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Master of His Fate

Page 25

by James Tobin

New York Times (newspaper)

  New York World (newspaper)

  New Yorker (magazine)

  Norton, Lily

  Ochs, Adolph

  O’Connor, Basil

  Osgood, Robert

  Ottinger, Albert

  Panama Canal

  paralysis. See also poliomyelitis; Warm Springs, Georgia


  life attitude with

  life changes with polio and

  life outlook with

  muscle atrophy and

  National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis

  opinions about

  recovery from

  with spring-loaded leg braces

  standing and

  Peabody, George Foster

  Pearl Harbor

  Pendergast, “Boss” Tom

  Perkins, Frances

  on DNC

  on FDR

  FDR as New York State governor and

  on governorship of New York State

  with guests, too-talkative

  personality, of FDR

  physical therapy (PT)

  FDR, walking and

  rehabilitation and


  at Warm Springs, Georgia


  Plastridge, Alice Lou

  police, reform

  poliomyelitis (polio, infantile paralysis)

  babies, immune system and

  brain signals and

  cells and

  children and


  epidemic of 1916

  FDR and news of

  FDR with paralysis and life changes

  as focus of family life

  governorship of New York State and

  human waste and

  immune system and

  in media

  in middle- and upper-class neighborhoods

  National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis

  paralysis and

  prognosis for FDR

  reactions to

  stigma of

  sunlamp and

  sunlight and


  treatment options, alternative

  political strategies, for FDR

  with New York State governorship

  with political life, return to

  presidential nomination and

  with US Senate bid

  politics. See also governorship, of New York State; presidential nomination

  FDR, rise of

  liberal principles in

  marriage and

  Roosevelt, Theodore, and

  with walking as imperative

  Warm Springs, Georgia, and

  women and

  Pope, Henry

  Pope, Margaret

  population, of New York State

  Porcellian social club, at Harvard College

  Post, Emily

  posterior horn cells

  Pott’s disease

  presidential nomination

  FDR and

  Smith and

  presidential race, FDR and


  campaign trail

  doubts about fitness for

  with integrity, attacks on

  presidential race, Smith and


  Proskauer, Joseph


  PT. See physical therapy

  Pyle, Ernie

  radio, fireside chats on

  Ragan, Adolphus

  Raskob, John J.


  refugees, World War I

  rehabilitation, FDR and

  with contractures in muscles

  in Florida Keys

  massages and

  physiotherapy and

  PT and

  recovery and attitude with


  standing with crutches and

  treatment options, alternative

  at Warm Springs, Georgia

  water exercises and


  Episcopalians and

  governorship of New York State and

  Jews and


  Protestants and

  Roman Catholic Church and

  Retan, Elizabeth


  Rockey, Edna

  Rogers, Mr.

  Rogers, Will

  Roman Catholic Church

  romantic affair

  Roosevelt, Alice (cousin-in-law)

  Roosevelt, Anna (daughter)

  family life and

  with FDR and polio

  governorship of New York State and

  marriage of

  Warm Springs, Georgia, and

  Roosevelt, Anna Eleanor (wife)

  as activist

  Campobello Island and

  with family conflict

  with FDR and governorship of New York State

  with FDR and polio

  with Hoover, Mrs.

  marriage and

  New York City residence and

  rehabilitation and

  statue of

  support from

  Warm Springs, Georgia, and

  Roosevelt, Anne (granddaughter)

  Roosevelt, David (grandson)

  Roosevelt, Elliott (cousin)

  Roosevelt, Elliott (son)

  at DNC

  family life and

  with FDR and polio

  wheel chair and

  Roosevelt, Franklin D. (FDR). See also governorship, of New York State; mobility, FDR and; political strategies, for FDR; rehabilitation, FDR and; walking, FDR and


  ambition of

  American Orthopedic Association and

  aneurysm and death of

  Boy Scouts and

  braces and

  as campaign chairman for Smith

  on campaign trail, governorship of New York

  on campaign trail, presidential race

  Campobello Island and

  courage of

  death of

  with diagnosis, polio

  with disability, portrayal of

  DNC, preparing for

  at DNC

  early years

  with falls, accidental

  family life and

  with fireside chats

  Ford Model T, driving and

  with guests, too-talkative

  Hoover and

  with Howe, Louis, as adviser

  Hundred Days and

  at Hyde Park

  immune system of

  inauguration of

  with integrity, attacks on

  “Invictus” and

  in Marion, Massachusetts

  marriage and

  in media

  memorial to

  with mindset, change in

  new reality with polio

  New York City residence and

  opinions about

  optimism of

  with ownership of Warm Springs, Georgia

  paralysis and

  with paralysis and life changes

  Pearl Harbor and

  personality of

  with polio news made public

  politics, rise of

  presidential race and

  with prognosis, polio

  religion and

  reputation of

  with response to critics

  with romantic affair

  speeches of

  with stamp collection

  statue of

  with symptoms, polio

  as tree farmer

  whispering campaign against

  World War II and

  Roosevelt, Franklin D, Jr. (son)

  on Campobello Island and FDR

  family life and

  with FDR and polio

  wheel chair and

  Roosevelt, James (father)

  Roosevelt, James (son)

  on braces

  at DNC

family life and

  with FDR and polio

  governorship of New York State and

  at Groton School

  presidential election and

  wheel chair and

  Roosevelt, John (son)

  Roosevelt, Mittie Bulloch

  Roosevelt, Nicholas (cousin)

  Roosevelt, Sara Delano (mother)

  with family conflict

  with FDR and polio

  FDR as New York State governor and

  moral support from

  rehabilitation and

  on T.R.

  Warm Springs, Georgia, and

  Roosevelt, Theodore (T.R.) (fifth cousin)

  attitude toward life

  influence of


  politics and

  Rosenman, Samuel

  Rough Riders

  Saratoga Springs, New York

  Saturday Evening Post (newspaper)

  Scudder, Townsend

  Secret Service, US

  Senate, US

  sewers, immune system with toilets and

  Smith, Alfred E.

  on doubts about FDR for governor

  early years

  education and

  Hoover and

  with labor laws

  media with criticism of

  Moskowitz and

  with political savvy

  with presidential nomination

  with presidential race

  Tammany Hall and

  Social Security

  speeches, of FDR

  spring-loaded leg braces

  stamp collection


  act of

  with crutches

  muscles used for

  paralysis and

  physiotherapy and

  Starr, Dr.


  Steiger, Thelma

  Stevens, Ruth

  stigma, of polio

  Suckley, Daisy (cousin)

  Sullivan, Tim


  sunlight, polio and

  swimming pools

  syphilis rumor

  Tammany Hall


  Tennessee Valley Authority

  toilets, immune system with sewers and

  tour, by canal

  T.R. See Roosevelt, Theodore


  tree farmer, FDR as

  Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire

  tuberculosis (“consumption”)

  Tully, Grace

  Tumulty, Joseph

  Tuttle, Charles H.


  unions, labor

  United States (US)

  House of Representatives

  Secret Service


  Untermyer, Samuel

  upper class, polio and


  Val-Kill stone cottage

  veterans, World War I

  Vietnam War


  voting rights, for women

  Wadsworth, James Walcott

  wages, labor

  Wagner, Robert

  Walker, Jimmy

  Walker, Turnley

  walking, FDR and


  without aid


  with crutches

  as imperative for politics

  at Marion, Massachusetts

  optimism for

  physiotherapy and

  PT and

  in public

  walking board

  Ward, Geoffrey

  Warm Springs, Georgia

  Georgia Warm Springs Foundation

  group support at

  in media

  Meriwether Inn at

  mobility improvements at

  ownership of

  politics and

  promotion of

  PT at

  restorative powers of

  success at

  temperature and water quality

  as treatment center

  Washington, George

  water. See also Warm Springs, Georgia

  at Bad Nauheim, Germany


  exercises and rehabilitation

  in Florida Keys

  Saratoga Springs

  swimming pools

  Weaver, Dorothy

  Wehle, Louis B.

  Welles, Orson

  wheel chair

  accessibility problems

  governorship of New York State and

  mobility with

  whispering campaign, against FDR


  persistence of

  syphilis rumor

  Whiteley Exerciser

  Wilson, Daniel

  Wilson, Woodrow


  labor laws and

  politics and

  voting rights for

  women’s clubs

  World War I (1914–1918)


  romantic affair during

  veterans of

  World War II (1939–1945)

  Wright, Wilhelmine

  Young, Owen D.


  James Tobin is an award-winning biographer and the author of The Very Inappropriate Word and Sue MacDonald Had a Book. He won the National Book Critics Circle Award in biography for Ernie Pyle’s War and the J. Anthony Lukas Work-in-Progress Award for To Conquer the Air: The Wright Brothers and the Great Race for Flight. He teaches narrative nonfiction in the Department of Media, Journalism, and Film at Miami University in Oxford, OH. You can sign up for email updates here.

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  Title Page

  Copyright Notice





  Chapter 1: Campobello

  Chapter 2: Questions

  Chapter 3: “Hard, Cruel Facts”

  Chapter 4: “He’s Through”


   (NOVEMBER 1921–JULY 1924)

  Chapter 5: Trial and Error

  Chapter 6: “Every American Stands”

  Chapter 7: “I Am Interested in Too Many Things”

  Chapter 8: “A Wildcat in Your Face”


   (FALL 1924–SUMMER 1928)

  Chapter 9: Something in the Water

  Chapter 10: “The One and Only Topic of Conversation”

  Chapter 11: Three Strategies

  Chapter 12: “He Was Getting Ready for Something”


   (FALL 1928–FALL 1932)

  Chapter 13: “You’ve Got to Play the Game”

  Chapter 14: “On My Feet”

  Chapter 15: “He Must Do It Himself”

  Chapter 16: Whispers and Shouts



  A Note on Sources



  About the Author


  Copyright © 2021 by James Tobin

  Henry Holt and Company, LLC

  Publishers since 1866

  Henry Holt® is a registered trademark of Henry Holt and Company, LLC.

  120 Broadway, New York, New York 10271

  All rights reserved.

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Names: Tobin, James, 1956– author.

  Title: Master of his fate: Roosevelt’s rise from polio to the presidency / James Tobin.

/>   Other titles: Roosevelt’s rise from polio to the presidency

  Description: First edition. | New York: Christy Ottaviano Books, Henry Holt and Company, 2021. | Includes bibliographical references. | Audience: Ages 9–14 | Audience: Grades 4–6 | Summary: “A biography of FDR, focusing on his battle with polio and how his disease set him on the course to become president, for fans of Steve Sheinkin’s political biographies”— Provided by publisher.

  Identifiers: LCCN 2020020580 | ISBN 9781627795203 (hardcover)

  Subjects: LCSH: Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882–1945—Juvenile literature. | Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882–1945—Health—Juvenile literature. | Presidents—United States—Biography—Juvenile literature. | Poliomyelitis—Patients—United States—Biography—Juvenile literature. | Presidents—United States—Election—1932—Juvenile literature.

  Classification: LCC E807 .T635 2021 | DDC 973.917092 [B] —dc23

  LC record available at

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  First hardcover edition 2021

  eBook edition 2021

  eISBN 9781627793315




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