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Page 14

by Andrews, Stella

  She says softly.

  “Thank you, Emily.”

  I look at her in confusion.

  “For what?”

  She smiles sweetly. “For bringing a spark to my brother’s eyes that I thought had long been extinguished. I noticed it as soon as he looked at me. You have made him the happiest I can remember him being and I have you to thank for that.”

  She laughs as my eyes soften as I think about Jax.

  “You have that same look in your eyes. How I love the first flush of love. If you’re as lucky as me you will never lose it.”

  I smile at her shyly and think how lovely she is. Any nerves I may have, disappeared with one smile from her lips.

  I sip the champagne and wonder what’s keeping Jax and Logan.

  Sammie starts asking me a mountain of questions which I am happy to answer. Finally, some female company.


  Chapter Thirty


  Logan pulls me back as the girls run up the steps to the aircraft. He looks at me with a serious expression and says in a low voice.

  “I have something for you, Josh.”

  I feel my stomach tighten as I see the hard glint in his eyes.

  He says softly.

  “Your guys are not as discreet as they think they are. I put out a few feelers and reeled in some interesting information.”

  My heart starts thumping as I look at him for the answers I need.

  He nods towards the plane. “How strong is she?”

  I shrug, worrying what he is about to say.

  “I’m not sure. She’s pretty cut up but had the balls to run.”

  Logan nods. “I think the girls should hear this. It affects Emily the most and she will need to be prepared.”

  I nod in agreement but feel my head spinning and my heart tightening. Logan isn’t the sort to look concerned unless he has reason to.

  He looks at me with a dark expression.

  “I’m afraid a shit storm is heading your way, and it’s gonna be tough.”

  I feel my anger growing and growl.

  “Then let it happen. Those bastards aren’t getting Emily. You can count on that.”

  I follow him inside the aircraft and my heart rocks as I see Emily chatting with Sammie. Both look happy and excited and I hate the fact it will change within minutes when Logan delivers his news.

  I sit next to Emily and take her hand, squeezing it hard. She looks at me in concern and I just lean over and kiss her pretty little mouth—hard.

  Logan takes the seat next to Sammie, and she smiles at him sweetly. I watch as his expression softens, and he pulls her beside him, his arm casually slung over her shoulder.

  The stewardess hands us some drinks and I think I knock it back in one. Sammie looks amazed and Emily just grins and rolls her eyes.

  As we taxi out I wonder what is coming.

  I don’t have to wait long.

  As soon as we’re airborne, Logan looks at me and I nod. I turn to Emily and reach for her hand.

  “Logan has something to tell us, darlin’, and we may not like what he is about to say. We need to know though and whatever it is we will deal with it together.”

  Almost immediately the haunted look comes back and I feel intense anger. I never want to see that look again in Emily’s eyes and yet here it is once again. I try to look at her reassuringly but she can see right through me as she squeezes my hand tightly.

  Sammie looks worried as Logan begins.

  “When you sent me those names, Josh I did some digging. I have many contacts who I can trust not to say anything and one of them came up with something.”

  I feel Emily tense beside me and pull her closer, dropping a light kiss on the top of her head.

  Logan smiles reassuringly and continues.

  “I spoke to the manager of the Washington branch of one of my clubs. He told me that he heard rumors of a VIP club in Washington where the members went for privacy and total protection. Apparently, one of his subs knew someone who went to one of their parties and told her what happened there. I called her in and questioned her. She told me that she was told in confidence and if word got out she would be dealt with. Her friend told her that she went as a guest of one of the Senator’s. She was made to perform sexual acts with most of the men there and they weren’t gentle. Despite it being something she was used to, she never went back. There are certain guidelines in the BDSM scene and they ripped it up. She did tell the girl that alongside the professional women who attended there were also a couple of girls who weren’t. She was sure they were underage and had probably never been to one of these parties. She was even doubtful they had ever had sex before.”

  He turns to Emily and says gently.

  “Tell me what happened that night. Every little detail no matter how insignificant.”

  I feel Emily shudder and she looks scared as hell. Sammie leans over and takes her hand, looking at her with encouragement.

  “It’s ok, Emily. You can’t tell us anything we haven’t heard before. You can trust us and we don’t judge. We just need to sort this mess out.”

  Emily smiles shakily and then tells us everything she knows. It is hard to hear but must be harder to tell. By the end of it she is shaking and tears spill down her beautiful cheeks.

  I look at Logan angrily who is looking thoughtful. He leans back in his seat.

  “What was the name of the man they said would sort it out again?”

  Emily says with a shudder.

  “Donahue, I think. I only heard it through a door and they were whispering.”

  Logan flashes me a dark look.

  “Sebastian Donahue. I’d bet my last dime they are referring to him.”

  Sammie looks worried.

  “Do you know him?”

  Logan shakes his head and looks angry.

  “Know of him but I have never met him. He is a go-between and a trader of sorts.”

  We all look at him as we wait to hear what he knows.

  He says bitterly.

  “He is a trader of women. He acquires girls for his clients and disposes of them once they have had been used.”

  Sammie gasps and I feel sick to my stomach. Emily starts to shake as Logan carries on.

  “He arranges auctions for rich men to bid on young women desperate for money and willing to sell their virginity. He will also arrange for girls to be delivered to men around the world sometimes against their will. If need be, he makes them disappear. Usually by selling them to a rich man for his own personal use. He covers the dirty tracks and makes it all go away.”

  Emily looks worried.

  “Do you think that’s what happened to Ashton?”

  Logan nods gravely.

  “They pick girls with no connections, no families and hardly any friends. That way nobody will come looking when they disappear. They spend months grooming them and molding them into the perfect woman. They use them for their own pleasure until they have no further use for them. Ashton, however, had a family that she neglected to tell anyone about. She used her first name but lied about her second. Donahue was careless and didn’t check her out properly. Now it turns out that her father is none other than the Texas Billionaire, Chuck Mortimer. Now she is missing, and he is ripping up every rock and stone to find her. I expect they are in total damage limitation mode and will be trying to tie up every loose end.”

  He looks at Emily with a serious expression.

  “You are a loose end that needs dealing with. The fact that you ran makes it crucial they find you. No doubt the other girls at the party have been briefed and taken care of. They won’t rock the gold lined boat and say goodbye to their monthly pay-out. You however, are different. You are a loose cannon and I believe you were meant to report to Grady for a reason. They were keeping you close and occupied whilst the Senator was away. I expect when he returns you were to carry on as normal but under the control of this exclusive club that they are members of.”

  Emily looks
at me in shock and I feel my heart thumping in my chest. She looks so scared that I want to kill those guys with my bare hands.

  Sammie looks worried and says softly.

  “What do you suggest they do, Logan?”

  He smiles reassuringly.

  “Don’t worry about it too much, Emily. You have at least another week before this guy returns. It will take him some time to find you so we can prepare. Keep wearing your disguise and don’t make it easy. You have covered your tracks well and there isn’t anyone who knows who you really are, except for the few you’ve told. Meanwhile, I have asked a good friend of mine to meet you in Lansing to help. He’s a former Marine and a technical wizard. He will see you’re protected.”

  Sammie smiles and says, “Carter?”

  Logan nods and she looks at Emily reassuringly.

  “Carter will sort you out, honey. He’s the best at what he does and I trust him with my life. Nothing will happen to you with him around; I’d bet my life on it.”

  We are interrupted by the stewardess bringing us some drinks and I had almost forgotten she was here. I look at Logan in alarm and he smiles.

  When she has gone he whispers.

  “She won’t have heard a thing. This cabin is soundproofed as are all of them. Whatever happens in each room on this aircraft happens in private.”

  Sammie blushes and laughs as he winks at her and I shake the thought out of my head. For Christ’s sake, she’s my sister!

  Emily is quiet and distracted and I don’t blame her. Once again, I knock the drink back in one. I’m gonna need a whole lot of these to deal with what I’ve just heard.


  Chapter Thirty-One


  I can’t think about anything other than what I’ve just heard. It all makes perfect sense and the tears burn behind my eyes at what a fool I’ve been. How stupid was I? Scott never loved me, he just wanted a plaything to share with his friends. Men like him marry the Shelby Barrington’s of this world and girls like me are disposable.

  I now hate him with such a passion. I knew I hated him before but that hate was clouded with love. I was addicted to him probably because he is the only person other than Jax who has shown me such love. Now I’ve met Jax I can see it all clearly. He never loved me. Jax shows me every minute of the day. He puts me first, above himself and I can tell that all of this is causing him pain. That then causes me pain and I feel worse as a result.

  I hear Sammie and Logan chatting to Jax but I can tell, like me, he isn’t really listening. All I can think of is the men coming for me. I have worked in the White House long enough to know that it’s a certainty they will find me. I just hope this Carter knows his stuff because I intend on being his star pupil. They are not getting me without a fight.

  It doesn’t take long and we are soon in Lansing. We are all subdued as we exit the aircraft and head towards the waiting car at the foot of the steps. Logan and Sammie are staying in the same hotel as us for the night and we all head there in almost silence.

  The car goes around the back to avoid the waiting fans. The others haven’t arrived yet so we can at least settle in before facing Eddie’s wrath.

  As soon as we are alone in our room, Jax pulls me close and I relax against his warm, safe, body. He strokes my hair and whispers,

  “I won’t let anything happen to you, baby. You’re safe with me.”

  I don’t say anything because I want to believe every word he says. The trouble is - I don’t. I’m not safe at all.

  By the time we unpack there is a loud knock on the door. Jax opens it and Eddie storms in.

  “What the hell are you two playing at? You can’t just please yourself on this tour. We need to stick together and follow the schedule.”

  Jax looks at him angrily.

  “We’re here aren’t we?”

  Eddie frowns and then senses something’s not right. He looks between us and narrows his eyes.

  “What’s happened?”

  Jax shrugs but I sigh heavily.

  “I think my running away may be futile, Eddie. We heard that my stay here may be short-lived.”

  Eddie looks alarmed.

  “Tell me, I need to know.”

  Jax just sighs and says angrily.

  “That Senator is coming for Emily, possibly in a week or so. We found out some stuff about him and she isn’t safe. We’re about to have another passenger who answers to the name of Carter. He is here to keep Emily safe until we can work out what to do about the problem.”

  Eddie looks at me with concern.

  “Are you ok, honey?”

  I smile shakily and nod.

  “I think so. Part of me wants to keep running until I fall off the world. As we know that would never happen I am staying to fight. Suddenly I have a lot to stick around for.”

  My eyes connect with Jax’s and the look he sends me lights up my otherwise dark soul. I can’t tear my eyes away and Eddie coughs awkwardly.

  “Right then, my room in thirty minutes. We will need to brief the guys on the turn of events and work out where we go from here.”

  He heads towards the door and shouts back.

  “Make sure you’re there and not distracted.”

  We just smile at each other not breaking eye contact for a minute. We hear Eddie sigh heavily as he closes the door behind him.

  As soon as we hear the click of the door Jax covers the distance between us in two steps. I meet him halfway and reaching up push his t-shirt up and over his head as he does the same to me. We make fast work of our jeans and then he pulls me close and kisses me with the desperation of a man with something precious to lose.

  I run my fingers through his hair and pull his lips closer.

  Then he lifts me up and my legs grip his waist as he carries me to the bed and pushes me down. Suddenly, the most important thing in the world is to feel him inside me. Reaching for him I feel the smooth hardness of his dick as it searches for home. Running my other hand around the back of his head I pull him close and arch towards him panting,

  “Fuck me, Jax.”

  He groans as he enters me fiercely and it’s as if he gives me the stars. I can’t see straight as I feel him moving inside, filling me completely and loving me like I have no business to be loved. He is relentless as I am insatiable. If I could have him inside me all day, I would. It’s like a part of me is missing already when he isn’t. This fight we have in front of us is so much more now. We’re fighting for our future.


  When I am buried inside Emily, it’s like no other feeling on earth. It feels right and where I’m meant to be. The feelings that she brings out in me have shocked me. I never knew love was this intense. Added to that, is the threat of losing her to a group of madmen who also happen to run the country. This is so fucked up.

  I pull back and take in every detail of her beautiful face. Her lips are parted and I don’t need any further invitation than that. I taste the sweetness within and drown in desire. We are as close as two people can possibly get but I want even more. Running my hand behind her back I pull her even closer and she does the same. I feel myself stretching her to take me in as far as I can go. If I could crawl inside her, I would. I’ve waited for Emily to find me my whole life and I am not letting her get away now.

  She whispers.

  “If I could stay like this all day and night, I would. The trouble is we have to meet the others and your sister will be waiting for us to go to dinner.”

  I groan and love that she laughs softly. Stroking her face, I whisper.

  “I want to hear you laugh every second of the day. It makes me happy.”

  She grins.

  “Well that wouldn’t be annoying, would it?”

  I pull out and miss her already. Pulling her onto my chest I stroke her hair and wrap my other arm securely around her. She snuggles in and if I could, I would stay here all night and to hell with Eddie and the band. The trouble is, it’s not about me this time. We need to keep her
safe and so the others need to know.

  Kissing her gently, I groan.

  “Come on then. Let’s get tonight over with so we can rush straight back here. I haven’t even begun to explore your lovely body and I’m feeling selfish.”

  She smiles and moves even closer, whispering huskily.

  “I’ll hold you to that.”

  Christ, if my dick doesn’t stand up again. He is never satisfied.

  Before I totally lose the plot, I lift her up and carry her to the shower with her legs wrapped around my waist.

  As I set her down I grin.

  “We’ve still got ten minutes.”

  She laughs and pretends to frown.

  “Then use those minutes to get ready. It’s going to be bad enough facing the guys as it is, let alone doing it straight from the bed.”

  I know when I’m beaten and just leave her to get ready.

  Twenty minutes later we head to Eddie’s room.

  Emily looks like an Angel, despite the fact she is now wearing a jet black long wig and those ridiculous glasses. She needs to though because there are cameras everywhere in the hotel and we can’t risk her being spotted.

  As soon as we enter the room, Cody calls out.

  “Over here, Emily. Let me save you from the big, bad, wolf.”

  Emily laughs and grabs hold of my hand.

  “I think it’s the other way around, Cody. I need saving from you.”

  Tyler comes over and looks at her anxiously then he hugs her despite the frown I throw his way.

  “Fuck off, Jax. You’re not the only one who worries about this girl.”

  I pretend to be annoyed but how can I be. They are good guys and are every bit as worried about her as I am. I notice that River is once again lying on the couch and go over and kick his legs off.

  “Move up, bonehead. Don’t tell me you’ve drunk your way here?”

  He groans and runs his fingers through his hair.


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