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Beloved Pet (His Pet Book 6)

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by Jamie Knight

  Beloved Pet

  His Pet Series Book 6

  Copyright © 2020; Jamie Knight

  Jamie Knight –

  Your Dirty Little Secret Romance Author

  All rights reserved.

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  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1


  Chapter 2


  Chapter 3


  Chapter 4


  Chapter 5


  Chapter 6


  Chapter 7


  Chapter 8


  Chapter 9


  Chapter 10


  Chapter 11


  Chapter 12


  Chapter 13




  Three Months Later

  Sneak Peek of Office Pet

  Sneak Peek of Bad Reputation

  Chapter 1


  As I walked up the stairs to the lobby of McKenzie and Smith Technologies, I didn't think I'd ever been as nervous in my whole life. It was early February and the crisp winter wind bit at my cheeks, but I was feeling hot inside, due to anxiety.

  I felt a bit light-headed and I had to remind myself to replay the Confidence Track over and over again in my mind, from the YouTube video I had been watching in preparation for today- what felt like the biggest day ever.

  I can do anything set my mind to, I told myself mentally.

  Sure, you would think the day I was sworn in as a lawyer would have been the happiest day of my whole life. And at the time, it was. But that was five months ago now, and I hadn't been able to get a job.

  That was a little embarrassing. But so were a lot of things about my life; for instance, the fact that I still lived with my older brother, Paul. The living arrangement helped us both save money on expensive New York City rent and provided me with good company- we'd been close ever since I was born 22 months after him.

  But sometimes, it seemed a bit too close for comfort and I would start thinking about moving into my own place, only to remind myself that I had no job and was still living on leftover student loan money I’d saved up. There wasn’t much, and it was about to run out soon.

  I am a strong and independent woman, I repeated my mantra.

  Also, I was sometimes embarrassed by the fact that I didn't have a lot of friends. Hannah was pretty much it. She and I went way back, too- we had met on our first day of middle school and bonded over being the only kids whose moms had packed us a lunch, instead of being able to buy cafeteria food like the other kids were able to do.

  I guess I had always been socially awkward, and it had only gotten worse instead of getting better as I'd grown up and gotten older. I had found it hard to make new friends and trust people.

  I can be whatever and whoever I want to be.

  I said this to myself, but I didn't know if I believed it. So far, I hadn't been able to be a lawyer, for instance. I had very good references from my former professors and I got very good grades in law school.

  I was even on the mock trial team for a semester, but I had mostly prepared briefs for the other students to argue. My oral argument skills left a lot to be desired, since I had always sucked at public speaking.

  That was why I hadn't managed to land a job. I always choked during the interview.

  And here I was, going to a very important one, certain I was going to mess up again, no matter how many mantras from my Confidence Track I repeated to myself.

  I exude confidence and pass through life with aplomb.

  I remember when I first heard the woman with the British accent who reads the mantras on the track say “aplomb,” I had giggled a little. I could hardly say I did anything with aplomb. I wouldn't exactly say I did much with confidence, either.

  I always felt uncomfortable in my skin- not to mention my plus size clothing! Lots of people have said they admire my curves, but I'd always thought it was just their polite way of saying I'd be prettier if I lost a few pounds. At least, that was always what my mom had meant, when she'd said it just like that.

  The reason she'd always pack my lunches was so that she could carefully select only nutritional, healthy food: salad, grill chicken, Greek yogurt. It was food that tasted bland and left me feeling so hungry.

  Hannah and I would always spend our allowance- or, later, when we got older- our after-school job money, at Ricki's, our favorite ice cream place, loading up our different flavored scoops of ice cream with a variety of different toppings.

  My mom always wondered how I wasn't losing weight, until she saw me there one day when she was in the parking lot for the health food store next door and she berated me for ruining all her efforts.

  I went home and cried, even though I felt like an idiot for caring what my mom said, when I already knew she had the tendency to be mean. She worked long hours at two jobs to support us. One was an office job and the other was bartending at night, so she was often tired and cranky. I was always determined to not have to do that, so that was why I ended up going to law school.

  Paul told me not to let her get to me- that she was overly critical, and nothing could please her. He was right about that, but it wasn’t as if I could magically pretend that her words hadn’t hurt.

  He told me I was beautiful as I was, didn't need to lose weight, and would one day find a guy who loved me more than our mom, or our dad, who had taken off when we were toddlers, ever could.

  I wanted to believe him. But after all this time had passed since then, I still hadn't managed to land a boyfriend.

  Yep. That's right. At age 26, I was still a virgin. And that was the most embarrassing thing of all!

  Sure, I fantasized about my perfect man. I wanted someone tall, dark and handsome- doesn't every straight woman? I wanted him to look like a nice cross between a nerd and an in shape jock. He could wear both glasses and an old high school letterman’s jacket.

  I wanted his eyes to light up in happy surprise when he saw me for the first time, letting me know that I was the only one for him. And I wanted him to swoop me up and carry me to bed, where he'd expertly make love to me every day for the rest of my life.

  I guess you could say I had high standards. Perhaps impossibly high standards.

  Needless to say, I hadn't found his man yet. And I wasn't sure I ever would.

  And now was not the time to be thinking about that. Because I was approaching the receptionist, who looked up from her computer as if I was a huge annoyance to her and asked, "Can I help you?"

  "Yes," I said, clearing my throat nervously, because I hadn’t been expecting such a rude welcome. "I’m here for an interview, but I'm a little confused, because it's supposed to be with Davies & Sons law firm, but the email I received told me to come to McKenzie and Smith Technologies, so, um, here I am."

  She had an amused look on her face- the kind of look I hate. The kind that lets me know I’m being a moron, but, even worse, the times that people had given me this look were times in which I didn't even know how or why I was being a moron. And this time was no exception.

  I looked around to see if this was is a suite and if maybe there were signs pointing to a back office somewhere, which might be the home of a law firm. But everything only said McKenzie and Smith.

  I should had come here a day earlier to do recon and scope out the joint, I chided myself. But I was still not sure I would have been
able to make sense of this place, even without the pressure of Miss Judgy Receptionist beaming down my neck.

  "Davies & Sons has been purchased by McKenzie and Smith Technologies," the prim receptionist finally said, as if deciding to show mercy on me and bless me with this very serious knowledge I somehow should have already known.

  "I see," I told her. “And where would their office be?"

  "Offices, plural," she corrected me, curtly. "Three floors up."

  She nodded her head in the general direction of what I soon realized, after squinting more closely in its direction, was an elevator.

  How many floors does this office have? I wonder.

  I was about to tell her thanks and head off confidently in the direction of the elevator I had just found out existed- faking it until I hopefully made it, as my YouTube videos told me to do-when another woman came down the hall, smiling at me in a much nicer and friendlier manner than Miss Judgy had been.

  "Are you here for the Davies internship?" she asked me, cheerfully.

  "Yes," I told her. "I've found out it's three floors up.”

  “That’s right. I see you've met Morgan,'' the woman said.

  The corners of her lips turned down a bit as she did.

  My feelings exactly!

  “I have,” I told her, doing my best to sound professional, rather than catty.

  Not sounding catty wasn’t exactly my forte, though. I could be a sarcastic bitch when I wanted to be.

  "She mostly schedules our calendar,” the woman continued, “while I’m the one who is in charge of hospitality. We had so many people coming in today that I was busy helping someone else, though, and I apologize that your official welcoming party of one was late."

  "That's okay,” I told her, happy to be getting off on a better foot now than I was with Miss Judgy- I mean Morgan. “I’m Jocelyn Peterson.”

  “Nice to meet you. I'm Cynthia White,” she says, extending a professionally manicured hand in my direction.

  Everything about her was polished but somehow still down to earth and a lot warmer than the vibe that Morgan was giving off. I instantly liked her.

  "I'll take you up to meet the head honchos and all the candidates," she said, as she turned in the direction of the elevator and I followed her.

  Neither of us bothered to say goodbye to Morgan.

  My palms were sweaty, and my head was spinning even more now, at her seemingly constant references to how many people were here for the interview.

  I tried to take a few deep breaths and to repeat the phrase "I am strong and calm" to myself mentally.

  It wasn’t really working, though. So, I decided to try to scope out some intel from my new pal Cynthia in advance.

  “So, you said there are a lot of people here?" I asked, testing the waters.

  "There sure are," she said. "Davies seems to have a very... unorthodox way of doing things."

  I was about to ask her what she meant by that, but just then the elevator dinged, letting us know we had arrived.

  That was a very fast ride!

  I wasn’t sure I was ready for my possible future at this firm to begin, but, ready or not, here it came.

  Chapter 2


  Before I knew it, ready or not— and in my case, it was definitely not— I was being ushered through yet another lobby area and then into a large open area that was like a conference room on steroids. There were many long, rectangular tables lined up, and a lot of people were already seated at the chairs around the tables.

  Great, I thought, as I pulled out my chair.

  Just what I needed for my social anxiety. I was usually a bit early, and I had meant to be even earlier today, but I wasn’t, because I had been trying to rehearse all the mantras in my Confidence Tracks first.

  At least I hadn’t been late, but I was surprised to find so many people had arrived before me, and I wanted to kick myself for breaking my normal pattern. Hopefully, no one noticed, since there were so many people here, though.

  Looking around the room, I realized that I recognized several people from my law school, who had been a class or two ahead of me. They currently worked at large firms with well-paying salaries.

  Clearly this was a very competitive position and I began to doubt that I should even be here trying to get it. I had just graduated from law school and hadn’t managed to land any job, and these other contenders already had experience working at distinguished firms.

  I have everything I need to be whatever I aspire to be, within me.

  I tried to repeat this mantra to myself, but I didn’t even make it to the second half of the sentence before I gave up. My Confidence Track was clearly failing me now. I had no idea how I could stand out among this crowd of elite lawyers.

  Soon, a meeting was called to order and several people walked up to the podium that was in the front of the room. One of them switched a monitor on began a slide show presentation, with the heading:

  McKenzie and Smith Technologies merges with Davies and Sons Law firm!

  Underneath that heading, in smaller letters, it said:

  An exciting opportunity for growth and cooperation!

  "Welcome, everyone," the man said. “I’m Ashton Smith and this is Kane McKenzie.”

  He gestured to the man standing beside him.

  “I'd like to introduce you to the key players here at McKenzie Tech. We are a firm that started small but has grown into a much larger area, but we've remained focused on our core founding principles of respect and determination.

  "The McKenzie and Smith side of things is made up the financial and accounting decision-makers," Ashton continued. "And I’m happy to announce that we hired our own in-house legal counsel, with whom we will be partnering for advice and in-house counsel and who will be representing us on McKenzie and Smith matters, as well as maintaining their partnership. Davies and Sons will continue to represent the client base they've brought with them to our firm, including these distinguished companies and individuals.

  Ashton clicks a button and names of large New York City and national, even international, companies flash on the screen. They roll by like movie credits, except to us they’re a lot more impressive, at least considering the industry we were working in. Or trying to work in.

  "The reason we are hiring interns, which we hope to turn into employees in the form of associates here at the firm, are because we have a lot of legal work that needs done. Davies & Sons consists of a father and three sons who originally founded the firm, and then an already large staff consisting of senior and junior partners, senior and junior associates, paralegals, and legal assistants. Yet the staff will need to grow larger because we have additional work now and we plan to take on more.”

  Ashton switched though slides showing a plan of growth for the firm, its different departments, and the partners who head up each department.

  “Many of you may have heard that we had some issues with the previous law firm we were working with, so, we let them go. That’s why I’m particularly happy to announce this partnership, because it took a while for us to decide on the direction we wanted to go in, and now we’re more sure than ever that this will work out.”

  He then switched the monitor off and cleared his throat.

  “Many of you have also heard that Davies and Sons is comprised of family members of an accountant here at the firm, Eileen, who is with our CFA, Ray Silver. However, I want to assure you there is no nepotism involved – we sincerely believe this is the right move for our firm, after having interviewed many potential firms to partner up with.”

  He cleared his throat again, as if glad to get that out of the way.

  "Without further ado, I’d like to welcome and introduce to you the people who have made this partnership possible, and who will be deciding which of you to hire or as interns and eventually employees.”

  I swallowed a lump that was forming in my throat now.

  Here it is.

  The moment I'd find out who wo
uld be deciding my fate and whether I would actually get to work as a lawyer.

  I am not afraid because I am strong and confident, I repeated to myself, even though I didn't completely feel it was true.

  I just had to fake it until I made it.

  When the men entered the room, Ashton introduced them, and I knew I should be paying attention to their names, but I only caught one.

  William Davies.

  He was the only man whose name I noticed because he was the only person I noticed then, period, as soon as he walked in. It was like he was the only man in the room. The only man in the universe.

  He was my perfect type. Tall, dark and handsome. He wore a well-fitting, fancy, expensive-looking suit which teased me because I could almost see his ripped muscles underneath the fabric.

  His broad shoulders were so enticing that my never-before-touched pussy tightened up and became soaking wet for him.

  It was as if it was literally aching for him, needing his cock— which, if it was anything like the rest of him, was very large— inside it, to fill me up and pump it full for my very first time.

  I knew I shouldn’t be having such lascivious thoughts. I should be concentrating on work and on this internship and potential job I waited so badly.

  But suddenly my body wanted this man more than my brain wanted this job. And as he looked in my direction, while he was introducing himself and saying something about the purpose of this internship, which was as a trial, to see if both parties feet we would all be a good fit for each other, all I could think of was how well he'd fit in my pussy.

  How he'd stretch it open, little by little, the head of his cock positioned right at its opening and then sliding gently in until it was so deep inside me that I was moaning and crying out his name, I blushed, deeply, and then noticed he was looking right at me.

  I fidgeted in my seat. My pussy was drenched for him. Could he feel how much I wanted him? Could everyone in this whole room?

  And then, my dream man did something I never thought he'd do. He raised his eyebrows and his eyes lit up for me. He was letting me know I was the only one for him. Just liked I'd always hoped it would go.


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