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Touch of Eon: Eon Warriors #2

Page 4

by Hackett, Anna

  Then she closed the lid and replaced the panel.

  “I’m coming, Eve.” Lara sat in the pilot seat and the console flared to life. She touched the controls. She needed to get off this planet before an enraged warrior came looking for her.

  She worried a little about there being extra Eon ships in the air, chasing down the Kantos. But hopefully they’d be too busy and with her stealth mode up, she should be able to sneak off the planet undetected.

  She palmed the controls…but the engines remained silent.

  What the hell? She coded in the launch sequence again. Nothing.

  “Engines are not responding,” the computer said in a modulated voice.

  Great, just what she needed. “Run a diagnostic.”

  “Cannot comply.”

  “Why not?” Lara bit out.

  “Cannot comply.”

  She slapped her palms against the console. Of all the times for her to have engine trouble. Why me? “Computer, check fuel levels.”

  “Fuel at optimum levels.”

  “Fuck.” That meant there was something wrong with the engine. She pushed out of the seat, and went to a built-in storage cabinet. Inside, she found the maintenance tool kit and scanner. She pulled them out.

  Moving outside, she aimed her flashlight at the hull, and dropped the tool kit on the ground. She opened the engine panel at the back of the ship.

  Everything looked fine to her, but she was a special forces marine. She could fight, kill, and subdue, but when it came to engines, she sucked. She knew dick-all about machinery and fixing it.


  The deep voice turned her blood to ice. She turned her head.

  Caze leaned against the side of her ship, his big, brawny arms crossed over his chest.

  She straightened. “You did this!”

  He raised a brow. “I disabled your ship, yes. I found it before I came looking for you.”

  “Dammit.” Lara kicked the side of the ship, but she really wanted to kick him.

  “Point to me,” he said.

  She narrowed her gaze on him. His face was impassive, but she was certain the warrior was feeling smug. “I left you sedated, so I’d say we’re even.”

  The silver in his dark eyes flashed. “Not even close, Lara Traynor.”

  * * *

  She didn’t have a helian amplifying her emotions, but Caze had no trouble detecting the anger pumping off Lara.

  He was the one who should be mad. She kept getting the drop on him, and she’d left him sedated in the middle of a forest overrun with Kantos.

  But instead, he found himself admiring her. He certainly wouldn’t underestimate her again.

  She huffed out a breath. “So, you sabotaged my ship?”


  Her nose wrinkled.

  “You don’t need to do this, Lara.” He pushed away from the hull of her ship. “Earth has recalled you from your mission. I can take you to Eve, and she can confirm it.”

  Lara stared at him, eyes narrowed.

  She was so distrusting. She reminded Caze of himself.

  “I can’t trust you,” she said. “You just want the gems back, and to lock me up.”

  “Then trust your sister.” He lifted his arm, tilting the screen on his wrist so she could see it. “Watch.”

  Eve’s face filled the screen. The sisters looked alike, but comparing them now, he saw Eve’s face was a little narrower than Lara’s.

  Lara grabbed his wrist. “Eve.”

  “It’s a recording.”

  “Lara, if Caze finds you, you can trust him,” Eve said. “Mostly.”

  Caze frowned at the woman’s words.

  Lara laughed.

  “He won’t lie to you,” Eve continued. “But he is a badass warrior. If he hurts you…”

  Lara snorted. “As if.”

  For the first time in his life, Caze felt the urge to roll his eyes.

  “I survived my mission, Lara. I successfully abducted War Commander Thann-Eon.” A smile flirted around the edges of Eve’s mouth. “Then the Kantos attacked us. Dav and I crash landed on a planet.”

  Lara’s brows rose. “Dav?”

  “The Kantos were hunting us, and we were forced to work together.”

  “Sounds familiar,” Lara mumbled.

  Eve smiled again. “And then I fell in love with my magnificent war commander.”

  Lara gasped. “What the—?”

  “We’re mated now, Lara.” A pause. “I know you and I have never believed in love, but Lara—” Eve shook her head, her face glowing “—when it’s right, it’s the best damn thing in the galaxy.”

  Lara snorted. What a load of crap.

  “We’re back on the Desteron, and the Eon king has made me ambassador to Earth.” Eve wrinkled her nose. “He wants his gems back, Lara. Trust Caze, and bring the gems to me.”

  Lara looked at Caze, then back at the screen.

  “There’s something else,” Eve said. And even Caze could detect the woman’s anger through the recording. “The Space Corps didn’t just blackmail you and me into these crazy missions.” Eve dragged in a breath. “They did the same to Wren, as well.”

  “What?” Lara exploded. “No way.”

  “They sent her to hijack an Eon warship, the Rengard.” Eve shook her head. “She succeeded. But I’ve got no idea where she or the ship are now.”

  “Fucking hell.” Lara turned and punched the side of her ship. “Wren.”

  “Come to me, Lara. I’ll see you soon.” Eve lifted a hand, like she was going to reach through the screen to touch her sister. Then the recording ended.

  Caze watched Lara pace by her ship. “Wren is your sister.”

  “Our baby sister. She isn’t military trained! She couldn’t fight a flea.”

  Caze wasn’t sure what a flea was, but it didn’t sound very challenging.

  “The recording didn’t look doctored.” Lara stopped and shot him a suspicious look.

  He crossed his arms over his chest. “Eon warriors do not engage in subterfuge.”

  “She didn’t look under duress.”

  “I can assure you, she’s happily mated to the war commander.” Caze still found that incredulous. An Eon and a Terran. And Eve could command Davion’s helian, something that was unheard of in Eon history. “They are in love.”

  Lara wrinkled her nose, just like her sister had. “Love is for fools. And Eve is not a fool.”

  “I agree with you on both counts. Love is a weak, useless emotion. But she and Davion do appear to care for each other.”

  “He’s a good man?”

  “The best. The best warrior I know.”

  Lara blew out a breath. “God, they dragged my baby sister into this as well. Fucking Space Corps. Wren is a computer geek for God’s sake.”

  “She’s clearly as tough and determined as her sisters if she succeeded in hijacking an Eon warship full of warriors.”

  Lara’s face paled. “Dammit, if they’ve hurt her…”

  Yes, the sisters were very devoted to each other and very similar—extremely protective. But Caze couldn’t give Lara any assurances. War Commander Malax Dann-Jad of the Rengard was a formidable warrior.

  “Come back with me,” Caze said. “The best way to help your younger sister is to meet with Eve and then find Wren together.”

  Lara sighed and then nodded. “Okay, warrior, I am reluctantly going to trust you.”

  Elation filled him. “Get what you need from your ship, including the gems. I’ll arrange for the ship to be secured.”

  She pointed a finger at him. “Betray me, and I’ll slit your throat.”

  “You can try, Terran. Now, hurry. We’ll take my ship back to the Desteron.”

  With another nod, she ducked inside. He watched through the doorway as she grabbed a backpack and shoved some belongings into it.

  “I wish you’d listened to me at the Temple of Alqin,” he said. It would have saved them a lot of time…and bruises.
/>   She snorted. “You said that you’d come for me, and I’d feel your breath on the back of my neck as you hunted me to the end of the galaxy. Not a good way to make me trust you.”

  Caze grunted. He’d never been known for his diplomacy or tact.

  Lara ducked out of the ship and grinned. “Besides, fighting you was fun.”

  “You are a unique woman, Lara Traynor.”

  “Thanks. I think that was a compliment.” She waved a hand forward. “Now, lead the way.”

  He turned, retracing the path back to the town. “I’m glad you trust me now.”

  “Not an inch, warrior. One wrong move, and I won’t hesitate to take you down.”

  Caze felt that appreciation again. “The gems.” He held out a hand. “Give them to me for safekeeping.”

  “Not a chance.” She tightened the strap on her backpack.

  He’d figured as much. But as long as she was with him, he could help her keep the gems safe until they returned to the Desteron.

  They walked in silence and it was almost companionable. He led her around the edge of town. The streets were far emptier now, with more warriors patrolling. The surprise visit from the Kantos had left the locals cautious.

  The Kantos. What the Cren did they want with the sacred gems of the warriors?

  Caze led Lara to a small docking area. The guards at the gates bowed their heads to him and he nodded. Inside, there were a small number of Eon ships. His stealth ship was at the end, larger than Lara’s and far more streamlined.

  “Ooh.” She stroked the black, metal hull. It had a faint scale pattern embedded in it.

  Caze watched her hand and wondered if she’d ever looked at a man in the hungry way she eyed his ship.

  He shook his head, forcing himself to focus on the mission. He led her inside.

  “I can stow your pack.”

  He got a dry look. “No, thanks.”

  They both settled into seats in the cockpit. It was angled at the front, with an angular viewscreen in front of them.

  Caze started the prelaunch sequence, watching as Lara struggled with the slightly-too-large harness. He reached over to help her buckle it and as soon as he touched her, electricity arced between them.

  He quickly sat back. “Ready?”


  He communicated with the docking controllers, then initiated takeoff, and the ship lifted. He saw her lean forward, still cradling her backpack. They zoomed into the night sky and minutes later, they broke the moon’s atmosphere and arrowed into space.

  “It will take several hours to reach the Desteron,” he told her.

  She nodded, her fingers gripping the console in front of her. Then she lifted her hand. “What’s this?”

  There was something sticky on them.

  Caze frowned. By Alqin’s axe. His muscles tensed and he called on his symbiont, opening his senses.

  He sensed…something.

  Something that was trying very hard to hide itself.

  Suddenly, there was a noise behind them, and they both swiveled. The floor panels of his ship burst open, and a Kantos bug erupted out of the floor.

  Chapter Five

  Well, fuck.

  Lara leaped up, staring at the Kantos, her hands going for her blasters. But she couldn’t use the lasers. Not on the ship.

  The creature was red and black, and covered in a light fuzz. It had a bulging thorax, and six skinny, black legs. It opened its mouth and sprayed poison.

  Shit. Caze burst into action, slamming into Lara and driving her to the floor.

  She heard metal sizzling as it melted.

  “Off.” She shoved at him.

  Then she heard clicking noises. Dammit, there were soldiers in here, as well.

  Surrender. Give us the gems.

  At the mental voice, Caze growled.

  “That’s a hell no, bug face.” Lara turned her head to look up at Caze. “Ready?”

  He raised a brow. “Ready.”

  They both surged up.

  Lara reached over her shoulder and pulled her sword. A silver glow filled the space as Caze’s sword formed on his arm.

  They moved together, slashing and swinging.

  Caze slammed his boot down, pinning one of the bug’s thin legs. It screeched.

  “Lara!” he roared.

  She swung her sword down, stabbing at the Kantos’ red body. Her sword hit, and the creature writhed. She shoved with all her strength through the hard shell and her blade sank deep. With another screech, it slumped to the floor, poison oozing out of it.

  “Soldiers,” Caze shouted.

  “Go high,” she yelled.

  They both swiveled. The Kantos soldiers were charging at them, but Caze and Lara were ready. The ship’s lights flashed off their swords. Lara gritted her teeth and slashed. It was challenging to fight in the tight confines of the ship, forcing her to keep her swings short and sharp.

  Caze sliced an arm off one soldier. Another flash of silver, and the other arm was gone as well. The soldier shrieked, writhing around.

  “Down,” Caze called.

  She automatically ducked, and his sword sliced over her head. As it cut into the other soldier, Lara swung low. Her blade hacked into the soldier’s legs.

  The Kantos tilted and collapsed.

  Lara spotted something that the alien was holding in one claw.

  Her gut cramped. Was it a grenade?

  The soldier that was already on the ground surged up, and Caze rammed into him like a football player. The soldier crashed into the console so hard that the metal dented.

  The other soldier tossed what he was holding.

  “Caze! Look out!”

  The warrior spun. They watched the object sail into the air and stop, hovering.

  What the—? Lara’s chest hitched. It was a small winged insect.

  The creature was no bigger than her hand, and had pretty, translucent wings that glistened pink and purple in the light.

  It danced around, leaving a faint mist in the air.

  Lassitude flowed through Lara and she blinked. A smile broke out on her lips. She felt so good, so relaxed.

  Warmth flowed through her, and she lowered her sword, her arms dangling by her side.

  “Lara,” Caze called out.

  “It’s all okay, warrior. Everything is great.”

  He surged toward her, then stopped. He shook his head like he was trying to clear it, then he looked up and smiled.

  She grinned at him. “Oh, God, you should do that more often.”


  She pressed her hands to his hard chest. “Smile. You’re damn handsome when you do.”

  “I’ve had no reason to smile.” He reached out and touched her hair. “Until now.”

  A clicking noise filled the air.

  They turned their heads and watched as an elite Kantos rose up out of the hole in the floor.

  Lara blinked and felt a tickle in her head. “I feel like…I should be concerned.”

  Caze pressed a hand to his head. “This is wrong.”

  The elite burst forward, raising its sharp arms. It moved around them, searching the ship. It yanked open cabinet doors.

  Where are the gems?

  The raspy voice in her head made her wince. No, this wasn’t right.

  Caze made a choked sound. “Never…tell you.”

  The elite swung an arm and it slammed into Caze’s head. The warrior dropped like an imploded building.

  No. Lara gasped, the pleasure clouding her head dimming.

  The elite snatched the flying bug from the air. Instantly, Lara’s head cleared.

  Dread and fear filled her throat. Shit. They’d been drugged or hypnotized or something.

  Caze lay face down on the floor, not moving. Her belly went hard. The elite stared at her with its burning yellow eyes.

  Where are the gems?

  Shit, her backpack was lying on the floor near the console. She forced herself not to look at it. Tried hard
. But her head was foggy, a strange compulsion flooding her system. She glanced at the pack.

  The elite’s eyes flared. Thank you, Terran.

  Shit. “You should have kept me high and strung out, bug boy.” Lara lifted her sword and launched herself at the alien.

  * * *

  Caze’s head throbbed. The unforgiving pain made nausea wash over him. He opened his eyes and everything was a blur.

  He heard the sound of fighting and turned his head. His vision cleared.

  Lara was fighting an elite.

  He watched as she was rammed into the wall of his ship. The elite swung an arm at her and she ducked. Metal crunched and she countered, slicing out with her sword. It slashed across the alien’s hard chest.

  Caze tried to move, to push himself up and help. But his body wouldn’t respond.

  His helian was working overtime to heal him. He knew he had some sort of head wound.

  Lara wasn’t moving like she usually did. She was sluggish, slow. Then he remembered the flying insect.

  Cren. They’d been drugged.

  The elite caught Lara with one arm, pinning her by her neck to the wall. She twisted, fighting him, but his other arm whipped out. It opened up a slash across her thigh.

  Lara cried out, her body slumping.

  The Kantos released her. As she fell, he landed a hard blow to the back of her head and she collapsed to the floor.


  The elite stared down at her dispassionately. Then he turned and snatched up her backpack.

  Curses ran through Caze’s head. Again, he fought to move, but his body didn’t respond.

  The Kantos used one of his clawed hands to rifle through the backpack. He pulled out the three Eon gems.

  Then the creature looked at the viewscreen, and although his expression didn’t change, Caze sensed the alien’s satisfaction.

  Using everything he had, Caze managed to lift his head. A large, raider-class Kantos cruiser filled the viewscreen. It was on an intercept course.

  Caze sucked in a breath. There was nothing he could do right now. He needed to heal, and he needed to protect Lara.

  When the time was right, they could try to escape.


  They were docking with the Kantos ship.

  The elite moved, gliding on his four legs. He started making a clicking sound, and Caze heard the beat of multiple Kantos feet.


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