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Ester Cleans Up

Page 2

by Alma Sanchez

  Los gritos fuertes despertaron a todos en la casa. El papá de Ester salió para ver que estaba pasando. Cuando vio a Sneakers, él la rescató de la bolsa de papitas fritas vacía y la regresó con Ester.

  "What happened?" asked Ester as she cuddled her kitten. "Someone littered in our yard and Sneakers got stuck," her dad answered. "Even an empty bag of chips can be dangerous for a young animal." Ester felt really sad because she knew it was her trash. She told her dad that she had been littering in the yard. Her dad hugged her and said, "I'm very proud of you for telling the truth. Tomorrow, you can help me clean up all this trash."

  “¿Que sucedió?” preguntó Ester mientras acariciaba a Sneakers. "Alguien llenó el jardín de basura y Sneakers se atoró," respondió su papá. "Hasta una bolsa vacía de papas fritas puede ser peligrosa para un animalito.” Ester se sintió muy triste porque sabía que era su basura. Le dijo a su papá que ella era la que tiraba la basura en el jardín. Su papá la abrazó y le dijo, “Estoy orgulloso de ti por haberme dicho la verdad. Mañana, tú me puedes ayudar a limpiar toda esa basura.”

  The next day was Saturday. Ester spent the whole morning cleaning up the yard with her dad. Then, she and Sneakers played all afternoon in the green grass beneath the blue sky.

  El día siguiente era sábado. Ester se pasó toda la mañana limpiando el jardín con su papá. Luego, ella y Sneakers jugaron toda la tarde en el pasto verde bajo el cielo azul.

  Comprehension Questions

  Preeguntas de Comprensión

  This page is dedicated to all the teachers and parents who took the time to provide us with valuable feedback. Thank you!

  Dedicamos esta página a todos los padres y maestros que dedicaron su tiempo para compartir sus comentarios con nosotros.

  -Review the following questions with your child.

  -Revise las siguientes preguntas con su hijo.

  -Be patient and let your child respond first before talking them through the answers.

  -Tenga paciencia y deje que su hijo conteste antes de revisar las respuestas con él.

  1. What is the title of this book? Please point to it.

  ¿Cuál es el título de este libro? Señala el título con el dedo.

  2. What are the names of the author and illustrator? Find their names and point to them.

  ¿Cuáles son los nombres de la escritora e ilustradora? Señala sus nombres con el dedo.

  3. Who are the main characters in this book?

  ¿Quiénes son los personajes principales del libro?

  4. What happens in the beginning of this story?

  ¿Qué pasa al principio del cuento?

  5. What happens at the end of this story?

  ¿Qué pasa al final del cuento?

  6. What lesson did you learn from this story?

  ¿Qué aprendiste de este cuento?

  7. What was your favorite part of this story and why?

  ¿Qué parte te gustó más de este cuento y por qué?

  8. If you could change one thing about this story, what would it be?

  ¿Si pudieras cambiar algo sobre este cuento, cual sería?

  Alma Delia Sanchez currently resides in Houston, Texas. She lives with her husband Juan, their three children, two cats and a fourth child on the way. She volunteers as a director for the children's Ministry at her church. Alma is also a home schooling mom who enjoys making up stories for her children. In her spare time, she loves to read, draw, and recycle items into new crafts. Ester Cleans Up is her debut as an author.

  Luz Ortiz is a picture book writer and illustrator born in Cali, Colombia. She started her career in advertising working as a copywriter in Spain and the United States. That experience led her to explore different avenues of the writing world and ultimately helped her find her passion which is writing and illustrating children's books. After living for 10 years in Miami, she moved to New York City where she freelances as an illustrator. Delivering positive and empowering messages is the intention and inspiration behind Luz’s work.

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