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Never Love a Hitman (The Carlotta Family Book 1)

Page 6

by Eden Rose


  Startled from out on the balcony, I almost drop my water bottle onto the ground. “Yes?” I call out. Maybe Victor woke up and didn’t know where I was.

  That’s when I see the sexy man run to a stop in front of me at the balcony. His chest is rising up and down very quickly and he almost looks scared. He holds his hands out to me and I take the one closest to me.

  “Fuck,” he mumbles.

  “Victor, what’s wrong?” Is this the time to ask about Amanda? I don’t want to upset even more than he already is but I’m dying to know who Amanda is.

  I still have the instincts to flee the hotel room into the safety of my own but for some reason I can’t get my feet to move me out that way. They are stuck to the ground.

  “I thought you left.”

  His brown eyes are still flaring in the light of the moon letting me see how intense he looks right now. Shit. He was really scared.

  “I’m right here,” I tell him.


  “I’m right here,” she informs me numbly. I can see it in her eyes that she has no idea what to think. I wake up every time at the same part of the dream. Right before they pronounce her dead. It’s always the same spot no matter what.

  Except this time? I’m wondering when Calista is going to leave me. I know that our relationship is completely temporary but I can’t help but want more from her. The more time I spend with her, the more I want her.

  That feeling hasn’t left.

  I kiss her forehead. “Come on, let’s go back to bed,” she murmurs.

  I let her lead me back into bed and she sheds the bathrobe. Her milky skin glows in the moonlight showing me how innocent she probably is. She’s so innocent and I will probably wreck her.

  But tonight, tonight I’m going to make love to her until our bodies shake and quiver.


  “I’ve been trying to call you, Victor,” Sammy informs me in his monotone voice. The man never shows emotion. Ever.

  “I’ve been enjoying my vacation, Sammy,” I inform him right back in the same tone of voice.

  He grumbles under his breath. “The job you did went well. Thank you for getting it done so quickly.”

  I roll my eyes. He’s fishing for some information about me. Probably trying to figure out why I’ve stayed here so long. “Okay, no problem…”

  Sammy says something to someone in the background and then clears his throat. “Look, we all know what this week is and we need to make sure your head is in the game still. Don’t go off half cocked and try to whack anyone that’s not okayed before hand. You got me?”

  “Yeah, Sam. I got you. How’s everything going over there?”

  “Same ol’, same ol’. Got another spot to look at doing some business. You’ll see it when you come back.”

  “Victor?” Calista murmurs and appears naked in front of me.

  Sammy chuckles. “Man, the youth is wasted on the young. Have fun and see you tomorrow.”

  “Hey, pussycat. Sleep good?” I ask her and hold out my hands for her to sit on my lap.

  She smiles. “I would have if a wild animal didn’t keep me up all night.”

  It's my turn to smile. “I didn’t hear you complaining.”

  Calista wiggles on my lap and spreads her thighs for me to have access. She then reaches under us to grab my dick to get me ready for her.

  She fists my cock in her little hand and impales herself on me perfectly. Her pussy opens for me, getting itself ready for me. It’s a slow and passionate kind of sex. My hands guide her hips for her to stay on a steady rhythm.

  “Mmm, Victor. It keeps getting better every time,” she moans out into the cool air with the waves bursting against the sandy beaches. The woman could make me come in a matter of seconds but I love watching her become undone.

  “I know what you mean, pussycat. I know what you mean!” I affirm and thrust up inside of her. I can feel her reach her climax and ride the waves as she shakes and shivers on my lap.

  Even though we have one more day together, I know she’s going to be impossible to leave.


  “Let’s go swimming,” I suggest and tie my swimsuit top in place.

  This has become the best honeymoon anyone could have wanted and I didn’t even share it with my husband. I shared it with a man who I will be leaving tomorrow and never see again.

  We haven’t agreed to exchange phone numbers or addresses after tonight but I think I already know the score. We’re just using each other to have a good time and that’s it. I love having sex with Victor but could we have an emotional romance as well?

  Over the past couple of days, we haven’t shared anything about our pasts or what we do. I don’t want to ask because I’m worried I’m going to stalk him when I get home to find him. I’m already having a hard time at the thought of letting him go.


  His trunks hang low on his hips with that sexy V guys have that tell women they work out. I try my hardest to not criticize myself for not being more physically fit. The man is gorgeous.

  He grabs my hand in his, almost as if he’s been doing it a lot longer than the past two days. It’s crazy how natural and normal everything with Victor is and how it was never this way with Josh. Everything with Josh felt staged but with Victor… It feels as if I were destined to be here with him.

  “I’m going to miss the wind off this ocean,” I mumble to him as soon as we step outside. The wind hits us in the face inviting us to venture out further into it.

  He stops mid step and looks at me. Using my hand he is currently still holding, he loops our joined hands for them to be at the small of my back and uses his other hand to cup my face. “Thank you for spending this time with me, pussycat.”

  I turn to goo a little more on the inside. I love when he’s domineering and super dominant but when he’s sweet like this, it makes me want him more.


  Laying in the afterglow of our love making, I’m beginning to feel pressure that I have never felt before. This past week has been utterly amazing but what’s going to happen when I go back to work?

  Fuck. What’s going to happen when I leave here? Victor and I made no promises to keep in touch or anything. I don’t even know where he lives! I suppose I could ask him but then I might even grow more attached to him.

  I’m deeply close to falling in stupid with this man. Between you and I, I think I might already be there.

  He’s absolutely the best. Romantic, thoughtful, sweet, a gentleman… Everything I have always wanted in a man but I only get him for the next three hours before I have to leave to get on my plane to go home.

  Back to reality.

  Away from the love nest Victor and I have been in this whole time. My honeymoon was exactly what I expected it to be just with a newer man who’s fantastically perfect in every way.

  “What are you thinking about so strongly over there?” His gruff voice breaks into my thoughts.

  Looking over at him, he has on his cocky smirk which melts my panties off. That’s another thing, when did that actually happen? Panty melting smiles? He has one and it's perfect.

  “Wouldn’t that be considered a personal question?” I retort.

  He chuckles while pulling me closer to his body. In a quick move, Victor has me on my back with his nestled right into the apex of my thighs. I feel his morning wood and I’m instantly wet.

  Without waiting to see if I’m ready, he’s sliding himself into me making my inner muscles flutter with desire. My eyes close and my back arches to enjoy the pleasure only Victor has been able to give me.

  “Pussycat, look at me,” he commands with a velvety voice.

  My eyes snap open to meet his which are gazing heatedly into my eyes. It's so erotic and intimate all at the same time the way he can see through me.

  “Yes,” I hiss and roll my hips to meet him in the middle. I love when he’s fast but sleepy sex is amazing.

  He tucks his fa
ce in between my neck and shoulder nibbling on my pulse which is going crazy. Everything about him makes me go crazy.

  “You are so beautiful in the morning, I couldn’t help myself.”

  As if he had to give me an excuse! Hell, he breathes and I’m ready for more.

  I let out a loud moan as his hips continue a slow grind against my most intimate parts. He’s so deep in me. I don’t get how he can be this deep but I will take it. Probably because this is the last time we’re going to be together.

  “Yes, yes, yes!” I groan just as his dick pushes me past the threshold of no return. My orgasm comes crashing through me quickly and deliciously.

  My fingers have dug into his back giving him half moon indents from my nails. I didn’t even realize I was pulling him towards me like that. In the heat of the moment, I couldn’t help myself and had to have him closer to me.

  Looking up at me, he kisses me gently and gets off the bed. “What time does your flight leave?” He asks me while brushing his teeth.

  Suddenly, I feel cold. Disconnected. Unwanted. Used. These are all feelings completely opposite that he made me feel seconds ago. “In about four hours, why?”

  When he emerges from my bathroom in my room, dressed, I know that our time is over. “I have some business to attend to and then I can meet you here before you leave, if you want, pussycat.”


  “Yes, that would be great,” I reply primly.

  And just like that. The past week I have spent with this complete stranger is over and now I’m wondering if it were all just a dream.


  I’m an asshole who’s trying to protect us both from the regrettable “let’s be friends” speech that was about to happen as she leaves.

  I was supposed to leave days ago but Sal let me stay here and now I’m wondering if I should have gone back home.

  Spending time with Calista is dangerous for me. Spending time with her is making me want things I shouldn’t want or need right now. I can’t help it though.

  I rub my hand over my heart as I stroll out of the hotel towards the motel across the street. I’m not fucking stupid or in denial that these mother fuckers are watching me enjoy myself with Calista.

  What’s worse? I’m pissed off that my time with Calista is about to end for good. She’s going to run once she finds out how I make my money and the people I’m around.

  But I can’t give her up.

  I’m going to have to though. She’s going to go home and so am I. This week will just be a memory I beat off to in the shower when a nameless broad doesn’t do it for me.

  I don’t bother stopping to ask what room this asshole’s in. I already know because I could feel his eyes on me the whole time I’m with Calista. The bastard tries to be discreet but he’s horrible at it. Who follows a hitman and doesn’t expect to be whacked? A dumb ass, that’s who.

  A gentleman would knock and have a conversation with the man trying to figure out why he was following him. I don’t feel like being a gentleman right now since he’s cutting into the last day I have with Calista. The bastard is going to pay this.

  My foot raises and I kick open the door. The door’s old and run down which means it opens quickly and bounces off the wall as it hits it.

  Two men are jumping up with guns in their hands pointed at me. I don’t miss the fact that they are all wearing a bulletproof vest and look stupid as hell.

  “Don’t you know if you’re going to trail someone, you should be a little more discreet?” I gripe with my gun still aimed at one the fat bald heads.

  “Victor Bruno. So happy to meet you,” one of them states while walking towards me with his hand outstretched. I don’t take it but stare at it as if it's going to shoot me. “Here I thought you were a gentleman.”

  I straighten my back. “Gentlemen normally provide details on why they are being followed. I didn’t. Who are you and what are you trying to get?”

  The other one steps forward. “A few years ago, your wife went missing.”

  My back tightens up even more while my breath gets caught in my throat. “And?” People act as if they knew what happened to Amanda but no one does. There’s not one person out there that knows where she went. Or how she got there. I have a feeling it has everything to do with my affiliations with the family. There’s no telling what happened or why. There’s only what we think happened.

  Even though we were kids when we got together, we actually meant something to each other. I wouldn’t say we were going to be one of the lucky ones who stay married but I would have tried everything to keep her happy.

  Everything that I could control to make her happy. Unfortunately, at the time, it wasn’t very much.

  “We need you to do something for us,” the fatter one who tried to get me to shake his hand suggests.

  The nerve of these mother fuckers thinking they can tell me what I’m going to do? Fuck no. I want answers. “I’m not doing shit for anyone until I get some answers.”

  They both chuckle. “We need you to find us Vincent Moretti and kill him. If you can do that, we will tell you where your wife is.”

  I’ve had enough. “Who the fuck do you think you are?”

  In the past, the feds have done some shady shit to trap wise guys into admitting shit and using it against them in trial. I’m not admitting to shit nor am I going to let them think I know what they are talking about. The last thing I need is to be thrown in jail over some bull shit that they are spewing.

  They both shake their heads as if I’m pesky to them. “Two men who need you to do a job. You do us the solid, we’ll give you the information that you want.”

  “We know you’re a member of the family in Arizona. That’s perfect. Apparently that’s where he lives.”

  I’m trying to remember if I heard anything about Vincent Moretti in the past. Most of the older wise guys fall off the face of the earth, wind up in jail or a wooden box. I’m not surprised I haven’t heard of him.

  “You’re talking about killing a civilian?” I question to make sure I’m understanding this right.

  One of the shit heads shakes his head. “He’s been on the lam for the past fifteen or so years. The asshole messed up a lot of shit with The Dice Family. The Dice are now working with us and we owe them a favor.”

  That’s when it hits me. “That’s the asshole who managed to escape prison and had his house blown up. Right?” Vincent is a legend in the underground world. What other man could have faked his own death like that? The thing is, he’s been in hiding for so long he wouldn’t be easy to find.

  And if I do find him, it's because he wants me to find him. He’s not going to give up his location easily nor is he going to give up without a fight.

  Both of them nod their heads and reach behind them to holster their guns. I don’t because I’m going to stay guarded.

  “What did Vincent do that made you guys get involved fifteen years later?” I question with my eyebrow raised.

  The fatter one shakes his head. “That’s not something you need to know.”

  It's my turn to shake my head. “If you’re having me go after Pop, you’re going to give me some fucking answers. That’s a death wish and you know it.”

  “What?” The other one asks. “You don’t think you could track down an old man? I bet you he probably doesn’t have any guns or anything.”

  That’s when it hits me. “How do I know you have information on Amanda? How do I know this is not some plot? Where’s the cameras? Voice recorders?”

  I start looking around the room to see if I see something that’s sticking out. Anything that could show me the room is bugged or under surveillance. If I find something, I’m whacking both of these guys off and leaving. Fuck them. I’m leaving soon to go back home and I don’t give a fuck what they think they have on m

  “Go ahead and show him,” the fat one says. The littler guy pulls out a picture and hands it to me.

  It’s a picture of Amanda.

sp; Holding it in my hands, I feel rage course through my body. I might be a hitman but I’m still a Catholic and we don’t do infidelity. This whole time I had hoped she were alive and now I have the proof in my hands.

  I charge across the room into the fatter man’s space. My hands grip is shirt as I toss him onto the wall behind him. “What the fuck did you do to her? Why did you take her?”


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