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Page 27

by William Shakespeare

7 pest'ring obstructing

  9 functions tasks, occupations

  10 stood to't made a stand against it

  15 But except

  16 were even were

  18 temporized compromised, been moderate

  23 e'en evening (i.e. any time after noon)

  32 comely decent, pleasing

  39 affecting aiming for/desiring

  39 assistance partners

  41 this this time, now

  47 several powers separate armies

  53 horns i.e. like those of a snail

  54 inshelled within his (snail's) shell, withdrawn 54 stood fought

  56 what why

  58 break with us i.e. break the terms of our treaty 62 age lifetime

  62 reason with converse with, question

  64 information source of information

  71 turns transforms

  73 His raising this is his rumormongering

  76 seconded corroborated

  82 as ... between wide enough to include

  85 Raised stirred up, rumored

  87 trick on't nature, aim of it

  89 atone be reconciled

  90 violent'st contrariety most extreme opposites

  95 O'erborne overcome (everything in)

  95 took captured

  99 holp helped

  99 ravish rape

  100 leads lead roofs

  100 pates heads

  101 to your noses in front of you, in your faces 103 in their cement i.e. to their foundations 104 franchises rights, freedom

  105 auger's bore small hole made with a carpenter's tool (auger) 112 brats children

  116 apron-men tradesmen

  117 voice of occupation working men's votes

  118 garlic-eaters i.e. the lower classes

  120 Hercules ... fruit the eleventh labor of Hercules was to pluck the golden apples of the Hesperides (the three sisters who guarded them) 124 other otherwise

  125 smilingly willingly

  125 who whoever

  127 constant steadfast, loyal

  128 something some admirable quality

  129 undone ruined

  134 for as for

  135 charged would be entreating

  137 showed would appear

  138 brand flaming torch

  141 hands i.e. work (sarcastic)

  142 crafts skills/craftsmen/guiles

  142 crafted worked skillfully/been cunning

  145 S'incapable of help so incapable of being helped 149 clusters crowd, mobs

  152 roar i.e. with fear

  153 name greatest (after Coriolanus)

  153 his points Coriolanus' instructions

  163 coxcombs i.e. fool's heads (literally, headgear with a crest like a cock's comb) 166 coal smoldering piece of charcoal

  177 cry pack (of dogs)/shouting, noise

  177 shall's shall we go

  180 side faction

  188 Would ... lie i.e. I would give half my wealth to have this be untrue 4.7 Location: the Volscian camp, near Rome

  5 darkened obscured, eclipsed

  6 own own men, followers

  8 using means taking action

  8 lame ... design cripple our plans (for Rome) 12 changeling fickle thing

  15 for your particular as far as you personally are concerned 16 Joined in commission decided to share power

  17 Have ... yourself had orchestrated the campaign by yourself 20 account reckoning, judgment

  21 urge bring forward

  23 th'vulgar the common

  23 bears manages

  24 husbandry for management on behalf of

  25 achieve succeed in his aims

  29 carry overcome, capture

  30 sits down begins a siege

  34 repeal recall from exile

  36 osprey fish-hawk, thought to be so kingly that

  36 fish turned belly-up in surrender to it

  39 even steadily, evenly

  40 out ... fortune due to repeated success

  41 happy fortunate

  42 disposing management

  43 nature his character

  45 casque helmet

  45 cushion i.e. senator's seat/comfort of peacetime 46 austerity and garb severe manner

  48 spices traces, a flavor

  49 free absolve

  50 So therefore

  50 he ... utt'rance his merit stifles itself even as it is being praised/his merit is sufficient to stifle any talk of whatever fault was responsible 52 time current age, contemporary opinion

  53 power ... done while power may be inherently worthy of praise it never entombs itself more surely than when it is publicly proclaimed 54 chair public rostrum

  55 T'extol to raise up with praise

  57 Rights ... fail i.e. other, more dominant rights or strengths overcome the original ones; 57 foulder, which could mean either "fire out" or "crumble," is the most satisfactory emendation of Folio's senseless "fouler," though some editors prefer "falter"

  5.1 Location: Rome

  1 he i.e. Cominius

  2 Which who

  2 sometime formerly

  3 In ... particular with heartfelt personal affection 3 He i.e. Coriolanus

  5 knee crawl

  6 coyed was reluctant

  8 would ... to acted as if he did not

  18 wracked ruined (puns on "racked," i.e. strained, worked) 19 coals charcoal (because Rome will be burned down) 19 memory memorial

  20 minded reminded

  22 bare worthless/threadbare

  25 offered attempted

  26 private personal

  27 stay delay, make time

  27 in from

  28 noisome foul-smelling

  30 nose th'offence smell the offensive matter (the musty chaff) 33 brave fine 37 so never-needed help matter in which help is needed more than ever before 38 distress hardship, affliction

  40 instant quickly mobilized

  49 grief-shot grief-stricken

  52 after ... well in proportion to your good intentions 55 bite ... hum signs of anger

  56 unhearts discourages

  57 taken well tackled at the right moment

  59 pout upon look moodily on

  61 conveyances channels (i.e. veins)

  62 suppler more yielding, receptive

  64 dieted to sufficiently well-fed to hear

  68 prove test

  69 Speed prosper, fare

  70 success outcome

  73 gold i.e. splendor, a chair of state

  74 injury sense of having been wronged

  76 faintly indifferently, disinterestedly

  77 What ... conditions i.e. he listed the concessions that he would and would not make, provided that the Romans swore to comply with his conditions/he stated exactly what he would and would not do to Rome, swearing that he would abide by his intentions/he stated his wishes, and swore to stick to them 5.2 Location: the Volscian camp

  14 lots to blanks a certainty (literally, prize-winning tickets in a lottery compared to worthless ones) 16 virtue power/worth

  17 passable valid

  19 lover good friend

  20 book record

  21 happily favorably

  22 verified supported, guaranteed the worth of

  23 size magnitude

  23 verity truth

  24 without lapsing suffer permit without collapsing 25 bowl bowling ball

  25 subtle deceptive

  26 tumbled ... throw overshot the mark

  27 stamped the leasing given the stamp of truth to falsehood 32 chastely honestly (lie ... chastely plays on the sense of "have sex as to be sexually chaste") 34 factionary active as a partisan

  36 under while serving under

  44 violent popular ignorance surge of ignorant public violence 45 shield i.e. Coriolanus

  45 front confront, meet

  45 easy ready

  46 palms outstretched hands

  47 palsied trembling

  47 dotant dotard, i.e. imbecile/in senile decay 52 out
of beyond

  53 sirrah sir (used to address an inferior)

  54 use treat

  54 estimation respect

  58 utmost ... having all you're going to get/the furthest you're going to go 62 say ... for deliver the report for you

  62 companion fellow, rogue

  64 jack guardant knavish guardsman

  64 office officiously keep

  65 entertainment (favorable) reception

  66 stand'st ... of are not already condemned to

  67 spectatorship watching

  70 synod council, assembly

  73 hardly moved persuaded with great difficulty

  75 conjure solemnly ask

  76 petitionary entreating

  77 The ... soldiers i.e. Mars

  78 varlet knave

  78 block idiot/impediment

  83 servanted in service

  83 owe own

  84 properly personally, as my own

  84 remission inclination to forgive

  85 That ... much our friendship shall be poisoned by Rome's ungrateful forgetfulness rather than recalled through compassion 89 for because

  94 constant temper steadfast state of mind

  98 shent rebuked/blamed

  101 for as for

  102 slight worthless

  103 die by himself kill himself

  104 be ... long may you live a long life

  2 Set down encamp

  2 host army

  3 plainly openly, straightforwardly

  5 their ends Volscian aims

  12 godded me treated me like a god

  12 latest refuge last resort

  14 showed appeared

  16 grace do honor to

  19 Nor neither

  23 mould i.e. form of his mother, Volumnia

  24 this trunk my body

  24 framed formed, created

  25 affection emotion/love

  27 obstinate unyielding, hard-hearted

  28 dove's eyes i.e. (Virgilia's) beautiful eyes; the dove symbolized peace and fidelity in love 29 forsworn perjured, oath-breakers

  31 Olympus the mountain home of the Greek gods

  33 aspect look

  36 gosling young goose, i.e. fool

  36 to as to

  36 stand resist

  37 author creator, originator

  41 delivers presents

  43 dull stupid/inactive

  44 am out have forgotten my lines

  45 Best ... flesh i.e. Virgilia (refers to the idea that husband and wife are one flesh) 46 tyranny cruelty

  49 jealous ... heaven i.e. Juno, Roman goddess of marriage 51 virgined it kept it chaste

  51 prate talk idly

  54 more impression a deeper indentation

  58 unproperly unfittingly, against propriety

  59 show ... parent show that all this time duty has been wrongly supposed to be owed by a child to its parent 62 corrected reprimanded

  63 hungry sterile, barren

  64 Fillip strike smartly

  66 Murd'ring impossibility destroying the laws by which some things are impossible 67 slight easy

  68 holp helped

  70 Publicola one of Rome's first consuls

  71 moon i.e. chaste one

  72 curdied congealed

  73 Dian Diana, Roman goddess of the moon and chastity 74 epitome miniature, summary

  75 th'interpretation the expounding, unfolding

  76 show like all resemble in full

  78 inform infuse, invest

  80 shame being shamed/shameful deeds

  80 stick stand out

  81 sea-mark sailor's guide, either a beacon or landmark 81 standing withstanding

  81 flaw gust of wind

  82 eye see, i.e. follow

  89 The ... denials i.e. I have already sworn not to and therefore can never grant certain requests; therefore you must not consider me to be denying you personally 91 capitulate negotiate, come to terms

  92 mechanics laborers

  93 t'allay to lessen/temper/dilute

  94 colder calmer, less impassioned

  103 Should we were we to

  103 raiment clothing

  104 bewray betray, reveal

  105 Think with thyself reflect

  109 Constrains them compels them to

  113 capital fatal

  118 or either

  121 evident certain, unavoidable

  122 which whichever

  123 foreign recreant deserter to a foreign power 126 palm palm leaf, symbol of victory

  128 purpose intend

  129 determine decide the matter

  130 grace favor/mercy

  130 parts sides

  137 A he

  139 Not ... see to avoid womanly tenderness one must not look at the faces of women or children 141 sat i.e. stayed

  143 tend aim

  147 while so that while

  150 Give the all-hail i.e. welcome, praise 152 but this only this is

  157 it i.e. his nobility

  160 affected been drawn to/sought

  161 gods specifically Jupiter/Jove, whose weapon was the thunderbolt 163 charge load

  163 sulphur lightning

  163 bolt thunderbolt

  164 but ... oak i.e. do no harm to mankind 164 rive split

  166 Still constantly

  171 i'th'stocks the stocks were a public instrument of punishment in which the arms and/or legs were confined 173 fond of doting on/desirous of no second brood 173 fond ... brood i.e. with no other children 177 honest honorable/truthful

  178 restrain'st withhold

  181 'longs belongs

  185 cannot ... have does not know what he asks

  187 reason argue for

  189 to for

  191 dispatch dismissal

  201 mortal fatally

  202 true i.e. true to my word

  203 convenient appropriate, suitable

  206 withal by it

  209 sweat i.e. weep

  211 back go back

  212 Stand to support

  215 former fortune fortune like my former one

  218 A better witness i.e. an official treaty 219 On ... counter-sealed having agreed to the same terms, will have countersigned 222 her confederate arms the weapons of her allies 5.4 Location: Rome

  1 coign corner (of a building)

  6 stay upon await

  8 condition disposition

  9 differency difference

  17 engine instrument of war

  18 corslet armor protecting the torso

  18 knell the tolling of a funeral bell

  19 as ... Alexander like a statue of Alexander the Great 19 hum sound of displeasure or impatience

  19 battery assault

  19 state chair of state

  20 with his bidding as soon as he asks

  21 wants lacks

  22 throne be enthroned

  24 in the character to the life, accurately

  27 long of on account of

  34 hale haul, drag

  36 death by inches i.e. a slow death

  39 are dislodged i.e. have withdrawn

  41 Tarquins last kings of Rome (before it became a republic) 46 blown swollen/roused by the wind

  47 recomforted relieved/refreshed hautboys oboe-like instruments 48 sackbuts trumpet-like instruments

  48 psalteries ancient or medieval stringed instruments 48 fifes flute-like instruments, often used for military music 49 Tabors small drums

  76 I ... this i.e. my views represent those of 58 doit small Dutch coin, worth half an English farthing 64 at point about

  5.6 Location: Corioli

  3 repair go

  5 Him he whom

  6 ports gates

  6 this this time, now

  12 his his own

  14 parties supporters

  15 of from

  19 difference disagreement, opposition

  22 admits allows

  23 construction interpretation

  23 pawned ple

  24 truth allegiance

  24 heightened raised to a position of importance 25 plants i.e. followers

  28 free frank, honorable

  29 stoutness stubbornness, firmness

  32 That ... of I was about to mention that

  35 joint-servant i.e. equal partner

  35 gave him way let him have his way/gave him opportunity 37 files troops

  38 designments enterprises

  39 holp helped

  40 end gather in as (harvesting term)

  43 waged paid, rewarded

  43 countenance patronage, approval

  44 mercenary a hired soldier

  46 in at

  47 had carried was about to overcome

  49 There was it i.e. that was the thing

  50 sinews ... stretched strength will be exerted to the utmost against 51 rheum i.e. tears

  55 post messenger (sent in advance of the main arrival); Aufidius' native town is Antium, where this scene is set in Plutarch, but for the dramatic effect of Coriolanus' downfall, Shakespeare locates it in Corioli 61 your vantage this opportune moment for you

  64 along stretched out

  65 After ... pronounced his story told in your words 66 reasons explanations, justifications

  70 heed care

  75 easy fines lenient penalties

  77 levies expenses incurred in raising troops

  77 answering rewarding

  78 charge expenses

  79 yielding surrender

  85 prosperously ... attempted my endeavors have been prosperous 88 more ... part outweigh by a full third

  89 charges costs

  90 Antiates citizens of Antium

  92 Subscribed signed

  94 compounded agreed

  104 perfidiously treacherously

  106 drops of salt i.e. tears

  109 twist twined thread

  109 admitting Counsel o'th'war taking advice from fellow soldiers 112 heart courage

  121 scold speak violently

  122 give ... lie accuse this dog of lying

  122 notion understanding

  123 stripes lashes

  128 edges swords' edges

  131 Fluttered threw into agitation, caused to flutter in panic 134 blind fortune random good luck (fortune was traditionally depicted as a blind woman) 138 presently immediately

  141 outrage violence

  142 folds in enfolds

  144 judicious hearing i.e. lawful trial

  144 Stand stop

  153 whereat at which

  160 owe have in store for

  161 Please it if it please

  162 deliver prove, demonstrate

  164 censure criticism/judgment

  174 one i.e. the fourth bearer of the body 176 Trail i.e. turn the pikes upside down and carry them so that the metal heads trail along the ground; a customary practice at military funerals 179 memory memorial/posthumous reputation

  dead march solemn piece of music accompanying a funeral; probably played with a muffled drum




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