Flame- Wild Hearts

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Flame- Wild Hearts Page 4

by Marie Scully

  “Nope, just going into town to meet some friends. You?”

  James always thought I did everything for him, but I did it for myself. I’ll show him! I can have fun; I can make friends. I can live. I’ll show him.

  “Ben invited me to his friend’s party, so I think I’ll do that.”

  Later that evening as I dig in the closet for something to wear to the party, I’m regretting my decision to go. I would back out, but I already told Ben I would go, and he was excited. He told me all about the people going—who to avoid and who was the go-to for what.

  Liam and Ben had known each other since kindergarten. They had both been riding since they were children, but Liam’s father was the one that pushed him to make it a career. Ben said Liam’s father became a real piece of work after his wife died.

  He also told me that both Liam’s and his exes would be at the party tonight. I asked him what they looked like and he said I’d be able to tell Liam’s ex right away because of the devil horns. I guess that relationship ended badly. According to Ben, Liam is the same age as him, and almost done with his business degree. Most of it he did online so he could focus on his riding.

  All my clothes are now on the floor. Not that there’s a lot of them. Everything I have fits in a duffel bag. Since I could never find a reliable car, I had to keep my possessions to a minimum.

  I have nothing to wear tonight. Just great! Well that settles it: I’m not going. My fun can wait for another night. I’m going to find Ben now and let him know.

  I swing the bedroom door open and run right into Ben’s chest. I step back and almost stumble; he grabs my arm to steady me.

  “You okay?” he asks, chuckling. “The night’s not even started and I already have a lady falling for me.”

  I take Ben in. He looks good. His blue shirt hugs his body nicely, and he also wears a pair of jeans and some tennis shoes. Though he could wear a plastic bag and still look good.

  “Ha ha. Funny. About that: I don’t think I’m going.”

  “Why not? Come have some fun,” he says, stepping into the room and taking in the disaster on the floor.

  Fun. I’m getting tired of that word.

  “Well, for one thing, I’m tired.” I give a good yawn, hoping that it’s more convincing to him than it is to me. “And I have nothing to wear. But you go and have fun without me.”

  I jump onto my bed and grab the book on the bedside table, opening it to a random page.

  “You’re not getting out of it that easily.” He bends down and picks up random clothes and throws them on top of me.


  “There, now get dressed. We leave in five.”

  I pick up a shoe and throw it at his back, but he makes it to the door just in time. He peeks back in and says, “Nice throw.”

  “Next time I won’t miss,” I yell back.

  “Well, if I’m going to do this I might as well look good,” I mumble to myself. Five minutes. I can do this. I slide on the dark skinny jeans and grab the red lacy top with quarter-inch sleeves. Quickly I put on some light make-up. Purse? Do I need a purse? No, I’ll just put the phone in my back pocket. Less to worry about.

  “Danny, come on,” I hear Ben yell up.

  “Coming.” I run out of the room and down the stairs. Ben is waiting by the door checking his phone. He glances my way and his jaw drops.

  “What? What’s wrong? Will this not work?” I asked, looking down at myself.

  “Nothing’s wrong. You look great. It’s just I got used to seeing you in work clothes. I’ll have to be the brotherly figure tonight and beat the guys off you with a stick.”

  He offers me his arm, and I take it, saying, “I don’t think I’d go that far. It’s just jeans and a shirt. But thanks.” I smile up at him.

  “You really don’t see yourself, do you?” he asks.

  I don’t say anything to that. We just continue to the car.

  Chapter Six


  “Welcome home,” voices ring out. “Great party,” people compliment. “Nice race,” others admire. Slaps on the back, fist pumps, and handshakes greet me as I move in and out rooms. Sixtyish of my best friends decided to show up to the party. It looks as if everyone is having a great time. Lex should be back home at some point with Megan and Nicole. They made a last-minute decision to get new clothes for the party. As if one of the millions of outfits they own between them wouldn’t work.

  It’ll be good to see Megan. We’ve been friends for years. She’s almost as much my sister as Lex. Nicole, on the other hand, I could go a lifetime without seeing again.

  We dated on and off for four years until two months ago, when I came home to find her in bed with our old high school principal, Mr. Miller, I knew it was time to end things for good. I cared about Nicole but love? Never love. But she keeps texting and calling me. It’s not me she wants back though; it’s everything I represent to her. Money, fame, power. Everything she wants. Like most people in this room, reality means very little. It’s all about how it appears.

  I glance at my phone and see Ben’s message appear: On our way. Be there soon.

  Interesting. Who’s with him?



  “That’s his house?” The size of the building in front of me is giving me flashbacks to my father’s home. Unlike my father’s, it’s white and longer, with large bar windows. We park in the circle driveway. Cars are everywhere. It’s going to be quite the crowd, given that there’s everything from beat-up pickups with paint peeling off to Mercedes that looked like they were just washed.

  The home is lit up with lights shining out into the night, and I can hear music blaring. Unintentionally I take a step back.

  Ben looks back. “It’s all good. I promise once you get to know everyone, they’re all chill.” He reaches for the door handle.

  My instinct is telling me to run—I can’t do this. This isn’t my thing—I don’t party. I don’t do fun. I work and avoid my past. The flashback catches me off guard. They seem to be coming more often than they used to.


  I keep knocking. My knuckles are red from pounding on the metal door. Answer the goddamn door. “Come on!” I yell. The music is beating against the door. I reach my fist up again as the door opens to a man with no shirt and pants that are hanging low. His eyes are hazed over.

  I rush past him as he says, “Hey,” going to grab me.

  “Don’t touch me. I’m in no mood.” I grab his shirt. “Where is he? Where is James? If he isn’t dead, I’m going to kill him.”

  He shakes his head. He’s too far gone to know his name let alone anyone else’s. Useless. I release him. People are lying on the couches and floor, white powder on the table. Empty alcohol bottles litter the room.

  Moving from room to room, each is more disturbing than the last. I know he was here. An old friend called and told me she’d seen him going in with Kyle. Once James got together with Kyle, they were only going to do one thing.

  I make it to the last room. If he’s not in there, I’m not sure what I’ll do. I say a small prayer that he is, no matter what is going on—at least I’d know where he is. I twist the doorknob and walk in.

  “James!” I move quickly to his side. “James.”

  His eyes flicker. “Danny, what are you doing here?” he gets out.

  “Getting you, as always. Get up.” Knowing that he’s alive I can release my anger on the correct target.


  “Danny. Are you with me?” Ben’s voice snaps me back to the present, his concerned face in front of me.

  “Yeah. Sorry. Let’s go.”

  He does a spin up the stairs and says, “Let’s get jiggy with it,” and snaps his fingers.

  “Please don’t ever do that.”

  “Only all night long.” He pushes open the door for me, and we walk into a cross between a cocktail party and a college school TV party. People are everywhere, some dressed in jeans like us and others in beautiful dr
esses, shirts, and slacks.

  Red Solo cups are in almost every hand I can see. In the room to the left groups of two play beer pong.

  “Ben, what’s up?” Three guys come over to where we’re standing at the door.

  “Hey, guys. Long time. This is Danny. Danny, this is Brad, Allan, and Michael,” he says, pointing to each as he says their name. They each shake my hand, greeting me. They all look alike in build and face.

  “Are you guys brothers?” I ask.

  The one named Brad laughs and says, “You’re good. Not many people pick up on that. Yeah, Allan and I are twins. Michael is older by two years. Mom says that it was like she had triplets.”

  “We all went to school together,” Ben says, then asks, “Where’s our host for the evening?” and looks at Allan.

  “Liam? He’s somewhere hiding from Nicole. Last I saw him he was in the kitchen.” Allan takes a drink after responding.

  “Got you.” Ben’s eyes dance around the room trying to decide where to go next. “Well, we’ll check out the rest of the party. Catch you all later.”

  “Nice to meet you, Danny,” Brad says, and the others nod in agreement.

  “Thanks. You guys too,” I say and wave an awkward goodbye.

  As we move further into the house, I notice how modern it is, with a glass staircase and windows everywhere. Classical artwork hangs from the walls. I don’t see any family pictures, which is different from Ben’s home. It has an open floorplan, with white walls. It’s stunning in a cold way; I wouldn’t want to spill or break anything here. It would be a capital offense.

  We continue to move, stopping to say hi to people Ben knows—which seems to be everyone.

  “Ben,” a woman’s voice calls from behind us. Ben stills.

  I whisper to him, “If you want to run, I’ll trip her.”

  “No tripping needed. It’s Megan, my ex. She’s harmless for the most part, and we were friends long before we dated—we still are.”

  We turn around. Now it’s my turn to gasp. She’s gorgeous, in a long black dress and a simple gold necklace, her blond hair cut in a bob. Everything about her screams sophisticated. As she comes closer I notice she has a clear face with crystal blue eyes. I envy the confidence coming off her in waves. I can’t believe this is Ben’s ex. They seem like complete opposites. Where he seems like he belongs on a ranch, working the land and with horses, she looks like she’d be at ease at a high-class city event.

  “Hi, Megan. How are you? This is Danny,” he says, giving me a slight nudge forward. “She just started working at the ranch. We were just headed to the kitchen to grab a drink.”

  She looks at me. “Hi, Danny. Having fun?” she asks genuinely. As much as I hate to admit it, I may have judged Megan too quickly based on looks alone. Her eyes are kind.

  “Yes. Everyone here has been nice. We’re not here together,” I say, pointing between Ben and me. I have no idea why the hell I said that.

  She laughs at me, and Ben says, “I’m hurt, Danny. You could have at least acted for a minute.”

  I blush. Shit. Way to put my foot in my mouth.

  “It’s all good,” Ben says, trying to make me feel better.

  I look at them both. “Sorry. It’s not my day.”

  “It’s a lot to take in, this place. And the people. I was new here once too,” Megan says. “Let’s go get that drink.”

  Ben offers us both an arm and we make our way towards the kitchen.

  The kitchen is packed. Alcohol bottles of all kinds line the counter alongside soda and juice. Ben grabs three cups and asks what our preference is. Megan goes with a Malibu and Coke; Ben and I grab a beer. Megan then asks Ben how his grandma is doing, and I continue to take everything in.

  Moving away from Ben and Megan, I let them catch up. Plus, I don’t want Ben to feel like he has to babysit me just because he’s the only one I know here. I open the screen door that leads to the backyard and pool. The outside area is just as stunning as the inside. Little lights show off multiple pathways one could take. I can’t help but wonder where they all lead.

  As I continue to imagine where the different pathways lead, a dark figure appears at the corner of my vision. Turning my head towards the furthest pathway, to the right, I watch the figure come closer. Leaning forward, I try to make him out.

  He looks to be a few inches taller than me, with dark wavy hair. The closer he comes, the more I can make out smaller details. I can’t take my eyes off him, and when he glances my way, I blush. I can’t believe I was caught staring.

  I have the strange urge to run my fingers through his hair to see if it’s as soft as it looks. I have no clue what’s coming over me. Next, I notice his high cheekbones, lips made for sin and eyes that appear to see every small detail. But none of that can beat his smile. His smile is catching. Watching his eyes light up each time he stops to say hi to someone as he passes them makes me want him to smile at me that way.

  Soon I get my wish as he turns his stunning smile and sparkling eyes my way. Like Ben, he’s wearing dark jeans, with a red-and-white-striped shirt. He looks at me and waves. He’s waving at me. What do I do? Oh right, wave back. I’m losing it.

  I lift my hand to wave and hear Ben’s voice over my shoulder. “Hey, Liam. Been looking for you forever.”

  That’s Liam. Of course it is. And he was clearly waving at Ben not me. Now I look more like an idiot. Ben and Megan have moved to either side of me.

  Liam looks at Ben and says, “When did you get here? I’ve been talking to everyone like a good host so I’m already tired, and it’s only 11 p.m.” He waves his hand as if to say you were late and I wanted your backup.

  He looks over at me as if he’s noticing me for the first time. “Sorry, I don’t believe we’ve met. I’m Liam.” Power and confidence ooze out of him. He’s someone that’s used to commanding the room.

  Ben answers before I can with, “This is Danny. She started at the ranch a few weeks ago. Been doing a great job. I had to drag her out tonight so she could have some fun.”

  Liam looks at me. “Are you?”

  I give him a blank stare.

  “Having fun?” he tries again.

  Ah, way to look like a moron early on. Trying to salvage something, I answer, “Yes, I am. You have a great home. Ben said you’ve been out of town. Where did you travel to?”

  “I was in North Carolina for a race. Won by a few seconds.” He takes a drink from his cup before continuing, “I’m happy to be home for a little while at least. Where are you from?”

  “Nowhere around here.”

  He waits for me to go into more detail and when I don’t, he looks at Megan and asks, “Have you seen Nicole?”

  “No, why?” she asks, seeming to know the answer to her own question.

  “Just wondering which way to not go in my own home,” Liam says, annoyed, glancing near the bushes as if anticipating that Nicole is going to hop out from behind one.

  “Ouch,” Ben says.

  “I have nothing to say to her. She keeps texting and calling. Driving me nuts. She cheated on me, not the other way around,” Liam throws back.

  “I know, Liam. And she feels horrible,” Ben adds as a few guests move around us to go back indoors.

  Liam shakes his head, his facial expression that of someone who just sucked on a lemon as he thinks about Nicole. “Let’s go back inside. I need a fresh drink, and it’s getting cold out here.”

  Following them back inside is a shock to the system. While outside had a sense of harmony, with owls hooting, crickets chirping, and the wind rustling leaves, inside gives anything but a sense of harmony. Loud music vibrates the skin and people are constantly moving from one room to another, some dancing as they go, others concentrating on not spilling their drinks. Inside is simple sensory overload. If it’s possible, there seem to be more people at the party than before. We all grab another drink. I take a big gulp; this cup is going down faster than the first one.

  Surprisingly, the next song
that plays has some beat to it, causing my feet to move to the music. Ben looks over at me and asks, “Now we get jiggy with it?” as he snaps his fingers and moves his feet to the music.

  “Still no.”

  Megan and Ben don’t look surprised by the comment. This must not be a new request.

  “Ben is a terrible dancer,” Megan adds, looking at him.

  “I caught onto that,” I add with a chuckle.

  “When we were in middle school, we had a decades-themed dance, and no one wanted to dance. It was as if we were in one of those cliché movies where the girls and guys stay on opposite sides of the room. Anyways, Ben decided he’d had enough, and he walks out to the middle of the dance floor and starts doing the Macarena. Keep in mind that wasn’t the song playing. Everyone was caught off guard, but after a few seconds it caught on, then half the room was doing it. Ben has been blessed or cursed with the ability to not really care what others think and just do what he wants.” Laughter rings in Megan’s voice as she tells this story.

  Ben winks at Megan and she rolls her eyes. “Like I said, not always a good thing, Ben.”

  “It’s always a good thing. Keeps you on your toes,” Ben says as he tries pulling Megan to dance.

  “Shit,” Liam mumbles under his breath. I look up and coming our way is a beautiful woman who looks like she’s Greek, with long black hair and olive skin, wearing a short red dress and black high heels. She looks like she belongs on the front of a magazine. She has eyes only for Liam and is coming in hot.

  Her eyes are glazed over. Unfortunately, I know that look well. I move out of her way as she grabs his arm. “We need to talk,” she demands.

  “Nicole, I just want to have a nice time tonight. I just got home from a long trip. Can we talk later?” Annoyance drips from his tone. I take a step away, sensing potential fireworks.

  “Liam, please?” She still hasn’t looked at the rest of us. She only has one focus.

  Liam looks at us, an apology on his face, before saying, “I’ll be right back.”


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