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Page 2

by M. , ChaShiree

  Now that we are sitting at the table and getting ready to eat, all I can think about is what he is planning for tomorrow night. I hate surprises. It’s not his fault, because I’ve never told him and I refuse to say anything now.

  After dinner, we sit on the couch and watch tv before going to bed, where he proceeds to show me that he is the perfect man for me. Suddenly, my life is perfect, and decide at this moment that I will fight for it to always be this way. In his arms, I feel like I can I do anything. I’ve always had the strength to do anything I want or need to do, but with him, it feels as if there is nothing that I cannot do.



  Leaving and coming home from work now has a new meaning for me. Even at three o’clock in the morning. It’s knowing that when I walk through the door, no matter the time, my woman is going to be in our bed waiting for me. Nothing gets any better than that.

  Her stubborn ass has been here for four days and I am pleased to see it didn’t take her long to be the lady of the castle. If it were up to me, my ring would be on her finger and a baby in her belly right fucking now. If I’m honest, a baby has been my goal from the moment I touched her. The fact that I have never forgotten to use a condom before her tells me the same thing. I knew the minute I met her and sank myself in her hot wet pussy, that she was going to be the one I didn’t wrap for.

  Today is ‘finally’ my off day since Hank is back. I have been planning this outing for Tabby for a few days now. She works with her cousin Perry in his law office, which is cool because she can pretty much come and go as she pleases.

  She mentioned a few months back that the only thing she misses about not being back in Boston is her horse, Astra. She showed me pictures of a brown and white Clydesdale horse she has had since she was a little girl. I saw the melancholy on her face when she mentioned it, and I knew I had to somehow make it up to her.

  My buddy Rexton Buchanan owns a horse farm not far from here where he breeds and raises horses. He has agreed to let me lease a horse from him, until Tabby and I have a chance to discuss what she wants to do. Now, of course, my property, though big and spread wide, is not equipped for a horse without a stable, so I am taking her there today so she can meet the horse and ride.

  Anything to make my Kitten happy.


  Shit. Who the fuck is calling now?


  “Oh….hi...I’m...I’m sorry. I must have the wrong number.”

  “Well, that depends. Who are you trying to reach?”

  “ little sister Tabitha.”

  “Ah. Then no, you have one of the right numbers. You must be Cymion?”

  “Yes. And I am assuming you’re Loki.”

  “In the flesh. Tabitha is at work. Do you have the number?”

  “Oh, yea. I forgot she is working with Perry. Ummmm… Can I ask what you're doing answering her phone?” I chuckle at her question. She asked it so nicely, but I can’t help but imagine she is frowning.

  “Well, this is our phone. You called the house.”

  “OMG!! She didn’t tell me you guys moved in together. Wow! I mean, not wow like not good, but just wow like holy crap...I mean….” And now I see where Tabby gets the rambling from.

  “It’s ok. I know what you mean. Do you want me to tell her you called or are you going to call the office?”

  “No. I have to go. My husband is calling me. Just tell her I called and to call me as soon as she can.”

  “No problem. Nice to finally put a voice to the sister my woman talks about all the time.”

  “Same to you Loki. And...please be good to her. She has had the worse luck out of all of us being the baby. She deserves whatever happiness is waiting for her.”

  “You can count on it, little sis. Whether she knows it or not, that woman is my life.”

  After she hangs up, I sit back and think about what she said. I have always had an underlying feeling that Tabby was running from something. Other than her family's money and Cymion’s last words just confirmed it.

  Now, she has me. And I will stand in front of anyone I have to and shield her from being hurt. Even herself. With that thought, I jump in the shower and get dressed.

  I make it to the office in record time because I miss the hell out of her. I stand in front of the door watching her talk on the phone. She is always so animated when she isn’t feeling scrutinized.

  When she turns in her chair slightly, I swear I can see a halo of stars surrounding her. Fuck she is beautiful. I could watch her for hours and hours. It’s not only her outwards look, though don’t get me wrong, she is fucking breathtaking. But it is the inward beauty she exudes. Her skin is so bright, full of hope, and excitement that it radiates from her very being.

  It’s no wonder she snared me from the word hello. Everything about her is infectious and catching. I want to be at the forefront of her radiance. She looks up and spots me. I swear her light gets brighter like we illuminate each other.

  “Hey Kitten. How’s your day?” I ask her as she runs towards me and then wraps her arms around me.

  “Better now that you’re here.”

  “Mmmmm…..Kiss me.” She leans up on her tiptoes and I meet her halfway. The kiss she gives me is a balm to my soul. Every damn time I hold her in my arms I feel as if like a new man. Her tongue is eager to play and conquer. Instead, out comes a growl from my mouth that cannot be denied. The blood in my veins is set on fire, and the beast inside me is demanding I fuck her right here and now. Only the knowledge that we are not alone in the office or building, that forces me to calm down and wrench my mouth from hers. Laying my head on her forehead, as we both try to catch our breaths and calm down from the inferno that was lit.

  I kiss her forehead and step back a bit.

  “Can you leave now?”

  “OOOOH…. Is it my surprise?”

  “Well, I guess you won’t know unless you can leave with me.”

  “PERRY!!! I’m out.” I chuckle at her enthusiasm. Right as we make it to the door Perry peeks his head out.

  “Oh. Hi Loki.”

  “Hey man. How’s it going?”

  “Great. So you’re kidnapping my help for the rest of the day?”

  “It's not kidnapping if she is a willing participant. Come on, you're the lawyer. You know this.”

  He laughs. “Your right. Alright, you two. See you tomorrow Tabs.” As I buckle her in the car, I lean over to sniff her neck.

  “Loki.” She moans in a quivering voice.

  “I know kitten. Trust me, I know. But be a patient good girl, and I promise tonight I will feed your hungry pussy. OK?” I whisper in her ear before I run my tongue up the side of her neck and move away. Watching her squirm and knowing she is dripping wet for me, threatens to make me turn around and drive back home. The horses be damned. But I want her to know it is about more than sex. I want to be able to give her all the things her heart desires to make her smile.

  With that thought, I pull out and onto the road to drive the 30 minutes to Buchanan Ranch.

  “Where are we?”

  “My buddies ranch.”

  “What are we doing here.”

  “Making you smile Kitten. Making you smile.”



  “You always make me smile, Loki. Always.” I say while patting his forearm. My curiosity has kicked in and I wonder why we are here. This place isn't far from town and I cannot imagine what we are doing here.

  “Well, I am actually looking for a bit bigger smile on your beautiful face,” he says, while rubbing his hand over his jawline. He’s got this ‘aw shucks ma’am’ thing going on that I am digging. He's fucking sexy and I'm constantly dripping wet when I'm around him.

  “Bigger than my getting some sex grin, which seems to be on my face twenty-four seven?” I ask cheekily.

  “Not that big, but close,” he says chuckling.

  “OK. If my sex grin is too big for what you have in mind, then I am assum
ing a medium grin will do?” I ask laughing.

  He pulls me closer and kisses me passionately before getting out of the car to come around and open my door. With my hand in his, I step out of the vehicle and start looking at my surroundings. The beautiful scenery of the ranch takes my breath away and has my heart aching for my horse, Astra. There are bales of hay and paddock fences as far as the eye can see. It feels and smells like my second home. A smell that you get used to. If only I had known in advance he was bringing me here I could be better dressed for this type of outing. Instead, I can feel my spiked heels pierce the very healthy green grass with every step I take.

  “What are we doing here?” I ask, still clutching Loki's large and surprisingly rough hand for a chef's hand.

  “Come on. Your surprise is right over here,” he says as he grips my hand tighter when I start to slip. Damn these heels. We walk hand in hand the five hundred or so feet to a giant barn as my feet slip and slide the whole damn way.

  I hear the sound of horses before I see them, which causes me to grin. The first stop we make is in front of a stall that contains a bay Irish Draught. The adorable sign on the stall door says the occupant's name is Merlin. It is a perfect and magical name for a horse. Merlin looks to stand roughly 16-17 hands, which is a little bit larger than others of his breed. To me, he looks as if he's a sport horse.

  Did I ever mention that I love horses? In fact, I was a competitive jumper from the age of eight to eighteen. I have been around horses all of my life. My dream had always been to compete for the gold medal in the Olympics, but my father forced me to give it up. Basically, I was told that I needed to grow up and get a job. Be an adult. So, like a good girl, I did exactly what I was told to do. But I've missed being around horses so much.

  “Did you buy me a horse, Loki Jorgenson?” I asked with my hands on my hips.

  “Not exactly babe. It's yours whenever you want to ride though.” He says with a grin on his face.

  He could not have given me any better of a surprise than this. My heart is pounding and the excitement I feel goes from the top of my head to the end of my toes. The tingling in my hands to reach out and touch the horse has me removing them from my hips, and reaching out to get acquainted with this gorgeous creature.

  The overwhelming feelings my body is experiencing, from the gesture and thoughtfulness of the gift Loki has given me, has my eyes slowly misting with tears. No one has ever given me a gift of this magnitude before. The hit to my heart as the realization of what Loki must have picked up on from something I said, or how it was said for him to do this for me.

  “May I go into his stall?” I ask with anticipation. As I take one step forward, my heel catches slightly, reminding me that I am not dressed for this. Thankfully, Loki catches my arm before I could do any damage to myself.

  “Whoa there. I think we need to get you changed into appropriate attire first.” The slight chuckling he makes doesn’t even faze the happiness I am feeling at this moment. Not to mention that I couldn’t agree with him more. My power suit and heels are the worst possible riding gear imaginable.

  “Someone around here has to have some boots,” I say dramatically.

  “Let’s go talk to my buddy, Rex. His sister, Tandy, is about your size.”

  “Her name is Tandy? And you know her size,” I say, letting my jealousy get the better of me.

  “She is so not my type Kitten. You have nothing to worry about.” The bastard has the nerve to laugh.

  “Fine, let’s go,” I say in a huff. His hand takes hold of mine in order to help me through the grass. I follow him from the barn to the large house we passed on the way in. Within seconds of meeting Tandy, who was baking pies, I knew I had a friend for life. She loaned me a complete riding habit as well as boots.

  “Come back before you leave. I’ll have a chocolate pie for y'all,” Tandy comments before I can leave.

  “Thank you,” I say sweetly. It’s hard not to like Tandy. She is much too sweet and innocent to hold anything against her.

  “You’re very welcome.” We make plans for later in the week to have dinner, while Loki works late.

  In no time at all, I am back in the barn standing before Merlin, while Loki stays behind to talk with Rex. It allows me a little time to get to know Merlin. I introduce him to my palm, which he immediately nuzzles. I grin before I begin to saddle him. Once I’m on his back, I feel like everything is right in the world. It’s as if I have come home after a long time away.

  Despite all the advantages I’ve had in life, this is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. The love of a good and kind man makes all the difference in the world.



  I have never seen my kitten as happy as she was the other day riding that horse. I must admit, when I first saw her sitting atop that horse, I had a lot of not so warm feelings. There was a moment of doubt when I realized I might never measure up to her version of wealthy. My family is wealthy and all, but there is quite a bit of a difference in Minnesota wealth and Boston wealth.

  But when she jumped down off the horse and ran into my arms crying and thanking me for giving her back a piece of herself, I knew I would weather any humiliation and cut any motherfucker off at the knees who tries to hurt my woman. Needless to say, she thanked me all night long.

  Shit. This is the wrong place to be thinking about her warm wet mouth sucking my cock in and out while swallowing it down her throat until she gagged on it.

  “So, Loki. Two months. You have the patience of a saint dude. I don't know how the fuck you're doing it?” Damn. I really need to stroke one out. Unfortunately, these fucking wankers wouldn’t let me live it down if they knew what I was doing in the bathroom. Sometimes I hate game day.

  “What are you talking about Sterling?” The guys and I get together every Sunday to watch the football game. It's the only time any of us let our women do anything without us after work hours.

  “What my brother is saying, asshat, was that you’re a fucking dumbass for not tying Tabby to you as soon as she walked through your door. I don’t know how you do it, either. Hell, I was planning my takeover of Ava as soon as I plucked her little perky ass from the car.”

  Looking around the room, I see the heads of most the guys nodding up and down. Every Sunday I wonder why I torture myself with these idiots.

  The Crawfords and my family are old friends. Though we live a town apart there was only one elementary and high school between the two, so it was hard not to know everyone.

  “At least I got Elizabeth knocked up right away. You’re just… a slacker.”

  “You want to come over here and say that to my face ‘little Chip’.”

  “Your mama wasn’t saying that last night old man.” Brain Dead bastard, I mutter under my breath.

  “What are you saying over there you pansy ass.” Oh, now he wants to play.

  “I called you a brain dead motherfucker. Which is what you are going to be if you keep talking shit about my momma. Fucking bitch.”

  “Whoa. Whoa. Everyone calm down. I think you have had too many Guinnesses guys. Everyone take a beat.” El is so funny. He always plays referee when these things start to get out of hand.

  Ignoring them, I keep stewing. The thing is I know they are right. It’s not like I haven’t been thinking the same thing myself. Every time I take her, the goal in my mind is to plant my son inside of her. Hell, she has been riding my cock for the past two months with no protection and…..

  “Oh, shit!!!” I didn’t mean to shout it but….Fuck.

  “Loki, what’s up? You know we are only giving you shit, right?” I turn to look at my friends and brothers. As much as they get on my mother fucking nerves, I wouldn’t have it any other way. All of these guys have my back, no matter what I say to them.

  “Jace, don’t worry. It's all good. I was thinking about what everyone was saying. Believe me, I have been having the same conversation since we first fu…..uhm….met and she has been thwarting m
e at every turn. Perry, you know your cousin.”

  “Yeah. Trust me, I get it. Tabby has always been more concerned about what our family will think of her. Up until I met Portia, I was as well. The thing is though, Loki, she is only 18 and she has left home. Hell, I was a fully grown man and faced with losing the love of my life, before I was able to walk away. That proves she is stronger than all of us. Just give her some time.”

  Shit! I hate that he’s right. The only thing is if what I am thinking is correct, it’s too late for ‘some time’.

  “Loki. Dude, you're sitting over there as if your pondering the answers to the universe. What’s up?”

  “Well, Sven. I was sitting here listening to y’all whining ass old ladies when it dawned on me, that she hasn’t had her period since we, you know.” I have no problem saying the word ‘fuck’ in front of them. But out of respect to Perry, and a silently spoken understanding, I will not talk about my woman that way in front of him.

  “Well shit, Loki. You knocked her up. Good for you. When should we have all the arrangements made?” Fucking Erik. My brother is as ‘don’t give no fucks’ as they come. He and his wife, Lainie are perfect for each other.

  “Slow down, Brick. I don’t think Tabby even suspects. She sure as shit hasn’t said anything about it. FUCK! How am I supposed to tell her?”

  “Ok man. Good luck with that. No woman wants her man to figure it out before them. You're screwed.” Fucking douche.

  “Thanks for pointing out the obvious Torran. Damn. I gotta go guys. Wish me luck.” They all say it in unison, but I am already halfway out the door. What the hell do I do now?

  By the time I make it home I am equal parts pissed and nervous. I spent the whole drive trying to figure out how to tell her. Do I blurt it out? Or drop hints and hope she picks it up? I am not this guy. I am not indecisive, speculative, or an unsure asshole. I am a descendant of Vikings for fuck sake. My ancestors pillaged villages taking what they wanted. Pussy included.


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