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Abducted by the Alien

Page 13

by Sabrina Kade

  Annoyance surges through me as he storms past Korben and up to me, gently shoving Drazal aside. And I know how strong Drazal is. And yet, he somehow allows himself to be pushed aside. Iriel isn’t stupid enough to think he can touch me, but it’s obvious he’s still staking a claim on me. He still thinks I belong to him.

  The thought should leave me jumping for joy because who doesn’t like a guy who doesn’t give up? Right? Wrong. I’m not happy. I’m angry. Fucking pissed.

  “You are fine now,” Iriel continues. “What happens next time? What happens when it is not Chocal who seeks you out? Why was Drazal not with you? Does he not see the importance in protecting you? You have been away from me for several days and something like this has never happened. And yet, this is the second time when your life was in danger while under his supposed care.”

  I turn to Drazal, and while he bristles, he remains silent. What the fuck? Isn’t he going to say anything? Isn’t he going to defend himself? Dread wells up. He can’t possibly think Iriel’s right. “It was two times!” I squeak, coming to Drazal’s defense, though he’s obviously not coming to mine.

  “While you were in his care,” Iriel hisses. “Did anything ever happen like that when you were with me, Fee-Bee?”

  My body grows hot. I don’t want to answer him. I shouldn’t have to answer him. I look to Blythe for help, but she’s shaking her head. And Korben’s frowning again.

  “Come on,” I stammer. “We have more important things to think about.”

  “Having one of our females kidnapped is important too,” Korben reminds me. “Please speak, Phoebe. Did anything dangerous happen to you when you were under Iriel’s care?”

  “She doesn’t need to be under anyone’s care,” York pipes up from behind Azan.

  “I’m afraid it’s not that simple,” Korben says, rubbing the back of his neck. “I do not understand completely what is going on here, but I know Iriel and Phoebe were pleasure mates. And now, Drazal is by her side. I do not understand what is happening, so as much as this question pains me, Fee-Bee, I’m afraid I’m left with no alternative. Are you spending time with two males?”

  My heart hiccups. He’s saying spending time, but what he’s actually asking me is, am I tempting two males?

  It dawns on me how much Iriel is going to fight about this. He has a legitimate concern. Ugh, why of all days did a strange Sidyth have to kidnap me? Why does that have to be the most pressing concern? I told them that flenhein is coming sooner than expected, and yet, everyone’s standing around like my little mistaken love triangle with Iriel and Drazal is the hottest piece of gossip on the planet.

  Maybe it is.

  Korben shakes his head. “I am assuming your answer means you agree that you are spending time with two males.”

  “Don’t assume that,” Blythe finally pipes up.

  I’m tired of fighting about this. I had no idea Iriel would try this hard. I knew he wasn’t gone for good, but I didn’t picture this. We should all be preparing for the migration, but Iriel isn’t going to stop talking unless I go with him. And he’s not wrong. Fuck, I hate so much that he’s not wrong. I was with Drazal when the dilewilers scared me. I was supposed to be with Drazal when Chocal took me away to pass on a message. And damnit, I have spent time with both Iriel and Drazal. It doesn’t matter to Korben who I spent more time with or who I like more or who makes me happy. All he knows is that Iriel was my supposed pleasure mate. And now I’m with Drazal. Iriel has kept me safe. All signs say that Drazal hasn’t.

  Drazal’s strange silence isn’t helping matters.

  I’m angry and frustrated and feeling oh so helpless that I’m angry all over again.

  “I’ve spent time with both of them,” I say quietly.

  “It’s more than that!” Layla barks. “It’s not that simple!”

  “Doesn’t matter,” Iriel hisses back. “Korben knows I am right. You know this female is mine, Korben. When she asked me for space, I did not force her to stay with me. She ran right into the arms of one of our brother’s and I said nothing. I gave them space.” He grins, and I realize now this was all part of a plan. This is why I haven’t seen him in days. He’s kept his distance so he could lord it over me. Lord it over us. “But I cannot stay away any longer, Korben. Fee-Bee was taken. Taken! Next time she may not be so lucky as to be found by Chocal. Next time—”

  “I have heard enough,” Korben says, holding up his hand. “I must hear from Phoebe. Is what Iriel is saying, true? Were you his pleasure mate a few days ago?”

  I blush. “We should be talking about more important things.”

  “This is important,” Hujun rumbles. “Answer the questions.”

  “Do not speak to my mate that way,” Iriel hisses, and I can’t tell if he’s being genuine or if this still part of his game.

  “Phoebe. Were you Iriel’s pleasure mate a few days ago?”

  I bite my lower lip, fighting the need to cry. Why isn’t Drazal saying anything? Why isn’t he coming to my side and saying all the sweet, wonderful words that gave me strength? Why is he allowing Iriel, Korben and Hujun to intimidate him? “I was Iriel’s pleasure mate.”

  “And, now you are saying that you are not?”


  “Is it also true that you hung around Drazal when you were pleasure mated to Iriel?”

  Fuck. “Yes.”

  Korben takes in a deep breath. “I see.”

  Blythe comes to his side and loops her arm through his. “You see what? Come on, you’re not letting these idiots beat him up again, are you?”

  “The punishment would not be enough,” Iriel calls. “I want to move to the second lair. I want to move there with my mate so she will not be tempted by Drazal.”

  “She is not your mate,” Korben says. “But this does pose a problem. I do believe a separation is the best solution.” He clears his throat. “Drazal? You were staying at the second lair until recently, yes?”

  I turn toward him. His head is lowered, but he nods.

  “I want you to return there,” Korben says.

  “That is not enough!” Iriel shouts. “She is still mine!”

  “She says she is not. I’m afraid I do not have time to dive any more deeply into this. Drazal will return to the second lair. Iriel you will stay at your lair, and Phoebe will stay in the Gathering Room. Unless she decides on a Chosen mate, I wish to hear no more of this until after flenhein.”

  “It is not enough!” Iriel shouts.

  Hujun steps forward. “Cade and Dash will see that Drazal’s back in his lair.”

  Iriel stops fighting. I hate the look in his eyes as two more younger looking Sidyths move to the front of the crowd with wide, mischievous grins on their faces. They each take one of Drazal’s elbows, and I remember then that these two were doing much of the beating on Drazal’s face before. My chest explodes, and I lunge forward.

  “Not them!” I scream. “Please. Not them.”

  Hujun gently shoves me aside. “They are only returning him to his room.”

  “That’s a lie!” I shout.

  “That’s a lie and you know it,” York notes angrily.

  “It should be worse,” Korben reminds me. “They will take him to his lair, and he will remain there until the passing of flenhein. After that, we will decide what to do.” He glances above my head. “I fear we don’t have much time. Cade. Dash. Return him to his lair.”

  The two Sidyths beam, and several of the girls flock to their sides. Surprisingly, Kansas drops a hand on my shoulder. “I’ll try to make sure they don’t get out of control.”

  My face pales, but she’s already gone, sprinting to catch up with Dash and Cade.

  Iriel wraps an arm around my shoulders. I feel myself wanting to squirm away, but I’m too numb. They’re taking Drazal away. I only had him for a few days. A few days of happiness and they’re taking it away because Drazal has bad luck and Iriel won’t give up. He’s like a pimple that won’t go away. I keep trying to pop it
and every time I think I’ve found success, five more show up to replace it. I groan out loud when the crowd surrounding us finally disperses and Korben and Hujun resume calling orders to get everyone and everything underground.

  There’s a thunderstorm in the distance.

  Iriel pulls me more tightly against him. “Flenhein is so close I can taste it. Do not worry, Fee-Bee. I will protect you. I will rise where Drazal has consistently fallen. I forgive you.”

  I want to barf, but still, I can’t move.

  It’s not like I can go running after Drazal now.

  Another deep rumble of thunder sounds from behind us. The sounds become more regular and fear pulses through me as I realize this isn’t thunder at all. The migration of the animals. It’s really happening. So of course, I can’t go running after Drazal. And I certainly can’t run after him during flenhein.

  I consider the lair, thinking about laying down, but I notice Sloane and Layla. They’re talking to Celeste. All three of them smile crookedly when our eyes meet, and it’s like a light bulb goes off in my head.

  I can’t help smiling back.

  Going after Drazal during flenhein would be dangerous but staying with Iriel when he can dig his claws into me is more terrifying.

  I’m going to get away.


  “You are happy, Fee-Bee,” Iriel says above my head. “This is good. I enjoy feeling you relax.”

  I grin to myself. Enjoy it while you can. Because this is the last time you’ll ever feel me at all.



  Watching Iriel wrap his arm back around Phoebe’s shoulder is like a spar to the face. Which is fitting because Cade and Dash can’t stop talking excitedly about doing just that. They ask why the pale-haired female is so special and why don’t I leave her alone, but I don’t bother explaining anything to them. They would never understand. If they haven’t had a female in their life they ache for so much that it feels like they are dying unless they are close, there is no reason for me to say anything to either of my brothers.

  I close my eyes and try not to picture the look of disappointment on her face when I did not come to her side. But how could I do such a thing?

  Phoebe is mine. Phoebe knows she is mine.

  But Iriel will not let go, and my brothers only know what Phoebe says and shows them.

  Things do not look good for me. I should have told others when Phoebe came to my lair. I should not have kept so quiet.

  I should have always been watching over her.

  If I had, she would not have been nearly taken away by Chocal. If she had met a more interested male, she may not even be back at the first lair. She would be so much further away from me. Honestly, I feel lucky that Chocal was the one to approach her with a warning about flenhein. I fear what would have happened otherwise.

  “Shuddering won’t do you any good this time, brother,” Dash says, beaming tooth-to-tooth when we enter the second lair. “Don’t you learn anything? That pale-haired female is Iriel’s. What makes her so special? I cannot understand.”

  “Perhaps her cunt tastes of freshly baked banbask,” Cade says with a chuckle.

  I do not join their laughter. With surprising ease, I fling them both away, and hold up my hands, prepared to fight them both if I have to. They can beat me up. That is fine. I will not fight them back. And if Korben wants me to stay in the second lair, I will do so. I do not want to cause trouble.

  But I will not have Phoebe spoken badly of.

  She may look as though she’s tempting both Iriel and I, but this is not the case. She never cared for Iriel. She wants to be with me. She’s trying so hard, and it is terrible because it is still not enough. She is fighting, but Iriel is fighting harder, and until she is willing to fight as hard as him, there is no way for us to be together.

  “Put your arms down, brother,” Dash says. “We do not wish to spar with you.”

  “No,” an odd-looking female with dirt-colored specs scattered across her face grunts. “You want to beat him up. It’s a good thing he’s so agreeable because he looks stronger than the two of you combined.”

  Dash hisses. “He is not stronger than I.”

  “Nor I!” Cade says angrily. “Put down your arms, Drazal!”

  “Or what?” Another female chortles. This one has shoulder length yellow hair and brown eyes. “You’re going to fight him? Again? Classy.”

  I grind my teeth, wishing I had the scales to spar with them for real. It would be beneficial for both Cade and Dash. I could beat the two of them up on my own. Chocal and her brother taught me well back on Hethdiss. But of course, I cannot actually fight my brothers. I lower my fists, and when they come storming back again, I make my intentions clear.

  “Say and do what you will with me, but don’t you dare say anything remotely negative about Phoebe. If you do so, you will regret it.”

  Neither of them responds, but I can tell they are hesitant to touch me once again. The female with yellow hair whistles.

  “Dayum. Now that’s a man.”

  “Yeah,” the dirty faced one adds. “Phoebe’s missing out on a real stud here. Why is she with that asshole when this one obviously cares so much?”

  “He is a fool,” Dash notes. “Iriel is with the pale-haired one.”

  “Doesn’t look like she wants to be,” the yellow-hair one notes.

  “It does not matter. She does not say otherwise,” Cade says, jostling my arm slightly. “Right? You know that better than anyone.”

  I don’t respond. He doesn’t deserve my response. I am already furious because it’s like everyone knows Phoebe doesn’t want Iriel, and yet, so few helps her out. Don’t be smug, Drazal. You didn’t step in, either. I frown at the voice in my head, mostly because it’s right. But I still want to believe in Phoebe. I want to believe she’ll leave Iriel’s side for good. She’s trying. She tries over and over again, but Iriel won’t give her up without a fight. He may never give up.

  Perhaps it would be better for everyone if I was the one who gave up.

  Dash and Cade continue arguing with the females about how they are not afraid of me, and how I am not so tough, but the females only continue to laugh and make fun of them. It is hilarious to see my brothers getting their scales ruffled by two tiny strange looking aliens, but I am not in the mood to laugh. Flenhein grows closer the more deeply we travel through the lair, and I realize we are not going back to my private lair.

  “What?” I hiss. “You intend to keep me prisoner? Are you so afraid I’ll try to leave, Cade? Dash, are you worried how easily I could overpower you?”

  Cade hisses. “This is for your own protection, brother.”

  “Protection from wanting that female so badly,” Dash adds. “Once flenhein is over, you will remain here with us. Hujun wants it so. Do not worry, we have a bed and a place to waste prepared. You will stay in this room, and it is not optional. You will stay here until you get over your infatuation with the pale-haired human.”

  “Or until she Chooses Iriel,” Cade says.

  “Forces her, you mean,” the yellow-haired one says.

  “It is not like that, Dah-coh-tah,” Cade says. “We are not allowed to force anyone.”

  “Could have fooled me. Whatever. This is dumb. You’re basically locking him up for being man enough to admit what he wants.” She rolls her muddy-brown eyes. “Whatever. Alien business. Sorry, buddy.” She sends a sad smile in my direction before all four of them stop in front of a door.

  A door. Not a curtain.

  “When did you rig this up?” I dare to ask.

  “Prince Korben wanted a place to keep outsiders if any of them dared to return or cause trouble,” Dash replies. “Didn’t think we’d have to use it for one of our own.”

  “You shouldn’t be using it on one of your own,” Dakota says. “Flenhein is happening soon, right?”

  “After the moons rise,” Dash informs. “That is when they like to travel.”

�We need all the hands we can get,” she continues. “Which is why I don’t understand why we’re taking the time to lock up one of the guys.”

  “This will not take long,” Cade says, beaming.

  “Yes. We shall be quick.”

  “Tasteful,” the dirty-faced one says, rolling her eyes. “Someone’s not getting nookie tonight.”

  Dash stiffens, tightening his grip on my arm. “New-key? What is this?”

  “Guess you’ll find out.” She smiles only once before turning away. “Don’t mess him up too badly. This is the one Phoebe actually likes.” She winks at me. “You’re not alone, buddy.”

  Dash grows more frustrated, practically flinging me into the makeshift prison. “It does not matter who the female likes if she remains silent like a sprog!”

  He’s not wrong. Until Phoebe stands up to Iriel and declares that she wants me as her Chosen mate, there is little I can do.

  Dash and Cade continue arguing with the human females, and they become so riled up they don’t bother coming into the room to spar. I can’t help wondering if the females got them this upset on purpose, and though it is strange, I am happy not to have to take another beating. My eye is still swollen and painful under the bandage, and I do not think Dash or Cade cares. They are simple enough males. They want females, pleasure and sparring. Not much else.

  The room grows dark when they shut the door behind them, and though there is no lock, I am sure everyone in the second lair is keeping watch over me. Not to mention, this is an honorable punishment. If I leave now to try to find Phoebe, I do not want to think about what would happen. Exile, most likely. And though it would be nice to see Chocal and her brother, I do not want to become a nomad. I like the safety and security of the lairs. I enjoy this area.

  There is no way Phoebe would want to live as an outsider.

  That is what she would say if I were ever her Chosen mate. Which I am not.

  Time passes and night settles in and the rumbles above grow more and more threatening. The creatures are travelling more quickly now, looking to get through the humid forest so they can seek out the sun and sand in the south. The southern creatures mostly take to the underground in the morning, so it will be safe for the northern creatures to find a temporary home. It is all about timing when it comes to flenhein and that is something working in our favor.


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