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Page 15

by Bishop, K. M.

  But suddenly, the door opened. We all turned to see several Ohio State players, all wearing Ohio State Jackets standing in the doorway. And they did not look too pleased about how their name was being dragged through the mud.

  I had to smile at the tension. When a group of guys all got together, the testosterone would pool together and we all kind of fed off each other’s stupidity. That was just the way it had always worked and no one had any idea why, but we went with it. At times it could be quite entertaining and fun.

  “Well, what do we have here?” The leader said. I recognized him as Troy Malner, the quarterback for Ohio State. It was going to be me against him tomorrow; his line against mine; his receivers against mine. And we were going to crush him silly. That was the dream I had in mind. And it would soon be a reality. I could almost taste it, mostly because the other team had a weird scent to them. Maybe they had eaten some of their own already. I had to chuckle at my own thoughts.

  I stood up and walked across the bar. I knew I was feeding right into this macho idiocy, but I was fired up and I had a team to represent. I was really glad Jamie was not there to see me acting like such a jackass.

  I hated this side of myself sometimes. But once it got going, it was almost impossible to resist.

  “What’s it to you? This is our bar. Shouldn’t you fellas be in bed catching up on your beauty rest? We don’t want you to be sleepy tomorrow.”

  Troy laughed in my face. “Well, that is great. You idiots are in here trying to close down a bar the night before a big game. Well, I’m pretty sure we can close it down with the best of them. After all, we do want a challenging game tomorrow. We didn’t fly all this way just to shut you out.”

  “There is no way you idiots are going to shut us out. We will take care of this on the field. That game is ours, as is the championship. You’d better believe it.”

  “So, you are trying to tell us that we aren’t good enough to drink here in this bar? I don’t see any of your names on the sign out there. I doubt the owners want to see you messing up their business. You should stick to what you know best, which judging by last time we played you, is mostly throwing interceptions.”

  “You can keep talking wise. No one is listening,” I said.

  I turned and started walking back to the bar. Suddenly, I felt hands on me and the force behind them. My legs buckled and I fell forward under the weight of the shove. My hands leapt out in front of me instinctively and I caught myself against the bar.

  Without thinking I spun around and leapt at Troy. My body flung into him full force and he collapsed under my weight. The second we hit the ground I was on top of him throwing hard right hands down on him, most of them connecting solidly with his face.

  His teammates instantly leapt to his defense and ran towards me, but my friends did the same thing and blocked them from getting towards me. We were all fighting. It was a brawl. I had never really been a part of an actual brawl before, but it was rather enjoyable, or at least pounding Troy senseless was enjoyable.

  Until the bouncer pulled me away and began escorting me out of the bar. I had never noticed how many bouncers this bar had until I saw six of them escorting players out of the bar and telling them they had better sit down on the curb and wait for the cops, who were already on their way. If anyone ran, they would add that on to any charges we might already be facing.

  By the time we got outside the cops were already there and ready to handcuff us. I had no idea how far we would have gotten if we had actually ran away from the bar. We were all regulars and we surely would have been identified quickly.

  This was the last thing we needed right now.

  As the burly police officers strapped handcuffs on my wrists and escorted me into the back of the car, all I could think about was Jamie, and wondering how disappointed in me she might be. This was not the way I ever wanted her to see me.

  But she was going to be the person who would have to post my bail, after I gave the money to her of course. And of course the media would be all over it and we would probably have a lot of stupid cameras in our faces as we left the jail, all of them with reporters asking us silly question after silly question.

  Fine. Bring it on. That was what I had to say about it. There was a part of me that had always had a hating relationship with law enforcement. Mostly it was because of how little they seemed to care about actually achieving justice and how hell bent they were on closing cases, whether the person involved was guilty or not. That did not really matter to them. They figured most crimes were really unsolvable, so as long as they could find a patsy, someone to blame it on and make it stick, then that was fine for them. They looked like heroes.

  Yes, I’d had too many run ins with the police in my time to care too much about the fact they were wasting time arresting some drunk college kids who started a goofy fistfight in a bar. No one was seriously hurt. And we could all have gone home and been fine to sleep it off. But no, the tax dollars must be wasted on serving and protecting the people at large from diabolical scoundrels like us.

  On the other hand, maybe seeing me behind bars might actually get Jamie a little hot under the collar. Just maybe she had a thing for bad boys and guys who bucked the system. Sure, she might go for that. If that was the case then she was going to have her hands full with me.

  * * *

  “Well, that was a new look for you,” Jamie said when she picked me up.

  I laughed and gave her a sweet kiss. “Thanks, but what took you so long?”

  By the time we’d all been booked and processed and they had decided to let us all out pending bail, it was a bit after one in the morning. The game was at three-thirty that afternoon and we were all expected to be at the stadium by one. That gave me a time to try to catch some sleep in.

  The coach was of course livid and the fact that we were all football players playing the big game that day was probably the only reason that we’d been let out to begin with. Most anyone else would have had to waste a weekend in jail until they saw the judge on Monday. That was why it was never a good idea to get into trouble on the weekends. All of the people you needed to help you were off work and hard to track down. I came to find out later that only me and Troy had to post bail, since technically we started the brawl. I really hoped the papers got all of that information right. This would only help my publicity and my image, all of which would actually help me catch the eyes of the NFL scouts. They didn’t want players that were considered troublemakers, but they wanted players that would put asses in the seats. Often having a colorful personality or image was enough to do that, even if your playing skills weren’t the greatest. They didn’t like people to know that the NFL was a business just like anything else. It operated on the dollar.

  “I thought you might like it,” I said. “I picked it out just for you.”

  I kissed Jamie again. “Thanks for picking me up.”

  “You’re lucky you are rich and could post the bail money. Otherwise, I think the coach would have let you rot in there.”

  “Yeah, he absolutely would have,” I said. “The guy is a bit of a bastard, in case you didn’t catch that.”

  “I did, from that one time I spoke with him.”

  We drove in her car back to my uncle's’ house where I slept it off for a few hours. Jamie had some work to do herself, getting ready to cover the game, and of course her editor demanded that she have another story about the brawl and she wanted Jamie to interview Troy, but when she tried to get him to talk with her, the guy totally ignored her. The man was just not having a good frame of mind.

  I tried to get to sleep, but I was restless. The closer it came for me to get ready to go, the harder it was to really just let the stress leave my mind and body. I thought about asking Jamie to come and help me out with some stress relief, but there was no nookie the day of a game before the game. That was one superstition that I was not going to break. Besides, Jamie was working up a storm all morning on the article for that day’s game and piecing
together everything that I had told her about the fight in the bar. She couldn’t get over how absurd it was. And now that I was sober, neither could I. That was the kind of stuff we got into sometimes. And no matter what, my team had my back. Hell, even Ricky had my back in that fight. This was a “them” vs “us” thing.

  This was my last thought until I heard Jamie screaming.

  Chapter Nineteen


  “This is what happens to bad boys,” I said.

  I stepped out in front of the bed and struck the pose in front of Chance. Since our last lovemaking session, I’d been thinking about what I wanted to do take things to the next level, what else I wanted to try. And I’d studied and researched some kinky things.

  So, it was actually perfect that Chance had gotten himself in a decent bit of trouble with the police. And yes, it did turn me on to know I was with a man who had been briefly incarcerated earlier that night.

  And now I was soaking wet.

  We did not waste any time when we got back to the house. As soon as we entered through the garage, Chance picked me up and carried me up the stairs gallantly in his big, muscular arms. The moment we were safely in the bedroom, safe from the outside world, and we could be sure the prying eyes of whoever might want to track Chance down to see just how bad this bad boy was were no longer a concern, Chance laid me down on the big, soft Canopy bed. The bed was wonderful, like floating around on some kind of cloud drifting up towards the afterlife of paradise that would await all those who were worthy.

  And then Chance quickly stripped himself nude. I loved to watch him remove his clothing. It was hypnotic to me, something I could not have turned away from no matter what. And there he was standing in front of me in all his sexual, alpha male glory, and he was there for me. I just had to open up to receive him.

  “Come and take me,” I said. I decided that Chance should have to work a bit for his dessert that night.

  Chance came forward, almost like a lion stalking his prey. His eyes were hungry and full of lust, his body yearning towards me and all of the pleasures that awaited him within my body. I was getting so wet, I could hardly stand it.

  He kissed me hard on the mouth, his tongue wasting no time dominating my own as he wiggled inside of my mouth furiously, licking and pulling me back and forth, the strength of his thick oral fortitude massaging mine and causing them to do the most amazing dance turned me on more than I ever had been before. His hard member was also pressed against my stomach, aching with urge to enter me. Every time it brushed against me, I could feel it moving harder and harder towards its eventual goal. I was going to ride him silly.

  Chance quickly removed my top, pulling it from my body and smiling with glee as he did so. Then he reached down and removed the tight sweat pants that I was wearing. After that he took a step back and took me all in, admiring my form with insanity mixed with lust. His eyes were almost rabid, his breath coming in short gasps, his chest rising high with his furious lust.

  “Take off the bra,” Chance ordered. “But do it, slowly…”

  I loved it when he took charge. I got up on my knees and leaned forward to give him a good look at the sweets, and then I removed the bra. My large, double D breasts, so full and fleshy, hung down ever so slightly. My nipples were hard as rocks. This was perfect, so perfect. I was so turned on that I could hardly breathe myself. If I had to wait much longer I would be reduced to tears, my own lust was now bordering on madness. What had this man done to me to capture my heart and mind so strongly in his beautiful, masculine clutches. I’d never known lust of this kind before, or that it would ever, really exist. But it was real and it had me in its grip.

  “Play with them,” Chance said.

  I grabbed my breast slowly, holding them in my big hands, rubbing my breasts, my nipples and letting them slip in and out of my fingers. It felt so good. My breasts had always been ultra-sensitive. When I pleasured myself I always paid the most attention to my breasts. This was the best way for me to get totally turned on, and my body responded my ordering my core to produce much more moisture. The wetness was dripping now. I could smell the sweetness of my sexual desire rising upwards to meet me.

  “Good,” Chance said. He was working himself, beating it. It was mesmerizing to see how furiously he was jerking his manhood, holding it tightly in his massive grip, and then letting it go to flop back down to its normal position. Then he would do it all again. I wanted him inside of me so badly.

  “Now the panties,” Chance said. “Let me see you, but bend over as you do this…”

  I smiled as I turned around and removed the panties. I let them slide off me and kicked them to the floor while resting my shoulders and face on the pillows in front of me. I was there now, totally nude, ready for him to take me.

  “Ah, yes,” Chance said. I could hear the smacking sounds of his pleasure as he continued to pleasure himself behind me. “So beautiful.”

  I reached behind and began to finger myself. I couldn’t stand it anymore. I needed some direct contact. The moment my fingers touched my wet flesh, I was thrown into a bubble of total bliss. I slipped inside of myself, just sliding past the opening and moving inside to the wetness that I had worked up.

  My hand soon started to cramp, but I paid it no never mind. I would force my hand to do my bidding and bring forth the pleasure that I required of it. And that it did. I knew that I would come in no time. Perhaps Chance would want to see that. Maybe we would come together that way.

  But that question was answered quickly as I soon felt his rigid flesh probing against me, the head rubbing up and down on my shaved, wet, waiting sex. I braced myself, took a deep breath, and waited for the entry that would soon follow.

  And then it happened. Chance was inside of me. As he entered, he let out a loud moan. “Yes…oh… that is it….”

  I smiled knowing how much my body pleased him. He was inside deeply, pushing against the back of my inner pleasure center and his hips were rocking back and forth slowly, not going off the rails yet. My own hips were pressing back slightly, not yet trying to keep up with him, but remaining firm to give him a solid target to hit.

  The pleasure I felt was being magnified by every single thrust of him entering me. All of the world seemed to float away when he made love to me. There was literally nothing else that I cared about or desired when the two of us were together. It was all just fun and bliss. I wanted to do nothing else with my world or my life. Now that Chance and I were together, why couldn’t we just go off somewhere and be alone where we could make love to greet every sunrise and every sunset? That would have been the ultimate way to spend life. I could start my own online publication where I did the reporting my way, and I could write my first book in the downtime. Chance would be playing professional football and climbing new heights in his career, and we would have the entire off season to spend all of our time together.

  That was the fantasy that drove me lately, the one I didn’t even bring up to Chance. I didn’t know how he would respond to it, or how he would really feel about the long term plans I had in my mind for us, even though he told me that he loved me and I had no real reason to doubt his feelings.

  His hand slapped my ass just then, a hard, sudden jolt that I felt inside as the waves of sensation rattled me up and down his shaft. It felt tremendous. I held on to the bed and steadied myself, my cries of pleasure becoming louder and more extreme in my throat. I had been trying to stifle them back for some reason, as if I thought someone could possibly be close enough to this house or this particular room to hear me. That was ridiculous. The moment I laughed at myself about it, the cries of total bliss began to reverberate out of my body and rattle against the walls. And this action also made my body pick up the pace and hype things up to the next level as well as I began to hump Chance’s thick wedge inside of me harder and harder, pressing back until I was slapping his pelvis with my cheeks.

  His strong grip reached up just then and grabbed my hair. He pulled hard on it, j
erking it back with some manly force that turned me on. Yes, he was so much stronger than me. I loved it. That idea, that feeling was one of safety and security.

  “That’s it… oh, baby… this is the best… I love you so much…”

  Chance’s words echoed in my ears. I wanted to melt into him and show him just how much I cared and how much he meant to me by giving him the most exquisite physical pleasure that he ever could have imagined. I didn’t like to admit it, but I did feel insecure when I thought about his wealth of experiences and the fact that I had none, other than with him. He said our sex was amazing, and I had to agree, but in the end I did have nothing else to compare it to, and I shuddered to think how many women he had actually been with and how much sex he’d had in so far. How could I ever expect to measure up?

  But it was a silly thought when I remembered that we were actually in love. Chance claimed that he’d never been in love before. I believed him. And I also believed that loving the person you were having sex with had to make it better. It just had to.

  Chance grabbed my hips and flipped onto his back so that I was now on top of him still laying down, my back against his chest, and he was still pumping harder into my sweet, gleaming, wetness. It felt like my body was getting even fuller now, so much growth inside of me. I was being stretched farther than I ever thought I could. How much more of it could I actually take? I closed my eyes and leaned back against him, as he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me, his hand moving to my crotch where he could still finger my magnificent, hot button.

  Which he did, firing it, triggering it repeatedly, pumping more and greater lust into my body. I was shivering now, trembling against him as I wiggled my hips back and forth. His other hand that was wrapped around me curled up to my chest and grabbed my left breast where he squeezed it nice and firmly. He knew just how to touch them. His hands were almost magical in their expertise at priming my body for ultimate pleasure.


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