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Page 8

by William Shakespeare

  To the Citizens

  As you were lessoned178: when he had no power,

  But was a petty servant to the state,

  He was your enemy, ever180 spake against

  Your liberties and the charters181 that you bear

  I'th'body of the weal: and now arriving182

  A place of potency and sway o'th'state183,

  If he should still malignantly remain

  Fast foe to th'plebeii185, your voices might

  Be curses to yourselves. You should have said

  That as his worthy deeds did claim no less

  Than what he stood for188, so his gracious nature

  Would think upon189 you for your voices, and

  Translate190 his malice towards you into love,

  Standing your friendly lord191.

  SICINIUS Thus to have said,

  To the Citizens

  As you were fore-advised, had touched193 his spirit

  And tried his inclination: from him plucked

  Either his gracious promise, which you might,

  As cause had called you up196, have held him to:

  Or else it would have galled197 his surly nature,

  Which easily endures not article198

  Tying him to aught199: so putting him to rage,

  You should have ta'en th'advantage of his choler200

  And passed him unelected.

  BRUTUS Did you perceive

  To the Citizens

  He did solicit you in free203 contempt

  When he did need your loves? And do you think

  That his contempt shall not be bruising to you

  When he hath power to crush? Why, had your bodies

  No heart among you? Or had you tongues to cry207

  Against the rectorship208 of judgement?

  SICINIUS Have you, ere now, denied the asker209,

  To the Citizens

  And now again, of him that did not ask but mock,

  Bestow your sued-for211 tongues?

  THIRD CITIZEN He's not confirmed: we may deny him yet.

  SECOND CITIZEN And will deny him:

  I'll have five hundred voices of that sound.

  FIRST CITIZEN I twice five hundred and their friends to piece215 'em.

  BRUTUS Get you hence instantly, and tell those friends

  They have chose a consul that will from them take

  Their liberties: make them of no more voice

  Than dogs that are as often beat for barking

  As therefor220 kept to do so.

  SICINIUS Let them assemble, and on a safer221 judgement

  To the Citizens

  All revoke your ignorant election: enforce222 his pride,

  And his old hate unto you: besides, forget not

  With what contempt he wore the humble weed,

  How in his suit225 he scorned you: but your loves,

  Thinking upon his services, took from you

  Th'apprehension of his present portance227,

  Which most gibingly, ungravely228, he did fashion

  After the inveterate229 hate he bears you.

  BRUTUS Lay a fault on230 us, your tribunes,

  To the Citizens

  That we laboured, no impediment between231,

  But that you must cast your election on him.

  SICINIUS Say you chose him more after our commandment

  To the Citizens

  Than as guided by your own true affections234, and that

  Your minds, preoccupied with what you rather must do

  Than what you should, made you against the grain236

  To voice237 him consul. Lay the fault on us.

  BRUTUS Ay, spare us not: say we read lectures to238 you,

  To the Citizens

  How youngly239 he began to serve his country,

  How long continued, and what stock he springs of,

  The noble house o'th'Martians, from whence came

  That Ancus Martius, Numa242's daughter's son,

  Who after great Hostilius243 here was king:

  Of the same house Publius and Quintus244 were,

  That our best water brought by conduits245 hither:

  And Censorinus246 that was so surnamed,

  And nobly named so, twice being censor247,

  Was his great ancestor.

  SICINIUS One thus descended,

  That hath beside well in his person wrought250

  To be set high in place, we did commend

  To your remembrances: but you have found,

  Scaling253 his present bearing with his past,

  That he's your fixed enemy, and revoke

  Your sudden255 approbation.

  BRUTUS Say, you ne'er had done't--

  Harp on that still -- but by our putting on257:

  And presently258, when you have drawn your number,

  Repair259 to th'Capitol.

  ALL We will so: almost all repent in their election.

  Exeunt Plebeians [Citizens]

  BRUTUS Let them go on:

  This mutiny were better put in hazard262,

  Than stay, past doubt, for greater263:

  If, as his nature is, he fall in rage

  With their refusal, both observe and answer265

  The vantage of his anger.

  SICINIUS To th'Capitol, come:

  We will be there before the stream o'th'people,

  And this shall seem, as partly 'tis, their own269,

  Which we have goaded onward.


  Act 3 [Scene 1]

  running scene 8

  Cornets. Enter Coriolanus, Menenius, all the gentry, Cominius, Titus Lartius, and other Senators

  CORIOLANUS Tullus Aufidius then had made new head1?

  LARTIUS He had, my lord, and that it was which caused

  Our swifter composition3.

  CORIOLANUS So then the Volsces stand but as at first,

  Ready, when time shall prompt them, to make road5

  Upon's again.

  COMINIUS They are worn7, lord consul, so,

  That we shall hardly in our ages8 see

  Their banners wave again.

  CORIOLANUS Saw you Aufidius?

  To Lartius

  LARTIUS On safeguard11 he came to me, and did curse

  Against the Volsces, for they had so vilely12

  Yielded the town: he is retired to Antium13.

  CORIOLANUS Spoke he of me?

  LARTIUS He did, my lord.


  LARTIUS How often he had met you sword to sword:

  That of all things upon the earth, he hated

  Your person most: that he would pawn his fortunes

  To hopeless restitution, so20 he might

  Be called your vanquisher.

  CORIOLANUS At Antium lives he?

  LARTIUS At Antium.

  CORIOLANUS I wish I had a cause to seek him there,

  To oppose his hatred fully. Welcome home.

  Enter Sicinius and Brutus

  Behold, these are the tribunes of the people,

  The tongues o'th'common mouth. I do despise them,

  For they do prank them28 in authority,

  Against all noble sufferance29.

  SICINIUS Pass no further.

  CORIOLANUS Ha? What is that?

  BRUTUS It will be dangerous to go on. No further.

  CORIOLANUS What makes this change?

  MENENIUS The matter?

  COMINIUS Hath he not passed the noble and the common35?

  BRUTUS Cominius, no.

  CORIOLANUS Have I had children's voices?

  FIRST SENATOR Tribunes, give way: he shall to th'market-place.

  BRUTUS The people are incensed against him.

  SICINIUS Stop, or all will fall in broil40.

  CORIOLANUS Are these your herd?

  Must these have voices42, that can yield them now

  And straight disclaim their tongues? What are your offices43?

  You being their m
ouths, why rule you not their teeth44?

  Have you not set them on45?

  MENENIUS Be calm, be calm.

  CORIOLANUS It is a purposed47 thing, and grows by plot,

  To curb the will of the nobility:

  Suffer't, and live49 with such as cannot rule

  Nor ever will be ruled.

  BRUTUS Call't not a plot:

  The people cry you mocked them, and of late52,

  When corn was given them gratis, you repined53,

  Scandalled54 the suppliants for the people, called them

  Time-pleasers55, flatterers, foes to nobleness.

  CORIOLANUS Why, this was known before.

  BRUTUS Not to them all.

  CORIOLANUS Have you informed them sithence58?

  BRUTUS How? I inform them?

  CORIOLANUS You are like60 to do such business.

  BRUTUS Not unlike each way to better yours61.

  CORIOLANUS Why then should I be consul? By yond62 clouds,

  Let me deserve so ill as you, and make me

  Your fellow tribune.

  SICINIUS You show too much of that65

  For which the people stir: if you will pass

  To where you are bound, you must inquire your way,

  Which you are out of68, with a gentler spirit,

  Or never be so noble as a consul,

  Nor yoke70 with him for tribune.

  MENENIUS Let's be calm.

  COMINIUS The people are abused: set on. This palt'ring72

  Becomes not Rome: nor has Coriolanus

  Deserved this so dishonoured rub, laid falsely74

  I'th'plain75 way of his merit.

  CORIOLANUS Tell me of corn?

  This was my speech, and I will speak't again--

  MENENIUS Not now, not now.

  FIRST SENATOR Not in this heat, sir, now.

  CORIOLANUS Now, as I live, I will.

  My nobler friends, I crave their pardons:

  For the mutable, rank-scented meinie82,

  Let them regard83 me, as I do not flatter,

  And therein behold themselves84: I say again,

  In soothing85 them, we nourish gainst our senate

  The cockle of rebellion, insolence, sedition86,

  Which we ourselves have ploughed for, sowed and scattered,

  By mingling them with us, the honoured88 number,

  Who lack not virtue, no, nor power, but that

  Which they have given to beggars.

  MENENIUS Well, no more.

  FIRST SENATOR No more words, we beseech you.

  CORIOLANUS How? No more?

  As for my country I have shed my blood,

  Not fearing outward force: so shall my lungs

  Coin words till their decay against those measles96

  Which we disdain should tetter us, yet sought97

  The very way to catch them.

  BRUTUS You speak o'th'people as if you were a god

  To punish, not a man of their infirmity100.

  SICINIUS 'Twere well we let the people know't.

  MENENIUS What, what, his choler102?

  CORIOLANUS Choler? Were I as patient103 as the midnight sleep,

  By Jove, 'twould be my mind104.

  SICINIUS It is a mind that shall remain a poison

  Where it is, not poison any further.

  CORIOLANUS Shall remain?

  Hear you this Triton of the minnows108? Mark you

  His absolute 'shall'?

  COMINIUS 'Twas from the canon110.

  CORIOLANUS 'Shall'? O good but most unwise patricians: why,

  You grave but reckless senators, have you thus

  Given Hydra113 here to choose an officer,

  That with his peremptory114 'shall', being but

  The horn and noise o'th'monster's, wants115 not spirit

  To say he'll turn your current116 in a ditch,

  And make your channel his? If he have power

  Then vail your ignorance: if none, awake118

  Your dangerous lenity. If you are learned,

  Be not as common fools: if you are not,

  Let them have cushions by121 you. You are plebeians,

  If they be senators: and they are no less,

  When, both your voices blended, the123 great'st taste

  Most palates theirs. They choose their magistrate,

  And such a one as he, who puts his 'shall',

  His popular 'shall', against a graver bench126

  Than ever frowned in Greece. By Jove himself,

  It makes the consuls base: and my soul aches

  To know, when two authorities are up129,

  Neither supreme, how soon confusion130

  May enter 'twixt the gap of both, and take131

  The one by132 th'other.

  COMINIUS Well, on to th'market-place.

  CORIOLANUS Whoever gave that counsel to give forth

  The corn o'th'storehouse gratis, as 'twas used135

  Sometime in Greece--

  MENENIUS Well, well, no more of that.

  CORIOLANUS Though there the people had more absolute power,

  I say, they nourished disobedience, fed

  The ruin of the state.

  BRUTUS Why shall the people give

  One that speaks thus their voice?

  CORIOLANUS I'll give my reasons,

  More worthier than their voices. They know the corn

  Was not our recompense145, resting well assured

  They ne'er did service for't: being pressed146 to th'war,

  Even when the navel of the state was touched147,

  They would not thread148 the gates: this kind of service

  Did not deserve corn gratis. Being i'th'war,

  Their mutinies and revolts, wherein they showed

  Most valour, spoke not for151 them. Th'accusation

  Which they have often made against the senate,

  All cause unborn, could never be the native153

  Of our so frank154 donation. Well, what then?

  How shall this bosom multiplied digest155

  The senate's courtesy? Let deeds express

  What's like157 to be their words: 'We did request it,

  We are the greater poll158, and in true fear

  They gave us our demands.' Thus we debase

  The nature of our seats, and make the rabble

  Call our cares161 fears, which will in time

  Break ope the locks o'th'senate162, and bring in

  The crows163 to peck the eagles.

  MENENIUS Come, enough.

  BRUTUS Enough with over-measure165.

  CORIOLANUS No, take more.

  What may be sworn by, both divine and human,

  Seal what I end withal. This double worship168,

  Where one part does disdain with cause, the other

  Insult without all reason: where gentry170, title, wisdom,

  Cannot conclude171 but by the yea and no

  Of general ignorance, it must omit172

  Real necessities, and give way the while173

  To unstable slightness. Purpose so barred174, it follows,

  Nothing is done to purpose175. Therefore, beseech you --

  You that will be less fearful than discreet176,

  That love177 the fundamental part of state

  More than you doubt the change on't, that prefer

  A noble life before a long, and wish

  To jump a body with a dangerous physic180

  That's sure of death without it -- at once pluck out

  The multitudinous tongue182: let them not lick

  The sweet which is their poison. Your dishonour183

  Mangles true judgement, and bereaves184 the state

  Of that integrity185 which should become't,

  Not having the power to do the good it would,

  For th'ill187 which doth control't.

  BRUTUS He's said enough.

  SICINIUS He's spoken like a traitor, and shall answer189

  As trai
tors do.

  CORIOLANUS Thou wretch, despite191 o'erwhelm thee!

  What should the people do with these bald192 tribunes?

  On whom depending, their obedience fails

  To th'greater bench194? In a rebellion,

  When what's not meet, but what must be, was law195,

  Then were they chosen: in a better hour,

  Let what is meet197 be said it must be meet,

  And throw their power i'th'dust.

  BRUTUS Manifest treason.

  SICINIUS This a consul? No.

  BRUTUS The aediles201, ho!

  Enter an Aedile

  Let him be apprehended202.

  SICINIUS Go, call the people:--

  [Exit Aedile]

  in whose name myself

  To Coriolanus

  Attach thee as a traitorous innovator205,

  A foe to th'public weal206. Obey, I charge thee,

  And follow to thine answer207.

  CORIOLANUS Hence, old goat!

  ALL PATRICIANS We'll surety209 him.

  COMINIUS Aged sir, hands off.

  To Sicinius

  CORIOLANUS Hence, rotten thing, or I shall shake thy bones

  To Sicinius

  Out of thy garments.

  SICINIUS Help, ye citizens!

  Enter a rabble of Plebeians [Citizens] with the Aediles

  MENENIUS On both sides more respect.

  SICINIUS Here's he that would take from you all your power.

  BRUTUS Seize him, aediles!

  ALL CITIZENS Down with him, down with him!

  SECOND SENATOR Weapons, weapons, weapons!

  They all bustle about Coriolanus

  Tribunes! Patricians! Citizens! What, ho!

  Sicinius! Brutus! Coriolanus! Citizens!

  ALL Peace, peace, peace! Stay, hold, peace!

  MENENIUS What is about to be? I am out of breath:

  Confusion222's near: I cannot speak. You, tribunes

  To th'people, Coriolanus, patience!

  Speak, good Sicinius.

  SICINIUS Hear me, people, peace.

  ALL CITIZENS Let's hear our tribune: peace! Speak, speak, speak!

  SICINIUS You are at point to lose227 your liberties:

  Martius would have all from you: Martius,

  Whom late you have named for consul.

  MENENIUS Fie, fie, fie, this is the way to kindle, not to quench.

  FIRST SENATOR To unbuild the city and to lay all flat.

  SICINIUS What is the city but the people?

  ALL CITIZENS True, the people are the city.

  BRUTUS By the consent of all, we were established the people's


  ALL CITIZENS You so remain.

  MENENIUS And so are like to do.

  CORIOLANUS That is the way to lay the city flat,

  To bring the roof to the foundation,

  And bury all, which yet distinctly ranges240,

  In heaps and piles of ruin.

  SICINIUS This deserves death.

  BRUTUS Or let us stand to243 our authority,

  Or let us lose it: we do here pronounce,

  Upon the part245 o'th'people, in whose power

  We were elected theirs, Martius is worthy

  Of present247 death.

  SICINIUS Therefore lay hold of him:

  Bear him to th'rock Tarpeian249, and from thence


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