building and the excitement growing.

  “The better to claim you, ta’lla,” he growled, his lips curving upward in a smile that caused her to tremble because of the fangs gleaming at the sides of his mouth.

  He closed the distance between the two of them, resting his hands on her wide hips and pulling her body flush against his; his pale horns shimmered in the moonlight when he lowered his head and pressed his lips to hers in a kiss.

  This kiss was unlike anything they had shared up until now. With a growl rumbling in his chest, Malekith nipped at her bottom lip, pulling it between his teeth and sucking on it hard enough that his fangs pricked her; the subtle hint of pain only heightened her arousal and she parted her lips on a gasp. He did not hesitate, his tongue plunging into her mouth where she tasted him as hungrily as he did her.

  As Malekith deepened the kiss, his hands slowly wandered upwards, trailing over the smooth skin of her waist, his fingers deftly removing clothing from her body. She stiffened, self-doubt momentarily overriding the pleasure consuming her mind – and Malekith snarled at her.

  “No,” he growled, his voice much deeper than normal. “No, Clara, you are thinking too much when you should be feeling everything that I am doing to you.”

  With inhuman speed, he tore her clothing from her body, the remnants floating in tatters to rest at her feet.

  He stared down at her, his horns towering menacingly above his head, his handsome features appearing to be carved from granite, the devil’s smile curling his wicked lips.

  She gasped when he kissed her, his mouth leaving a hot trail down the length of her throat, her nipples hard, her body shuddering with pleasure when his teeth nipped and pinched at the curve of her neck and shoulder. He opened his mouth wide, his fangs dangerously sharp, and teased her when his hot, wet tongue swiped at the sensitive spot under her ear. She tilted her head to the side, granting him full access, a part of her yearning for him to sink his teeth into her.

  “Patience,” he rumbled, nipping at her throat teasingly and sending a delicious spike of arousal plunging between her legs. “Patience, ta’lla.”

  Her head fell back, her eyes closing, a soft moan vibrating in her throat.

  “Yes,” Malekith growled and now he kissed the column of her throat. “Feel what I’m doing to you, my beloved ta’lla.”

  Lifting her lashes, her golden eyes now dark amber with arousal, she raised a hand to cup his cheek.

  He paused, his slit-pupils dilating as he stared directly at her.

  The two of them remained in silence for a long moment, Clara’s fingers stroking Malekith’s cheek before she caressed the white tresses of his hair. He growled and she jerked her hips forward instinctively as the tiny bundle of nerves between her legs began to throb; she clenched her thighs, attempting to prolong the pleasure slowly climbing higher in her belly. His nostrils flared and his pupils blew wide, the black of them filling his eyes until his pale irises were just a sliver of colour. His tail wrapped around her thigh, the tip of his stinger trailing along the vee of her legs. Pleasure tightened in her belly.

  “I can smell your arousal,” he breathed, his breath warm against the skin of her wrist. He closed his eyes. “You have no idea how badly I want to…”

  “To what?”

  His eyes snapped open, the pale blue sliver of his irises replaced with bright, blood red.

  “To mark you,” he murmured. “To claim you.”

  She laughed softly.

  “Isn’t that what we’re doing?” she teased.

  “I am trying to be a gentleman for you, Clara.” He shook his head, his lips pulling back in a grimace. “If you knew what I wanted to do to you…”

  She frowned, noting the sincerity on his handsome features. She curled her fingers around a fistful of his hair, tugging his head downward until she brushed her lips over his.

  “I don’t need you to be a gentleman, Malekith,” she whispered. “I just need you to be you.”

  “Clara,” he warned her, “you have no idea what you’re asking of me—”

  Throwing caution to the wind, remembering his earlier warning, Clara gripped the base of one of Malekith’s horns. He did not toss his head or attempt to free his horn from her hand. His handsome features sharpened, the bright red of his pupils darkening to garnet, and he drew his lips back, baring his fangs at her. A snarl rattled deep in his throat.

  “So be it, ta’lla,” he rasped. “I warned you and now…”

  He did not wait for a response.

  Invading her space, his chest rising and falling heavily with each breath he took, he gently yet forcefully pushed her on to the bed, his tail tightening around her thigh and the tip of his stinger pushing through her folds. She fell back with a soft moan, her hair fanning out behind her, instinctively spreading her legs. She gazed up at Malekith, pleasure humming along every nerve, and her mouth watered when he gripped his cock.

  “I will not be gentle, ta’lla,” he snarled, baring his fangs at her.

  A delicious shiver raced down the back of her spine. Her nipples hardened, her own chest vibrating with the ferocity of his snarl. Her clit throbbed – and now she could not ignore the strength with which it was pulsing or the way that she craved him inside of her.

  The way he stared at her, his expression intense and dark with sexual hunger, caused her body to quiver with delicious need and as he slowly began stroking his rigid length, she thought she might erupt in flames. Watching him watching her, her body responded as though his fingers were caressing her clit. Warmth spread along her insides, melting away everything save the pleasure of this moment, her toes curled and sparks of electricity tingled along the backs of her legs.

  Malekith chuckled, his lips curving in a devilish smile. His fingers tightened around his member until a droplet of pre glistened on its very tip.

  Her mouth watered. She rolled over onto her hands and knees – and the tip of his stinger brushed against her clit sending small waves of euphoria careening through her system. She bucked, her hips jerking forward, a sharp cry erupting from her lips.

  Tossing her head, her hair spilling over her shoulders, she stared up at him from beneath her lashes. Her fingers clutched the soft material of the comforter.

  “Stop teasing me,” she hissed, slowly undulating her hips as he continued to brush his stinger against her clit, “and fuck me!”

  In one breath and the next, Malekith covered her with his larger body, his tail still twined around her thigh, his massive erection pressing against her entrance. The two of them stared intently at each other, their chests heaving with their shared breaths, the enormity of the moment settling over them.

  His eyes luminous in the dark, she lifted a hand and cupped his cheek, her fingers
playing with the long, white strands of his hair. Turning his head, he pulled her thumb between his teeth, his tongue laving over the smooth pad and then the sharp sting as he bit down gently, the nerves in her hand trembling.

  With a low growl, he released her and pushed his chest against hers, their bodies finally touching skin-to-skin.

  She fell back with a moan, spreading her legs wide, her hard nipples brushing across his alabaster skin.

  With a feral snarl that sent a surge of adrenaline racing through her bloodstream, Malekith gripped her hips and thrust forward, his cock sliding inside her easily. Her eyes widened, her pupils dilating, and, at that same moment, he sank his teeth into the curve of her neck.

  Pleasure exploded inside of her, rapture not far behind. She wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling his body closer to hers, their movements out of sync as they learned each other’s rhythm. Each powerful thrust of Malekith’s hips sent her climbing ever higher towards her desired release, her clit throbbing in time with the very beat of her heart. Her every breath was a throaty moan of pleasure, her swollen breasts rubbing against his chest and sending little sparks of heat straight to her core.

  She grabbed one of Malekith’s horns – and he flung his head backward with an inhuman roar that shook the windows of her cabin as he came hard inside of her.

  His release triggered her own orgasm and she found herself flying through space and time before she slowly returned to earth.

  He gazed down at her tenderly, his eyes once more their unnatural pale blue colour and his pupils their regular slit shape. His fingers played with the soft tresses of her hair. And, even though they had both just shared in their wonderful release, he remained hard inside of her.

  “My ta’lla,” he whispered, leaning down and stealing a sweet kiss from her. “You are mine now.”

  She laughed, her eyes shining with happiness.

  “As you are mine, my darling.”



  The next morning dawned, the sky thick with silvery-gray clouds that promised an afternoon of heavy snowfall. Gazing out the window, he allowed himself a moment to bask in the beauty that surrounded him. Several enormous coniferous trees towered above their log cabin, their branches heavy with snow; one of the branches swayed, a heavy blanket of snow falling to the ground as a black squirrel jumped from one tree to the next. A flash of red caught his attention.

  Ah, he thought.

  The beautiful red bird landed on the balcony railing outside of the window, its red feathers brilliant against the opulent white snow. The bird turned its head to face him, its dark eyes focused on him.

  “A cardinal,” his ta’lla murmured from behind him.

  She sidled up to him and he draped an arm around her bare waist, his fingers caressing the smooth skin of her hip.

  “Y’know,” she said softly, her voice still husky with sleep, “some people believe that a cardinal represents the soul of someone you lost.”

  He gazed down at her, her head resting on his shoulder, her golden-brown hair cascading down her back in loose waves, a gentle smile on her lips.

  “Is that what you believe, ta’lla?” he asked her curiously.

  “I do.” She nodded. Her smile slowly vanished. “Chase wouldn’t let me attend my father’s funeral. I begged and pleaded with him, promising him that I would stay with my mother, that I wouldn’t speak to TJ let alone speak to another man, if he just agreed to let me go.”

  Malekith stiffened, rage slowly boiling inside of him with every word that left his ta’lla’s lips. His tail twitched, his stinger tingling with the need to release the venom he was producing.

  “And did he?”

  She shook her head.

  “No,” she whispered. She blinked rapidly, her golden eyes sparkling with tears. “He wouldn’t let me say goodbye to my father. Mom got involved when I told her. When that wouldn’t sway Chase, she called in TJ.”


  “My younger brother,” she answered. “Don’t let the fact that he’s younger than me fool you, though, Malekith. He’s 6’1 and built like a tank.” She smiled fondly at the memory of him. “He was the only one that Chase was really afraid of. TJ beat him up pretty badly when he learned about the first time that Chase hit me.”

  Malekith attempted to swallow the threatening growl in his chest at the knowledge that Chase had physically attacked his ta’lla more than once.

  “Your family knew?” he rasped, unable to completely hide his anger from her.

  “Don’t be mad at them, Malekith,” she pleaded with him. “They tried to make me see reason when it came to Chase. It’s my fault; not theirs. I should have asked them for help a long time ago but…”


  “I was afraid of what Chase might do to me if he found out that I was going to leave him.”

  Malekith sank to his knees before Clara, taking her hands in both of his and pressing a kiss to each knuckle.

  “I wish I had known,” he rumbled, his voice deep with rage. “If I had even suspected for a second that you were being abused, ta’lla, I would have helped you. I would have helped any female in such a dire situation.”

  “How can you want to help females so much after what your own mother did to you?” she asked him softly.

  “Working for the Interstellar Alliance,” he said, peering up at her, his tail resting on the hardwood floor behind him. “I learned that everyone is different and that includes a person’s culture. I come from a planet where females are dominant and brutalize their males for the smallest of slights. You come from a planet that is structured in family units and each member is cherished and prized. And I must be honest and tell you that I much prefer how humans raise their children in comparison to my own upbringing.”

  She smiled down at him, a soft smile that hinted at past pain and the promise of a better future.

  “I couldn’t escape Chase on my own,” she whispered. “After my father’s death, I knew that I needed to find a way out but it was too late at that point. My mother and brother were furious with me and Chase refused to let me speak to them.” Her breath hitched and two tears slowly trailed down her cheeks. “But I never lost hope. Do you want to know why?”

  “Why, Clara?”

  “Because after Daddy died, I saw a cardinal perched on our balcony window.” Her lips trembled but she offered him a small smile. “I knew it was Daddy coming to check up on me. And ever since, whenever I’ve asked him for something, I’ve always seen a cardinal and I know it’s him telling me that everything will be okay.”

  Rising to his feet, Malekith pulled her into his arms where she began to weep quietly. He stroked her hair.

  “I’m here, ta’lla,” he soothed her. “I’m here.”

  They decided to spend the day exploring the small town.

  Snowflakes slowly floated down from the silvery-gray clouds, clinging to his hair and eyelashes, and the air tasted fresh and clean on his tongue. Beside him, the sparkling flakes caught in the long strands of his ta’lla’s golden brown hair, her golden eyes shone, and her cheeks glowed pink, changing her into a winter queen. She watched the two silver horses pulling on the sleigh, their harnesses jingling with the bells that lined their reins. She hummed softly under her breath; her lips curved upwards in a radiant smile that Malekith adored.

  Leaning forward, he nuzzled her cheek and whispered, “There is that smile that makes you shine like the sun.”

  Blushing prettily, Clara closed the distance between them and pressed a chaste kiss to his lip.

  After their sleighride, he, Clara and Kara sat down for an early afternoon lunch. Many people glanced over at them, whispering curiously about Earth’s mightiest hero and wondering at his two female companions. He ignored their staring and overly-loud whispers, choosing to focus on his ta’lla and her ta’len’a.

  When Clara decided that she wanted to skate, Kara began weeping softly and explained that, before Chase, she loved figure skating and w
ould often coach at the local ice rink.

  Malekith vowed that his ta’lla would know only happiness from this moment onward.

  His ta’lla glanced over her shoulder at him, her golden-brown hair tucked underneath a fluffy blue hat that covered the tips of her ears, her golden eyes sparkling with genuine happiness and her lips pulled up as she glided across the smooth surface of the lake. Raising her arms above her head, she stretched out one of her legs and began to pirouette. His heart thundered in his chest, the sight of her happiness causing his eyes to sting threateningly. Ducking her head as she settled into a leisurely glide, she pressed her fingertips to her lips and blew him a kiss. He caught the kiss, closed his fist around it and pressed it to his heart.

  He would never forget the joy that lit her eyes and the smile that stretched her lips until her eyes crinkled with the emotion.

  “You know,” Kara said, stepping up beside him and offering him a foam cup of steaming hot chocolate, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen Clara so happy.”

  She gazed up at him, her eyes the exact same shade of honey gold as her daughter’s and Malekith noted how there were deep lines around her eyes and mouth that went beyond that of aging. She had worried for her daughter for a long time and her body bore the physical signs of her heartache.

  “Her smile makes her shine like the sun,” he admitted to his ta’lla’s ta’len’a.

  Kara beamed, her cheeks rosy from the cold, a lovely and older version of her daughter.

  “I called TJ this morning,” she said, lifting the foam cup to her lips and blowing gently on its surface. “I wanted to make sure he was still coming for the holidays.”

  Malekith arched an eyebrow at her. “Oh?”

  She smiled.

  “I told him about you.”


  “TJ can’t wait to meet you, Commander,” she said, “but he wants to see his sister more.”

  Inclining his head, Malekith allowed himself a small smile.


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